‘The Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create Partnerships nor Principles’

Nothing in this ACT shall permit the Crown to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the Principles of the Treaty. First tie the Principles of the Treaty had been documented) There are NO Principles in the Treaty Of Waitangi 1840.

1985 Treaty of Waitangi Amendment Act. While the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act was about the settlement of historical grievances, the 1985 Amendment Act was a very different matter. The recognition of iwi-Māori rather than pan-Māori as the inheritors of Treaty settlements established the reviving tribe as both political player and economic corporation.

1985 Amendment Act, Deputy Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer agreed to Sir Hepi Te Heuheu’s request to insert the clause “Nothing in this Act shall permit the Crown to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi” into Section 9 of the State-owned Enterprises Act 1986. This is the first reference in legislation or policy to the principles of the Treaty – indeed, the first indication that the Treaty has principles. Parliament did not define the principles — an unconscionable failure which opened the way for the courts and government officials to determine what is probably one of the most important political events of the 20th century. Treaty principles, including that of partnership, now appear in almost all legislation.

1987 Court of Appeal decision stating that the Treaty established a relationship “akin to a partnership”. Although the judges likened it to the obligation partners in a partnership had they did not say that the Treaty actually created a partnership. Nor did it. However, “partnership” was quickly picked up by the Waitangi Tribunal and by the 1987 Iwi Leaders’ Forum. From that time this powerful interest group has achieved enormous success in claiming constitutional change and ownership rights. “Partnership” is the justification. The possibility that the He Puapua Report will be implemented either in full or modified form demonstrates the group’s success to date. Horomia speech

.  37 pages pdf



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Fyodor Dostoyevsky once wrote, “avoid fear, though fear is simply the consequence of every lie.” You must face your fears, otherwise they will hold you back from reaching your dreams.

Its easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken away from you

My IRISH blood of my father runs through my veins as I quote – Patrick Pearse “You cannot conquer Ireland. You cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom. If our deed has not been sufficient to win freedom, then our children will win by a better deed.” May I add, you cannot conquer New Zealand, you cannot extinguish New Zealanders passion for freedom. The number 8 fence wire kicks in.

Groundswell NZs requested a meeting with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern but it had been declined. The group held its ‘Howl of A Protest’ in July, and it estimated 60,000 people drove tractors, trucks and utes down main streets in more than 50 locations throughout the country. On Sunday November 21st 2021 farmers nationwide are again protesting. I pray that millions of people country-wide support them.

The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed an official partnersip on June 13th 2019 prior to COVID19. This is a global public / private one world corporate governance. A preplanned action to accelerated UN Agenda 2030’s 17 sustainable global development goals, to leave no-one behind.
17 out of 17 goals relate to Climate Alarmism. Replacing livestock with crops, lab manufactured meat, foods and even the talk of cricket farms..the lunacy continues, consequently te farmers are suffering as this insanity insist and persists.

14 of the UN/WEF global development goals relate to vaccines (UN global strategy of vaccines 2011-2010) Leave no-one behhind.. everyone, everywhere at every age. 2020- 2030 The Decade Of Vaccines, leave no-one beind, everyone, everywhere at every age.

Climate Alarmism and the global strateggy of vaccines to leave no-one behind are tools of fear to take total control of every being, human or not on this planet.

WEF – The World Economic Forum represents Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bayer-Monsanto etc., and multistakerholder greedy capitalist corporations. NZ Goverment has welcomed this and promoted it. This is the destruction not only of small businesses and traditional farming in New Zealand but \it amount to slavery and tyranny on a ggrand scale that affects everyones life. Ardern in hher VPN to the UN in September 2019 has boasted shhe as entered UN Agenda 2030 into NZ Policies. That she indeed will lead the world, be the first, show other UN Nations the way. New Zealanders are livin in very dangerous times.

The government keep on lying, suicides are increasing especially amongst the farming community and the construction industry.

Whoever conrols the land, controls the people, controls the country and controls the planet.. we the people are but just human capital, like lambs are you prepared to go to the slaughter.

NZ Farmers are the backbone of New Zealand. I urge you to get out, protest cupport the farmers on sunday November 21st 2021. The Mother of ALL Protests Nationwide.

Please find a list of support links for those who feel they are not coping with this mental, emotional stress:-
Need help now? Call 0800 111 315 MATES in Construction


Rural Support Trust Helpline: 0800 787 254 –


Rural Support Network 0800 787 254

24/7 Helpline |0800 LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54) or free text HELP (4357)
Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 82 88 65)

Brendon Smith
Phone:(09) 525 1690 Mobile: 021892980
Email:[email protected]

24/7 Helpline |0800 LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54) or free text HELP

Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 82 88 65)

Life Matters [email protected]

Youth Line 0800 376 633. Free Text 234

MAN ALIVE 0800 826 367

(If you have not signed up to my website please sign up now and share my website link with your friends, family..thank you )



REFERENCE TO NEWS REPORT RNZ 10/11/2021……The police are using, titled ‘Consent to Assume Online Internet Identity’.
The form asks people to sign away their social media and email accounts, allowing the police to “take control of and use my internet online identities”. The Law Society and legal entities are awaiting a response from the Police Commissioner- Andrew Coster

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 17
Your right to freedom of association includes the right to form any type of organisation, and to associate with any other individual or organisation. When combined with freedom of expression it also includes the right to advertise that you are doing these activities.

Being watched and monitored by the police and government

When is “surveillance” legal?
There are two different types of surveillance:
• surveillance that doesn’t require any special power to carry out because it is within the normal scope of a citizen’s rights and powers, and
• surveillance that requires special permission (like a court warrant) because otherwise it’s against the law.

Anyone can carry out the first kind of surveillance. We can follow someone to see where they go or find out where they live, we can observe who they visit or we can listen in when someone on the bus is talking on their phone. So long as we don’t interfere with someone’s rights (for example, their right to privacy) or otherwise break the law, those actions would be legal.

So what surveillance powers do police have generally?
Search and Surveillance Act 2012, s 46

Police do have some general surveillance powers that don’t require a court warrant.
They can:-
• watch and monitor you without a surveillance device so long as it doesn’t involve trespass (using a surveillance device would include things like watching you with a zoom lens, bugging your phone, or using a tracking device on your car)

• carry out visual surveillance of people and activity in public places (like streets and parks), even with a device used to improve vision, like a zoom lens.

Gathering and protesting with others: The right to freedom of peaceful assembly
(New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 16;)

Your right to freedom of peaceful assembly means you can gather in a group, so long as this isn’t for a violent purpose, like rioting, and you’re not disturbing the peace. It includes the right to plan and to invite people to the gathering.
Your right to peaceful assembly doesn’t include the right to infringe on other people’s freedom of movement by preventing them from using a road.

Here are some other potential limitations on the right to peaceful assembly:

Can the police spy on me while I’m at home, like using binoculars to look through my window?
(Search and Surveillance Act 2012, s 46)
If they don’t have a court warrant, they’re not allowed to use binoculars, a telescope, a camera with a zoom lens, or any other device that provides better than normal vision, to watch you when you’re inside your house or flat – so looking through your window would be outside their powers.
The law is different if the police are observing you while you’re outside in your back yard or anywhere else in your section – what the law calls the “curtilage” of your place, which means the immediate surroundings of the main building of your house or flat but within the boundaries of your property. If you’re anywhere in those immediate surroundings then the police can use binoculars or zoom lenses or other visual devices to watch you for up to three hours in any 24-hour period, or up to eight hours in total, for any single investigation or series of connected investigations.

Example: Surveillance of activists and the community
During 2006–2007, the police carried out a nationwide investigation of activists who were alleged to be involved in planning acts of political violence. While 20 people were arrested and charged with a range of offences, primarily firearms possession, many other people were raided





New Zealand Midwives are challenging the government legality of the vax order.
Voices for Freedom are doing are wonderful job. Tahnk you.
A big thank you to those wonderful midwives too for having the courage to make NZ Government accountable for their insanity, demands on immunizations. (Human Experiments) T

27 October 2021, media release…..Midwives Challenging Legality of Vaccination Order…
Late on Friday 22 October 2021, the Minister of COVID-19 Response issued an order which amended the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021. That order was purportedly made under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020. It now specifies that, unless midwives submit to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination by 15 November 2021, they will lose their livelihoods and their vocation.

The order now applies to most workers in the health and disability sector, as well as prisons, schools and early childhood services.

The New Zealand Midwives’ Collective is a group of midwives from around New Zealand who have come together to oppose mandatory vaccination and uphold the right to informed choice and consent. On Monday a small group of midwives filed an application on behalf of the Collective, asking the High Court to declare the vaccination order invalid.

The basis for this challenge is that midwives, like all New Zealanders, have a right guaranteed under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 to refuse medical treatment that they do not want, whether or not anyone else agrees with their reasons for doing so. It is about the personal autonomy that we all enjoy over our bodies. If the Government wants to limit that right, it cannot do that in a regulation made under the authority of a general provision in a statute. On at least two occasions this year alone, the Supreme Court has held that “Parliament cannot abridge fundamental rights and freedoms by general or ambiguous words”. That is what has been done here and it is an affront to New Zealand’s constitutional norms.

The New Zealand Midwives Collective strongly opposes any restrictions being placed upon informed consent – a fundamental principle of midwifery in our country. They believe this is detrimental to the profession and a dangerous precedent that will adversely impact the rights of birthing families. Since the Cartwright Inquiry, it is a line that has not been crossed in health care and has been enshrined in law by the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.

Informed consent, by definition, must acknowledge not only the benefits, but also any risks or alternatives. By definition, it also must be free from the threat of being denied the right to work as a midwife. The Collective says that there is an opportunity to open a solution-based paradigm, investigating legitimate alternatives and controls that have

been used successfully internationally. They do not agree that vaccination is the only answer.

The Collective understands that between 200 and 300 New Zealand midwives will decline the COVID-19 vaccination. That accounts for between 8 and 10% of all practicing midwives. If the order is not struck down, these midwives will be required to stop work on 15 November 2021. The Collective says:

“Our maternity system is already desperately short of midwives but the Government has continued to ignore our pleas to make urgent changes. There are already significant midwifery roster gaps within the DHBs. The decision to mandate this COVID-19 vaccine and the subsequent reduction in hospital midwife numbers will further increase the current workforce pressure for employed midwives and make it unsafe for the mothers and families for whom they care.”

It has been suggested that, if midwives who are Lead Maternity Carers (LMC) are unable to practice, the DHBs as the providers of last resort will have to ensure that maternity services continue to be provided safely to expectant mothers who can no longer access an LMC. The Collective questions whether there is a realistic contingency plan to cope with this shortfall. The irony is that the healthcare outcomes for mothers and babies which result from the Vaccination Order may be worse than those from which it is intended to shield New Zealanders.

The Collective says:-
“We are standing up to protect the rights of women. Our profession will always draw a line when it comes to informed consent and bodily autonomy. This is a not just a midwifery issue, this is a human issue, a feminist issue and a civil rights issue. All birthing women have the right to have bodily autonomy respected and midwives are the safeguards of that. It is a grossly hypocritical demand from our government, and our professional and statutory bodies, to expect us to surrender this right. Midwives are the guardians of this right for women around pregnancy, birth and postpartum. We are midwives, supporting midwives to have the same rights as the women for whom we care.”

This statement has been authorised for release by the New Zealand Midwives’ Collective, represented by the applicants in CIV 2021-485-584 F v Minister for COVID-19 Response.

For further details, please contact Christopher Griggs on (04) 914 1053



As the government and mathematical statisticians dribble their verbal diarrheal, referring to Māori and Pacifica’s poverty, hunger etc.,
Perhaps those that are suffering should be made aware of what their elite Iwi leaders are up to.

A certain specific group on Iwi Leaders are boasting they are getting very rich and wealthy referencing $70 billion.
Many Maori blooded and Non Maori people would not be aware as to this preplanned lavish trip to Dubai.
The Dubai Expo is referenced and supported by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

A certain IWI Leader state they are the largest producers of beef and sheep in New Zealand

Whilst not being able to cross borders to see loved ones in NZ or overseas. Small businesses and the farming community are hugely impacted by severe Government restrictions, as job losses escalate and many more become homeless, sleep in cars and vans. .of Maori blooded and non-Maori blooded all suffering. It’s time for peace and unity.

Call at halt immediately to Identity Politics’, this divide and conquer to weaken a nation so that people destroy each other as NZ Government take more control of our lives. Stop robbing tax payers pockets to benefit those that promote globalization, multilateralism and demotes patriotism and nationalism.

