Carol Sakey



UNEMPLOYMENT: 4th July 2024  ANZ reported that Job seeker numbers jump 40,000 more people are expected to be out of work by 2025 (Stuff NZ) Unemployment is rising, the number of people on Job seeker has risen by 14,000 compared to June last year. 40,000 plus people could be without a job by the end of this year. For many this is mentally challenging. Ministry Of Social Development data shows week ending June 30th 2024 there were 113,415 people work ready on job seeker support, receiving a weekly payment that supports people until they can find work. This has jumped up by 14,709 from the week ending 30th June 2023.   June 14 to June 21, 2024, recipients had jumped by 702. People on the Jobseeker Support- Health Condition or Disability also increased from 73,836 to 82,482 in the same period.

MASSIVE SHORTAGE OF JOBS: 18th April 2018 The Beehive  replayed Jacinda Ardern’s speech she made at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation in Berlin, as she shared the platform with Chanceller Angela Merkel. The topic was Progressive and Inclusive Growth, she introduced her speech embracing the fact that she had in previous years been the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth and had attended the UN during that time.. where she said she discussed the emerging financial crisis with other Socialist members, saying she sensed a global uncertainty at the time. Is universal basic income on the way?

GOVERNMENT CHOOSES MESSAGES OF FEAR OR HOPE: Then Ardern changed course with her speech to that of Globalization, saying “of course its not new, in NZ we have grappled with this issue and its impact for decades, the sense of insecurity has strengthened over the years. Globalization has been distributed disproportionately to the few, there’s a growing sense that ordinary people  are working harder and harder just to stay in the same place”, she said. Ardern then added “rapid technological change is happening in every country, even in New Zealand where the workforce faces the prospect of ‘that more than 45% of jobs will no longer exist or be completely replaced  within just 2 decades. We can offer a message of hope, or one of fear” As politicians we have a choice as to how we respond to this growing, but justifiable dissatisfaction. “We either offer a message of hope, or a message of fear” she said.. The whole of NZ Government knew about the risk of 45% unemployment within 2 decades in 2018.  Reuters News August 7th 2024  (Asia/Pacific) Refers to  NZ’s Rising Jobless Rate.  Rising unemployment in NZ, annual wage growth at 2 year low.

HOUSING: Housing Crisis in New Zealand has persists after 4 decades. 24th August 2023. Over a hundred thousand people in New Zealand are experiencing homelessness.. Increasing property costs are an economic burden, affecting the living standards and mental wellbeing of  families.  40 percent living in overcrowded homes. 14th March 2024 NZ Herlad ‘NZs Housing Crisis Has Not Eased And It’s Going To Get Worse. ANZ It’s a Case of Back To The Future says ANZ Economists as they refer to NZ’s widening Housing Deficit (30/5/2023) Surging migration and falling residential construction has seen the return of the housing deficit.

HOUSE RENTALS: Auckland’s Housing Crisis, severe shortage of housing. Rent value continues to climb, standing at $690 per week, a 6% increase from the same period last year. . Demographics reveals that renters under the age of 30 constitute the largest segment, comprising 34.3% of those actively searching for properties. Closely behind are those aged 30-39, representing 32.9% of the market. However, it’s important to note that the housing crisis extends beyond generation gaps, with significant percentages of renters in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s and above grappling with the challenges of finding suitable accommodation.

AFFORDABLE HOMES: The shortage of affordable housing in Auckland has far-reaching consequences, impacting individuals, families, and the broader community. High rental prices strain household budgets, leaving many families struggling to make ends meet. For younger generations, soaring rents pose a significant barrier to saving for homeownership, perpetuating a cycle of renting and financial instability. Furthermore, inadequate housing options contribute to overcrowding and homelessness, exacerbating social inequalities and compromising public health.

HEALTH:  Funding for Health fails to keep up with Inflation or demand- (Doctors Union) 13th May 2024 . Taxpayers money that is earmarked for Health every year is failing to keep pace with inflation or demand,               1 in 3 NZrs are missing out on Healthcare of some kind (Said Doctors Union Report) Patients are being caught in the revolving doors of the Health System. “If you don’t get preventative care, then you end up in the emergency system. If you end up in the emergency system, you end up in the hospital. Then the Hospital cannot deliver the planned care, therefore people who need planned care deteriorate, need more support in Primary Care. Then Primary Care gets busier, can’t support people so they end up in emergency care, this is the cycle that’s happening where people cannot get their health needs met, this is just terrible

PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: Prof Robin Gauld University of Otago Centre for Health Systems said that “health funding is not sufficient to meet current demand, never has been and does now, let alone in the future, it’s a national scandal”  13th August 2024 ‘The Post’ News..A Health System On The Brink of Failure’. . Access to Primary Healthcare is a crucial yet a ¼ million Kiwi’s cannot even register with a local GP. This is a daily reality for thousands of families. Parents unable to get timely care for their sick children. Elderly patients struggling to manage chronic health conditions without regular checkups, working adults delay treatment for health issues that are left unchecked which could become serious and life threatening

G P SHORTAGE: Ripple through communities, Longer waiting times, overcrowded emergency depts dealing with issues that should be handled in Primary Care. Increased stress on Health Workforce. In Rural areas the situation is often more dire, with some communities being left with no GP services at all.

NZ MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM FAILUIRE:  This is a real threat to NZ’s public Health System. Solving the GP Crisis is not just about healthcare.. Youth Mental Health is experiencing a rolling crisis with increased waiting times (10/4/2024. NZ Mental Health Service is broken in NZ states World Mental Health Foundation. NZ Doctors say this is ‘soul destroying to see NZ Mental Health System no longer fit for purpose (Study 500 Physicians 19/9/2023)

INFRASTRUCTURE: ‘ TRANSPORT’ The $200 Billion Problem. How broken is NZ Infrastructure?  (27/3/2024 Stuff. NZ) Refers to years and years of under-investment in the current infrastructure. NZ Herald 25th June 2024 NZs Infrastructure woes. How do we fix a $1 trillion problem? The Government is being warned that it must invest in New Zealand’s ageing infrastructure – or face the prospect of a major disaster. It comes after a week of infrastructure woes, with the Defence Force plane breaking down, a track fault cancelling all trains in Auckland, widespread power cuts in Northland, and an Interisland ferry running aground. On Friday, the Aratere Inter-islander ferry was on its way to Wellington when it experienced steering failure just outside Picton. The same ferry that lost power in 2023 when 538 people were on board.

A TRILLION DOLLARS TO FIX: Investment ‘infrastructure” “The Government’s worst nightmare would be something more like last year’s Kaitaki incident if that ferry had not narrowly avoided disaster. There were 864 people on board, the ship lost power in Cook Strait and started drifting towards Wellington’s rocky south coast and issued a Mayday call. New Zealand has under-invested in core infrastructure for years, well below the average OECD spend. ASB estimates it is going to cost about $1 trillion to fix our infrastructure and bring it up to standard.

LOCAL GOVT ACT 2002 ‘ THE ADDED COST TO NZ RATE PAYERS: 24th June 2024 NZ Herald ‘NZs Infrastructure  caused by a lack of long term thinking..refers to decaying infrastructure. However 2002 The Local Govt Bill, before it was passed as legislation the government knew that there was a major loophole in the Act, where businesses could not be fined, brought before the courts for dumping contaminate waste water, which could have been fixed within a month but 2 decades later and still not fixed.  27th January 2021 RNZ reported that a drafting error was stopping contamination fines, which could have been fixed within a month referring to the Local Govt Act 2002

NEGLECTFUL ‘IGNORANCE OF GOVERNMENT’ :Never mind ‘Just Blame the Farmers’ rather than admit blame themselves. An RNZ investigation found at least 270 companies had breached trade waste water consents in one year, none faced prosecution Council pleas fell on death ears for almost 20 years. In 2021 it was said that Nanaia Mahuta Local  Govt Minister needs to get her A into G and set some penalties, amend the legislation. Stuart Crosby President of Local Government NZ lobbied for 18 years for change, for the government to close the loophole. Brand name companies across NZ were breaching waste water consents several times a year. Ammonia, toxins and other hazardous wastes were being leached into drains. Ammonia eating away pipes under the ground, where vehicles and people have fallen into this broken infrastructure. 2024 and still not fixed.  The Govt preferring an Educational point of view to deal with the breaching of waste water consents rather than fining companies. A huge expense for Rates Payers to fork out.

THE STATE OF NZ ROADS: RNZ 9th January 2024 ‘They are a Laughing Stock’. Anger Over State Highway One’ ‘POTHOLES’. Several sections of NZs state highways are described as in ‘shocking condition’. The Automobile Association (AA) saying that State Highway 1 is the ‘poor shop window’ of a network riddled with potholes and road surface issues. There are reports of roads being in horrendous condition, just patches on patches. Transport Minister Simeon Brown said in the Morning Report that the State Of NZ Roads are in the 100day plan. National promised in the election $500 million dollar ‘Pothole Repair Fund’. This is merely a band-aid approach. Remember Marsden Point produced 70% of the bitumen used on NZ Roads, and the Labour led govt closed Marsden. Leaving NZrs with a boat without a paddle- sink or swim. No quick fix.. Buying international bitumen does not have the same quality as the Bitumen produced at Marsden Point.

EDUCATION: Christopher Luxon Education achievement has declined over the last 30 years, 2/3rds of students are failing to pass minimum literacy and numeracy standards for NCEA, 98% of Decile One Year 10 students failed a basic writing test, jeopardizing children’s futures.  The Education Dept  Government is failing our young, they are being dumbed down. Start teaching them their ABCs instead of their LGBTQ1+++ and stop teaching race based ideologies.

DEFICIT IN CLASSROOMS: RNZ reports 4th July 2024 ‘New Schools and Classrooms Urgently Needed In High Growth Areas, Ministry Warns. Reference was made to a Briefing Pape  April 2024 ‘ “ A roll bulge (increase) moving through secondary schools, referring to migration bringing an extra 20,800 school children. 10,400 of them to Auckland.  A briefing warned “postposing new schools could create overcrowding at existing schools in high growth areas”. Reference was made to infrastructure where school buildings are designed to fill a capacity of 1200 students and now there are 1400 students in those schools (where the water pressure drops because of the amount of flushing going on and the amount of water used.

MIGRATION ‘MASS MIGRATION’ INSANITY : The Beehive speaker Erica Stanford Minister for Immigration. ‘Unsustainable Migration’ Year 2023 – 2024 migration was 173,000 non-New Zealand citizens. Rember we have 400,000 people without jobs on the jobseeker until they can find jobs, under the Traffic Lights System, Jacinda Ardern’s words in 2018 45% unemployment in NZ within 2 decades. Homeless is still a huge problem and Rents increasing significantly. School infrastructure not coping, infrastructure needs major maintenance, waiting times for doctors, emergency depts dealing with cases that could be seen by a doctor, but several weeks waiting to see some GPs.

IMMIGRATION NZ IS CORRUPT TO THE CORE:  As Immigration staff tell of behind the scenes dysfunction to RNZ News 3rd September 2023.  Immigration officers told to ignore criminal conviction, ignore investigations, ignore warns, ignored attached documents, grant applications for work, student, visitor and residence visa’s. Take all on face value. Pass as quickly as possible. Those that pass the most get a ‘shout out” those whom are too slow get a ‘warning’ Do not query, use a streamline approach on visitors visa’s. If migration staff declined an application senior managers over-ruled it. Immigration staff were deeply unhappy about this, with some leaving their jobs. It was those that left their jobs that reported this to RNZ . Immigration NZ corrupt to the core. Surely this is a National Security Risk.

THE MASS MIGRATIONS BILL May 2024 Beehive. Amending provisions of the 2009 Immigration Act. Preparing for mass migration arrival in NZ, preserving Human Rights for Migrants. Note like other countries, where there is mass migration in Britain they have further increased their Hate Speech, censoring and monitoring laws. NZ Police website rfer to ‘Perceived Hate Speech that is likely to hurt a persons feelings, to be reported, and record on Police Data Records.

BEEHIVE’ MASS MIGRATION BILL’ READING: Sitting date 1/5/2024 Minister of Immigration Erica Stanford National Party. P[resented the Bill in Parliament saying Mass Migration Arrivals into NZ are likely. Refers to NZ Border settings. Mass Migration to NZ is very real, NZ must be prepared for mass arrivals. Irregular (means Unlawful) maritime mass migrant arrivals will have their rights ensured, upheld as if they were Regular Migrants (Legal)

UN LAUNCHES RECOMMENDATIONS FOR URGENT MISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION:- HATE SPEECH 24TH June 2024 . Global Principles for Information Integrity address risks posed by advances in AI. Misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and other risks to the information ecosystem are fueling conflict, threatening democracy and human rights, and undermining public health and climate action. “The United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity aim to empower people to demand their rights,” said the Secretary-General. “At a time when billions of people are exposed to false narratives, distortions and lies, these principles lay out a clear path forward, firmly rooted in human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and opinion.”  The UN chief issued an urgent appeal to government, tech companies, advertisers and the PR industry to step up and take responsibility for the spread and monetization of content that results in harm. Building a future with Migrants (UN Expert) Geneva 18th December 2023

UN AGENDA 2030’GLOBAL  MIGRATION GOVERNANCE’ Legal frameworks must be people-centred, human rights-based and gender-responsive to ensure social inclusion of all groups in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This process must include migrants. Efforts should be made to improve the ability, opportunity and dignity of migrants to be fully integrated into societies. eliminate all forms of discriminatory narratives and hate speech against migrants. Must have access to information, adequate housing, health, development, family life, freedom of religion or belief, cultural rights, and education.

NZ GOVERNMENT STRONGLY SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL RULES BASED ORDER: Migration is at the core of UN Agenda 2030 , global development goals for the 21st century and beyond. Mass migration does not promise to deliver  economic benefits. It puts enormous pressure on housing (the rental market) and affects home ownership, , public health services,  education, transport, infrastructure and the Health System

UN AGENDA 2030: The COVID plandemic did not quite cut the cloth so to speak. Mass Migration is quick and effective  and highly responsive, transformative in social and behavioral engineering. Not forgetting Corporate Capture (WEF feet under the table of the UN). UN documents that the Mayors Migration Council and the Mayors Mitigation Council  have been a very influencing factor in mass migration in westernized countries. Local Government such as Auckland Council are being referred to as City Governments) C40 Cities are partner in arms as to the global agenda for mass migration (noted by the UN) Auckland is a C40 City. (Noted on their website WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution.



Researcher: Cassie (Carol Sakey)



INCREASE MIGRATION AND EDUCATION:  Many teachers are saying that its increased immigration that has significantly caused this problem that now exists. So what happens when it comes to mass migration?


Let’s not continue to fail our children


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Telemedicine / Telehealth has accelerated since the intro of COVID19 to New Zealand, this is happening worldwide. Telemedicine is a remote clinical service using telecommunications AI etc. and Telehealth refers to clinical and non clinical services with an opportunity for educating and training of medical personal. This is not new, back on 23rd May 2017 the Ministry of Health documented  ‘telehealth needs fast broadband service, this will make it a fairer system with more educational options for DHB staff. MOH promoting Telehealth into a provision for NZ Healthcare services.

A Telehealth Forum’ was established to advise on many matters including environmental ones which they said were of importance. Collaborations with international health organization took place. MOH referred to ‘Robotics’. The replacement of traditional medical practices of face to face meetings with medical professionals. This being namely the MOH. Uptake of the framework for ‘Sustainable Health NZ. IOT. (All a part of ‘The Internet of things’). Back in 2015 it was reported that NZ Police supported Telehealth for Mental Health in NZ.

Fast forward to 2022 ‘A Free Medical Abortion’ Order an abortion online. Abortion medication sent by post. Devaluing human life itself’. And telehealth is not without risks. It’s impossible to do a physical examination vis ‘telehealth’. And its questionable if a person is in the right frame of mind to describe what they are suffering, therefore risks the medical practitioner getting the diagnosis wrong.

Personal medical records risk being cyber attacked, used for third party purposes criminal or otherwise, if for political purpose. As government COVID restrictions continue telehealth becomes more familiar, normalised and then consequently accepted. (Common practice).  Some call Telehealth/Telemedicine the ‘Pandemic Technology’. Its been in the planning for many years.  In 1997 it was reported that  ‘Telehealth’ has an importance for patients seeking euthanasia, assisted suicide under the  Commonwealth Euthanasia Laws Act 1997.

The US and Canada have no prohibitions and have been using telehealth for euthanasia, assisted suicide. A US citizen Kristen Hanson wrote an article spelling out the dangers of ‘assisted suicide’ by telehealth. Her husband undergoing treatment for terminal cancer, he was tempted to seek assisted suicide but did not.

After his diagnosis and prognosis he lived a further 3 ½ years spent precious time with their children and formed special relationships with his sons. In fact during that time another son was born. In dying their was every reason to celebrate life even in dying. She said that “Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia Laws play on the most vulnerable, further endangers patients”.

She spoke of abusive caregivers, greedy family members wanting to be heirs to the patients fortunes. The removal of the need of patients to meet doctors face to face putting ill patients at further risk. She spoke about coercion, mental abuse leading patients wanting to find a quick way out of here. And the feeling of being a nuisance, under valued and not wanted.

David Seymour’s so called ‘End Of Life Choice Act’, cunningly the word ‘choice was added. When choice is limited by such an authoritarian govt then the word ‘choice ‘ has a greater significance. We all want choice, to choose what we want. But Seymour’s ‘euthanasia, assisted suicide Act’ has very dangerous concepts.  This was made law under the veil of COVID 19 November 2021.

Properly diagnosing a patient as terminal can be very difficult. Many patients have lived much longer even years longer after being told they are terminally ill. I believe that Telehealth has no place for assisted suicide or abortion, it desensitises and devalues human life.

It breaks down safeguards that protect patients overall health and wellbeing.  David Seymour’s law on euthanasia determines that ‘unbearable suffering ‘can be used as an eligibility to receive assisted suicide.  What if a patient seeking assisted suicide does not want to dob his family in, or feels ashamed he/she is being abused, coerced, is pressured.  Seymour’s Act  depicts that at the point of a medical practitioner actioning assisted suicide, no independent witness is present to confirm the patient is of sound mind. An eligible patient can die within 4 days after their diagnosis, prognosis without loved ones even being aware.

48 hrs time frame from writing the prescription for the lethal dose and administering it. It was proposed in Parliament the timeframe be 1 week, it was not even debated. Parliament voted down 2 amendments that required euthanasia to be a last resort for people  where they could not be helped by palliative care.  In Seymour’s Euthanasia Act 2 doctors need to  be involved with the patient seeking an end to their life.  They do not have to be doctors known to the patient or their family. Neither of the doctors need to have training in the area the patient is suffering in. This was not debated in Parliament.

An inexperienced doctor, straight out of medical school  can be involved in the process, therefore risks incorrect diagnosis, prognosis and may not even be aware of alternatives. Parliament voted down an independent witness being present at the time of death, did not debate this.

Only one doctor checks whether the person expresses their own free choice to euthanize without pressure, coercion. This doctor may be inexperienced, fresh out of medical school have provisional registration. Has no idea about the patient and what happens behind his/her closed doors at home. And does not even have to speak with the patient face to face. Neither does the doctor have experienced meeting the patient before. Parliament voted down the amendments to close this gap.

The  Assisted Suicide Act requires the person seeking euthanasia to have a NZ Passport or Permanent Residency Visa. But does not necessarily have to reside in NZ permanently. Parliament did not discuss this as being open to ‘Euthanasia Tourism’. Seymour’s Euthanasia Act became law in November 2021. Another one to add to Ardern’s Death Cult under the veil of COVID19.

With increased suicides in New Zealand what sort of message does this give. It’s legal. Assisted dying, the pitfalls of hastening death. Telehealth however risks missed psychological diagnosis, increases the risk of un necessary requests for euthanasia, assisted suicide.

The Defender’s editor sent an OIA Request for a Ministry Of Health response. “Could a patient who is severely hospitalised with COVID19 potentially be eligible for assisted suicide, if a health practitioner viewed this prognosis as less than 6 months”? MOH replied “ Kiwi’s with COVID19 can be eligible for ‘Euthanasia’ Assisted Suicide”?

The response from MOH was  “A terminal illness is most often a prolonged disease where treatment is not effective. The EOLC Act states ‘eligibility is determined by the attending practitioner (AMP) and the independent medical practitioner”. The Editor of The Defender reported the OIA response from the MOH raises some very serious concerns that (1) There is nothing concrete about the phrase that MOH used ‘most often’, that its inclusion in this specific context suggests that the 4.MOH considers the definition of ‘terminal illness’ to be subjective and open in interpretation

The MOH response also clarifies that the MOH considers the attending medical practitioner (AMP) and the independent practitioner to be empowered by the EOLCA to make the determination of what does, or does not qualify as a terminal illness. And also speaks of how vague the interpretation is. The editor of The Defender said it “feels like New Zealanders are being sold one thing and delivered another”. The Editor also referred to a lady in the States whose husband was diagnosed as terminal, but lived a a further 3 ½ yrs after diagnosis.

How that precious time was spent with their sons. That her husband had seriously thought about seeking assisted suicide, because he did not this meant that they could celebrate life even in dying. Especially with another son being born within those 3 ½ years.

The Editor also referenced a tragic case of an elderly Canadian lady who requested assisted suicide because she could not bear the very thought of going into another COVID19 lockdown.

New Zealanders are going through a massive deceit, a litany of lies, wool pulled over sheep’s eye. With language being purposely softened  for political self interest. Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide MOH calling this ‘Assisted Dying’ And David Seymour purposely adding the word ‘Choice’. Of course we all want choice, especially when freedom of choice is thin on the ground.

Christian morals are being swept away, there appears to be a diminishing line as to what is right and wrong. A destructive force that dehumanises humanity itself. In what is now called ‘Sustainable Healthcare’ which is Telehealth/ Telemedicine, furthering isolation of individuals.

It does not make anyone a good person because they are obedient to an immoral authoritative government. It does not make a person a good person if they are compliant to corruption and immorality, tyranny.

With Telehealth/ Telemedicine this raises huge concerns and risks to our privacy, who is even going to enforce regulation, can they even be enforced. I believe not. As for privacy this is codified in International human Rights, which is non-binding. The  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratifies the right to privacy, when whoever, where-ever justifies and finds reasons to either compliance or not.

Telehealth seriously risks cyber attacks where personal sensitive data can end up in criminal, political, commercial hands. A typical smart phone, a laptop is not equipped with the proper software to ensure your protected from cyber attacks. Even some software used by Telehealth practitioner for medical consultations including Zoom is at risk.

Zoom  is not end to end encrypted., it lacks essential security. It is open to malicious online crime, unauthorized third parties. Zoom meetings have been hijacked private data of people engaging in telehealth have had their private sensitive information, data stolen.

A landmark judgement as facets of fundamental rights to privacy. Stating that hospitals, doctors, institutions etc., collect vast amount of private personal sensitive information about individuals. Affirming the tremendous scope commercial exploitation  that takes places without a persons consent.

Referring to Telemedicine/ Telehealth opening up the same risks when people consent to give their healthcare provider permission to record sensitive private information during telehealth consultations. That these patients do not give consented to being exploited, have their private lives intruded upon.

‘Sustainable Healthcare- Beyond the Pandemic’ is just that ‘Telehealth/ Telemedicine continued as part of the Internet Of Things and no going back to the traditional way of life.

Telehealth is now  part of the protocol for medical abortion. Medication for abortion up to 12 weeks delivered by post. Family Planning is linked to International Planned Parenthood. Family planning is involved in the sexual education of our children.

International Planned Parenthood in the US are expanding their telehealth/ telemedicine services to 50 states in the US, however Ohio State lawmakers are pushing to ban Telehealth services for Abortion. This is supported by the over-ruling of Wade & Roe in the Supreme Court. 18 states in the US have already now banned telehealth/telemedicine service

Newshub reports that abortions have increased in NZ since Ardern’s decriminalizing the Abortions Act.  Surely with Telemedicine/ Telehealth this must also increase the number of abortions too.





National Socialism, a preoccupation of eco fascist movements of environmental obsessiveness, climate alarmism, rising seas. Looking back in history, the incarnation of the so called ‘Green Wing’, a notorious historical Green Wing of the Nazi movement, the aims, goals and other consequences. The  ‘ideological overlap between nature conservation  and National Socialism. The Nazi ideology, the practical implementation by Hitlers Third Reich. The terms:-‘ecological’ and ‘environmental’ commonly associated with the environmental movement.

Pre 1933 historical data traces , political- environmental impacting on societies past and present, social and ecological crisis. Namely the roots of ‘Blood and Soil’ mystique.  The site of Green politics in Nazi Germany. The influence of romantic enlightenment, a wonderful world of utopia. Even an article written back in 1815 at the dawn of industrialization in Central Europe read ‘On the Care and Conservation of Forests’ . Condemned deforestation and its economic causes.

The 19th Century a deadly connection between love and land a militant racism, environmental activism. Environmentalist Riehl 1853 essay  ‘Field and Forest ended with a call to fight for the ‘rights of the wilderness. We must save the forest, not only so our ovens do not become cold in winter, but also so that the pulse of life of the people continue to best warm and joyfully, so that Germany remains German”.

Germany’s Volkisch Movement, of powerful cultural disposition with social tendencies of nature mysticism, a pathological approach, response to modernity, perverted utopianism accompanied by political vulgarity, a reconstruction of society. Ecological political and aggressive.  Fast forwarded to Nazi Germany,  incorporated the age old object of peasant hatred and middle class resentment of the Jews and other groups.  Modern ecology of the time adopted by the hierarchy of the Nazi Regime, aggressively charged.

The term ‘Ecology’ was first coined by German Zoologist Ernest Haeckel as he established it as a scientific discipline dedicated to studying interrelations between organism and environment.  He believed in Nordic racial superiority, supported racial eugenics.  Haeckel contributed to a special variety of German thought which served as a seed for National Socialism in Hitlers Germany. He played a key role in the establishment of the Nazi movement.  His  disciples were Willibald, Hentschel, Wilhelm Bolsche and Brun Wille, they shaped the thinking of subsequent generations of environmentalists by embedded concern for the natural world in a tightly woven web of regressive social themes.

From the beginning ‘ecology’ would be intensely reactionary, a political framework. Authoritarian with social and economic view, an application of biological categories in a social economical realm. Haeckel held that ‘Civilization, the life of nations are governed by the same laws that prevail through nature  ‘Natural Laws’ or Natural Order’ The life of nations are governed by the same laws. The mainstay of environmental reactionary environmental thought. (Anti-humanism)  The emerging pseudo scientific racism. The conflation of biological and social categories. The natural order determines the social order.

Contemporary Eco-Fascism the pioneer of the ecological movement. The insistence on the biological interpretation for all societal  phenomenon , from cultural attitudes to economic arrangements.  From environmental purity and Racial purity. A saturation of environmentalism within authoritarian political realms was also evident in Nazi Germany.

The chief vehicle for carrying this ideology were the German Youth, Hitlers Youth. They played a huge role in shaping Germany’s popular culture. They were known as the ‘Wandervogel’ (definition of the wandering free spirits).  The blending of ne-romanticism and eastern philosophies, nature mysticism confused non- alienated social relations. They spurred the emphasis on the natural world, the damage it suffers a strong communal hostile impulse.

They were called ‘right wing hippies’ not so as we are aware of the leftist obsessions with climate alarmism and the environment. These are the oppressive far left environmentalist that want us all to continue spiraling into an environmental misery of continued crisis, whilst the globalist reset our world to the way they want it.  The German environmental fascist movement were eventuallu absorbed by the Nazi Regime. A shift from Nature worshippers to Fuhrer-Hitler worshippers. Pushing contradictions to breaking point, social rebellion. Controlled by political, economical means, demanding control over the individual to conform and comply to authoritarianism of Nazism.

Society not only needed to be controlled  by political means but by the improvement of the individual. (Ecological Fascism)  These obsessed environmental ecologists joined the Nazi movement in their thousands.   Their harmony with nature that bore the bitterest fruit. Eschewingn -societal change, transformation in favour of personal change, apolitical disaffection in times of crisis with barbaric results.  This was Hitlers Youth shaping ecological consciousness.

Ludwig Klages philosopher influenced Germanys youth movement, shaped their ecological consciousness. He authored the essay ‘Man and Earth’ it was named as the  greatest manifesto of the radical eco pacifist movements in Germany’

A classic example of seductive terminology, reactionary ecology decrying the accelerating – extinction of species, disturbances of the global eco system. Deforestation and destruction of the aboriginal people and wild habitats. (published in 1913). It also disparaged Christianity, capitalism, economic utilitarianism , hypo-consumption as the ideology of process. . Condemmed rampant tourism and the slaughter of whales -Yes 1913.

The German Klages was labelled as a ‘Volkish Fanatic. He considered himself an intellectual pacemaker for the Third Reich. The devastation of the natural environment coupled with political subtext of cultural despair. Foreclosing any chance of rationally reconstructing society’s relationship with nature, justifying brutal authoritarianism.  Klages ‘Man and Earth’ essay in 1980 was republished to accompany the birth of the German Greens.

Heidegger is another German  ecological theorist he urged his colleagues to be active members of the Nazi Party, he adored and supported the Fuhrer-Hitler. He never ever condemned the evil crimes the Nazi’s committed. His  philosophical merits stand today as a signal about political uses of anti-humanism, in ecological garb.

Innocuous eco-environmental groups were included in the Nazi party. Arndt, Ruehl  Haeckel and others between 1933 and 1945 as forbearers of the Nazi Parties – National Socialism. . The Nazi movement incorporation of environmentalist themes, a crucial factor in the rise of Nazi popularity and its state power of the German people.  The National Socialist religion of nature, a volatile admixture of primeval Teutonic nature mysticism, pseudo-scientific ecology, irrationalism, anti-humanism. Racial salvation by the return of the land.Using themes like ‘Natural Order’  These days the One World Private-Public Corporate Order.

The Fuhrer was fond of stressing the ”Helplessness of Humankind in the face of natures everlasting law”  1934 the Director of the Reich Agency for Nature Protection, Walter Schoenichen established the following “Very early the youth must develop an understanding of the civic importance of the ‘organism’ ie., the coordination of all parts and organs for the benefit of the one and superior task of life” This being ‘Unmediated adaption of biological concepts to social phenomenon served to justify not only the totalitarian social order of the Third Reich but also the expansionist politics of Lebesraum

Lebesraum  being the  plan of conquering ‘living space’ in Eastern Europe for the German people. The link between environmental purity and racial purity.  National Socialists world view linked with traditional romanticism to hostility, the rootedness in nature.  The lost connection to nature were most pronounced among neo=pagans Elements in Nazi leadership referring to Heinrich Himmler, Alfred Rosenberg and Walther Darre.

Rosenberg wrote  ‘The Myth of the 20th Century’ Today we see the steady stream from the countryside to the city, deadly for the volk and destroying the threads that bind humanity to nature, they attract adventurers and profiteers of all colour’s, thereby fostering racial chaos”

The top Nazi hierarchy were associated with ecological attitudes. Hitler and Himmler were both strict vegetarians. Himmler even established experimental organic farms. Hitler at times sounded like a Green Utopian, discussing authoritatively in detail various renewable energy sources (Including hydropower, producing natural gas from sludge, alternatives to coal, declaring water winds and tides, the energy path to the future.  Dec 1942 Himmler released a decree ‘On the Treatment of the Land in the Eastern Territories’ referring to the newly annexed portions of Poland,  He wrote : The peasant of our racial stock has always carefully endeavored to increase the natural powers of the soil, plants and animals and to preserve the balance of the whole of nature.

Respect for divine creation is the measure of all culture. If therefore the new Lebensraumr (Living spaces) are to become a homeland for our settlers, the planned arrangement of the landscape to keep it close to nature is a decisive prerequisite. It is one of the bases for fortifying the German Volk” (The standard as to what society is to be judged)

Goring and Goebbels Nazi inner circle of ecological ideas was clearly y environmentalism and National Socialism of the Nazi Party ran deep. Played a role in Nazi Fascism. The Green Wing of the Nazi Party definited existed. Comparing this with today ‘The so called Right wing was definitely a far Left Eco Fascist wing’. The Green Wing of the Nazi Party certainly existed, although like to be ignored today.  This “green wing” of the NSDAP was represented above all by Walther Darré, Fritz Todt, Alwin Seifert and RudolfHess, the four figures who primarily shaped fascist ecology in practice.

German environmentalist, ecologist and ‘The Nazi Movement ‘Blood and Soil as an official doctrine. ‘ The unity of blood and soil must be restored’ claimed Richard Walther Darre 1930-1937.  The quasi mystical connection between blood (the race or Vold) and soil (the land and natural environment. The Jews were called a rootless wandering people, incapable of any true relationship with the land. Whereas German blood engendered an exclusive claim to sacred German soil. ‘Blood and Soil’ had been circulating in the Wilhelmine era.

Darre popularized it as a slogan, then enshrined it as a guiding principle of Nazi thought. To ensure racial health and ecological sustainability. He supported, was loyal to the Nazi regime  during the critical period from 1933-1942, holding  the posts of Reich Peasant Leader and Minister of Agriculture. Darre was very influential as to the ideology of National Socialism, the Nazi ideology, as Nazi policy being the goal and imperialist expansion in the name of Lebensraum(Open Spaces). Darre declared “The concept of Blood and Soil gives the Nazi’s a moral right to take back as much land in the East as is necessary to establish a harmony for the body of our Volk and the geopolitical space.

“Aside from proving green  camouflage for the colonization of Eastern Europe. The principles, basis of the Third Reich’s agricultural policy. The Nazi doctrine The ‘Battle for Production’  (a scheme to boost the productivity of the Nazi agricultural sector) was proclaimed by the 2nd Reich Farmers Congress in 1934.  “Keep the Soil Healthy’. Darre most important innovation was the introduction of large scale organic farming methods, labelled  “lebensgesetzliche Landbauweise;’ (Farming according to the laws of life) Rudolf Steiners techniques of biodynamic cultivation.

The Nazi Regime Institutionalized  farming encompassed tens of thousands of smallholdings and estates across Germany. They were met  was considerable resistance. A policy of forced resignation 1942.( with very little to do with environmentalism at all but a useful termed purpose).  The forerunner of the contemporary Green Movement. Darre was known as father of the Greens. His published writing found Darre to be rabidly racist, prone to vulgar and hateful antisemitism. He called Jews ‘Weeds’. He was a loyal servant to Hitler and Himmler and it was Darre who convinced Hitler and Himmler of the necessity of exterminating the Jews and Slavs.

Darré represents the baleful spectre of ecofascist in power. .amd implemented Eco-Fascist programmes He was responsible for sustaining an environmental commitment. There were other Nazi influencers, high level planners and engineers all part of the Nazi policy, gathering major tasks of the Reich.  An ecological approach to construction for aesthetic reasons

Seifert another Nazi dreamed of a “total conversion from technology to nature: “ would often wax lyrical about the wonders of German nature and the tragedy of “humankind’s” carelessness.

1934 he wrote to Hess demanding attention to water issues and invoking ‘working methods that are more attuned to nature.  Seifert stressed the importance of wilderness and energetically opposed monoculture, wetlands drainage and chemicalized agriculture. The Third Reich’s technological policy  took on the Nazi distinctive green hue. Helped radical initiatives in the highest Nazi state. The push for an all encompassing Reich law for the Protection of Mother Earth. This was opposed by some of the ministries because of the economical  impact on mining.

Rudolf Hess, provided the  “green wing” of the NSDAP a secure anchor at the very top of the party hierarchy. It would be difficult to overestimate Hess’s power and centrality in the complex governmental machinery of the National Socialist regime. He was Hitlers devoted personal deputy. Described as Hitlers closest confidant. Hitlers closest advisor. Hess insisted on a strictly biodynamic diet-not even Hitler’s rigorous vegetarian standards were good enough for him . It was Hess who introduced Darré to Hitler, thus securing the “green wing” its first power base. Hess was very enthusiastic backing the ‘Green Wing’ of the Nazi party.. As early as March 1933, a wide array of environmentalist legislation was approved and implemented at national, regional and local levels. These measures, which included reforestation programs, bills protecting animal and plant species, and preservationist

The Nazi Party Institutionalized  environmentally sensitive land use planning and industrial policy, the major accomplishment of the Nazi ecologists was the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz of 1935. This completely unprecedented ‘Nature Protection’ law, established guidelines for safekeeping of flora, fauna, and “natural monuments” across the Reich; it also restricted commercial access to remaining tracts of wilderness.  While the achievements of the “green wing” were daunting, they should not be exaggerated.

Hess’s famed flight to Britain in 1941, the environmental tendency was for the most partly suppressed.. For the final three years of the Nazi conflagration the “green wing” played no active role. Their work left an indelible stain. Environmental causes perverted and instrumental in the service of criminal savagery.

They were not a group of Nazi innocents, were not confused or manipulated, they were reformers within, they were conscious promoters, executors of a vile program explicitly dedicated to inhuman racist violence, massive political repression and worldwide military domination. Their ecological involvement far from offsetting fundamental commitments deepened and radicalized them.  In the end their configuration of environmental politics was directly and substantially responsible for organized mass murder. The Green Wing of the Nazi Regime refurbished antisemitism a reactionary ecology, it catalysed a whole new  outburst of lurid racist fantasies, a political revenge.

The confluence of anti-humanist dogma with a fetishization of natural ‘purity’ provided not merely a rationale but an incentive for the Third Reich’s most heinous crimes. Insidious appeal unleashed murderous energies previously untapped.  The displacement of any social analysis of environment destruction  in favour of a mystical ecology served as an integral component in the  preparation of the final solution:

To explain the destruction of the countryside and environmental damage, without questioning the German people’s bond to nature, could only be done by not analysing environmental damage in a societal context and by refusing to understand them as an expression of conflicting social interests.  Associating environmental problems with the destructive influence of other races. National Socialism could then be seen to strive for the elimination of other races in order to allow the German people’s innate understanding and feeling of nature to assert itself, hence securing a harmonic life close to nature for the future.Eco-fascism is all empowering, genocide developed into a necessity under the cloak of environmental protectionism.

The “green wing, of German fascism is a sobering reminder of the political volatility of ecology.. There is not one inherent piece of evidence where there is a connection to any right wing politicalism only left wing authoritarian control, demands, evil murder, tortures. It stinks of the left socialism. The political manifestations of environmentalism a straightforward fascist variety. “those who want to reform society according to nature the ecologically minded: ‘Environmental themes can be mobilized from the left , requiring an explicit social context if they are to have any political valence whatsoever.

Failing to heed this historical evilness of the Nazi regimes interrelationship with ecology, pseudo science, reactionary eco fascism  That takes the form of the ‘Great Reset’, redesigning  society and economy, reforming society according to nature. Submitting and demanding that human are obedient to those that play God over nature. The underlying social and economical process that are hastily advancing globally are intentionally left unexamined by the public, if they do publically speak out, they are criminalized, shut down and character assassinated.

The shaping of our society and future generations have incorporated an ignorance. Theories becoming known as facts. Pseudo-science as real science. Advanced AI data systems, very few understand demand we change our lives. Our diets, economy, infrastructure. Work in isolation, work from home. Massive exploitation, and targeting, violating human rights.  Power structures left unquestioned. Whilst catastrophic being kept in a eternal, continuous of crisis misery. Political repercussion if you become politically responsive, totalitarian control- eco fascism.

Pathogen crisis and climate crisis, alarmism’s, awareness’s they tell you to always be alert. Absolute control over everyone, everywhere, every age leave no-one behind. We must never go back to the old normal.

This historically naivety and politically fatality. The importance of looking in the rear vision mirror of history. However in this globalist eco environmental world we are told “ It is a ‘No Regrets Approach’ of never looking  back.  This eco fascist global framework endangers populations worldwide. And for New Zealanders Ardern boast that under her leadership NZ will lead the way.

Historical fascist ecology has shown us that such as orientation can quickly lead to evil barbarism.

REFERENCING OF ‘THE MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED ‘in 2011 ‘Fascist Ecology: The ‘Green Wing’ of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents. Peter Staudenmaier at 31 page pdf document.



Carol Sakey


IT’S JUST ANOTHER COINCIDENCE: Like the organizers of Event 201 simulation exercise for a global coronavirus pandemic, the organizers of the Monkeypox global Pandemic Simulation Exercise reported “This is just a coincidence. It’s not about the pathogen in question, its ensuring the world is prepared for future pandemics”

MAINSTREAM MEDIA JUMP ON BOARD: Reuters FactBox. Monkeypox travels around the world. (17/06/2022) 1900 confirmed outbreaks mostly in Europe. (A World Health Org., CDC  ‘World Meter for Monkeypox International Pandemic reporting’  30 countries are included in the data.  Includes Portugal with 276 cases, UK 574 cases, France 186, Germany 388 US includes 19 states 99 cases, Canada 168 cases of monkeypox viruses.   Mainstream Media New Zealand, Newshub, IStuff, NZ Herald all carrying the monkeypox news. The Ministry of Health Website calls the ‘Monkeypox Virus a Notifiable Disease’. References Pharmac and vaccines for Monkeypox and PCR Tests. Describes symptoms.

THE GLOBAL HEALTH ‘NO REGRETS APPROACH’: There are NO Guarantee’s for Health and Wellbeing , not even a very basic universal health and wellbeing. The ‘No Regrets Approach’  promises human enslavement.

CHOICES:  The choice is ours, we are free to choose whether we glance into the rear view mirror or not. Our individual life experiences replayed, our choices, our learning.  To live a ‘No Regrets Approach’ IS to stay stuck in a Crisis Driven Miserable World of Enslavement’. ‘ALL GLOBAL CRISIS EVENTS TO USE A ‘NO REGRETS APPROACH’

ANOTHER JAB IN THE ARM:  Monkeypox Virus Global Pandemic A ‘NO REGRETS’ APPROACH.




WHO DECLARES ‘ We must never go back to the Old Normal’ This is the ‘No Regrets Approach’




Carol Sakey
NZ Education


We are all aware of the sexulizing and politicizing of young people through the NZ Education System. (NZ Ministry Of Education)

I urge you to CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE….. which will take you to a very informative video on  how infants are being abused, indocrinated, brainwashed in New Zealand’s Early Childhood Educational System.
