Agenda 2030 and the SDG’s collaboration with the Indigenous Peoples worldwide including that of Iwi Elite in New Zealand. This incorporates a broad universal policy described as ‘integrated and indivisible’. An opportunity for ‘Our Land and our Water. October 2019 the publication of the ‘Journal Of Human Development and Capabilities.. authors M Li-Ming Yap and K Watene, this referred to the framework informed by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Policy relating to the UN Agenda Global Development Goals and Targets relating to Indigenous Peoples in Australia and New Zealand. Thus exploring how Indigenous communities are developing their own Agenda 2030 Indicators for national governance and goal setting. The UNDRIP was endorsed, implemented to drive the worldwide global agenda, reframe policy relating to Indigenous Peoples having their own UN Agenda 2030  indicators.

Watene is a lecturer in Philosophy at Massey University, researching contemporary political philosophy and development studies, with a commitment to Indigenous Philosophies and Development, a previous Research Fellow with the James Henare Maori Research Centre at Auckland University. In 2020 the rethinking of UN Agenda 2030 SDGs for the Artic Indigenous Peoples was described as ‘Reshaping SDGs in light of the ‘New Normal’. Prioritizing the relevance of the Arctic’s environmental and social systems that are interlinked to other parts of the globe. Thus referring to open dialogue with Artic Stakeholders engaging with equal partnership under the guidance of the Artic Indigenous Peoples. Adding five more global development goals to the 17 that already exist.

These being – Sustainable Governance and Indigenous Rights, Resilient Indigenous Societies, Livelihoods and Knowledge systems, Life on Ice and Permafrost, Equity and Equality in Access to Natural Resources, and Investment in Youth and Future Generations. The Indigenizing of the Artic with Agenda 2030 SDGs.. Global Development Goals.( Including the Artic in the Global Agenda). April 2018 Reference was made to ‘Agenda 2030 from the Artic Perspective’ an event at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and also ‘Indigenous Self-governance working alongside Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals’. February 2019 as UN SDG Agenda 2030 Indigenous Peoples workshop was held for member of the ‘Artic-FROST and Artic-COAST networks. The Aotearoa NZ Centre for Indigenous Peoples and the Law was established in 2017, this is a  centre hosted at the Faculty of Law Auckland University. Promotes student engagement in Indigenous issues, Indigenous Rights such as referred to in International organizations such as the UN.

The centre collaborates with other universities and international scholars that focus on Indigenous Peoples issues and training for judges on legal development relevant to Maori and Indigenous Peoples in advancing Indigenous rights legally. The centre also established the Indigenous Impact Programme in 2019, this is a legal education clinic where students gain first  hand experience of working with clients and on law reform, access to justice issues for Maori.

Auckland Council Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy refers to implementing indigenous biodiversity on council land, to conserve Indigenous Ecosystems and Sequences. Auckland Council Agenda 21 (UN) a plan to implement a principle of sustainable development, July 2012 Auckland Councils Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy. The Resource management Act (RMA) requires decision makers to take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. However I will add to this by stating that Principles and Partnership were not created in the original Māori version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Legislations and the Judicial created the Principles and Partnership in the 1980’s. The RMA decision makers must take into account the relationship of Maori and their culture, traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga, with particular regard to kaitiakitanga.

PLEASE NOTE: This document refers to ‘Biodiversity’ everywhere, considering all Auckland Councils activities and their decision making everywhere which includes public and private land, including peoples backyards in urban areas, parks and schools, farms, industrial sites, roadsides. It also includes aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity from forests, scrublands, wetlands, estuaries to coastal, intertidal, island marine biodiversity. With particular regard given to species and ecosystems that are unique to Auckland. Also exotic plants, animals are to be protected by Indigenous values. Auckland Council meeting 7th July 2022The Environment and Climate Change Committee referred to the Independent Maori Statutory Board who are appointed members of the committee (Information Auckland Council pdf 42 pages)


LINKS: An opportunity for ‘Our Land and Our Water’




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This is abhorrent, how harshly these survivors of Mount Alice have been so unjustly treated. The evidence of these horrific events on the 1970’s at Lake Alice have clear evidence, where children and teens were severely punished, tortured. 24/6/ 2023 RNZ reported how survivors are  angered some of these survivors are that not one person whom committed these inhumane notorious  crimes against children has ever been convicted. The High Court ordered a halt to court proceedings against a former charge nurse of Lake Alice Hospital, the only staff member to face prosecution, 91 year old Dempsey Corkran.


Survivors have needed professional services for rehabilitation, having unresolved mental health, emotional, physical and medical issues, health problems. Many struggling with personal and family relationships. They have been revictimized over the years through State agencies themselves. Some even living in cars and temporary accommodation. The Crown had worn down lawyers and only paid survivors a fraction. Even some ACC applications were refused


As Paul Zentveld stated “the government have an obligation to pay these survivors compensation for their sufferance under State care at Lake Alice Psych Unit for Children and Adolescents. Majority of these children had no mental health issue, but were reported have  behavioral issues. New Zealand signed the UN Torture Convention in 1947 therefore the survivors of Lake Alice must be given all the help they need.  The State have seriously, severely unjustly revictimized an retraumatized many of these survivors, have not judicially acknowledge that those that committed these crimes have been criminalized in a NZ Court of law


Please share this far and wide. What I heard and saw at the Lake Alice Exhibition was heart wrenching. As I followed up with much research I was even more appalled and horrified the way these children, adolescents were severely abused and tortured.





RNZ REPORTED yesterday 3rd April that 8,000 unj-abbed or partly Covid jabbed health workers were allowed to keep working. More than 5,000 of them worked for the District Health Boards. Data released to RNZ under the Official Information Act, shows health providers – including district health boards, GP clinics and home-help agencies – made 516 applications for exemptions to avoid Significant Service Disruptions of which 102 were granted.

Of the 8051 health workers covered by these exemptions between October 2021 and September 2022, more than 5000 were employed by district health boards.

Nearly half, 3935, were care and support workers – but the total also included 352 doctors (out of nearly 19,000 registered), 992 administration workers, 788 allied health professionals and 1984 nurses and midwives.

The Nurses Organization, which represents 60,000 plus nurses and midwives, noted those exempted were a tiny minority of the total health workforce.

Whilst NZ Citizens who chose not to be jabbed were character assassinated, purposely  targeted. People lost their jobs, businesses closed down and many never recovered.  New Zealanders have been treated appallingly, disgusting , of course you will see reported that people did not die post jab.  They say “we only curbed peoples freedoms”  The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID19 will be on ‘Lessons learned, responses, including vax mandates, will deliver the report the end of  September.

As mainstream media will report the mass deaths of COVID remember that  10th March 2022 If a person has a positive COVID test then die 1 month or more later they count this as a COVID death. The WHO wanted all UN Nation States to report stats of COVID Mortality in the same way.  The man who was shot by a police officer in Auckland was reported as a COVID death.  ZILCH TRANSPARANCY. And with thousands of Health files been cyber attacked, and Cardia files, Bereavement files… STRANGE THAT.





Paul Harvey History 1918-2009. Paul Harvey was known as the most listened to’ Radio Broadcaster’ in the world.

Paul Harvey between 1941-1943 worked as program director at WKZO radio in Kalamazoo, Michigan, while also serving as the Office of War Information’s news director for Michigan and Indiana. In 1943 he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps, but he received a medical discharge in 1944. He moved to Chicago, Illinois, shortened his name to Paul Harvey, and began doing daily news commentaries on local station WENR radio. Soon, his broadcasts were topping the ratings in the greater Chicago area.As a news analyst, author, and columnist, Paul Harvey won recognition as “one of the best-known and most influential personalities in the history of American radio” and the last of the wartime generation of radio commentators. “Paul Harvey News & Comment” and “The Rest of the Story®” aired daily on sixteen hundred radio stations worldwide and had more than eighteen million listeners weekly.

Harvey has received awards from the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, and the Freedom Foundation. He has been inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame (1955), was named Commentator of the Year in 1962 by Radio/TV Daily, and in 1979 was inducted to the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame. He also received five National Association of Broadcasters Marconi Awards for Network/Syndicated Personality of the Year (1989, 1991, 1996, 1998, and 2002). In 2005 Pres. George W. Bush presented him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Harvey’s books include Autumn of LibertyRemember These ThingsYou Said ItPaul Harvey, and Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor.

In the fall of 2000 Harvey signed a ten-year, $100 million contract with the network. In spring 2002 he celebrated his fiftieth year on ABC news radio. Paul Harvey died on February 28, 2009. Paul Harvey, a renowned American radio broadcaster, delivered a speech titled “If I Were the Devil” in 1965. The speech was a thought-provoking commentary on the societal issues and moral decay that Harvey observed during that time. Harvey’s motivation for delivering this speech was to highlight the dangers he perceived in the changing social and cultural landscape of the 1960s and to call attention to what he saw as a decline in traditional values.

Throughout his career, Paul Harvey was known for his distinctive broadcasting style and his ability to offer insightful and sometimes controversial commentary on current events. In “If I Were the Devil,” Harvey presented a hypothetical scenario in which he assumed the role of the devil and outlined the strategies he would employ to corrupt society. He expressed concerns about the erosion of family values, the weakening of religious faith, and the influence of materialism and consumerism. Harvey’s speech resonated with many listeners who shared his concerns about the direction society was heading. It struck a chord with those who felt that traditional values were being undermined and that there was a need to address the moral and cultural challenges of the time. By delivering this speech, Harvey aimed to awaken his audience to the potential consequences of societal decay and encourage them to reevaluate their priorities and actions.

It’s important to note that while the speech expressed Harvey’s personal views and concerns, it was also a form of commentary and entertainment. Harvey was known for his theatrical style and often used dramatic storytelling techniques to engage his audience.  If I Were the Devil” was to warn Americans about the dangers of communism at the height of the Cold War. In the radio broadcast, Harvey imagined what the devil would do if he wanted to undermine and ultimately defeat the United States. He suggested the devil would try to divide the country using tactics like promoting the separation of church and state, legalizing drugs and abortion, and discouraging personal responsibility. At the time, there were growing concerns about the influence of communism both domestically and internationally. Harvey aimed to stir concern about erosion of traditional American values and stoke opposition to perceived communist threats as a way to bolster support for the ongoing conflict against the Soviet Union and efforts to limit the spread of communist ideologies abroad.

RESEARCHER:  Carol Sakey



Questions asked by the community about Intelligence investigations into the Christchurch terrorist attacks.

17.3 Before 15 March 2019, how many national security investigations have been carried out on Muslim individuals, associations or institutions? The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service told us that their investigations focus on individuals, not associations or institutions (see Part 8, chapter 5). Approximately 30–40 individuals were on the investigative prioritization (watch) list being investigated by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service at any given time in recent years. Most of these individuals were assessed by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service as supporters of Dā’ish. New Zealand Police told us that, before 15 March 2019, most of their counter-terrorism investigations were focused on the threat of Islamist extremism (see Part 8, chapter 6). The limitations of New Zealand Police’s recording practices mean that exact numbers are not available. There was no centralized information system for recording national security leads, the actions taken, outcomes of investigation, and characteristics of complainants, victims or offenders (such as religion).

Before 15 March 2019, how many national security investigations have been carried out on white supremacist or right-wing extremist individuals, associations or institutions?

The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service’s baselining project on domestic right-wing extremism, which started in mid-2018, generated ten leads relevant to right-wing extremism (see Part 8, chapter 5). These leads were treated according to the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service’s leads management process. Some of these leads remained open as at 15 March 2019.

While we have seen evidence that New Zealand Police had conducted national security investigations into activities of suspected white supremacists or right-wing extremists before 15 March 2019 (see Part 8, chapter 6), the limitations of New Zealand Police’s recording practices mean that exact numbers are not available.  After 15 March 2019, New Zealand Police compiled a list of 1,700 individuals who had potential right-wing extremist characteristics from a review of their intelligence holdings. They told us that they had never attempted to do this before 15 March 2019. New Zealand Police told us that the accuracy and reliability of the information used to compile the list was variable and required further risk assessment. New Zealand Police collaborated with the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service and New Zealand Customs Service after 15 March 2019 to refine and prioritize the agencies’ leads on right-wing extremist individuals and groups in New Zealand
