Questions asked by the community about Intelligence investigations into the Christchurch terrorist attacks.
17.3 Before 15 March 2019, how many national security investigations have been carried out on Muslim individuals, associations or institutions? The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service told us that their investigations focus on individuals, not associations or institutions (see Part 8, chapter 5). Approximately 30–40 individuals were on the investigative prioritization (watch) list being investigated by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service at any given time in recent years. Most of these individuals were assessed by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service as supporters of Dā’ish. New Zealand Police told us that, before 15 March 2019, most of their counter-terrorism investigations were focused on the threat of Islamist extremism (see Part 8, chapter 6). The limitations of New Zealand Police’s recording practices mean that exact numbers are not available. There was no centralized information system for recording national security leads, the actions taken, outcomes of investigation, and characteristics of complainants, victims or offenders (such as religion).
Before 15 March 2019, how many national security investigations have been carried out on white supremacist or right-wing extremist individuals, associations or institutions?
The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service’s baselining project on domestic right-wing extremism, which started in mid-2018, generated ten leads relevant to right-wing extremism (see Part 8, chapter 5). These leads were treated according to the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service’s leads management process. Some of these leads remained open as at 15 March 2019.
While we have seen evidence that New Zealand Police had conducted national security investigations into activities of suspected white supremacists or right-wing extremists before 15 March 2019 (see Part 8, chapter 6), the limitations of New Zealand Police’s recording practices mean that exact numbers are not available. After 15 March 2019, New Zealand Police compiled a list of 1,700 individuals who had potential right-wing extremist characteristics from a review of their intelligence holdings. They told us that they had never attempted to do this before 15 March 2019. New Zealand Police told us that the accuracy and reliability of the information used to compile the list was variable and required further risk assessment. New Zealand Police collaborated with the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service and New Zealand Customs Service after 15 March 2019 to refine and prioritize the agencies’ leads on right-wing extremist individuals and groups in New Zealand
Monday - April 8, 2024 - THE CHRISTCHURCH CALL
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