The definition of Malthusianism Theory is that the human population grows more rapidly than the food supply until famines, war, disease reduces the population. More than two centuries ago (1798) Thomas Robert Malthus introduced this theory on ‘population growth’ He authored a book ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ where population growth if unchecked outstrips the food supply, leading to an imbalance between food and population growth
A ‘Malthusian Fear’ is otherwise known as a “Malthusian catastrophe” this includes ‘premature deaths like disease, hunger, war, epidemics, famines and other natural calamities. Checks and balances reinstate the balance between population and food supply. My mind wanders to the ‘left’, because I innately believe Ardern is capable of doing anything. In my minds I appears the words ‘Population Control’, excuse the pun but these words stick out like a pair of dog’s balls, because it sure has been a crazy insane world over the last couple of years.
Back in 1798 Malthus’s time, there was no advanced AI digital technology, not like now where probably 98% of New Zealanders would have no idea how these scientists, researchers in academia come up with their predicted, projected results that are called ‘evidence based’.
Evidence based is a system where a small favoured group of individual scientists, researchers are involved in a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’, which is simply just a trade off, a win- win situation, here is an example of what I am getting at:- The Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet favours a couple of university scientists, they by AI digital data modelling produce the information (evidence) the government needs to produce Bills, amend Acts and make Regulations. This has been highlighted more so since COVID19 hit New Zealand shores, this ginormous storybook is being played out across the world to reward self interested parties.
Note how when the pandemic’s first year time and time again there was this revisiting the history of the 1918 war, then Shaun Hendy publicised that there would be masses of deaths daily in New Zealand and the hospitals would be overwhelmed. One news article reported that undertakers in another country was running our of coffins, when I researched this found it to be a blatant lie, the coffin makers had actually gone on their long Christmas break and there was no shortage of coffins at all.
We await the food shortage we hear about. Marsden is closed which means it puts us in a more vulnerable place, however Marsden Point Oil Refinery also provided a by-product used as a reserve in meats, cheats and other foods hence now there is more talk about food shortages. On top of this Ardern plunders our country into further debt and disruption, I am sure her head is full of Zero Carbon because she certainly is obsessed with it as Nanaia Mahuta is with the ‘Three Waters Reform Plan’ hence ‘water on the brain’
Back to ‘Malthusianism’, Marxist Paul Ehrlich’s authored an educational textbook the ‘Population Bomb’ (1844) The book ‘The Population Bomb’ stated that in the 1970’s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death that nothing can be done to prevent the world’s death rate from rising. The solution would be ‘the world’s population must be bought under control, the growth rate must be reduced to zero’. To achieve growth rate zero, or negative it was suggested a sterilant could be used temporarily, put into water and food supplies, that monetary incentives be given to men who agreed to be sterilised before having two children and those that produce more children were taxed more. Sex selection was suggested and a much bigger plan would be to establish a Dept of Population and Environment to determine population size this would include research into population control. ‘Malthusianism’
Another Marxist named Engels wrote ‘The productive power of mankind’s disposal is immeasurable’ namely Malthusianism. The Marxist view is that overpopulation is ‘non-sustainable’. In the 1970’s and 1980’s it was predicted ‘due to over-population and major societal upheavals immediate action was advocated to limit population growth. Taking another step back in history, in the 1950’s and 1960’s there were fears of population explosion this became embedded in the minds of a worldwide audience, not surprising as Ehrlich’s book ‘Population Explosion’ sold 2 million copies worldwide.
Malthusianism bought environmentalism to be a front-runner for environmental issues worldwide. Population and environment collaborated ‘human number became debated and assessed as to our human future’. Large Malthusian organizations were established name The Club of Rome, The Club De Madrid, Club of Budapest and the Sierra Club, they focused on global issues such as environmentalism and population. Of course the United Nations have their Population and Environment which includes research and policies relating to population advice for all UN member countries. ‘Malthusianism’.
Neo‐Malthusian policies aimed at limiting family size have increased female infanticide and sex‐selective abortion in China and India, skewing the world’s sex ratio at birth to 107 boys per 100 girls. (The natural ratio is 105 boys per 100 girls.). In 2016 nine million abortions that took place in China. A 2019 report had similar findings: “Chinese authorities threatened or imposed punishments on families for illegal pregnancies and births, using methods including heavy fines, job termination, and abortion
Malthusianism is relevant for economic development today (Article 2010). Population and growth have two key components, a positive standard of living on the growth rate of population resulting either from a biological effect of consumption on birth and death rates, or a behavioural response on the part of potential parents to their economic circumstances eg; a negative feedback from the size of population to the standard of living.
The association of lower fertility with higher human capital investment via a quality–quantitative mechanism, and the effect of lower fertility in freeing up the labour for labour output production, in this instance the term ‘Malthusian’ is used. Hence the size of the population such as congestion of fixed resources.
In poorer countries like India and Africa parts of Asia ‘Malthusian’ effects are more likely to exist because poorer countries having the largest populations. Overpopulation in India has been a major concern for amost 5 decades. A UN report stated that India’s population will rise to 1.5 billion by 2050. Therefore in an effort to limit the growth of the population India is using mass sterilisation for population control. Sterilization also being used as a contraception.
The United Nations has been massively involved in population control. A conference held in August 1984 referencing the 1974 Bucharest Conference expanded the World’s Population Plan of Action in order to incorporate the results of their latest research, data provided by UN Member Nations Government.
REFERENCE TO: UN World Population Policies 2021 ‘Policies related to fertility’ has been produced by the ‘Population Division of the UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs’. This UN agency provides policies in economic, social and environmental spheres a global interface for UN Nation Member Countries.. The division is an interagency coordination mechanism to monitor trends and to address current and emerging population issues. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2021).- World Population Policies 2021 are related to fertility
My research refers to the UN 2021 World Population Police on Fertility. Globally through 2019 three quarters of governments worldwide had policies related to fertility. Among the 102 countries with available data in 2019, 88 governments considered the fertility of adolescents to be a matter of concern. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic and social changes have affected fertility levels in many countries, Population experts and national and international leaders began calling for action to stem rapid population growth (May, 2012). Two academic conferences on population, organized or co-organized by the United Nations, were held in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. The World Population Conference, held in Bucharest in 1974, was the first of three intergovernmental conferences on population convened by the United Nations. It attracted a broader audience than the earlier academic conferences, including government officials from 135 countries, and led to the adoption of the World Population Plan of Action. Some population policies, especially in past decades, included specific quantitative targets and were not entirely voluntary, sometimes using strong incentives or coercion to ensure widespread adoption of family planning practices and leading in the most extreme cases to the use of forced sterilization or abortion as means of population control.
In 1962, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to “conduct an inquiry among the governments of States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies concerning the particular problems confronting them as a result of the reciprocal action of economic development and population changes”.4 To implement this mandate, the Population Division, currently part of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, conducted the first United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development in 1963 and, since then, has periodically gathered information on official government’s views and policies concerning a wide range of population issues, including fertility and family planning.
During 2015-2020, four out of eight world regions had below-replacement fertility, namely Europe and Northern America, Australia and New Zealand, Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. New Zealand’s fertility rates. New Zealand’s population has decreased significantly during the last 10years. Fertility rate for women in 2011 was 2.078 . The fertility rate for women in 2022 in 2022 is recently 1.61.per woman. Please Note: Replacement population is 2.1. One must ask how the government is going to increase population numbers in New Zealand to meet the ‘population replacement’ rate?.
As for New Zealand’s Replacement pPopulation, I believe Ardern will accelerate ‘globalisation’, saturate the country with migrants, refugees from Afghanistan, Syria etc., hence diluting New Zealand’s sovereignty fast tracking ‘global citizenship’ in New Zealand.
UN Agenda 2030 17 global development goals includes extensive migration. During the UN Assembly the NZ representative at the UN recently informed the UN Assembly that the UN Global Compact of Migration would be entered into NZ Policy. Non-Binding UNGCM would hence become binding-lawful).
UN Agenda 2030 a non-binding agreement has already been made binding and lawful by Ardern. This is entrenched with multistakeholder capitalism. To destroy Free-market economy, small businesses and farming in New Zealand. Those that control the water and land also control the food hence ultimately control the people.
‘MALTHUSIANISM’ Whenever food supply increases, population rapidly grows to eliminate the abundance resulting in perpetual human suffering unless we control human population.
NOTE: Click on the image above it will link you to my Rumble Video which references Helen Clark, John Key, Jenny Shipley as the ‘Elephants that are still in the room’ – ‘Malthusianism’
Tuesday - July 19, 2022 - POPULATION CONTROL
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