Carol Sakey



UNEMPLOYMENT: 4th July 2024  ANZ reported that Job seeker numbers jump 40,000 more people are expected to be out of work by 2025 (Stuff NZ) Unemployment is rising, the number of people on Job seeker has risen by 14,000 compared to June last year. 40,000 plus people could be without a job by the end of this year. For many this is mentally challenging. Ministry Of Social Development data shows week ending June 30th 2024 there were 113,415 people work ready on job seeker support, receiving a weekly payment that supports people until they can find work. This has jumped up by 14,709 from the week ending 30th June 2023.   June 14 to June 21, 2024, recipients had jumped by 702. People on the Jobseeker Support- Health Condition or Disability also increased from 73,836 to 82,482 in the same period.

MASSIVE SHORTAGE OF JOBS: 18th April 2018 The Beehive  replayed Jacinda Ardern’s speech she made at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation in Berlin, as she shared the platform with Chanceller Angela Merkel. The topic was Progressive and Inclusive Growth, she introduced her speech embracing the fact that she had in previous years been the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth and had attended the UN during that time.. where she said she discussed the emerging financial crisis with other Socialist members, saying she sensed a global uncertainty at the time. Is universal basic income on the way?

GOVERNMENT CHOOSES MESSAGES OF FEAR OR HOPE: Then Ardern changed course with her speech to that of Globalization, saying “of course its not new, in NZ we have grappled with this issue and its impact for decades, the sense of insecurity has strengthened over the years. Globalization has been distributed disproportionately to the few, there’s a growing sense that ordinary people  are working harder and harder just to stay in the same place”, she said. Ardern then added “rapid technological change is happening in every country, even in New Zealand where the workforce faces the prospect of ‘that more than 45% of jobs will no longer exist or be completely replaced  within just 2 decades. We can offer a message of hope, or one of fear” As politicians we have a choice as to how we respond to this growing, but justifiable dissatisfaction. “We either offer a message of hope, or a message of fear” she said.. The whole of NZ Government knew about the risk of 45% unemployment within 2 decades in 2018.  Reuters News August 7th 2024  (Asia/Pacific) Refers to  NZ’s Rising Jobless Rate.  Rising unemployment in NZ, annual wage growth at 2 year low.

HOUSING: Housing Crisis in New Zealand has persists after 4 decades. 24th August 2023. Over a hundred thousand people in New Zealand are experiencing homelessness.. Increasing property costs are an economic burden, affecting the living standards and mental wellbeing of  families.  40 percent living in overcrowded homes. 14th March 2024 NZ Herlad ‘NZs Housing Crisis Has Not Eased And It’s Going To Get Worse. ANZ It’s a Case of Back To The Future says ANZ Economists as they refer to NZ’s widening Housing Deficit (30/5/2023) Surging migration and falling residential construction has seen the return of the housing deficit.

HOUSE RENTALS: Auckland’s Housing Crisis, severe shortage of housing. Rent value continues to climb, standing at $690 per week, a 6% increase from the same period last year. . Demographics reveals that renters under the age of 30 constitute the largest segment, comprising 34.3% of those actively searching for properties. Closely behind are those aged 30-39, representing 32.9% of the market. However, it’s important to note that the housing crisis extends beyond generation gaps, with significant percentages of renters in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s and above grappling with the challenges of finding suitable accommodation.

AFFORDABLE HOMES: The shortage of affordable housing in Auckland has far-reaching consequences, impacting individuals, families, and the broader community. High rental prices strain household budgets, leaving many families struggling to make ends meet. For younger generations, soaring rents pose a significant barrier to saving for homeownership, perpetuating a cycle of renting and financial instability. Furthermore, inadequate housing options contribute to overcrowding and homelessness, exacerbating social inequalities and compromising public health.

HEALTH:  Funding for Health fails to keep up with Inflation or demand- (Doctors Union) 13th May 2024 . Taxpayers money that is earmarked for Health every year is failing to keep pace with inflation or demand,               1 in 3 NZrs are missing out on Healthcare of some kind (Said Doctors Union Report) Patients are being caught in the revolving doors of the Health System. “If you don’t get preventative care, then you end up in the emergency system. If you end up in the emergency system, you end up in the hospital. Then the Hospital cannot deliver the planned care, therefore people who need planned care deteriorate, need more support in Primary Care. Then Primary Care gets busier, can’t support people so they end up in emergency care, this is the cycle that’s happening where people cannot get their health needs met, this is just terrible

PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: Prof Robin Gauld University of Otago Centre for Health Systems said that “health funding is not sufficient to meet current demand, never has been and does now, let alone in the future, it’s a national scandal”  13th August 2024 ‘The Post’ News..A Health System On The Brink of Failure’. . Access to Primary Healthcare is a crucial yet a ¼ million Kiwi’s cannot even register with a local GP. This is a daily reality for thousands of families. Parents unable to get timely care for their sick children. Elderly patients struggling to manage chronic health conditions without regular checkups, working adults delay treatment for health issues that are left unchecked which could become serious and life threatening

G P SHORTAGE: Ripple through communities, Longer waiting times, overcrowded emergency depts dealing with issues that should be handled in Primary Care. Increased stress on Health Workforce. In Rural areas the situation is often more dire, with some communities being left with no GP services at all.

NZ MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM FAILUIRE:  This is a real threat to NZ’s public Health System. Solving the GP Crisis is not just about healthcare.. Youth Mental Health is experiencing a rolling crisis with increased waiting times (10/4/2024. NZ Mental Health Service is broken in NZ states World Mental Health Foundation. NZ Doctors say this is ‘soul destroying to see NZ Mental Health System no longer fit for purpose (Study 500 Physicians 19/9/2023)

INFRASTRUCTURE: ‘ TRANSPORT’ The $200 Billion Problem. How broken is NZ Infrastructure?  (27/3/2024 Stuff. NZ) Refers to years and years of under-investment in the current infrastructure. NZ Herald 25th June 2024 NZs Infrastructure woes. How do we fix a $1 trillion problem? The Government is being warned that it must invest in New Zealand’s ageing infrastructure – or face the prospect of a major disaster. It comes after a week of infrastructure woes, with the Defence Force plane breaking down, a track fault cancelling all trains in Auckland, widespread power cuts in Northland, and an Interisland ferry running aground. On Friday, the Aratere Inter-islander ferry was on its way to Wellington when it experienced steering failure just outside Picton. The same ferry that lost power in 2023 when 538 people were on board.

A TRILLION DOLLARS TO FIX: Investment ‘infrastructure” “The Government’s worst nightmare would be something more like last year’s Kaitaki incident if that ferry had not narrowly avoided disaster. There were 864 people on board, the ship lost power in Cook Strait and started drifting towards Wellington’s rocky south coast and issued a Mayday call. New Zealand has under-invested in core infrastructure for years, well below the average OECD spend. ASB estimates it is going to cost about $1 trillion to fix our infrastructure and bring it up to standard.

LOCAL GOVT ACT 2002 ‘ THE ADDED COST TO NZ RATE PAYERS: 24th June 2024 NZ Herald ‘NZs Infrastructure  caused by a lack of long term thinking..refers to decaying infrastructure. However 2002 The Local Govt Bill, before it was passed as legislation the government knew that there was a major loophole in the Act, where businesses could not be fined, brought before the courts for dumping contaminate waste water, which could have been fixed within a month but 2 decades later and still not fixed.  27th January 2021 RNZ reported that a drafting error was stopping contamination fines, which could have been fixed within a month referring to the Local Govt Act 2002

NEGLECTFUL ‘IGNORANCE OF GOVERNMENT’ :Never mind ‘Just Blame the Farmers’ rather than admit blame themselves. An RNZ investigation found at least 270 companies had breached trade waste water consents in one year, none faced prosecution Council pleas fell on death ears for almost 20 years. In 2021 it was said that Nanaia Mahuta Local  Govt Minister needs to get her A into G and set some penalties, amend the legislation. Stuart Crosby President of Local Government NZ lobbied for 18 years for change, for the government to close the loophole. Brand name companies across NZ were breaching waste water consents several times a year. Ammonia, toxins and other hazardous wastes were being leached into drains. Ammonia eating away pipes under the ground, where vehicles and people have fallen into this broken infrastructure. 2024 and still not fixed.  The Govt preferring an Educational point of view to deal with the breaching of waste water consents rather than fining companies. A huge expense for Rates Payers to fork out.

THE STATE OF NZ ROADS: RNZ 9th January 2024 ‘They are a Laughing Stock’. Anger Over State Highway One’ ‘POTHOLES’. Several sections of NZs state highways are described as in ‘shocking condition’. The Automobile Association (AA) saying that State Highway 1 is the ‘poor shop window’ of a network riddled with potholes and road surface issues. There are reports of roads being in horrendous condition, just patches on patches. Transport Minister Simeon Brown said in the Morning Report that the State Of NZ Roads are in the 100day plan. National promised in the election $500 million dollar ‘Pothole Repair Fund’. This is merely a band-aid approach. Remember Marsden Point produced 70% of the bitumen used on NZ Roads, and the Labour led govt closed Marsden. Leaving NZrs with a boat without a paddle- sink or swim. No quick fix.. Buying international bitumen does not have the same quality as the Bitumen produced at Marsden Point.

EDUCATION: Christopher Luxon Education achievement has declined over the last 30 years, 2/3rds of students are failing to pass minimum literacy and numeracy standards for NCEA, 98% of Decile One Year 10 students failed a basic writing test, jeopardizing children’s futures.  The Education Dept  Government is failing our young, they are being dumbed down. Start teaching them their ABCs instead of their LGBTQ1+++ and stop teaching race based ideologies.

DEFICIT IN CLASSROOMS: RNZ reports 4th July 2024 ‘New Schools and Classrooms Urgently Needed In High Growth Areas, Ministry Warns. Reference was made to a Briefing Pape  April 2024 ‘ “ A roll bulge (increase) moving through secondary schools, referring to migration bringing an extra 20,800 school children. 10,400 of them to Auckland.  A briefing warned “postposing new schools could create overcrowding at existing schools in high growth areas”. Reference was made to infrastructure where school buildings are designed to fill a capacity of 1200 students and now there are 1400 students in those schools (where the water pressure drops because of the amount of flushing going on and the amount of water used.

MIGRATION ‘MASS MIGRATION’ INSANITY : The Beehive speaker Erica Stanford Minister for Immigration. ‘Unsustainable Migration’ Year 2023 – 2024 migration was 173,000 non-New Zealand citizens. Rember we have 400,000 people without jobs on the jobseeker until they can find jobs, under the Traffic Lights System, Jacinda Ardern’s words in 2018 45% unemployment in NZ within 2 decades. Homeless is still a huge problem and Rents increasing significantly. School infrastructure not coping, infrastructure needs major maintenance, waiting times for doctors, emergency depts dealing with cases that could be seen by a doctor, but several weeks waiting to see some GPs.

IMMIGRATION NZ IS CORRUPT TO THE CORE:  As Immigration staff tell of behind the scenes dysfunction to RNZ News 3rd September 2023.  Immigration officers told to ignore criminal conviction, ignore investigations, ignore warns, ignored attached documents, grant applications for work, student, visitor and residence visa’s. Take all on face value. Pass as quickly as possible. Those that pass the most get a ‘shout out” those whom are too slow get a ‘warning’ Do not query, use a streamline approach on visitors visa’s. If migration staff declined an application senior managers over-ruled it. Immigration staff were deeply unhappy about this, with some leaving their jobs. It was those that left their jobs that reported this to RNZ . Immigration NZ corrupt to the core. Surely this is a National Security Risk.

THE MASS MIGRATIONS BILL May 2024 Beehive. Amending provisions of the 2009 Immigration Act. Preparing for mass migration arrival in NZ, preserving Human Rights for Migrants. Note like other countries, where there is mass migration in Britain they have further increased their Hate Speech, censoring and monitoring laws. NZ Police website rfer to ‘Perceived Hate Speech that is likely to hurt a persons feelings, to be reported, and record on Police Data Records.

BEEHIVE’ MASS MIGRATION BILL’ READING: Sitting date 1/5/2024 Minister of Immigration Erica Stanford National Party. P[resented the Bill in Parliament saying Mass Migration Arrivals into NZ are likely. Refers to NZ Border settings. Mass Migration to NZ is very real, NZ must be prepared for mass arrivals. Irregular (means Unlawful) maritime mass migrant arrivals will have their rights ensured, upheld as if they were Regular Migrants (Legal)

UN LAUNCHES RECOMMENDATIONS FOR URGENT MISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION:- HATE SPEECH 24TH June 2024 . Global Principles for Information Integrity address risks posed by advances in AI. Misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and other risks to the information ecosystem are fueling conflict, threatening democracy and human rights, and undermining public health and climate action. “The United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity aim to empower people to demand their rights,” said the Secretary-General. “At a time when billions of people are exposed to false narratives, distortions and lies, these principles lay out a clear path forward, firmly rooted in human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and opinion.”  The UN chief issued an urgent appeal to government, tech companies, advertisers and the PR industry to step up and take responsibility for the spread and monetization of content that results in harm. Building a future with Migrants (UN Expert) Geneva 18th December 2023

UN AGENDA 2030’GLOBAL  MIGRATION GOVERNANCE’ Legal frameworks must be people-centred, human rights-based and gender-responsive to ensure social inclusion of all groups in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This process must include migrants. Efforts should be made to improve the ability, opportunity and dignity of migrants to be fully integrated into societies. eliminate all forms of discriminatory narratives and hate speech against migrants. Must have access to information, adequate housing, health, development, family life, freedom of religion or belief, cultural rights, and education.

NZ GOVERNMENT STRONGLY SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL RULES BASED ORDER: Migration is at the core of UN Agenda 2030 , global development goals for the 21st century and beyond. Mass migration does not promise to deliver  economic benefits. It puts enormous pressure on housing (the rental market) and affects home ownership, , public health services,  education, transport, infrastructure and the Health System

UN AGENDA 2030: The COVID plandemic did not quite cut the cloth so to speak. Mass Migration is quick and effective  and highly responsive, transformative in social and behavioral engineering. Not forgetting Corporate Capture (WEF feet under the table of the UN). UN documents that the Mayors Migration Council and the Mayors Mitigation Council  have been a very influencing factor in mass migration in westernized countries. Local Government such as Auckland Council are being referred to as City Governments) C40 Cities are partner in arms as to the global agenda for mass migration (noted by the UN) Auckland is a C40 City. (Noted on their website WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution.



Researcher: Cassie (Carol Sakey)



INCREASE MIGRATION AND EDUCATION:  Many teachers are saying that its increased immigration that has significantly caused this problem that now exists. So what happens when it comes to mass migration?


Let’s not continue to fail our children


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There is a massive  ‘Global Pandemic’ that is being ignored. The mainstream media globally, nationally are deliberately ignoring it. Between October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021:  360 Million Christians were persecuted worldwide.  (source of info – Gladstone Institute International Policy Council). This is absolutely horrific.

You won’t hear this being reported in mainstream media news nor from any other media unless its an independent media source. Over the past 5 years Christian persecution worldwide has increased 70% and there is no sign of letting up.

In 2021 an average of 16 Christians were murdered every day, because of their faith every day (Source- World Watch List-2022 ), World Watch is an humanitarian International Organization.. I repeat this again because its hard to take in that so many Christians are being persecuted and continue to be persecuted from 1st October 2020- September 30th 2021 Over 360 million Christians suffered high levels of persecution and discrimination.

A rise of 20 million from the previous year. This equates to 1 in 7 Christians worldwide suffer persecution for their faith. The latest report record the high Christian persecutions since the International World Watch published their list-report 29 years ago.

5,898  Christians were murdered for their faith.. 24% more than the year before when 4,761 Christians were murdered.  Additionally 6,175 Christian believers were detained without trial, arrested, imprisoned and 3,829 Christians were abducted. 5,110 Churches and other Christian buildings (schools, monasteries etc.,) were attached and profaned. REPEAT-EVERY DAY AROUND THE WORLD 16 CHRISTIANS ARE MURDERED.

Afghanistan is the most dangerous place in the world to be for any Christian. – Christian men face almost certain death if his Christian faith is found out by the Taliban. Women and girls in Afghanistan may escape death and may be married to  Taliban fighters. Often women and girls are raped and used for human trafficking.

.The incoming Taliban regime had access to recordings and reports that helped them ID where and who the Christians are. These Christians were often detained, before they were murdered they were made to tell the identity of other Christians and where they could be found. The Taliban is said to go door to door tracking down Christians. The incoming Taliban regime gained access to recordings and reports that helped to identify Christians.

North Korea is no. 2 on the list then Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, India and Saudi Arabia are all on the top 10 of the worst persecutors of Christians. Christians face being  beaten. Raped, imprisoned, slaughters for merely attending a church. – Nine of the Eleven worst places to be for Christians have Muslim majorities.

Extreme persecution” meted out to Christians in nine of the top 11 worst nations for persecuting Christians  takes place in Muslim-majority nations- and are governed by Sharia Law (Islamic Law)39 out of the 50 countries on the World Watch report are overwhelmingly governed by Islamic Law (Sharia Law), that’s directly enforced by the government or by society or both.

The Taliban show no fear of reprisal from the West as the West has expanded their own Agenda’s, have weak or corrupt governments, or exploiting their own people..

In Sub Saharan Africa violence against Christians is extremely high due to the increased rise of jihadist violence. There are great fears that a significant part of the region faces destabilization.  The Boko Haram in Nigeria and Cameroon continue to murderously wreak havoc.

These Islamic State Groups are active in West Africa and Mozambique.    Al Shabab control large parts of Somalia and Islamic Extremism is seriously advancing as Westernized Governments choose not to look in that direction.

When ISIS took over parts of the Middle East, Christians were executed, abducted, sexually assaulted and hunted.  Groups like Boko Haram and Al Shahab severely threaten Christians.  When Taliban took control of Afghanistan being Christian is about having a death plastered all other them.

Muslims that convert to Christianity find themselves severely persecuted by their families and the communities they live in, so they have to move away from their homes.”  The persecution of Christians in India has intensified Hindu extremists aim to cleanse the country of the presence of  Christians and have minority religions.

Under the veil of COVID19 pandemic Christians have been deliberately, intentionally overlooked when it comes to the distribution of government aid and have been blamed for having spread the virus to others.

The COVID19 Pandemic has been used to shut down churches in China and to keep them permanently shut. In China Christians have been imprisoned and tortured to death, bibles were destroyed, churches and homes looted. Christians suffered humiliation.

Forbes. Com reported in 2021 that Christians are subject to various methods of discrimination and persecution in China. A Christian Chinese website that had existed in China for 20 years this year ceased to exist.

In Qatar violence against Christians rose sharply, many churches  were forced to stay closed because they were targeted using  COVID restrictions.”  Local authorities in Bangladesh told Muslims who covert to Christianity to return to Islam or receive no government aid.  Under the Veil Of COVID19  in the Central African Republic, Christians were also denied Government Aid , however they were told if tghey revert back to Islam they will be able to eat.

84 million Christians are fleeing religious persecution. These Christians end up as refugees in neighbouring Muslim Nations. They cannot escape from the fear they are trying to run away from. Christian women fleeing their homes reported how they have been sexually assaulted, there are many reports of women and children having been raped, used in sexual slavery. Many drawn into prostitution to survive.

As jihadism spreads a much larger Christian exodus is expected.  Hate Crime against Christianity is very evident in Western Europe it is at its all time high.  According to a November 16th 2021 report by the organization for ‘Security and Cooperation in Europe’ over a  quarter of all hate crimes registered in Europe in 2020 were ‘Anti- Christian’ compared to 2019.

Jews were the next who were most targeted against when it came to Hate Crime. (A very close 2nd on the list to Christians) However there are significantly fewer Jews worldwide than Christians. Approx.,  15 million Jews as opposed to approx.., 2.8 billion Christians. NOTE: The media do not report on those that are ‘Christian Haters’.

360 million Christians around globally are being persecuted the world are experiencing “high levels of persecution and discrimination… The number of Christians highly persecuted, discriminated against in 2018 was 215 million.  In 3yrs has increased by 45 million Christians persecuted for their faith. This is horrific yet Ardern’s political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington busy themselves with Hate Crime Laws

Using Tarrant as a scape goat. Tarrant an Australian citizen not a Kiwi. We have this Islamophobia and White Supremacy, Right Wing Extremism thrown at good law abiding Kiwi’s, those with Christian Values & Belief’s.

3.Why were the police and SIS looking the other way in March 2019?  Was it because there had so many Islamic Extremist’s on their NZ Designated watch list in New Zealand. On NZ Police Website lists associated with Resolution 1373- namely terrorist designated in New Zealand

A list formed at the Prime Ministers discretion. The dates from which these terrorists have resided in NZ, and how many have had been dates renewed as being still designated in NZ since February 2010 until now.

Al-Shabaab from Somalia and the Liberation Army, Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Bangladesh (HUJI-B), Indian Mujahideen (IM), Military Wing of Lebanese Hizballah, the Islamic Resistance, ISIL, Jundallah and Maute Group-also known as Islamic State in Lanao; Islamic State of Lanao;,  Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Tarrant’s on the list,-Brenton-Harrison Tarrant, the Shining Path

An deliberate extremist Islamic attack against shoppers in a supermarket in New Lynn Auckland with a  number of serious injuries. Police are outside the shop, not in view of the terrorist whom they were watching so closely.

The Govt knew  the terrorist was a serious threat, what happened Police shoot him dead. But what does Ardern say. BBC reported that Ardern said “Supermarket stabbing was a ‘terrorist attack’. Six people had been wounded, the Sri Lankan was under police surveillance

Ardern publicly  in a news conference said, “this was despicable, hateful, was wrong, it was carried out by an individual, not a faith” But what a whopping lie, a witness heard the attacker shouts “Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest). This is a phrase uttered by Muslims many times a day in prayers and in in greetings. New Counter-Terrorism Laws, Hate Speech Laws will also target Christian minded Conservative law abiding citizens. Persecutions & Discrimination against Christians

Christian believes, values- One man that courageously stands up, has been to  prison, is discriminated against and character assassinated, targeted by Ardern’s purchased Media is Brian Tamaki.  Then there is Pastor Carl Bromley from Christchurch his house ransacked and damaged by police whilst they watched him leave the house they then moved in to do their ransacking. Carl Bromley was reported by Newshub as saying ‘The Govt are seeking to rape me of my right to worship as a church gathering targeted

Police confronted him over his hosting of an alert level 4 church service over the weekend. Police warned Carl Bromley he could face arrest or a fine but Carl said “I will not bow down to legislation that deprives me of my God given right to worship”. Carl Bromley told Police “Just because its legal, does not mean it is right, just because its illegal does not mean its wrong “

For every Nigerian Christian Minister who prays at the alter in his church, who gathers together fellow Christians to prayer he and those that worship with him know the dire risks they take, that the church doors could at any time be thrown open, or kicked by ruthless Islamic extremists. They know full well, they will be brutally murdered for practising their Christian faith-they are  ‘Christian Martyr’s.






The Godless ‘Black Book of Communism’ the evil ideology hatched by Karl Marx with his ‘Communist Manifesto’. Before he authored this he was writing about hell. In 1827 he wrote this poem:- “Thus heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well. My soul once true to God has chosen hell”. Marxism consigned to death more than 100 million souls in the 20th Century only. Marxism and it’s Godless roots of Socialism. Marx was fascinated with the devil.

Engel’s  yet another famous Marxist, together with Karl Marx they developed a body of ideas critiques of political economical and philosophical theory namely ‘Scientific Socialism’ one which favours Communism, Socialism and a Multi-stakeholder economy over a ‘Free-market Enterprise economy. known as ‘Marxism’  Marxian Socialism .  Hence favouring Communism & Socialism, a global, regional and national economic market of ‘Multistakeholderism’  over that of ‘Free-market Enterprise. A ‘Free-market Enterprise results in competition, lowering prices for consumers, people benefit from a higher standard of living. Countries have  the principles of Free-market Enterprise worldwide. Multistakeholderism  (Globalized Marxian Socialism)

In 2009 the WEF convened an ‘International Group’ meeting to formulate a new system of global governance. The meeting was led by  Klaus Schwab, Mark Malloch Brown and Richard Samans. Together they designed the  ‘Global Redesign Initiative’ (GRI). A system of ‘Multi-stakeholder Governance’.  In March 2019 a meeting was convened by the  Transnational Institute in Amsterdam which included -practitioners, researchers, activists  to critically examine, discuss in depth ‘multi-stakeholder governance’

2019 the UN announced they were unlikely to meet their set target to achieve UN Agenda SDGs by year 2030.  The Global Order was struggling hence a massive plan was made between the UN and WEF. Hence on the 13th June 2019 The WEF and UN signed a strategic official partnership the goal being to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 in a timely manner.  Sustainability hence became the global marketing advertising strategy. This was called  a ‘Narrow Window of Opportunity’ and ‘We Must Act Now’. There massive would include everyone-everywhere at every age of this planet, no-one was to be left behind.

Prior to the pandemic in 2019 IA2030-was introduced. ‘The Global Strategy of Vaccines’. (The Decade of Action). Leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age. The  Gates Foundation supported the ‘Alliance of Vaccines & Immunization (GAVI),  all part and parcel of the new restructured ‘Global Order’- A ‘Global One World Public-Private Corporate Partnership’.  Included in this global one world aggressive determination to control people, planet for huge profit for a few wealthy billionaires. This globally promoted genderism being entrenched in Marxism- Socialism.  Self-interested parties found justification to enter genderism into  ‘economics, environment, politics, society and into the education curriculum. These global social changes are seeking to achieve a ‘universal citizenship’ New forms of citizenship status for  lesbian, bisexual, transgender and binary (LGBT) people globally

Under the veil of COVID19 you would have heard  “No-one is safe until all of us are safe’ these words have accompanied racial issues, ethnicity, age, occupation and gender . ‘Build Back Better’ its said will ‘accelerate gender equality’.  International Women’s Day Magazine ‘Make women the Decision Makers’-Launching ‘Gender Equal Cities’

Nationalism is under attack it is seen as a threat, intertwined within a patriarchal framework,-that exists within a sovereign nation  (references to  ’The Image of Man’ (Elias 2008) and ‘The Creation of Modern Masculinity’ (Mosse 1996)-Good modern man being co-opted into nationalism..  That nationalism relies on masculine technologies.

The Great Reset, The New Normal and The New Green Deal all embedded with Genderism.  ‘A Gender Transformative European Green Deal’, ‘Gender Equality and Climate Change’. UN Agenda 2030 SDGs include ‘Gender Equality’. Strengthening the development, awareness of ‘gender’.

The World Bank (2015) is contributing to the effort to reduce gender inequalities and UNESCO reiterates ‘gender transformative ‘policies. Advancing towards gender mainstreaming in water resources (Three Waters Reform)

He Puapua, every  New Zealander’s life to be impacted by UNDRIP  already being enacted out by the establishing of the Maori Health Authority.  15th January 2014 UNDRIP international gathering at the UN New York, the theme of the meeting being ‘UN Native Youth Sexual Health Network  included on the agenda- ‘Justice over our bodies goes beyond sexual health it is also a myriad of expressions of self-determination over our bodies’ (Indigenous Youth).  UNDRIP includes ‘Sexuality Wheel’ depicting, comprehending the concept of  ‘Sexuality’ as ‘Indigenous Two Spirit, LGBTTQQIA’ The UN states “While the UNDRIP does not explicitly name sexual and gender identities, the right to self determine sexual and gender identities are reinforced in the UNDRIP”

Jacinda Ardern was a guest speaker at a  gathering hosted by Melinda and Bill Gates, Ardern  boasted she was entering UN Agenda 2030 into NZ Domestic policies and that other countries should take her lead.. ‘LGBTQ  in included in UN Agenda 2030 SDG’s’ hence linkages between.   LGBTQ Inclusion and UN Agenda the COVID19 Era. This Report is  SDG’s and LGBT’s that support business action.  LGBTQ has also be tagged onto COVID19 Response. UN Women’s Division ‘Beyond COVID19 Report’ determines a ‘Feminist Plan’ for Sustainability to Social Justice which includes- ‘Universal Gender Responsive Social Protection Systems’ hence advancing pathways to ‘Building Back Better’-

‘Transitions to a Gendered Sustainable Future-Systemic Crises’ plus ‘Gender and the Environment’. Enables a ‘Permissive Multilateral Approach ‘ to ‘Global Macroeconomic Governance’ The key levers to a ‘Green Gender’-A Equitable COVID Recovery.  Reinvigorating democracies powered by Feminist Politics. ‘Politics for Transformative Change’.  Diverse Feminist Movements. A ‘Global Feminist Social Contract’, imperative for Transformative Change. The Empowerment of Women and Girls- promote decreasing fertility rates world wide, strengthen and expand women into the workplace, to rapidly decrease fertility rates, population.(Marxist-Socialist Theory)

Genderism is  deeply embedded in the International Labour Org.,(ILO) which was established in 1919, became an agency of the UN when it was founded in 1945. Both the ILO and UN  have promoted depopulation globally over decades. The UN Population Div., produces datasets, selected indicators to measure fertility level tends world wide, linking population increase  and decrease to social, economic development and environmental change. (Malthusian Marxist Socialism). . Famous Socialist Marxist Paul Ehrlich a  Professor at Stanford University authored an Educational Textbook in 1968 ‘The Population Bomb’.. It was written using a’ Malthusian Socialist Marxist theory’.  Accessing consumption vs population levels. Ehrlich made suggested solutions for example   ‘ putting sterilant into food and water as a temporary measure’, .also that America should take the leading role in establishing population control as the US has prominence of the international stage.

Ehrlich’s book ‘The Population Bomb’ bludgeoned  global audiences with fear.  The Director of the Sierra Club -the oldest largest environmental organization in the world, suggested using  the book as a marketing strategy. In the last few decades concerns have shifted from rapid increased population to lowering fertility rates.

The UN Population Replacement Level Rate in 2.1, New Zealand sits on 1.6 and is likely to further decrease even further . Of course there is a pre-planned strategy to close the population replacement gap.. Is this the pre-planned solution? The Global Mayors Conventions discussed ‘Nationalism’ and the planning for many more ‘Smart Cities’ globally. The UN Assembly had already announced that ‘Nationalism is a threat to Multilateralism (Globalization). Could the plan be ‘kill two birds with one stone -Filling the Population Gap  and  targeting Nationalism.  These are the solutions discussed  (1) Fill the population gap by expanding  International and National Migration into Urban/City highly populated condensed areas ‘Smart Cities’  Target Nationalism by saturating NZ with 3rd world migrants hence replace Nationalism with Globalisation.

To achieve UN Agenda 2030 SDGs the global population rate is set at 8.5 billion by year 2030. The Global Development Goals include ‘Reproductive Health’.- Note:-Reproductive Health includes family planning, sterilization, abortions, LGBTQ surgeries and medications to limit fertility levels etc. The SDG’s include ‘expanding and promoting Gender Equality, Empowerment of Women and Girls hence decreasing  fertility level rates(Population Control-Globalised Socialism)

Since the establishment of the International Labour Org (1919) gender issues have been included. Since the establishment of the UN (1945) they have continuously promoted the decline of worldwide population rates, have monitored fertility level rates globally. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the oldest agency of the UN  adopted ‘Declaration of  Philadelphia in 1919  -The Global Fight for Gender Justice. ILO and UN Agencies are entrenched in Socialism.  The ILO, UN Agencies are entrenched in Marxism and Socialism. The ILO has a membership of 187 UN Member Nation States.  Could this be the reason there is no political opposition to the Labour Party in the stinky political toilet bowl in Wellington?

In the mid 1970’s the ILO and UN held  Global Women Conferences  in Beijing 1995 and another in 2013 in Mexico, these included transnational  legal encasements for a change in gender roles, interested gendered movements jumped on the bandwagon.   The UN called for  Global  Systemic Change to support Inter Sexual, Binary, Trans-sexual and  many more genders to Global Politics. Collaborating political, economical social and cultural rights and  progressive alliances for environmental sustainability, y namely radical  Eco-Feminism. Eco Feminism, Eco Churches that over emphasize the escalation of crises events:- Climate Alarmism and Future Pandemics also intertwining LGBTQ with  ‘renewable energy, sustainable agribusiness  and opposition to  Conservatism and Christianity. (Nationalism)

UN Women’s Division action plan is to transform the global economy, steer it towards gender equality for social justice and sustainability. Enabling a gendered environment based on reinforcing of financing, partnerships also including  computer data modelling as an evidence base which gives  justification for gendered actions. These will incorporate standards that will require enforceable actions if not complied to.  Many UN Member Nations already supportive of this..

LGBTQ movements have vested interests in  Socialist driven Trade Unions, alliances and coalitions, environmental groups they also infiltrate farmers groups and Religious Groups   NZ Trade Unions are pro NZ Govts Fair Pay Agreement that could further destroy businesses. Council Of Trade Union has a history of Socialist Marxism Communism

The UN Women’s  Division’s Feminist Plan includes expanding,  mobilizing  transformation LGBTQ as a broad global agenda. To achieve this  they must fill the evidence gaps in the global metric digital modelling system to strengthen  gender biases into data.

A foreign policy columnist wrote an article in the FP New ‘VOICE’ entitled “You Can’t Defeat Nationalism, so stop Trying article dated 4th June 2019. The most powerful force in the world is ‘nationalism’, a desire to gain national autonomy which drove Britain to leave the European Union. References made to Trump’s ‘Making America Great Again’.

Nationalism is central to China’s President Xi Ping. The UN is very fearful of uprising worldwide of Christian and Conservative national groups that are advancing National Sovereignty worldwide. When the  UN announced that Nationalism is the rising threat to Multilateralism, Donald Trump responded by saying that US taxpayers are the largest contributors  to the UN.

Russia’s UN Representative to the UN responded by cautioned powerful UN Member States not to use their dominance to behave in such a way. He also added that NATO was emphasizing alliance mind sets of catastrophic principles.  Antonio Guterres Secretary General of the UN  pointed out the importance of multilateralism.  NOTE: The key inclusions includes women and girls to enhance, accelerate UN Agenda 2030 SDGS and Targets.

So why is Nationalism such a threat to the UN? Perhaps its because human beings are social animals, we are born to be social beings from the moment we are born. Within our national communities we identify with in groups and out groups.  We have a common language and traditions, cultures which are unique identities. We are loyal to our country, and we honour, respect those that fought in terrible wars so we the citizens of NZ can have our freedoms.  This has become hugely evident that solidarity and loyalty exists during times of crisis. (COVID19 )  There are many loyal courageous  New Zealanders that are willing to stand up publicly for NZ, some willing to make sacrifices for our country.

Countries that have a more unified economies are more productive populations. Populations that stick together, survive together. Where there is a lack of Nationalism a country is at risk of being controlled by a tyrannous regime, an authoritative state especially in a ‘Free- market Enterprise Economy

Nationalism is still a powerful force to be  reckoned with, never doubt it. Yes, there is a huge attempt to plunder New Zealand and Sovereign Nations worldwide by this  Globalized Elitist Leftist Socialist Order that has been aggressively ushered in.

Ardern’s government is immoral, evil and reckless with the way they are treating New Zealanders lives. Sadly I say, many Kiwi’s believe they are good people because they are obedient to the government because they make the rules, and rules must be obeyed. We must awaken their ‘moral courage’ rip off the wool that covers those sheep’s eyes.

I personally believe, have  faith that many more Kiwi sheep will awaken -I pray it will be rather sooner than later. Remember that ‘Nationalism’ comprises of a MASSIVE POWERFUL FORCE that even frightens  the UN One World Global Government and the Wealthy Global Elite of the World Economic Forum.

Have faith, take the high road have ‘moral courage’ and in God’s name we can defeat the Godless. We have the strength of a number 8 wire. We stand in the memory of the war dead those that courageously fought for our freedoms and we will not let them die in vein

I leave you with this message:- When Hope knocks on your Door, let Faith answer it. God Bless.







The Ignored Pandemic: 360 Million Christians Persecuted Worldwide

A GLOBAL PANDEMIC THAT IS IGNORED:- 360 Million Christians Persecuted Worldwide. Reported February 13th 2022 by The Gladstone Institute International Policy Council  the persecution of Christians, which was already horrific, has increased by nearly 70% over the last five years, with no signs of abating. How long will it be before this seemingly irreversible trend metastasizes into those nations currently celebrated for their religious freedom?

The year 2021 “saw the worst persecution of Christians in history” — with an average of 16 Christians murdered for their faith every day.

That observation comes from the World Watch List-2022 (WWL-2022), recently published by the international humanitarian organization, Open Doors. The report each year ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith. The WWL uses data from field workers and external experts to quantify and analyze persecution worldwide.

According to the WWL-2022, covering October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021:

Over 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith—a rise of 20 million from last year. The number represents one in seven Christians worldwide. This year records the highest levels of persecution since the first list was published 29 years ago…”

For the same reporting period, 5,898 Christians were murdered “for their faith,” a number representing a 24% increase from 2021 (when “only” 4,761 Christians were killed). Additionally, “6,175 believers [were] detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned,” and 3,829 abducted.

Perhaps even more reflective of the hate for Christianity, 5,110 churches and other Christian buildings (schools, monasteries, etc.), were attacked and profaned.

Crunching these numbers into daily averages, the above statistics mean that every day around the world, more than 16 Christians were murdered for their faith; 27 were either illegally arrested and imprisoned by non-Christian authorities or abducted by non-Christian actors; and 14 churches were destroyed or desecrated.

For the first time since these WWL reports were published, Afghanistan, which for years was usually ranked the #2 worst nation (after North Korea) shot up to the #1 spot, meaning “Afghanistan is now the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian.” Additionally:

Christian men are facing almost certain death if their faith is discovered.  Women and girls may escape death but may be married to young Taliban fighters who want the “spoils of war.” After women and girls are raped, they are trafficked.

The incoming Taliban regime gained access to recordings and reports that helped to identify Christians. They were often detained, in order to identify networks of Christians, before being killed. Taliban fighters are still actively tracking down Christians from existing intelligence, sometimes going door-to-door to find them.

Ten other nations, after Afghanistan, received the same designation of “extreme persecution.” It means that these places, for Christians, are only marginally safer. They are: North Korea (#2), Somalia (#3), Libya (#4), Yemen (#5), Eritrea (#6), Nigeria (#7), Pakistan (#8), Iran (#9), India (#10), and Saudi Arabia (#11). In these countries, Christians face persecution ranging from being harassed, beaten, raped, imprisoned or slaughtered merely for being identified as a Christian or attending church.

Notably, the “extreme persecution” meted out to Christians in nine of these top 11 worst nations comes either from Islamic oppression or takes place in Muslim-majority nations. This trend affects the entire list: the persecution that Christians experience in 39 of the 50 nations on the list also comes either from Islamic oppression or occurs in Muslim majority nations. The overwhelming majority of these nations are governed by some form of shari’a (Islamic law). It can either be directly enforced by government or society or, more frequently, both, although societies — family members outraged in particular by relatives who have converted — tend to be more zealous in its application.

In a section titled, “Emboldened: The ‘Talibanization of West Africa and beyond,” the report suggests that this trend is worsening: “[T]he fall of Kabul has fuelled [sic] a new mood of invulnerability among other jihadist groups worldwide. The groups believe that they won’t face serious opposition from the West for their expansionist agendas and are exploiting nations with weak or corrupt governments…. Sub-Saharan Africa, already the place where violence against Christians is highest, has faced further steep rises in jihadist violence, with fears that a significant part of the region faces destabilization….”

In another section, the report elaborates:

“In Nigeria and Cameroon, Boko Haram continues to wreak havoc, the Islamic State group is active in West Africa and Mozambique, and al Shabab controls large portions of Somalia. It seems like nothing can be done to stop the advance of Islamic extremism.

“We know what radical Islamic ideology looks like for believers because we’ve seen it in Iraq and Syria. When ISIS took over parts of the Middle East, Christians were executed, abducted, sexually assaulted and hunted. Where groups like Boko Haram and al Shabab are active, similar threats are inevitable. When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, they tried to appear moderate—but there’s no sign that Christianity will be anything other than a death sentence.”

Although Islam continues to have the lions’ share of persecution, religious nationalism in non-Muslim nations is also causing them to rise in the ranks. In Myanmar (#12),

“Converts to Christianity … find themselves persecuted by their Buddhist, Muslim or tribal families and communities because they have left their former faith and have thereby removed themselves from community life. Communities who aim to stay ‘Buddhist only’ make life for Christian families impossible by not allowing them to use neighborhood water resources.”

Rising Hindu nationalism has catapulted India into #10, among the “extreme persecuting” nations:

“The persecution of Christians in India has intensified, as Hindu extremists aim to cleanse the country of their presence and influence. The extremists disregard Indian Christians and other religious minorities as true Indians, and think the country should be purified of non-Hindus. This has led to a systemic—and often violent—targeting of Christians and other religious minorities, including use of social media to spread disinformation and stir up hatred. The COVID-19 pandemic has offered a new weapon to persecutors. In some areas, Christians have been deliberately overlooked in the local distribution of government aid and have even been accused of spreading the virus.”

Several other nations have, one way or another, exploited COVID-19 to discriminate against or persecute Christians. For example, “COVID-19 gave Chinese authorities (#17) a reason to shut down many churches—and keep them shut.”

Similarly, in Qatar, “Violence against Christians rose sharply because many churches were forced to stay closed after COVID-19 restrictions.” Moreover, Qatar—”host for this year’s World Cup, where converts from Islam especially face physical, psychological and (for women) sexual violence”—jumped 11 spots (now #18, from #29 last year).

In Bangladesh (#29), local authorities told Muslim converts to Christianity who, like their Muslim counterparts, sought governmental aid, “to return to Islam or receive nothing.” As one Bangladeshi explained, “We see many villagers and neighbours receive relief aid from government support but we Christians do not get any support.”

In the Central African Republic, which was “hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic … Christians were denied government aid and told to convert to Islam if they wanted to eat.”

Another notable trend concerns the growing number of internally or externally displaced people — 84 million: “a significant number [of whom] are Christians fleeing religious persecution.” Those Christians that end up as refugees in neighbouring Muslim nations “can be denied humanitarian and other practical assistance by authorities.”

Additionally:- “Christian women fleeing their homes and seeking safety report sexual assault to be the leading source of persecution, with multiple reports of women and children subjected to rape, sexual slavery, and more, both in camps and while they journey in search of safety. Poverty and insecurity compound their vulnerability, with some drawn into prostitution to survive. As jihadism spreads and destabilizes nations, we can expect this Christian exodus to multiply further.”

Although the report is limited to the 50 worst persecuting nations, it appears that persecution in general is growing around the world. For example, although North Korea is now ranked #2, as a reflection of how bad matters have gotten overall, the report explains that “The persecution score for North Korea actually went up [compared to last year], even though its ranking went down.”

Similarly, hate crimes against Christianity in Western Europe are at an all-time high. According to a November 16, 2021 report by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, at least a quarter, though arguably much more, of all hate crimes registered in Europe in 2020 were anti-Christian — representing a 70% increase compared to 2019. Christianity is, furthermore, the religion most targeted in hate crimes, with Judaism at a close second. There are, however, significantly fewer Jews worldwide (roughly 15 million) than Christians (2.8 billion.

Although media outlets rarely identify those behind these anti-Christian hate crimes, many of which revolve around the vandalism of churches, it is telling that the European nations suffering the most also happen to have Europe’s largest Muslim populations — namely, Germany (where anti-Christian hate crimes have more than doubled since 2019) and France (where two churches are reportedly attacked every day, some, as in the Muslim world, with human feces).

As a reflection of how bad persecution has gotten elsewhere around the globe, no Western European nation made the top 50 list.

In the end, perhaps the most disturbing trend is that the number of persecuted Christians continues to grow annually. As seen, according to the newest statistics, 360 million Christians around the world are experiencing “high levels of persecution and discrimination.” This represents a 6% increase from 2021, when 340 million Christians experienced the same level of persecution; and that number represented a 31 % increase from 2020, when 260 million Christians experienced the same level of persecution; and that number represented a 6% increase from 2019, when 245 million experienced the same level of persecution; and that number represented a 14% increase from 2018, when 215 million was the number

In short, the persecution of Christians, which was already horrific, has increased by nearly 70% over the last five years, with no signs of abating.  How long will it be before this seemingly irreversible trend metastasizes into those nations currently celebrated for their religious freedom?



Christian Persecution by the Numbers – Open Doors USA – Open Doors USA



The He Puapua Plan is otherwise known as Vision 2040.  The He Puapua Plan relates back to the UN Declaration Rights of Indigenous People introduced in 2007. At this time the  NZ Government was opposed to the UNDRIP. Members of the government reported that the UNDRIP was seen to be inconsistent with NZ’s Constitution, Legal System, Democratic Rights of NZ Citizens.  NZ is one of 148 countries that supported the UNDRIP. UNDRIP is a non-binding agreement, that New Zealand Govt have become committed to.

In 2007 Nanaia Mahuta questioned Art.,19 & 32 of the UNDRIP saying the declaration implied ‘Veto Rights’ of Iwi over the State and Iwi over Private Property Rights (Art 26 & Art 28 UNDRIP)Initially in 2007 Helen Clark said “If New Zealand was to sign the UNDRIP this would cause all sorts of problems” now she promotes supports the He Puapua Plan to embed UNDRIP, a UN Non-Binding agreement into all of NZ society.

2009 under the veil of secrecy Peta Sharples signed the UNDRIP on behalf of the government of the day. Under the veil of secrecy the UNDRIP . In 2009 the National Govt was in power. They had formed an alliance with the Maori party. The Maori Party had been formed in 2004 in response to the foreshore and seabed controversy.

Between 10th December 1999 and 19th November 2008 the Labour Party was in power under Helen Clark. Tariana Turia founded the Maori Party after resigning from Labour. She and Pita Sharples were high profile academics became the first co-leaders of the Maori Party.  Minister for Maori Development, Willie Jackson has announced the next steps for the UNDRIP. A partnership of Crown and Iwi. He was referencing The He Puapua plan established in 2019, which had been kept secret, out of the public eye until 2021. It came to light after an OIA Request. The plan made by Te Puni Koriki.

Stuff NZ reported April 22nd 2022  The Government were told that ‘Co-Governance not enough to satisfy indigenous rights declaration. Willie Jackson said that the government will shape, recognize its obligations under UNDRIP. Saying the Maori Health Authority can be an example for other sectors eg; Justice and Education.

The He Puapua plan was put together by a Declaration Working Group (DWG). They made their final report on 1st November 2019. Ardern was question why she had kept the He Puapua Plan a secret, out of the public’s eye during her electioneering campaign. Her response was  “ Due to the risk, it may be misconstrued as government policy”.But Ardern had already accepted the He Puapua recommendations. The drafting of a plan for ‘Division, Separatism and Apartheid’ However Ardern accepted ‘He Pua Pua Recommendation’. An Iwi political authority over all citizens of New Zealand. A plan where some NZ Citizens will be valued more than others.

He Puapua is defined as ‘The Breaking of The Waves’. Obviously the breaking of society into a separatist state, the breaking of the economu and environmental norms.

Back in 2009 John Key then PM of NZ saw the UNDRIP as ‘Non-binding and just window dressing. Don’t let the wording ‘Non-Binding fool you. Non-Binding eludes to a commitment to follow through. NZ Govt is party to at least 1900 UN Agreements, declarations etc.,  For example the UNDRIP was ‘Non-Binding’ and UN Agenda 2030 was Non-Binding, the UN Global Compact of Migration was Non-Binding, and Winston Peters even went to the Crown Law Office to publicly assure people that it was non-binding before it was agreed to by NZ.

UNDRIP is already being enacted into NZ Policy, we already have the Maori Health Authority for example. UN Global Compact Of Migration of 2018 at a recent UN speech the permanent representative of NZ to the UN reference  NZ borders opening in July 2022 and the UNGCM being part of NZ Policy.

UN Agenda 2030. Bill and Melinda Gates were hosting an event, Jacinda Ardern a guest speaker. Ardern bragged to the audience that under her leadership UN Agenda 2030 17 Global Development Goals, 169 Targets have  been entered into NZ Domestic Policy making. That NZ was the first country globally to do this. Hence all three are binding and lawful in NZ.

Through the He Puapua Plan UNDRIP is planned to be totally embedded into Education, Health, ECONOMY, Environment, the Legal System and Infrastructure.  totally embedded into all NZ Citizens way of life. Health, Education, Economy, Environment, Legal System, Infrastructure etc., etc.,  Hence the cherry picked compulsory teaching of Maori history in NZ Schools and Maori language.  All part and parcel of the UNDRIP-He Puapua, Vision 2040 Plan.  He Puapua Plan of Te Puni Koriki  is composed of 123 pages of commitments to the UNDRIP, a heavy political discourse. Parekura Tureia Horomia (8/11/1950 – 29/4/2013) was born in Tolago Bay, he later became Minister of Maori Affairs between 2000-2008.

He was part of a large family seven brother and sisters. In his early life worked really hard as a manual labourer, then a printer in the newspaper industry. Later he was appointed in supervisory positions. In the 1999 election he stood as a Labour candidate for Rawhiti Electorate. In 2000 Dover Samuels was forced to step down as Minister of Maori Affairs after criminal allegations were made against him. It was then that Horomia took his place as Minister Of Maori Affairs.  Horomia said this about the UNDRIP “It gives recognition of rights to lands lawfully owned by citizens indigenous and other. It ignore reality , it implies indigenous people should have the power of veto over parliamentary law making processes.

He Puapua is the portrayal of NZ Citizens to give control to Iwi Tribal elite over the whole of New Zealand. Nanaia Mahuta had originally said in 2007 opposing the UNDRIP “It is inconsistent with the NZ Constitution, NZ’s legal framework. The UNDRIP would be too difficult to overturn whilst retaining the fabric of NZ Society. Fast forward -she now promotes, supports it. 2019 (source- cabinet minutes). Ardern authorizes Nanaia Mahuta to change the UNDRIP into a plan for implementation- The He Puapua Plan.. All kept silent under the veil of COVID19 and Ardern’s pre-electioneering until 2021.

It was reported that He Puapua is to be compatible with NZ’s legal system, cultural practices within a tribal feudal system and to be introduced into Common Law, to ensure separatism is promoted in New Zealand. He Puapua Plan equates to the total enactment of UNDRIP into all of NZ, as will be the Treaty Of Waitangi. The Treaty Of Waitangi was introduced in New Zealand under the legal system of Common Law. A prominent NZ Judge and Law Lecturer referred to the embedding of UNDRIP and the Treaty Of Waitangi into NZ law saying that “ALL citizens became subjects of the British Queen in Parliament, to enjoy her protection”

Judge Willy is well informed, knowledgeable about the fundamental goal of Marxism. Cultural Marxism appears to be doing very well in New Zealand. Destabilizing democratic rights of NZ Citizens. Leighton Smith interviewed former Judge Willie about the future concerns for democracy in New Zealand. Willy explained “ why incorporating tikanga will make it impossible to maintain common laws of the 21st century in New Zealand is absurd”. He was referring to the He Puapua Plan. He said “To represent pre-European Maori practices as having a place in Common Law is absurd.

That “a law embraces the components of the belief’s of various peoples whom currently make up NZ Society cannot be a law common to all. The law is not concerned with making people feel better about themselves nor more or less valued. That Judges of our Superior courts who tinker with political populist nonsense are playing with fire. They do a great disservice to the law and harmony of society. In reality those seeking to introduce ‘tikanga’ into law are not motivated by public good, they are instead committed to progressing Labour’s agenda to enrich the tribal-elite”

Vision 2040. He Puapua Plan is an enlarged tribal state, dangerously threatens Democratic Rights, Human Rights the very core of our Human Dignity. Human Dignity is the recognition that ALL human beings have a special value intrinsic to their humanity, such are worthy of respect simply because they are human beings. Public debate about He Puapua is very limited as many people fear character assassination, the subject too sensitive, walking on broken glass. May be called racist, white supremacists, far right extremist. Nanaia Mahuta when question why UNDRIP, her response is ‘John Key wanted it”  She wants it even more as does Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington.

13th April 2009. (Centre of Independent Studies) UNDRIP. Reports ‘John Key was caught musing over whether New Zealand would follow Australia in signing the UNDRIP’. The report responded “Lets hope he doesn’t, NZ is already recognized the world leader of Indigenous Rights”.  The UNDRIP simply repeats the rights of  the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) extending them to Indigenous people. Strange because they like us all already are included in the UDHR.

UNDRIP Art., 14.1 states “Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning.  Hence NZ Educational system will be entrenched in UNDRIP  Art

“Every Indigenous individual has the right to nationality. “Nations can exist as one with the state (the nation-state), within states, and across states, individuals cannot choose their nationality.. anymore than they can choose their family. There is no such thing as a ‘Nation Passport’, you get a passport for a country. Sometimes a nation is primarily an administrative zone. So this absolutely makes no sense at all.

UNDRIP is about Separatist agenda’s , that has profound , unforeseen consequences. John Key had said that UNDRIP is non-binding, does not supersede NZ law.. Now it is evident that there are serious implications in committing to this non-binding agreement. That is so easily become binding in NZ Law. Phil Goff said “while there is much in the non-binding UNDRIP that Labour can support, other parts go too far.  Goff said “no government will give any group within New Zealand the right to self-government or the power of Veto over the Governments decision making” WRONG. He also said “the National Government has no intention of following through on the UNDRIP goals and requirements therefore they should not sign it”

Vision 2040- He Puapua Plan. When UNDRIP’s roadmap is to be achieved by 2040. This marks the 200th anniversary of the Treaty Of Waitangi. Beaware its already being enacted and introduced in NZ. Judith Collins called it ‘two systems by stealth’.  The reason for all the fuss is the perceived obfuscation of the report – despite being received by then minister for Māori Development, Nanaia Mahuta, in 2019, it hasn’t been released by cabinet and is only circulating now after it was released under OIA last month. Since then, National Party leader Judith Collins has used it to stoke fears over separatism, claiming it will create “two systems by stealth”.

The National Party in 2009 agreed to the UNDRIP, rationalising that its non-binding, it could not undermine any NZ policy or legislation.  WRONG.

Te Puni Koriki recommends among other things :- Maori Court System, Health System. Upper House Parliament, Protection of Maori Seats in Parliament and Maori Wards, Compulsory Maori language and Maori History in Schools, Joint Governance Bodies across ALL Govt Agencies. Strengthening the legal recognition of Te Tiri o Waitangi by entering it into NZ Law

DEFINING INDIGENOUS: ROOT WORD OF INDIGENOUS   The term ‘indigenous  ‘Having originated in and being produced, growing in, occurring in naturally in a particular region or environment. (innate, inborn)  Derived from the latin word ‘indigenus’. Old latin word ‘indu’ meaning ‘in’, ‘within’. ‘gignere’ meaning ‘to beget’ from the root ‘gene’ meaning ‘to produce, give birth, beget’.  The term ‘Indigenous’ is very difficult to define. It’s confusing because most people in the world are “indigenous” to their countries in the sense of having been born in them, being descended from people who were born in them.


