‘The Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create Partnerships nor Principles’

Nothing in this ACT shall permit the Crown to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the Principles of the Treaty. First tie the Principles of the Treaty had been documented) There are NO Principles in the Treaty Of Waitangi 1840.

1985 Treaty of Waitangi Amendment Act. While the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act was about the settlement of historical grievances, the 1985 Amendment Act was a very different matter. The recognition of iwi-Māori rather than pan-Māori as the inheritors of Treaty settlements established the reviving tribe as both political player and economic corporation.

1985 Amendment Act, Deputy Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer agreed to Sir Hepi Te Heuheu’s request to insert the clause “Nothing in this Act shall permit the Crown to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi” into Section 9 of the State-owned Enterprises Act 1986. This is the first reference in legislation or policy to the principles of the Treaty – indeed, the first indication that the Treaty has principles. Parliament did not define the principles — an unconscionable failure which opened the way for the courts and government officials to determine what is probably one of the most important political events of the 20th century. Treaty principles, including that of partnership, now appear in almost all legislation.

1987 Court of Appeal decision stating that the Treaty established a relationship “akin to a partnership”. Although the judges likened it to the obligation partners in a partnership had they did not say that the Treaty actually created a partnership. Nor did it. However, “partnership” was quickly picked up by the Waitangi Tribunal and by the 1987 Iwi Leaders’ Forum. From that time this powerful interest group has achieved enormous success in claiming constitutional change and ownership rights. “Partnership” is the justification. The possibility that the He Puapua Report will be implemented either in full or modified form demonstrates the group’s success to date. Horomia speech

.  37 pages pdf



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On 3 December, the country will leave behind the alert level system which has been in place since early 2020 and move into the traffic light system. Jacinda Ardern said “for the most part, if you’re vaccinated, you can go about doing all the kinds of things you’d usually expect … what varies is just how large those gatherings are at different levels”. (Medical Discrimination)

Vaccination certificates would allow businesses to be able to open and operate at any level, of course businesses will want to want to increase their customer base.

RED… The red setting will allow hospitality to open with vaccine certificates, but gathering limits, physical distancing, masks and other public health measures would be used, also more track and tracing

Orange, vaccination certificates in close contact businesses, gatherings no limits on numbers of people marae, close contact businesses….

Green, places requiring vaccination certificate requirements, no limits- hospitality, wedding, places of worsip, marae, events- outdoors/ indoors..close contact businesses.

Please go to Link above which will take you to my Rumble video – giving you more information on this serious situation



On 9 November 2021, the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill passed its third reading in the House. The Bill moves decision making authority on community water fluoridation from local authorities to the Director-General of Health.

The Bill describes:- powers and duties of the Director-General in relation to making directions for or against water fluoridation…duties of water suppliers (including local authorities) in relation to implementing Director-General directives about water fluoridation.

In deciding whether to make a direction to fluoridate, the Director-General of Health will be required to consider:- scientific evidence on the effectiveness of adding fluoride to drinking water in reducing the prevalence and severity of dental decay also whether the benefits of adding fluoride to drinking water outweigh the costs, including consideration of local oral health status, population numbers, and financial cost.

Water suppliers will be required to fluoridate a water supply if directed to do so by the Director-General of Health. Those already fluoridating will be required to continue to do so.

Fluoride is one of the most abundant elements found in nature. Water is the major dietary source of fluoride. Water fluoridation was once heralded as one of the best public health achievements in the twentieth century.

Major concerns about excessive fluoride intake and related toxicity were raised worldwide, leading several countries to ban fluoridation. Fluoride is the ionic form of fluorine, the thirteenth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It is released into the environment naturally in both water and air. Other important sources of fluoride are tea, seafood that contains edible bones or shells, medicinal supplements, and fluoridated toothpastes
The recommended intake for fluoride is expressed as an adequate intake rather than recommended dietary allowance, because of the limited data available to determine the population needs. The adequate intake for fluoride is 0.7 mg daily for toddlers, rising to 3 mg daily for adult women and 4 mg daily for adult men. It remains unclear whether fluoride is truly essential

Although Dental Association’s strongly supports fluoridation of community drinking water supplies, however, strong contradictory opinions also are held
Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the purpose of medical treatment… The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies fluoride as a drug when used to prevent or mitigate disease (FDA 2000). As a matter of basic logic, adding fluoride to water for the sole purpose of preventing tooth decay (a non-water borne disease) is a form of medical treatment.

All other water treatment chemicals are added to improve the water’s quality or safety, which fluoride does not do.
1 Fluoridation is unethical. Informed consent is standard practice for all medication, and one of the key reasons why most of Western Europe has ruled against fluoridation.
2) With water fluoridation we are allowing governments to do to whole communities (forcing people to take a medicine irrespective of their consent) what individual doctors cannot do to individual patients.
3) Does a voter have the right to require that their neighbor ingest a certain medication (even if it is against that neighbor’s will) Is it right that the Director- General of NZ should have this right??
4) The dose cannot be controlled. Once fluoride is put in the water it is impossible to control the dose each individual receives because people drink different amounts of water. Being able to control the dose a patient receives is critical. Some people (e.g., manual laborers, athletes, diabetics, and people with kidney disease) drink substantially more water than others.
5) The fluoride goes to everyone regardless of age, health or vulnerability. According to Dr. Arvid Carlsson, the 2000 Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology and one of the scientists who helped keep fluoridation out of Sweden:
6) “Water fluoridation goes against leading principles of pharmacotherapy
7) People now receive fluoride from many other sources besides water.
8) Fluoridated water is not the only way people are exposed to fluoride. Other sources of fluoride include food and beverages processed with fluoridated water

It is now widely acknowledged that exposure to non-water sources of fluoride has significantly increased since the water fluoridation program first began
The level in mothers’ milk is very low. Considering reason #6 it is perhaps not surprising that the level of fluoride in mother’s milk is remarkably low (0.004 ppm, NRC, 2006). This means that a bottle-fed baby consuming fluoridated water (0.6 – 1.2 ppm) can get up to 300 times more fluoride than a breast-fed baby.

There are no benefits, only risks for infants ingesting this heightened level of fluoride at such an early age (an age where susceptibility to environmental toxins is particularly high).

Fluoride accumulates in the body. Healthy adult kidneys excrete 50 to 60% of the fluoride ingested each day (Marier & Rose 1971). The remainder accumulates in the body, largely in calcifying tissues such as the bones and pineal gland (Luke 1997, 2001). Infants and children excrete less fluoride from their kidneys and take up to 80% of ingested fluoride into their bones (Ekstrand 1994). The fluoride concentration in bone steadily increases over a lifetime (NRC 2006).

No health agency in fluoridated countries is monitoring fluoride exposure or side effects. No regular measurements are being made of the levels of fluoride in urine, blood, bones, hair, or nails of either the general population or sensitive subparts of the population (e.g., individuals with kidney disease).

There has never been a single randomized controlled trial to demonstrate fluoridation’s effectiveness or safety. Despite the fact that fluoride has been added to community water supplies for over 60 years, “there have been no randomized trials of water fluoridation” (Cheng 2007).

Randomized trials are the standard method for determining the safety and effectiveness of any purportedly beneficial medical treatment. In 2000, the British Government’s “York Review” could not give a single fluoridation trial a Grade A classification – despite 50 years of research (McDonagh 2000).

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to classify fluoride as an “unapproved new drug.”

Benefit is topical not systemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 1999, 2001) has now acknowledged that the mechanism of fluoride’s benefits are mainly topical, not systemic. There is no need whatsoever, therefore, to swallow fluoride to protect teeth.

Since the purported benefit of fluoride is topical, and the risks are systemic, it makes more sense to deliver the fluoride directly to the tooth in the form of toothpaste. Since swallowing fluoride is unnecessary, and potentially dangerous, there is no justification for forcing people (against their will) to ingest fluoride through their water supply.

Fluoridation is not necessary. Most western, industrialized countries have rejected water fluoridation, but have nevertheless experienced the same decline in childhood dental decay as fluoridated countries. (See data from World Health Organization).

Too much fluoride per individual can caused serious health issues. One size does not fit all.
I have also listed a number of health risks when too much fluoride is consumed on another blog on my website.

Please see link above to more information on my Rumble Video.



Extreme measures taken by Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington using the COVID-19 pandemic to take political control of every aspect of Kiwi’s lives is constituting violations of national and international human rights.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the ugly fractures in health-care systems, health inequities, racism, political and medical discrimination. Undermining the right to freedom of expression, freedom of movement and the right to access information.

New Zealanders are being lied to time and time again by Ardern’s political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington. Kiwi’s need to wake up the worst is yet to come.

In New Zealand we are living under a police state, where police have discretionary rights to do as they dam well like and Ardern has authorized them this power.

We are living in a extremely dangerous era in which a death cult exists. The unborn, everyone, everywhere at every age are being targeted.
Ardern preaches kindness as she legalizes the death of not only the unborn but newly born babies. The Assisted Suicide Act with its very dangerous concepts was introduce this month. How many people even know what is included in these very dangerous acts??
Already girls as young as 13yrs old can go to school, leave their school day to go and have an abortion. The teacher, principle may be well aware of this but these girls do not need parental consent, nor counselling.

If a child is deemed mature enough to understand what they are being told even under the age of 16years they can give consent without parental permission when it comes to COVID19 injections. The Government owns the child, the government wants to own the people, they are controlling the people. Parents are losing their rights. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights parents have a right to decide their children’s education.

Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, governments are to promote and comply, not violate Human Rights. If they refuse to comply it is documented that if the only course of action of non-compliance of Human Rights then as a last resort rebellion will be sought.

We are living in a death cult era where life itself is being dehumanized. This is institutionalized terrorism.

Please click on the arrow above which link you to further information on this topic.
