UN Press reported 9th August 2023 that ISIL known as Daesh and its affiliates are exploiting conflict and non-conflicted frailties worldwide. Exploiting, fueling extremism. This message went out all ALL UN Nation States Governments. This being the 17th report referring to Daesh exploiting conflict dynamics and governance frailty, also refers to frailty during the times of the COVID19 pandemic restrictions. (UN Ref: S/2022/576),

The ISIL strategy as people as populations are mandated, severely restricted, denied basic human rights the ISIL strategy using overlapping global challenges of crisis catalyzing and spreading of terrorism, the violent extremism of Daesh as Authoritarian governments target conservatism, Christianity character assassinating them as Right Wing Extremists, White Supremacists even with brown skinned faces ISIL busy using this as their global terrorist campaign.

The UN Post documented the UN Document being Daesh S/2022/576 The exploring of conflict dynamics, governance fragilities, rating a plan and organizing terrorist attacks, controlling the flow of funds to enable Daesh short and long term ambitions.

Referencing Daesh financial action taskforce to finance terrorism, violent extremism and the emergence of the global pandemic, using this to their advantage. Exploiting trade, human trafficking, natural resources as to terrorism financing the Un called for a ‘ALL of UN Approach’ as to the threat of Jihad growing day by day. (UN Security Council)

Daesh ISIS, Al Qaida and Taliban connections REFERRING TO Congo and Mozambique being ‘Human Slaughter Houses’,  mobilizing finance to Daesh only 5 geopolitical regions on the African continent unaffected. ISIS connection throughout Africa as they illicit gold mining. Investigating journalists reporting that 6 billion Rand financing Daesh and their associates often unaccountable for their evil crimes.

UN 12th August 2023 threat of Daesh ISIL UN Resolution 2253 UN Security Council Daesh and their militia strategy a strategic threat updated from the previous 4 months Resolution 2610 Security Council to provide 6 monthly reports on the gravity of the threat of Daesh in International space and security efforts for UN Member States in countering the threat

The 17th UN Security Council Report was proposed by the Analytical Support & Sanctions Monitoring Team which was originally established this reporting  by the UN Security Council in  2004 which was Resolution 1526 as to Global Terrorism Coordination Compact Entities.

Documenting that the first half of 2023 threat posed to International Peace and Security by Daesh and associates remained high in conflict and non conflict areas as being a long standing threat- AS NZ’S AUTHORITARIAN STATE TARGET CHRISTIANS AND CONSERVATIVES THEY MUST HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THIS REPORT AS ALL UN NATION GOVERNMENTS WERE.


THE ROYAL INQUIRY INTO THE CHRISTCHURCH ATTACKS. DOCUMENT 15 Community Questions to the Royal Commission of Inquiry. Reports that the Muslim Community in Christchurch up to 5 years prior to the day of 15th March 2019 they were fearful of Daesh Attacks during Ramadan.

Daesh Attacks, ISIS were full on in Turkey when Tarrant visited their on several occasions and even prolonged his visit there, yet Tourists agencies were warning westerners about the real dangers there for them. Did not stop Tarrant though. Tarrant also visited Pakistan,  Iceland, Poland and Ukraine  and even North Korea.

Turkey was known as the multi billion tourist industry target for ISIL, Daesh. Tourist agencies warning of kidnapping, blood soaked mayhem, suicide bombings, car hijacking (Reported by Wilson Centre) And the kidnapping of westernized citizens. But obviously Tarrant was OK, undisturbed with that and visited their multiple times. This must be a red flag

We should be concerned that NZ SIS/Police had a tabletop exercise in October 2018 as to a lone world attack on the very same mosque as Tarrant attacked.

REFERENCE IS MADE TO:- The Lowry Institute Report refers to the Khayat Brothers that were on trial in Australia for an alleged attempt to bomb an aircraft on behalf of ISIS, had a brother fighting for ISIS and two nephews killed fighting for ISIS in Syria but there was nothing in their activities, nor history that placed them on the watchlist


I have no need to even try to view Tarrant’s manifesto, not interested the red flags are enough for me and the UN Global Report to UN Nations States as to the high threat to UN Nations of Daesh, ISIL and their associates.



https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14995.doc.htm )

https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/five-questions-about-christchurch-attack )  (Washington Post 16th March 2019)


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July 2021 there was a review of the senior school curriculum. Seven University professors known as the ‘Listener Seven’ published a letter in the Listener Magazine titled ‘In Defence of Science’, this caused quite a lot of negative criticism as it claimed that ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ (Matauranga Maori) falls far short of what is defined as Science. February 2020 the NZ Cabinet proposed changes to NS Senior School curriculum, this being describe as ‘Maori Pathways’. Seven University Professors including Elizabeth Rata penned a letter that was published in the 31st July issue of the NZ Listener publication that expressed disagreement with two reports assertions. That science has been used to support the domination of Euro-centric views including colonialism and the suppression of Maori knowledge, and that the notion science is a Western European invention and that in itself evidence of domination over Maori and Indigenous People.

The response to this was argued “that science was universal to humanity with origins in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and India. Saying that science is not a tool of colonialism. They alleged that placing indigenous knowledge on the same level of science would patronise and fail indigenous populations. Instead, they proposed ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to participate in the world’s scientific enterprises. However the University was not happy with this saying that the view Matauranga Maori must be protected and only be transmitted by Maori as to the principles of Universities and the Royal Society. A Massey University Chemistry Professor criticized the Royal Society as being shameful in its investigations referring to the Listener Magazine articles, and urged there be open debate and discussion  on the subject of Matauranga Maori and Science.

NZ Free Speech Union spokesman Jonathan Ayling argued that the pursuit of science depends on free speech and accused the Royal Society of “abandoning its own heritage and tradition of academic freedom”. On 11 March 2022, the Royal Society published the decision of its Initial Investigation Panel, which concluded that the “complaints should not proceed to a Complaints Determination Committee” on the basis of clause 6.4(i) of the Complaints Procedures: “the complaint is not amenable to resolution by a Complaint Determination Committee, including by reason of its demanding the open-ended evaluation of contentious expert opinion or of contested scientific evidence amongst researchers and scholars”. The Auckland University Vice Chancellor Dawn Freshwater when referring to calling Matauranga Maori not akin to science said ” this caused considerable hurt and dismay among staff, students and alumni” and that the institution has respect for Matauranga Maori as a valuable knowledge system, that it is not at odds with western empirical science and does not need to compete”. The Tertiary Education Union (TEU) that represents academics eg professors, released a statement saying they ‘neglected to engage with or mention the many highly accomplished scholars and scientists in Aotearoa who have sought to reconcile notions of science, mātauranga Māori, and Māori in science.’

The Royal Society Te Apārangi released a statement saying “The Society strongly upholds the value of mātauranga Māori and rejects the narrow and outmoded definition of science outlined. The NZ Association of Scientists eleased a statement saying “we were dismayed to see a number of prominent academics publicly questioning the value of mātauranga to science”. Tara McAllister said “Māori were the first scientists in Aotearoa.’ Tina Ngata said “this is a true testament as to how racism is harbored and fostered within NZ Academia”. In July 2021 the Auckland University Professors Shaun Hendy and Associate Prof., Siouxsie Wiles penned an open letter expressing disagreement as to the views expressed by the ‘Listener Seven’ which included Elizabeth Rata and six other professional experts. They argued that indigenous knowledge is compatibly with western understandings of the scientific method, that Matauranga Maori is unique, complements western knowledge systems. They also added that ” the diminishing role of indigenous knowledge in science was “simply another tool for exclusion and exploitation”. and its an ongoing role in perpetuating scientific racism that justify s colonization, that this is feeling mistrust of science”

National Party MP Paul Goldsmith stated “We should learn about Maori understandings of the world, but not at the expense of our expertise in what the rest of the world call science.” Auckland University of Technology of Environmental Science professor Lindsay White and University of Auckland Professor Brian Boyd published a joint letter on the website ‘Newsroom’ defending the co-authors of the Listener letter from accusations of racism and urging universities and the Royal Society to uphold academic freedom and scientific inquiry. In December 2021 University of Auckland Vice Chancellor Dawn Freshwater announced there woulkd  be a symposium held early in 2022 to discuss, debate the relationship between Matauranga Maoori and Science, where viewpoints could be heard and discussed as a commitment to academic freedom of speech, however in March 2022 a spokesperson for the University confirmed that the symposium had been delayed.

At the end of March 2022 73 Royal Society fellows signed a motion of ‘no confidence’ in the Society over its treatment of the Listener Seven which included Elizabeth Rata.

Finally, the issue of addition of Mātauranga Māori to the science curriculum in New Zealand, and a more general exploration of the issue of intrusion of ideology into scientific institutions, was discussed in a paper by Abbot et al. entitled “In Defense of Merit in Science”, published in April 2023 in the Journal of Controversial Ideas

RESEARCHER: Cassie (Carol Sakey)



Are we living in are globalist coup effectuated a wealthy powerful international elitists that are ambitiously determined to control all of humanity, executed by various International instruments, regulations, restrictions, controls and policies. Time and time again I hear leaders of UN Nation States, Christopher Luxon since becoming the leader of NZs  governing Coalition Party eluding to the International Rules Based Order. As an avid researcher my curiosity got the better of me as I asked myself “Is there a difference between International Law and the International Rules Based Order, if there is then what is it and what does it mean”?

My research led me to the following:-The International Rules Based Order ignores ‘Human Rights Laws”. That China’s Communist Government want their own ‘International Rules Based Order”

There are double standards when it comes to Human Rights however the Universal Declaration of Human Rights insists that the Rules Based International System must be founded on Human Right and applied to everyone, everywhere. Ever since UN’s creation there has been inadequate to say the least response to Human Rights violations that has taken place all around the world. Since the beginning of 2020 these have been massively violated mandating populations to become human lab rats, the injecting of experimental substances into the arms of babies, from the cradle to the grave. (IA 2030 leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age’. The huge weaponizing of freedom of thought, opinion, speech, the tracing, tracking of civilians worldwide, building up a treasure trove  personal digital information, described as ‘Digital Governance’  (Digital Surveillance and Digital Censorship equates to a top down global  totalitarian Digital Regime .

Revolutionary Leftist Socialist minority groups hamstrung by demanded that they have self determining rights that the rest of the population must cede their self determining rights.. The global powerful International Rules Based Order that sparks fear into the minds of populations globally to obtain the Future they Want, this future is called ‘The wonderful world of Utopia, where we are all told time and time again ‘For the Common Good Of All’. Our Common Future, the communist global manifesto. Our Common Future includes everyone has exactly the same wants, beliefs, hopes etc., that peoples lifestyles are determined in in exactly the same way, the destruction of individual thoughts, individual lifestyles this is global Totalitarian Top Down Tyranny. (A Global Communist Regime controlling everyone, everything on this planet)

Hypocrisy and staggering double standards were UN Nation States cannot criticize human rights violations just because their interests are at stake. This has happened in NZ when the ACT Party put a motion into the House (Parliament)., calling China out on Genocide. In the end other parties were more worried about their relationship with China so took out the word Genocide and softened the content within the motion. (This quite simply explains how the International Rules Based Order works)  UN Member State Governments fail to put their heads above the parapet to take a stand against Human Rights Violations even when it comes to millions being tortured, imprisoned and murdered. No wonder within the parameters of UN States themselves Human Rights Abuses continue to happen.  All that this International Rules Based Order can use as an excuse is ‘Blame Colonization’. Wake up the whole world has been colonized by different cultures, ethnicities, tribes etc.,  Whats the real reason? Of course its globalized Citizenship a One World International Order to rule, order the populations of the world.

Time and time again they voice its all about race, I disagree, if they can find an excuse they will use it. Its all about divide, conquer and the victim approach, the blame and shame game. Destroy westernization destroy the family destroy your personal identity, destroy sovereign nations, mass migration dilute traditional sovereign nations, destroy Christianity, destroy motherhood and fatherhood replace XX and XY with LGBTQ1+ 120 or more gender ideologies. Replace Science and Biology with Ideology  and dramatic theatre. UN Nation States Governments have jumped on board with this, hence we have an uncontrollable corrupted insane world. Corrupt, disruptive Woke institutions that are fully funded and promoted by Human Rights Commissions. The Rules based order is seen as a concept developed by political scientists and politicians that does not take into fall account International Law

The International Rules Based System makes no attempt to proclaim a legal order with defined rules and law making. It is an alternative regime outside that of the discipline of International Law which actually threatens individuals rights, instead works for the revolutionary collective minority groups. Political scientists often study elites, who seek to acquire and to maintain power by invoking and manipulating international law to suit their own individual interests, they fit nicely under that of which I call an International Rules Based System.

International Law is the independent good for all citizens of the world promotes individualism (individual human rights) Where each of us all have self determining rights. Freedom of speech is where any sort of voiced opinion criticism lies in the ears of the beholders not controlled by a top down totalitarian regime. The Rules and Principles of International Law are universally accepted principles of international law include the following: that a state will respect the sovereign equality of all states; that a state will refrain from the threat or use of force against another state except in self-defence; and that states will settle their dispute by peaceful means. The ultimate basis of international obligation, for sociological jurists, is the society itself. They contend that social necessities provide not only the origin, but also the basis and the validating criterion of law

International Law is premised on the values of the internal community enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. The  deliberate ignorance to condoning of massive Human Rights Violations fits under the International Rules Based System where genocidal communist regimes and socialist leftist are protected, where corrupt feet of the WEF C EO’s have their feet under the table of the UN which I personally believe is the International Rules Based System. The International Rules based System has been described as “nothing but a tool for a select group of  global elitists, for selective countries to advance their own exploitive ambitions. Under the International Rules Based Order there is an overarching authority enforcement authority that often goes completely unchallenged. UN Nation States Government sign the citizens of the country up to UN Treaties, Agreements without any consideration as to what the majority population want or do not want, this goes unchallenged, the collaboration of an International Rules Based System (Order)

The ultimate basis of international obligation, for sociological jurists, is the society itself. They contend that social necessities provide not only the origin, but also the basis and the validating criterion of law. “China exhibits a flexible approach to international law that enables it to benefit from and exploit the international order without the need to advocate changes to the letter of the law in most areas”. But China wants it own International Rules Based Order

RESEARCHER: Carol Sakey (Cassie)




Email sent to ACT, National and NZ First leaders of the Coalition Government. (6th June 2024)

I must start this email by requesting information as to why the PFLP the Popular Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine has not been designated as a Terrorist Group by the Cabinet. I not recently HAMAS has nor been documented as a Designated Terrorist Group by thee three party coalition, why this was not done sooner is questionable.

Canada, Uk, Australia, Japan, EU, US and other countries have documented that they have designated the PFLP as a Terrorist Group, but New Zealand Government has not.. I questions :- (1)Why is the PFLP terrorist group not designated as a terrorist group by NZ Govt  (2) Will the NZ Government be joining other countries in Designating the PFLP as a Terrorist Group?  (3) If the NZ Government choose not to designate the PFLP as a Designated Terrorist Group – Why Not??

The PFLP and the PLJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and other Palestinian Terrorist groups have posted video’s and photo’s claiming they participated in the 7th October horrific attacks on Israeli citizens on Israel’s soil. It is clearly evidential by many articles written by main stream news, published in the UN News, by the BBC etc., that the PFLP  participated in the hijacking of commercial airlines in the 1960’s, 1970’s. Kidnapped and have murdered airline passenger and blown up at least one commercial airliner. A significant leader of these airline hijacks in PFLP Terrorist is Leila Khled. This is well evidenced and published worldwide.

The PFLP has been reported over several decades of shootings, bombings, using children as war weapons, having guns, ground to air rockets and other explosive devices including suicide vests. PFLP attacked worshippers in a synagogue have not only murdered Israeli citizens but also American civilians.  Have been involved in the collaboration with other Palestinian terrorist groups including HAMAS.

The main reason for bringing this to your attention is because I recently read a news article authored by Chris Lynch Media published in the Otago Daily Times 10th April 2024 that references the concern as to the Canterbury Socialist Society hosting meetings that support, promote the PFLP  for New Zealanders to form a solidarity with the Terrorist Group. This was described in the news article as “Canterbury Socialist Society are under fire for hosting a public campaign for a terrorist organization, namely the PFLP. Clearly because the PFLP is not a Designated Terrorist Group named by the Cabinet they are freely without being scrutinized by the police making use of this, whereas in other countries such as those whom have designated the PFLP as a Terrorist Group police may come down hard on them, stop them from raising a solidarity campaign in their country for a terrorist group such as PFLP

At least two members of the defunct Workers Socialist Party of Christchurch have established the Canterbury Socialist Society they are Paul Hopkinson and John Edmunds. It is evidential that the Workers Socialist Party namely ‘Fightback’ published in their Spark Magazine co edited by far left Socialist Byron Clark were advertising Tee Shirts clearly stating the profits of these tee shirts would be sent directly to the PFLP. It was announced they had raised $1,000 from the sale of the Tee Shirts that were blazoned with ‘Resistance is Not Terrorism’ would be sent to the PFLP.  Obviously the campaign to support PFLP is now continuing. The Jewish Council have voiced concern about Israeli’s in Christchurch and other communities and for New Zealand as a whole as to the meetings hosted by the Canterbury Socialist Party.

Its obvious that Byron Clark a significant person- co editor of Workers Socialist Party publications that supported the funding, supporting of the PFLP past Solidarity campaigns will not want to be scrutinized as he has been busy since 2018 publicly character assassinating law abiding citizens those that have objected to the last government insane political narratives. He claims himself to be an experts on alt right, right wing extremism. Since the three particle coalition came into power he is now running workshops online targeting any individuals, groups that oppose the climate zealots. Opening coal mines the three party initiative will not be pleasing for Byron Clark. For anyone whom support this governments initiative will be highly targeted. Clark authors some of the mainstream media articles. Is involved with Massey University  speeches. . The defunct Workers  Socialist Party played a role in the so called ‘Queering of Schools in New Zealand’. The Queer our Schools campaign in October 2011 organized by the Wellington ‘Queer Avengers’. (The ‘Spark’ Workers Socialist Party publication Issue No 237 published by the workers Socialist Party co editor Byron Clark)

A poster inviting citizens to the Canterbury Socialist Society’s hosted meeting , an open invitation to the PFLP Palestinian Solidarity Campaign launch on Facebook with a poster of the PFLP Airline Hijacker Leila Khled. One poster ‘Resistance is Not Terrorism’. Previously those members of the Workers Socialist Party Paul Hopkinson and John Edmundson whom are speakers  at the events hosted by the Canterbury Socialist Society have shown a documentary embracing, promoting  Leila Khled as the PFLP Poster Girl.

I conclude that the main point I am wanting you to take into serious consideration from all the information I have outlines is that there are far left socialist entities at play in New Zealand, the main one being the Canterbury Socialist Party that are gathering support among New Zealanders to form solidarity with a well recognized Palestinian murderous terrorist organization that the Cabinet have not recognized officially as a Terrorist Organization, this I believe is giving this Socialist Organization the ability to expand its activism within New Zealand to cause unrest, civil discontent putting Israeli’s living in New Zealand at risk and other community members.

Everyday since the attack on Israel 7th October 2023 we see through global news outlets how huge rebellious activities are happening pro Palestine, pro Hamas and pro ‘From the River To The Sea’. Surely it makes sense to stop any such promoting of a campaign of solidarity for a designated terrorist group, the PFLP in NZ, before this too gets out of hand. My request is at the Cabinet take my email into consideration as to designating the PFLP as a terrorist organization at your earliest as other countries have.

I thank you in anticipation as I await your response

Carol Sakey (Concerned New Zealand Citizen)




Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 was originally titled ‘Our Common Future’, the planning of societal change takes place decades before the public see any signs of the implementation, by this time it is being sold to them in the form of a benefit’.  The future we will all have in common. The planning of economic and societal transformation, this has taken decades now the public can see this for themselves, but sadly many people still put their heads in the sand, completely ignore it to the detriment of this generation and future generations to come. This is the blueprint to control all our basic needs to survive, water, plants, human, animals- wild and domestic under the concept of what is called a ‘One Health Approach’ which is already embedded in the International Rules Based Order.  (Control of the whole Ecosystem) This is a recipe for destruction in every country village, township, city, region worldwide. This is a massive public relations scam that’s happening worldwide for ‘No-one to be left behind, everyone, everywhere at every age’. Right now the International Rules Based Order is implementing a plan called ‘De-growth’. This is the New Normal, the Great Reset the transformation for the 21st Century and beyond for the so called common good of all. Restrictions, mandates, isolation, controlling mechanisms for the common good of all. The Great Reset must be the peoples Great Resist if we are to survive with all our dignity intact.

The Global Agenda for the 21st Century is an inventory and control plan of what energy you take in and what goes out, monitoring measuring cities, targeting humans, you are the carbon they want to restrict- control- deplete, as populations are moved into these ever increasing highly dense cities. Diluting traditions, cultures of individual nations by way of implementing mass migration from developing countries. The dangerous path to Globalized Citizenship. The restricting of mobility, being easily monitored and controlled. Violating private property rights, parental rights. The reducing of consumption, usage- degrowth. The takeover of the Sovereign Nation State. This is the mapping of the ‘End Game’, the implementation of unelected global actors, global dictatorship of totalitarian sociopaths all at citizens, peoples, populations expense worldwide. Remove Human Activity from the Rural Areas these are to be called ‘wild lands, they use “concern for extreme population projection’.

UNEP, UN Environmental Programme, UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) is also known as the ‘Earth Summit’ held in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in June 1992. This was the largest summit ever, it focused on the global socioeconomic activities and how they were predicted to have an effect on the environment. Climate doomism being caused by human activity, this was a way that worldwide influential leaders could come together, policymakers, diplomats, CEO’s, Scientists and of course the global propaganda machine Government leaders and NGO’s, representatives of 176 States and territories. Several UN organizations and specialized agencies, 35 intergovernmental organization and 1500 plusnon-governmental organizations. This coincided with the World Environment Day the 5th June. Environmentalism  (Eco-socialism) was about to spread worldwide. A Global governance of Eco Socialism. The International environmental Treaty, the power and influence over international systems worldwide as a whole.. Political, Economical, Environmental  Global Governance. The Brundtland Report established the coined phrase  ‘Sustainable Development’. The plan at the time was transforming modern society, it cultural, economic, political and scientific components it was reported ‘ this is in order to tackle dramatic environmental destruction’. The World Commission on Environment and Development ‘Our Common Future (1987) is titled ‘A GLOBAL AGENDA FOR CHANGE’ (The Brundtland Report) .. chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister  Gro-Harlem Brundtland This included the role of the International economy, food security and monitoring, Sustainable Development Towards Common Action  Our Common Future, From One Earth to One World  (The UN World Commission on Environment and Development)

Sustainable Development Towards Common Action. The calling  for a common endeavor and for new norms of behavior at all levels and in the interests of all. The changes in attitudes, in social values, and in aspirations that the report urges will depend on vast campaigns of education, debate and public participation. To this end, we appeal to “citizens” groups, to non governmental organizations, to educational institutions, and to the scientific community. They have all played indispensable roles in the creation of public awareness and political change in the past. They will play a crucial part in putting the world onto sustainable development paths, in laying the groundwork for Our Common Future. The process that produced this unanimous report proven that it is possible to join forces, to identify common goals, and to agree on common action. Governments, individually and collectively, have the principal responsibility to do this. UNEP’s Earthwatch programme should be the centre of leadership in the UN system on risk assessment 95. However, given the politically sensitive nature of many of the most critical risks, there is also a need for an independent but complementary capacity to assess and report on critical global risks. A new international programme for cooperation among largely non-governmental organizations, scientific bodies, and industry groups should therefore be established for this purpose. 4.4 Making Informed Choices 96. Making the difficult choices involved in achieving sustainable development will depend on the widespread support and involvement of an informed public and of NGOs, the scientific community, and industry. Their rights, roles and participation in development planning, decision-making, and project implementation should be expanded. 4.5 Providing the Legal Means 97. National and international law is being rapidly outdistanced by the accelerating pace and expanding scale of impacts on the ecological basis of development

Jacinda Ardern and the Earth watch Program and her leadership of the International Socialist Youth. Just a segment of our so called ‘Our Common Future’ under the regime of a One World Stakeholder Governance of Eco Socialism. The art of looking for trouble and finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly applying the wrong remedies, battling ideologies instead of working alongside uncertainties of science, and XX and XY of biology that has been insanely replaced by the Wokeism of  120 or more gender ideologies and throw in a few cat and dog human ideological agenda too.  Progressive global geopolitics,  sharing of variants of pathogen, the global human laboratory of lab rats worldwide. Bio-Digital Convergence and digital control where all people worldwide have digital identities to create a global utopia. Our so called Common Future is governed by a Communist top down global regime.


5987our-common-future.pdf (un.org)
