OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT 1982- REQUEST TO THE NZ DEFENCE FORCE – WELLINGTON OIA 2023-4687 24th April 2023 Reference: Accreditation as a Rainbow Tick Employer. What are the costs involved in maintaining this certification. What are the upfront costs for becoming Rainbow Tick accredited


New Zealand Defence Force is Rainbow tick certified.. For the 2018/19 financial year, the programme fee was $10, 000. Subsequently, the fee has been $12,000 per annum and has been paid to 30 June 2023. The contract was renewed for one year in 2022 for one year to 30 June 2023 under the same conditions . NZ Defence Force took out the Top Spot Award at the Rainbow Excellence Awards for continuous progress in relation to the inclusion of Rainbow Communities. The Defence Force was also reaccredited the Rainbow Tick, rolled out training workshops with Pride Pledge, and supported the Big Gay Out event. The Military steps up for the LBBTQ + Community  (Human Resources Director. Ref Diversity Inclusion) 7th July 2023.

A  Deloitte report stated in 2023 that the NZ Defence Force is prioritizing LGBTQ1+ Inclusiveness and Diversity. In 2013 the NZ Defence Force at the Hague Centre were reported to be the most ‘Inclusive’ military in the world. NZ Defence Force started working for the LGBTQ community in 2009. They established an LGBTQ1+ Group which quickly gained traction, this expanded to the Navy, Army and NZFF Civilian workforce. In 2012 the ‘Overwatch Network’ was formed establishing support for LGBTQ+ community within the NZDF.  Marching in Pride Marches since 2013. Gaining the Rainbow Tick in 2019 completing the Diversity and Inclusion Assessment process. Then they won the Rainbow Inclusion Awards in 2021. The NZ Defence Force published a comprehensive 33 Page Document referring to NZDF support of the Rainbow community.

NOTE: As a researcher I personally believe that Diversity Equity Inclusion DEI is a very dangerous slippery slope that is massively embedded in NZ Industries, Military, Local and Central Govts, NGO’s, Schools, Universities. This is where the ‘demon -cancel culture lives’

Rainbow Tick helps boost DEI efforts

NZDF gained the Rainbow Tick in 2019 — a certification mark for organization’s that complete a Diversity & Inclusion assessment process

NZDF then published a comprehensive 33-page document that touched on every level of the organization and outlined what each person could do to support rainbow inclusion – from leadership to the newest recruit walking through the gate – and the force’s work won them a gong at the Rainbow Inclusion Awards in 2021.


I refer to your email of 4 April 2023 requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), information about New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) accreditation as a Rainbow Tick employer.

This is a request for official information under the Official Information Act 1982 relating to accreditations that the force has received. We request information that answers the following questions: -How long has the force been affiliated with or accredited as a ‘Rainbow Tick’ employer? –

What are the costs that are involved with maintaining this certification? – What were the upfront costs for becoming accredited? – Please provide copy of any contracts signed any other applicable conditions or criteria your agency must abide by as part of accreditation. The NZDF has held Rainbow Tick accreditation since 2019. There were no ‘up-front’ costs to join the Rainbow Tick programme. For the 2018/19 financial year, the programme fee was $10, 000. Subsequently, the fee has been $12,000 per annum and has been paid to 30 June 2023. Enclosed is a copy of the agreement between Rainbow Tick and the NZDF that was signed in November 2020. Redactions have been made in accordance with section 9(2)(a) ofthe OIA to protect the privacy of individuals. The contract was renewed for one year in 2022 for one year to 30 June 2023 under the same conditions. You have the right, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to ask an Ombudsman to review this response to your request. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602. Responses to official information requests are proactively released where possible. This response to your request will be published shortly on the NZDF website, with your personal information removed . Yours sincerely AJ WOODS Air Commodore Chief of Staff HQNZDF Enclosure:-

  1. Signed agreement between Rainbow Tick and NZDF, November 2020 Released under the Official Information Act 1982 RAINBOW TICK TRAINING AND EVALUATION AGREEMENT 1. Main Terms of Agreement Our name and address: Your name and address: RAINBOW TICK j Kahui Tu Kaha Limited Level 1, 650 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland PO Box 74270, Greenlane 1051 New Zealand Defence Force Defence House 34 Bowen St Thorndon Wellington Rainbow Tick Programme: Two Year Prgoramme FTE Number —,. ……….. thla .. . .. I Commencement Date: I July 12019 I Completion Date: \ ) I Programme Fee: Our representative: Client Representative
  2. Definitions I July 12021 I Per annum $ 12,000 (+GST) Julie Watson Programme Manager Rainbow Tick Mobile: s.9(2}{i}l Name: Dean Pascoe Email: Ph: Phone: [5.9(2)\i)-. —————–2.1 In this Agreement, except where stated otherwise, the following words shall have the following meanings: (a) Client Representative means the person appointed by you as your principal point of contact w ith authority to give us instructi 9. Intellectual Property Ownership ~–~——–~~———————

9.1 You: 9.1.1 Acknowledge that we are the owner of the Intellectual Property and nothing in this Agreement shall transfer ownership to you; 9.1.2 Shall not during this Agreement or at any future time register or use any of the Intellectual Property in your own name as proprietor; 9.1.

3 Recognize our title to the Intellectual Property and shall not claim any right, title or interest in the Intellectual Property or any part of it except where granted by this Agreement. 9.2 The Rainbow Resources are provided to you in order to assist you to create a workplace that is a safe and inclusive place for people of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation. You shall use the Rainbow Resources only for the purposes for which they were provided and not provide, directly or indirectly, the Rainbow Resources to any third party except with our prior written consent. 9.3 Upon being awarded Rainbow Tick Certification in accordance with clauses 5.2 and 5.

4 we will grant you a royalty free licence to use the Rainbow Tick in the following manner: 9.3.1 In conjunction with any job advertising carried out by you; 9.3.2 As part of any organizational or business promotion intended to promote your workplace as a safe and inclusive place for people of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation. 9.4 Your use of the Rainbow Tick is subject to the following conditions: 9.4.1 The Rainbow Tick shall not be adapted or modified except with our consent; 9.4.2 You agree to cease using the Rainbow Tick for any particular purpose where we consider in our so le discretion that the use of the Rainbow Tick is inappropriate or brings the Rainbow Tick into disrepute; 9.4.3 You shall not assign the benefit of Rainbow Tick Certification or grant any sub-licenses except with our express written consent; 9.4.4 You shall immediately cease using the Rainbow Tick upon the expiration of the licence granted under clause 5.2. 9.

5 Upon completion of a Rainbow Tick Evaluation Report and payment of the Programme Fee, we agree to transfer the copyright in that report to you subject to your agreement to permit us to use the data comprised in the Rainbow Tick Evaluation Report for research, analysis, and marketing purposes providing that we do not identify any individuals or you in such research, analysis, or marketing except with your express consent. Released under the Official Information Act 1982

10.1 This Agreement and any discussions leading to the execution of this Agreement shall remain confidential between us.

10.2 We acknowledge that you are a commercial concern. Except as required by law, we will treat as confidential all information which comes into our possession pursuant to or as a result of, or in the of this whether such information relates to your internal policies or otherwise, we will not, without your prior written permission, disclose any such information.

10.3 If we collect personal information about people employed by you, we will collect and hold that information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.

11.1 No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall in any event be of any effect, unless it is in writing, signed by both of us or, in the case of a waiver, by the party giving it.

12.1 This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between us; it supersedes any previous agreements and negotiations relating to your provision of services to us, and no other terms and conditions, express or implied, shall form part of the Agreement. 1

3.1 You may not sell, transfer, assign or sub-contract all or any part of your interests or obligations under this Agreement.

14.1 We acknowledge our intention that all questions or differences which may arise between us concerning this Agreement, its subject matter or interpretation, will be resolved amicably by negotiation

. 14.2 Where any question or difference is not resolved, either of us may require the dispute to be referred to mediation by giving notice to the other party setting out the nature of the mediation. Released under the Official Information Act 1982

14.3 We shall agree on the appointment of a mediator, but in the absence of agreement a mediator shall be appointed by AMINZ.

14.4 The costs of the mediation other than the parties’ legal costs will be borne equally by the parties, who w ill be jointly and severally liable to the mediator in respect of the mediator’s fees. 1


15.1 Neither party shall at any time take any steps to bring the reputation or good standing of the other party to this Agreement into disrepute. SIGNED BY: Barbara Browne {CEO) On behalf of Kahui Tli Kaha Limited s. )( ) Date: ( {1/ z.o SIGNED BY: Dean Pascoe On behalf of New Zealand Defence Force s.9(2)(a) Date: /7 V



(DEI) DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION Blog Posts View all Categories


“Where did all this diversity talk come from? I mean… I have never seen so many big companies and their CEOs putting up rainbow logos and statements.” And we all know that changing logos is a capital crime in the eyes of the corporate brand and marketing departments.  The Germany vs. Hungary game earlier this week at the European Football Championship (June 2021)

While the petition to illuminate the Munich Stadium with rainbow colors for the aforementioned game drew a lot of attention to the controversial new Hungarian legislation restricting LGBTQ+ rights, it also helped white, middle-aged men to finally have a voice about #diversity and #inclusion: football!

But the question of my friend got me thinking deeper about the origins of this massive surge in corporate social responsibility. So yes, the pandemic played a part – the year we all remember as transformational in many ways and while we all had our unique experiences, I don’t think there is anybody who had not reflected on the big questions of life while enduring social distancing and toilette paper shortages.

Subsequently, it catalyzed deep-rooted social issues in the USA, where the early phase of the COVID19 crisis was particularly devastating and gave rise to the “Black Lives Matter” movement. That also did not come from out of the blue, there were many building blocks up to this moment as a result of the long history of mistreatment and discrimination of the African-American community in the country. Also from other angles, like the anti-sexual harassment and violence “Me Too” movement of 2016, the discourse about human rights started to take center stage in the privileged, wealthy, western societies – both in governmental and private sectors alike.

What do all these initiatives have in common?

They all originate from the USA.

Don’t get me wrong, obviously it’s not the only country that has unequal social structures and problems with discrimination. But it’s the biggest, most-influential, most economically and politically powerful country that has the culture and the willingness to address these issues openly and loudly. And thus, in our global, capitalized economies it has an impact on European, Asian and African countries to some extent

In my opinion, this is the question that leads us to the true reason why diversity is so big now and not before. And to answer it, we have to go on a little time travel back to the second industrial revolution. When the German-born philosopher and social revolutionist Karl Marx published his iconic works “The communist Manifesto” and “Das Kapital”, it started the labour rights version of the “Me Too” movement in the late 19th century. Marx became stateless due to his views, but factory workers and other blue-collar members of society benefited from them greatly as they started to unionize and form collectives to fight for better labour conditions and rights. This socialist wave swept across Europe in the 20th century, deeply embedding itself into the political and social structures of many countries. Minimum wage, paid vacation days, paid maternity leave, universal healthcare and paid sick days – just to name a few of the achievements of the human and workers rights activists. Subsequently, workers councils formed inside big corporations to continue representing employee interests and keep checks and balances with profit-oriented productivity maximization.

Back to our days, when workers councils in Germany, France, The Netherlands and many other European countries are well-established and part of the corporate governance structures, they are seen as a bit old-fashioned entities that stand in the way of progress. But in fact, they are the refined and organized successors of the thousands of activists demonstrating and fighting for workers’ rights on the streets a century ago, much like what their American counterparts are doing in recent years related to adequate Black, Latinx, LGBTQ, Female rights and representation in all facets of society.

Employee Resource Group (ERG) is the term in the US for a group of people sharing similar values and interests, meeting regularly for peer-support and to advocate their agendas towards the employer. However, since socialism and unionization are among the scariest words in the dictionary for many American big corporations, they have a vested interest in preemptively forming and closely managing ERGs, thus continuously balancing on the thin rope between support and control.

And doing all this in a very American, loud, patriotic and inspiring way.

That’s why recently many big corporations have ERGs, Chief Diversity Officers as member of their Senior Leadership Teams and most of their Board Members are outspoken about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) topics in a form of emotional, often tear-jerking and personal stories.

It’s a country of Hollywood and the Land of Dreams, so no surprise that human and labour rights activism is not confined to the boring limits of court rooms and legislation bureaus. They say everything is bigger in America – so is the wave of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that is sweeping across the corporate world, and leaving many European businessmen, like my friend from Friday dinner, puzzled on why this is happening right now.

DE&I is in many ways a conversation about privilege that some of us are born with and others are not, yet it profoundly defines everything in our lifetimes – our socio-economic status, educational and career opportunities, health and life expectancy and family prospects. I have been blessed with many privileges in my life and after this conversation I realized I have another one: being European and – even more so – living and working in Germany, where the workers’ council of my employer is advocating for my rights so I can go and help those who don’t have this privilege.

And facilitate conversations about rainbow-colored buildings and football so everybody can find their role in the DE&I fight, as it is universal, it takes all of us and it never stops.




UNITE- UNITE – UNE: “Workers Unite” and “Workers of the World Unite” the rallying cries from The Communist Manifesto (1848) by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletariat aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!. Hence literally ‘Proletarians of ALL countries, UNITE ‘, popularized in English as “Workers of the World  UNITE”!

Marx said “Communists have been reproached for desiring to abolish the ‘right’ of acquiring ‘private property’ through the fruits of ones own labour”. That individualism must be swept out of the way, the abolition of ‘individuality’ and ‘freedom’.  Independence. That Communism does not seek to modify the truth, but to overthrow it. Communism abolishes external truths, abolishes all religion and  all morality

Marx believed that Individualism must be swept out of the way. The abolition of individuality and freedom, independence. Marx did not believe the truth existed. He wrote that the past dominates the present, the present dominates the past. The Communist Manifesto’ abolishes individual freedoms and rights.


Under the Communist Manifesto the private ownership of sovereign nation states ability to own property for stability the future of the family is attacked. Individual rights become that of the rights of the collective, which leads to oppression, economic stagnation.


Marxism – Socialism- Communism is built upon Revolution. Minority Revolutionary minority groups are increasingly aggressive , creating civil unrest.


DEI -Diversity Equity, Inclusion is deeply embedded in majority of industries, local, central govt and local government, military, police etc., of course including universities and academia.


Communism, Socialism Marxism is a brutal oppression that leads to economic stagnation.  The Marxist ‘Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Workers of the World UNITE’    Post era 2020 (COVID19 UNITE- UNITE AGAINST COVID) Implemented and financed by WEF  Klaus Schwab’s baby ‘Stakeholder Capitalism (Communism)






Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)  mask gives the message that DEI eliminates racism. The structured DEI Initiatives programs drag individuals down  if they are opposed to the group narrative of DEI. Thus imposing a Cancel Culture, to cancel individuals, other groups out by silencing them by censorship or self censorship. DEI wears a  mask of ‘morality’ claiming moral values, far from it the DEI structure incorporates immoral actions, behaviors, voices that actively target Christians, character assassinating law abiding citizens but calling them white  supremacists, debunking and targeting hetro sexual normality

DEI is ugly but on the surface appears to be a campaign of caring about minority groups whether it be race, gender, sexuality. DEI includes an aggressive toxicity which encumbers humiliating behavior’s that cause division, pays lip service to freedom of speech. DEI is a Trojan Horse attacks traditional values, morals and western culture. As in the Posy Parker Event ‘Stops Women from speaking out publicly’

DEI erodes trust destroys solidarity, individual freedom of thoughts. Using of misinformation, disinformation projects targeting those that do not agree with the DEI LGBTQ1+ Narratives and those of the Co-Governance agenda, Maori Sovereignty. LGBTQ1 and Black Lives Matter, Climate Alarmist Activists, Pro Palestinian hate Jews all a part and parcel of this DEI initiative of Identity Politics.. CRT Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory. Marxism, Cultural Marxism which is embraced by the Human Rights Commission and Global Human Rights partners worldwide.

DEI is an immoral hierarchy of oppressors and victims based on categories of race, gender, sexuality. The transgender Rainbow Community embracing 100 plus genders and sexualities.  The demanded determined dynamics of power and control over others corrupted by conscious and unconscious biases. DEI initiatives have mainstreamed the Status Quo as a dominant force in society, and in the workplace, universities, organizations, businesses, Central and Local Govt and even in many churches. In the military. Police and NZ Armed forces. NZ Defense Force DEI initiatives document ‘move away from hetro sexual normality .

But no government dept is challenging or even talking about these DEI Initiatives as they are all have bought into it. DEI Programme’s that cost $12,000  (June 2023) annually for workshops and DEI assessment for commercial and govt departments. 26th April 2022 Christopher Luxon (SpinOff News) stated he was committed to DEI Diversity, Inclusion- A National Roadmap to National Workplace policies. NZ Govt Public Services committed to the Rainbow Tick. The Rainbow Tick is a DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion Initiative with complete workshops and assessments.

3rd October 2023 NZ Defense Force takes out  Rainbow Community honor’s for their DEI Initiatives. A Supreme Award in their progressive commitment and support of the Rainbow community LGBTQ1 and 100 or so other genders and sexualities. NZ Defense Force hosted a Pride Defense Conference partnering the Pride Pledge rolling out training workshops, supporting Big Gay Out. Were re-credited with another Rainbow Tick.

 The most inclusive diverse military force in the world. The Vice Chief of the Defiance Force and the Vice Marshall of the NZ Defense Force represented the NDF at the Rainbow Excellence Awards in 2023. DEI initiatives documented in the NZ Defense Force DEI training, workshops include ‘move away from hetro-normality. NZ Defense Force first received the Rainbow tick in 2019 in 2020 published ‘The Rainbow Inclusion’ In 2021 increased their focus on DEI training across camps and bases.

DEI and the Rainbow Zebra Crossing painted over in K Road Auckland. Now Rainbow Pride want a special Restorative Justice- Offender- Victim (Oppressor-Victim) service available to take the offenders to account. Maybe the crossing should have painted on it a traditional family without all the rainbow colours. The Auckland Zoo gained a rainbow tick have they painted the zebra’s yet in rainbow stipes.?   Local – Central Govt have the DEI Rainbow tick, Auckland Museum have the rainbow tick. Imagine a Maori Tribal War canoes painted in rainbow stripes.

Human Rights Commission partner the Rainbow tick, and the Rainbow Community Refers to Vandalism of the Rainbow Crossing in K Road reported by Quack Pirihi and Bhenjamin Goodsir, restorative justice we have the right to hold our views, And so have the majority of people in NZ.  Is this Three Party Coalition going to rid New Zealand of these dangerous separatist revolutionary DEI initiatives??

We will never have peace and solidarity in NZ whilst these exists, and it exists throughout NZ. America is under attack for its DEI initiatives. There is a growing backlash amongst counties that implement DEI initiatives. Universities in Florida being stopped from spending money on DEI . Stop DEI save Free Speech is becoming a message on campuses in the States. Get rid of Wokeness, develop patriotic loyalty to your country.

Recognize individuals in the workplace for their skills, experience, qualification not the dominating factor of race, and gender, sexuality. In America Black Students teaching White students to hate white students. Promoting exclusion in a so called Inclusive Diversity structured education system. Just because the DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion sounds good does not mean it is good. DEI is a mask that hides an ugly face, erodes  individual freedoms, its toxic- Marxist, Culturally Marxist, Identity Politics, Critical Theory Critical Race Theory

DEI is an initiative where it leaves the country under attack by a leftist revolutionary minority disguised as a ‘plea for justice’ just like Mao Ze Dong in China’s Cultural Revolution for the modernizing of  peasant China by the purge of the highest leaders in the Chinese Communist Party. DEI promotors are not anti-racist, they are racist, programs of discrimination a forced design of wokeness.

 Like Mao Ze Dong Cultural Revolution that supports critical race theory and the implementing of fears to control the group steers people away from real political discussion into one of ideology now science and biology

DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion has raised its ugly head in Pro Palestine Hate Jews, Climate Change For School Protests vs Climate Skeptics, COVID vs Anti Vaxers, BLACK Lives Anti colonialism and Traditional Westernization, traditions, Christianity.  And Transgender LGBTQ1 and 100 plus fender and sexuality identity’s vs Hetro-normality and Christianity, traditional family.  (Rainbow Crossing VS Zebra Crossing)  RESTORE JUSTICE RID NEW ZEALAND OF DEI INIATIVES.  Until then there will be no peace within New Zealand borders.

Until world Institutions, Organization, Leader of Governments Internationally debunk Diversity Equity and Inclusion there will never be solitude or peace. The UN Global Compact promotes Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) throughout business operations. DEI is incorporated into United Nations Population Fund the standards of construct for International Civil Servants. The WEF corporate DEI embedded initiatives of Global Corporate Capture.

#MeToo. #BlackLivesMatter. #StopAAPIHate. These are just some of the recent movements that have compelled Americans to reflect on the social injustices that exist in our country today. The scrutiny on these social issues has trickled down to the professional world.. DEI has  now evolved into a core business function that large and small businesses alike. COVID19 effects on the worlds economy has effected a DEI imitative explosive growth. Mandatory programme’s that can be very controlling.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) anchor key considerations when designing and implementing climate change policies. Indigenous Communities more effected than westernized communities from floods, rising seas etc., COVID 19 Indigenous people more effected by COVID that westernized people. Oppressed and victims.


Your net zero, utopian future of degrowth civil unrest and many uncertainties, destroy humanity’s morality and rebuilt it a national, regional global platform. (DEI DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION) TOOLBOX- WEAPONARY

