The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers

More than half the world’s population are currently in work and 15% of working-age adults live with a mental disorder. Without effective support, mental disorders and other mental health conditions can affect a person’s confidence and identity at work, capacity to work productively, absences and the ease with which to retain or gain work. Twelve billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety alone. Furthermore, people living with severe mental health conditions are largely excluded from work despite this being important for recovery. Mental health conditions can also impact families, carer’s, colleagues, communities, and society at large. Depression and anxiety cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year predominantly from reduced productivity.

Everyone has the right to work and all workers have the right to a safe and healthy working environment. Work can be a protective factor for mental health, but it can also contribute to worsening mental health. Work-related mental health conditions are preventable. Much can also be done to protect and promote mental health at work and support people with mental health conditions to participate fully and equitably in work. WHO has developed Guidelines on mental health at work. This is accompanied by the Mental health at work: Policy brief developed in collaboration with the International Labour Organization. Together, these products aim to improve the implementation of evidence-based recommendations for mental health at work to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions, and enable people living with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in work.

The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers

PAGE 1. Governments have a responsibility to act. .ILO conventions on occupational safety , health, discrimination, violence and harassment…WHO strategies and action plans on health, environment, climate change, mental health.. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

WHAT POLICY MAKERS CAN DO..:- In consultation with employers and or workers organizations.

1.Prevent workers from experiencing mental health condition  refers to psychosocial risk management among occupational health services, to prevent, monitor, propose remedial action for harm caused by psychosocial risks, especially where such a capacity may not be available for lower resourced employers.

2 Protect and promote mental health at work, strengthen capacities and opportunities act on mental health conditions at work: Develop frameworks to require, encourage the use of effective interventions to protect and promote mental health. Provide guidelines and quality assurance standards for training and other interventions used in workplaces.

Build capacities within primary care, occupational health and mental health services to recognize, respond to mental health conditions in the context of work and to support lower resourced employers.

3.Support worker with mental health conditions tpo access, thrive at work: Align employment laws with International Human Rights instrument – protect workers with mental health conditions from discrimination. Establish pathways between health, social and employment services to facilitate govt initiatives and return to work programs


LEADERSHIP: Commit to mental health at work by raising awareness, advocating for action and leading policy development

INVESTMENT: Secure sufficient funds, resources to design and deliver mental health at work policies, interventions

RIGHTS Uphold peoples rights to participate in work fully and faily

COMPLIANCE: Establish regulatory processes to guide employers and strengthen uptake and compliance with relevant laws, regulations and recommendations




3 Pages Pdf: The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers





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Barry Young once again before the court yesterday 23rd February  2024. Pleading Not Guilty as he is accused by Apa of Te Whatu Ora of a data leak of personal info referencing that of 12,000 or more online. Barry is charged with dishonestly speaking out about Te Whatu Ora  Health Agency  Data online. Judge Warburton remanded Barry Young on Bail. As Barry Young said as he was leaving court “Truth Is Not A Crime’. The article in mainstream propaganda again call Barry and Liz conspiracy theorist as the Weaponizing of Health unfolds worldwide, more information is being exposed by expert professional and medical professionals worldwide.  But Barry’s case is very significant as we have a smaller population, which is evidentiality of much use to those that are professionally medically exposing the truth worldwide. Therefore NZ is on the map in this instance. All eyes on NZ.

Te Whatu Ora reported this is a complex investigation, there is a collaboration between national and international experts. They are starting to contact every person effected by Barry’s Leak of information. They are working with online security experts nationally, internationally to monitor for signs of the exposure of data online HOW CONVENIENT

HOW CONVENIENT- COVER YOUR OWN ARSES.. RNZ Report 6/12/2022 cyber attack hits 1,000’s of coronial files and health records, investigation into digital security. Ministry of Justice and Whatu Ora hold IT Provider Mercury IT responsible. 14,500 Coroners files, 4,000 Post Mortem Files of who died between November 2018 and November 2022  HOW CONVENIENT  NZrs personal information right across NZ breached.   20th November 2011 8,500 bereavements, care services file and 5,000 Cardias and Inherited Disease records cycler attacked. Privacy Commissioner notified 20/11/2022  HOW CONVENIENT

Ministry of Justice and Te Whatu Ora said “no evidence of any unauthorized access or downloading of files however Ministry Chief Operating Officer Carl Crafter said “this could not be ruled out, this is a possibility” He said We need to acknowledge this information is sensitive, six Regulatory Health Authorities have been hit. Te Whatu Ora responding “ We realize this is distressing”, and “we are working with cyber security experts to determine the full nature and extent of the impact of this incident”

Reference was made to a 2021 Waikato DHB report on Cyber attacks which said “ Te Whatu Ora needs to think like a hacker when building its security software”. In May 2021 ransomware cyber attacks brought DHBs, hospitals, services to a complete halt, as systems were worked on to be restored. Doctors had to work on whiteboards, and use hard copies for gathering information. 6th December 2022 1,000’s of coroners files, post mortem reports caught up in Ministry of Justice hack. Referencing 14,500 coroners files, 4000 post mortum reports nationwide of a sensitive personal information. Action was to be taken by National Cyber Security Centre, Privacy Commission, Police & CERT-NZ to investigate the extent of the incident which exposing that of Mercury IT that is commissioned to these DHBs etc., being at the heart of the cyber attack.

NZ Public were told to watch out for suspicious texts, emails unusual things happens, accounts, bank accounts etc.,

Stuff NZ reported 6/12/ 2022 Cyber Attack on external company Mercury IT. Bereavement files Cardio Arrest reports Middlemore Hospital access to  8500  bereavement files dating back to 2015. 5,500 records  data dating back to 2011, disease data dating back to 2011 Auckland Wellington Tauranga and Nelson clinicians files. Mercury IT confirmed the cyber attacks in a statement dated 30/11/2022 that files had been effected nationwide. Mercury IT providing a wide range of IT Services to customers across NZ, governments, orgs, etc.,

16/12/2022 Te Whatu Ora hacked files before High Court. Te Whatu Ora and Health NZ cyber attacked files 14,500 coroners files, 4,000 other reports. Ransome ware cyber attack. References have been made a number of times that urgent work was required as to cyber security that cyber attacks were happening daily, saying this is an evolving situation. RNZ reported that DHBs were cyber attacked this is catastrophic for patient safety. Cyber attacks on high alert. Spokes person from Telehealth Leadership Group advising the Ministry that ‘phishing scams are efficient and ruthless. DHB Southern Region noticing cyber attacks over a period of 7 days.

NZ Herald May 18th 2021 NZ Hospitals battle daily cyber attacks. All DHBs across NZ face Cyber attacks in various forms (source Ministry Of Health) Cyber Attacks target COVID19 Pandemic HOW CONVENIENT WHEN INVESTIGATIONS, INQUIRIES, MASKING INFORMATION, MASKING THE TRUTH.   NZ Parliament 29/6/2021 Speakers in the House discuss DHB  Cyber Attacks referring to Ransome ware, the debate was declined because they wanted to discuss budget. Brooke Van Veldon speaker said “there is significant evidence that NZrs personal infor – data is on the dark web, this is a huge concern, ongoing incidences. People who are undergoing radiation therapy for cancer have had to travel beyonf their residential area to other areas in NZ to receive cancer treatment. Referenced also 400,000 NZrs could be affected, these are vulnerable people whom are already suffering  from ongoing serious harm.

Investigations have shown that DHBs lack vital IT Infrastructure, network security is outdated inadequate and this has increased cyber security attacks, there are serious security issues, therefore patient private data is never safe, and has not been without risk. HOW CONVENIENT. 30th May 2023 Ministry of Health referenced a report that DHB Computer systems seriously need an upgrade, government failed to follow through.   Andrew Little confirmed what Brooke Van Veldon had said as to her serious concerns as to cyber attacks, saying “patients information is accessible to others worldwide We have known that for some time”. Melissa Lee saying that Cyber Attackers go for weaknesses.

Parliament 2019 discussed cyber attacks in NZ the need for upgrading inadequate data IT Security Systems. Stuff NZ reported 27/5/2021 Privacy Commission warned DHBs to address security failings. December 18th 2023 Lisa Fong speech as 2023 NZITF Conference spoke about the NZ Internet Task Force referencing the November 2023 Cyber Threat  Report- Domestic and International. Linking more domestic incidents to financially motivated crims and the growing effective malicious cyber tools, vulnerabilities the public are facing, infrastructure is made easier for cyber attackers to work at scale, sophistication causing national harm. And the need to improve NZ Cyber Security System Framework, saying she was getting expert advice from across NZ. IN OTHER WORDS THE GOVERNMENT HAD NOT GOT THEIR SHITE TOGETHER LEFT THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF NZRS EXPOSED TO THE DARK WEB , CRIMS THAT UTILIZE CYBER ATTACKS USING THEIR PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Stuff NZ 23/2/2024 Accused former Public Servant calls on other would-be whistleblowers. Barry accused of stealing large amounts of health data. Wellington District Court Barry was charged with ‘dishonestly accessing databases belonging to his former employer Health NZ-Te Whatu Ora. Barry said “I urge anyone in the Police, anyone in the services who have access to information that needs to come out, please, please do the right thing and end this”. Te Whatu Ora is accusing Barry of leaking 12,000 of peoples personal information as a result of a data breach. HOW COVENIENT. HOW MANY DATA BREACHES IS TO WHATU ORA, GOVERNMENT AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR.  AND YOU SEVERELY ATTACK THIS COURAGEOUS MAN.  HOW CONVENIENT.

THE PRIVACY COMMISSION ANNOUNCED “ Organizations, Government Agencies “Personal data pertaining to New Zealanders, those agencies, orgs, are responsible  in protecting information, keep it safe from cyber attacks, cyber threats under the Privacy Act.  A failure to do so is a breach of the Privacy Act. They must put things right to protect NZrs personal information, keep it safe from cyber attacks. There is no room for any organizations, govt agencies to be complacent in protecting New Zealand private information held in their data systems. TRUST IS HARD WON… EASILY LOST’




Carol Sakey


May 26th 2021 There was a widespread alarm as to what may happen to hugely sensitive patient and staff information from Waikato District Health Board where hackers had claimed to obtained scores of official records, documents containing names, phone numbers and addresses of patients and staff, this was referred to the police. Andrew Little refused to front up, but issued a statement instead offering assistance to Waikato DHB. . It  was reported to say “ Cyber experts say the danger is that the hackers could sell the data to other cyber crims, which could be used to scam victims whether a ransom was paid or not, there was no guarantee data would remain secure.

Waikato hospital was hit by a cyber attack in May 2021.. Microsoft got a lot of flack over hacks The government has received advice from a King’s Counsel lawyer, and from privacy impact experts, that using foreign-owned data centres – even if the centres themselves are in New Zealand – places the data under the legal jurisdiction of the foreign country, and raises the risk the other country could obtain the data. The US has a Cloud Act that raises this possibility. Officials appear ambivalent on the issue, various OIA documents have shown, and the New Zealand government is increasingly committed to moving public data to hyper-scale data centres

July 2021 another RNZ report that SIS was not including the DHBs in their implementing a new cyber security programme. RNZ reported 20th December 2021 that the Health Minister announced $75.6 million over three years to plug cyber security gaps, to help health organizations improve their cyber security to protect sensitive information, to minimize risks of cyber attacks. (Obviously this needed to be done as patient and staff private personal info was at risk, but this funding was over 3 years – not for lets get it fixed right now, obviously leaving patients files – personal information seriously at risk, and knowing so.

 Reporting also that the system needed upgrading. Patients Rights Chairperson Carolyn Mckenzie said “this is a very serious matter that could have a huge impact on some-ones life” Saying that patients feel a sense of violation that some-one could be using their information to advantage themselves, there is a deep sense of betrayal of those patients that have been exposed. There is no way of compensating somebody for that”

The National Secretary of the APEX Union and the Resident Doctors Association Debrorah Powell said “This is just low life behaviour, patient and staff information that is confidential, its just so very wrong”. She added “for medical staff the confidentiality of patients information “goes to the heart of the relationship between doctor and patient”, where patients will not feel comfortable to share highly personal information with their doctor. The disrespecting of the fundamental health care relationship, which is very upsetting for patients”. Staff at the DHB were trying to deal with the fallout themselves which is also very distressing”

It was confirmed that documents included recent data on staff numbers, names, including financial records, contracts, complaints as well as sensitive information about patients. The files included screenshots identifying hundreds of patients and staff, some document spelling out diagnoses and medical information. RNZ reported this article taking huge care not to divulge sensitive information.

Fast forward 18 months on to 6th December 2022 ‘Te Whatu Ora has lost 14,000 patient files amid cyber attacks relating to cardiac, inherited disease and bereavement care. (Confirmed by Te whatu Ora). The Ministry of Justice confirmed it had lost 14500 coronial files, approx. 4,000 post mortem examination reports due to a cyber attack.  RNZ reported 17th December 2022 Te Whatu Ora was hacked, thousands of files and post mortem reports over the last 4 years were affected. The High Court granted an order to prevent files from being shared, or the publishing of these files obtained by the cyber attack. The Privacy Commissioner was notified in November 2022.

Ministry of Justice reported on their govt website that on 19th December 2022 Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry Of Justice confirmed they had filed a joint filed legal proceedings in the High Court to prevent people sharing information by obtaining information by the cyber attack on sensitive coronial and health information in a recent cyber security incident. Saying they were working with the Privacy Commissioner. Te Whatu OOra and Ministry of Justuice added the legal proceedings are prudent and proactive, an extra step to protect the people whose private and sensitive information had been compromised.

RNZ also reported on 6th December 2022 that an investigation was underway into the cyber attack which hit thousands of coronial and health files. Confirming this included 14,500 coronial files and approx. 4,000 post mortem reports, . Post mortem data from Northland, Waikato, Bay Of Plenty, Wellington, Horowhenua-Kapiti, Nelson-Marlborough, Otago and Southland regions from March 2020 to November 2022. Including 8,500 records of bereavement care services from Middlemore Hospital, 5500 files on the Cardiac and inherited Disease Register had also been impacted

Another article by RNZ 4th October 2022 ‘Patient details could be compromised as large North Island GP Network hit by Cyber attack. 28th September 2022 there was a cyber attack on Pinnacle Midlands Health Network’s regional primary health care practices across Taranaki, Rotorua, Turangi. Thames-Coromandal and Waikato. Pinnacle hold information like GP notes, however it was reported that the hackers appeared to have accessed information which included commercial and personal details from their system. They laid a complaint with police who then worked alongside Te Whatu Ora and a number of other govt agencies.

Stuff NZ reported 4th October 2022 Cyber attack on Health Provider Pinnacle ‘ a wake up call’. A top doctor is calling a cyber attack on a major primary health provider that has compromised the details of potentially thousands of patient details a “wake up call to the sector”. Chief executive Justin Butcher said that while investigations are still underway it appears that before the breach was notified and the IT was contained the malicious actors accessed information from the system, which could include commercial and personal details. Patients should brace themselves for their medical information being dumped on the dark web or on the web itself.. In May 2021 the then-Waikato DHB was the subject of an attack by hackers.

It left IT systems at Waikato Hospital and its satellites crippled, ham-stringing health care across the region for more than a week and causing ongoing problems long after. Some of the material appeared on the internet after the government refused to pay a ransom. The list of documents suggested it included folders containing patient information as well as information about employees and the DHB’s financial affairs. The IT systems of the DHB, which is the fifth-largest in the country and provides care to more than 430,000 people, were rendered inaccessible.   Andrew Little said the Cyber attacks are the reality of this world.

Carry Young RNZ reported 19th December 2023 ‘Leaked Vaccine Data, a chance a small number of people may be identified, as Te Whatu Ora reports they are employing International experts to investigate the COVID-19 Vax data leak stated Margi Apa CEO of Te Whatu Ora. RNZ reported 19th December 2023 ‘Leaked Vaccine Data, chance a small number of people may be identified.  8th December Te Whatu Ora employs International experts to investigate COVI9 Vaccine leak,  stated Margie Apa CEO of Te Whatu Ora.

Referring to Barry Young, it had been reported by Te Whatu Ora there is a small chance a number of patients may be identified. I suggest Te Whatu Ora keep their own house in check where they are responsible for protecting thousands of patients files that were cyber attacked over the last four years. If personal, private info is out their the shame and blame should be put squarely on your shoulder not one of a man whose really cares about the people of NZ.

 Lets not just put the huge cyber security hacks out in the public arena. Thousands of patients files compromised, private info exposed. The Privacy Commissioner, the government knew about all these cyber attacks on the health system and post mortem files by November 2022 and before this. RNZ reported 9th September 2023 that ‘Te Whatu Ora looked overseas for its transformational plans – a digital shift needed to transform health systems.

 The government was told in 2020 Health IT needed at least $2 billion in upgrades. The Health Minister had been warned of aging systems, IT funding was still lagging, according to Official Information Act request. Many current IT  systems being reported as old with significant limitations. The health system that generates more and more data requiring upgrades . Te whatu Ora you have been sprung, accusing Barry Young that there is a small chance he risked exposing a few patients details”. This is rubbish he shared no identifying patient details. The Govt Agencies allowed through their inaction on cyber security allowed thousands of patient files to be compromised. Do Not Blame Barry Young for your total Incompetence and no conscious of allowing 1,000’s of patients private information to be robbed. I call this a bloody great red flag.



What are you not being told as to why the government reintroduced the Therapeutics Products Bill. The message they give NZrs is that they are just making sure of the quality and the efficacy on therapeutics. Balancing the risks and benefits. Making sure they are a different product category to medicines and medical devices. That are they hiding, not telling the public of New Zealand.  The Govt sought an urgent law change to the Medicines Act which related to the Pfizer COVID19 rollout legality. The govt needed to urgently fix the Medicines Act so that they could roll out the 4th COVID19 jab legally. After a High Court ruling on the decision to grant provisional approval to rollout Pfizer COVID19 jabs.  The Court concluded it was ‘reasonably arguable that the limited use provision (Off Label Medicine) under sect.23 of the Medicine Act was problematic as it encompassed a limited number of people that could receive the dose 4 of Pfizer jab, not the whole population. The Judge said “While I doubt that this is a much ‘limited’ class of persons than ‘ALL New Zealanders’ a class of that size seems well beyond what is contemplated by a straight forward purpose” referring to Sect 23 of the Medicines Act. Health Minister Andrew Little acknowledged the Judges ruling saying ‘The Medicines Act’ was due for a change. He said The Medicines Amendment Bill will be passed with urgency tomorrow”. Six products were currently used as an off-label medicine under sect 23 of the Medicines Act. 2 types of contraceptives, 2 pandemic flu vaxes, and a Pfizer Jab, also an electrolyte solution used in hospitals.

25/5/2022 Chris Hipkins Minister for COVID19 Response and Andrew Little Minister of Health made a ‘Regulatory Impact Statement to amend the Medicines Act 1981 allowing for Off-Label Medicines (Mass COVID19 Jabs-unlimited). The 4th dose of COVID19 jab was an off label medicine classification, it had not been approved in large cohorts, thus a mechanism had to be implemented to allow for use. This would also allow the dosage timing between jabs to be shortened from 6 months to 3 months. The COVID Technical Advisory Groups had recommended that people over 65 and Maori and Pasifika over the age of 50 years old. Thousands of people. This giving the Director General of Health the ability to make decisions regarding the admin, supply and the implementation of the 4th Pfizer Jab and other jabs that may be introduced that had not been approved, could only be used as off-label- limited use. Whilst being outside Medsafe regulations of the medicines process this would provide an enduring sound legal basis for the provision of any further dosed of COVI19 jabs, the 4th dose and future ones. Thus future-proofing off label medicines even if there is no epidemic notice in place.

This was just one of the options the other was the Therapeutic Products Bill which became the preferential option rather than amending the Medicine Act, as it would provide regulatory mechanisms to ensure the future proofing of the 4th dose of Pfizer jab and any other off label jabs that will follow. What does it mean when a medication is off-label? It is used for a disease or medical condition that it is not approved to treat. Can only be cause for a limited amount of patients not the whole population of NZ. You must be prescribed an off-label medicine by a doctor by doctors prescription. Out of several options discussed the government stated they found it necessary to introduce the Therapeutic Products Bill to pass it into legislation so they could deploy an unlimited jabbing of people across NZ. So the real reason for the Therapeutic Products Bill is the jab unlimited people with an off-label unapproved medicine where off label medicines are usually for a limited number of the population. As with all medicines, vaccines can be used outside of Medsafe approval (this is called ‘off label’) if they are prescribed by an authorised prescriber.

27th May 2022 -Currently a fourth dose is considered “off-label” Pfizer’s 4th jab had not been approved by Medsafe, due to the absence of an application from Pfizer. The only way for the approximately 834,000 at-risk people to access the fourth dose is on prescription via a General Practitioner (GP) on an individualised basis.  Thus raising concerns over the ability to maximise uptake of the vaccine in these groups, due to equity of access, cost and timeliness of implementation. Documented by Caroline Flora Associate Deputy Director-General System Strategy and Policy Ministry of Health. When publicly  explaining the reasons for the introduction to the Therapeutic Products Bill they deliberately left some very important information out, that being the real reason for introducing the Bill, however the government told  the people of New Zealand “they were  just making sure of the quality and the efficacy on therapeutics. Balancing the risks and benefits. Making sure they are a different product category to medicines and medical devices.”

That are they hiding, not telling the public of New Zealand.  The Government did not tell the public about why they really introduced the Therapeutic Product Bill, it was so they could legally jab more arms with an off-label unapproved Pfizer jab- more guineapig for another Pfizer jab, which has little to zilch results as yet.

LINKS    Carol Sakey



67,000 New Zealanders overdue for hospital treatment and specialist appointment. Minster Of Health reported “This will take some time for marked improvements to happen” This is an extremely serious situation that effects peoples health and wellbeing, that will shorten peoples lives if not diagnosed, treated quickly enough.

Andrew Little to the rescue (NOT). May 2022 he announced ‘a high powered taskforce, a national plan of action to clear hospital backlogs. Today’s Sunday Herald reports “hospital backlogs (waiting lists) have deteriorated. Since March 2022 to November 2022  4,131 people have been added to hospital waiting lists (backlogs)  The 2020 Budget $283 million over next three years was to be used to decrease the hospital waiting list. NZ Herald reported 25/3/2022 ‘Cancer Patients wait 3 months for URGENT treatment. Stuff NZ reported 1/2/2022 ‘Dying patients say they are waiting too long for diagnosis, treatments.

Stuff NZ report 13/1/2022 ‘Extraordinarily distressing cancer patients forced to wait months. Cancer patients missing out on precious survival time, suffering from treatable pain, experiencing mental anguish whilst waiting for recommended radiation, oncology treatment. Cancer patients and their families were speaking out about the devastating impact of waiting too long for standard treatments including chemo and radiation therapy. Some waiting 4 months. A Medical Oncologist with Auckland District Health Board reported his concerns – referring to the national monitoring of waiting times for cancer treatment, he said “these are not prioritized by the government”

A  government had introduced a new health system in 2021 which does not include cancer services. Oncologists report that consistent clear reporting on the performance of cancer care is urgently needed, transparency needs to be ensured. Lucy Elwood Cancer Society NZ. Chief Executive said “We are concerned there is no longer ‘at the top of the table measuring targets, specifically looking at how cancer services are performing. Given that cancer is the top cause of death in New Zealand”. Te Aho o Te Kahu, Cancer Control Agency said “they are developing systems to collect share cancer services performance data, but that wont be finished until 2025. In the meantime the hospital backlog (waiting list) continues to increase.

Dr Shaun Costello -Oncologist-College of Radiologists (RANZCR) reported “In some cases a persons cancer has grown so much whilst waiting for treatment that they had to have surgery instead of radiation. He said the “number of Kiwi’s with cancer is expected to double in the next 20years, however the health workforce is projected to shrink. Many Health professionals are leaving New Zealand for better pay and conditions elsewhere. Canterbury Health Board states “shortage of staffing has been known over last 4 yrs. It will take years to clear the backlog, waiting list. “excess deaths are likely”.

As for Oncology services the long waiting times means the prognosis, including chance of survival worsens if treatment is delayed. The longer a person waits, the worse the prognosis, the longer the pain. Obviously this new government health plan involves  Peeni Henare and Andrew Little as key players consequently bear a large part of the responsibility for causing serious health consequences and consequently shortening of peoples life spans. Robbing them of precious time with family, loved ones, friends etc., The govt as a whole must be held accountably, responsible.

Beehive website 21st April 2021– Speeches were given by Andrew Little and Peeni Henare. Announcing the plan Andrew Little’s speech included:- A truly national public health service. Which will take health to the people, in their own homes. To those that need it, no matter where they live. Treating people when they get sick, then they wont need to go to hospital. An emphasis on primary and community healthcare. So the Govt can start giving Te Tino Rangatiratanga and fulfil the governments obligations under the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Dept of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Health & Disability Transition Unit had been working together for months on the new health service plan. (A plan for the future). A transformation to help ALL New Zealanders to live longer, healthier lives.

2.Fast Forward to day – a complete failure, a huge increase in the suffering, pain, anxiety on peoples lives . The hospital waiting time(backlog ) almost 67,000 people. But Andrew Little says the new health service is “So the govt can start giving Te Tino Rangatiratanga, fulfilling its obligations to the Treaty of Waitangi.” Saying this is smarter, works more effectively, intelligently, cohesively”

Little referred to the Five System Shifts to ensure a health system that serves ALL New Zealanders (Tell that to the 67,000 people on the hospital waiting list, tell that to the thousands of cancer patients whom you have robbed them of a longer life expectancy and enhancement of life, tell that to their loved ones, families). Little said “This new health transformation will help NZrs live longer, in good health, have the best quality of life. The government will always prioritise this. The new health system will be smarter, work more effectively, intelligently, cohesively.  The ‘Health System Shifts (transformation) will ensure it will serve ALL NZrs. Reinforce Te Tiriti principles, govts obligations to the Treaty. There will be a comprehensive range of support within community settings. All NZrs will have access to high quality emergency, specialist care when they need it.. Digital services will provide more care for people in their own homes. Health workers will be trained for the ‘Future Health System’. A dynamic fundamental shift in ethos and culture for MOH services. To operate as one system. A common leadership. Simplifying, consolidating functions. A unifying purpose to achieve pae-ora ‘A Good Health for ALL’

The new health service system no longer directly fund and commission the health service, instead it will be leaner, sharper, more agile, focused on its core role. Will replace 20 DHBs, will become the first truly national public health service.. Working on the basis of four regional divisions of Health NZ, district offices throughout NZ, will ensure they are truly in touch with the needs of NZrs. Each four regional divisions of Health NZ being responsible, overseeing, managing a network of hospitals, commissioning primary and community healthcare services in their region. A nationwide approach.

Andrew Little added “the system must work in a ‘partnership’ with Maori. The Govt (Crown) has specific obligations to Maori under the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Govt now have the opportunity the truly live up to the vision of the Treaty of Waitangi” (NO PARTNERSHIP documented in Treaty Of Waitangi). He added “by monitoring the state of Maori health, hence helps health policies. The Maori Health Authority having the power to commission health services for Maori and to partner with Health NZ in all aspects of the health service system.

Andrew Little said “the establishment of the Maori Health Authority is a real step towards Tino rangatiratanga in health. (Two tier Society). Peeni Henari then concluded with his speech in the House. As he spoke about the improved new health services to protect the health of the population, where Health NZ will work closing with Maori Health Authority. Saying “the government have specific obligations to Maori, the system must listen to the voices of Pacific people including ‘rainbow’ and ‘diverse people. The govt is designing services that work for them There will be a new consumer forum a voice for health service providers.

The health of Pacific people will come under Health NZ not the Maori Health Authority. One of the criticisms is “the new health system does NOT adequately address concerns, needs of the disabled community”. However Henare spoke of digital options and bringing health services closer to home (tele-health-Tele-medicine)

Shifting the focus away from hospitals, virtual diagnosis testing at home, digital monitoring. Iwi/Maori Partnership Boards and locality networks. To tackle the complex needs of an aging population at the time of global health shortages. Henare referred to the ‘Govt planning of the health workforce for the future’. The creation of a new culture, a new  NZ Health Charter, the maintaining of services including the COVID19 vaccination programme. This will be a priority during the transition.  He said “We MUST move forward, DELIBERATELY and with DETERMINATION, and it starts today – the start transition date was 21st April 2021.

3.Henare said “ The new health plan is expected to come into effect July 2022”. The partnership of Health NZ and the Maori Health Authority, which would include a smooth handover to new entities once the law was established. Henare concluding “the New Health Plan, a lifetime change to put in place a new health system, to improve the health of this and future generations’ To make a once-in-a-lifetime change to put in place a new system and to improve the health of this and future generations. A change for tomorrow that will not compromise the care we give today”. Henare  said “He reassure NZrs that the care they rely on will still be available. From your GPs, Local pharmacists, midwives hospital, specialist will still provide the care they did before . He referred to “a greater investment in health, smart, fairer national health system. This transformation is necessary. This time must be different (A New Normal- A small window of opportunity-(New Zealands Great Reset)

Transformation and Investment, achieving pae – ora reshaping NZ health system to be ‘One Truly Fit For Future Generations” As Peeni Henare said “A Transformational Government, big infrastructure build, massive policy commitments leading up to a Single Grand Reveal.. The Maori Health Authority and Health NZ embedding a partnership and this must happen at a local level. Iwi/Maori Partnership Boards. And still they persist although many, many  people of NZ are significantly suffering and needlessly dying.

And today 29th January 2023 .HOSPITAL BACKLOGS CLIMB TO ALMOST 67,000.

67,000 Thousand people in NZ overdue for treatment or specialist appointments. And Ministry Of Health state “this will take some time for marked improvements to take place”.


Cancer patients wait up to 12 weeks for urgent treatment – NZ Herald

See here for full documents about the reforms

