The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers

More than half the world’s population are currently in work and 15% of working-age adults live with a mental disorder. Without effective support, mental disorders and other mental health conditions can affect a person’s confidence and identity at work, capacity to work productively, absences and the ease with which to retain or gain work. Twelve billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety alone. Furthermore, people living with severe mental health conditions are largely excluded from work despite this being important for recovery. Mental health conditions can also impact families, carer’s, colleagues, communities, and society at large. Depression and anxiety cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year predominantly from reduced productivity.

Everyone has the right to work and all workers have the right to a safe and healthy working environment. Work can be a protective factor for mental health, but it can also contribute to worsening mental health. Work-related mental health conditions are preventable. Much can also be done to protect and promote mental health at work and support people with mental health conditions to participate fully and equitably in work. WHO has developed Guidelines on mental health at work. This is accompanied by the Mental health at work: Policy brief developed in collaboration with the International Labour Organization. Together, these products aim to improve the implementation of evidence-based recommendations for mental health at work to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions, and enable people living with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in work.

The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers

PAGE 1. Governments have a responsibility to act. .ILO conventions on occupational safety , health, discrimination, violence and harassment…WHO strategies and action plans on health, environment, climate change, mental health.. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

WHAT POLICY MAKERS CAN DO..:- In consultation with employers and or workers organizations.

1.Prevent workers from experiencing mental health condition  refers to psychosocial risk management among occupational health services, to prevent, monitor, propose remedial action for harm caused by psychosocial risks, especially where such a capacity may not be available for lower resourced employers.

2 Protect and promote mental health at work, strengthen capacities and opportunities act on mental health conditions at work: Develop frameworks to require, encourage the use of effective interventions to protect and promote mental health. Provide guidelines and quality assurance standards for training and other interventions used in workplaces.

Build capacities within primary care, occupational health and mental health services to recognize, respond to mental health conditions in the context of work and to support lower resourced employers.

3.Support worker with mental health conditions tpo access, thrive at work: Align employment laws with International Human Rights instrument – protect workers with mental health conditions from discrimination. Establish pathways between health, social and employment services to facilitate govt initiatives and return to work programs


LEADERSHIP: Commit to mental health at work by raising awareness, advocating for action and leading policy development

INVESTMENT: Secure sufficient funds, resources to design and deliver mental health at work policies, interventions

RIGHTS Uphold peoples rights to participate in work fully and faily

COMPLIANCE: Establish regulatory processes to guide employers and strengthen uptake and compliance with relevant laws, regulations and recommendations




3 Pages Pdf: The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers





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One crisis after another diverting New Zealanders attention from what is really happening when it comes to freshwater contamination in New Zealand.

Blame the government, as they push forward with their Three Waters Reform they will not tell you how they themselves are guilty of  their own neglect that has allowed contamination of fresh water to continue over several decades.


Please click on the link in the image above to be directed to my Rumble video on this subject because its time to stop throwing the farmer under the tractor.


If you have not subscribed to my website please do so now, thank you..Carol Sakey



Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook have all sought out New Zealand as being a guineapig state.  Ardern offered New Zealand up to be a guineapig state in 2019 when the government agreed to pilot ‘Reimagining AI Regulations’ for the World Economic Forum.

What about COVID19 Clinical Trials, you may ask?  Yes Phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials took place in Auckland prior to COVID landing on our shores. RNZ reported October  26th 2021  ” Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been repeatedly shown that when Māori lead, we get things done, we keep our communities well, and we get our whānau vaccinated.  Out on the East coast, Jordan’s iwi Te Whānau ā Apanui are a stand-out example of the power of iwi and hapū-led vaccination.  The Te Araroa community similarly shows us how Māori-led communications about the vaccine can resonate strongly across both Māori and tauiwi audiences”.  But do they talk and represent all people with Maori blood running through their veins, I think not.


Please go to the link in the image above click on this, you will be directed to my Rumble Video on this important topic, where I have researched ‘Is New Zealand a guineapig state, and are Maori being targeted deliberately so’


If you have not subscribed to my website please do so now, thank you.  Carol Sakey



Revisiting Parliamentary Protest – Mallard Duck just couldn’t help himself grabbing that narrow window of opportunity to pilot  Nanaia Mahuta’s  ‘3 Water’s Reform’ As he used the sprinklers in Parliament to pilot the ‘3 Waters Reform’. It was an overnight disaster. A brain washing ‘No Brainer’. Proven beyond doubt, once again the bureaucrats lied. ‘3 Waters is not ‘environmentally friendly, but ‘environmentally nasty’. A water on the brainer.

On Monday I attended the Anzac Service at One Tree Hill. “Acknowledging, remembering the ‘War dead’. I thought of my grandfathers, great uncles, and uncles of mine., that were engaged in fighting in Gallipoli, First and Second world wars. How bravely, courageously they fought for our freedoms.

My Mum at the age of 16, kept the home fires burning in the second world war. She worked in an ammunitions factory, working beside her ‘ a German prisoner of War”   It’s the same sad, sad story throughout history. Bureaucrats make the wars,  people pay with their lives.    On Monday I attended the Anzac Service at One Tree Hill Auckland.

I was drawn to tears, the service really tugged at my heart strings, quietly I sat in prayer thanking them for making our freedoms possible ‘Lest We Forget’ and as the sun went down “We shall never forget”  It confirmed for me once more, there is no alternative we must fight for our freedoms. We are the living hearts and souls of those war dead, those that suffered terrible injuries.

It is up to us now, not to let the war dead die in vain.  It is our responsibility to come together in peace, love and unity to demand “No, enough is enough, we the people demand you return to us our God given rights, our civil liberties, our human rights”.

For our human dignity, our unique individual identity for our children, future generations.   Yes-ANZAC day, left me somewhat emotional”, Mother Day is not far away ‘Sunday 8th May’.  Mothers day for me is one of mixed emotions, a few giggles and a few tears. I am drawn questioning myself  “how would my dear old Mum cope with todays insane happenings”?

Would she compliant to political demands “Hell no”. Telling my Mum she’s not allowed to go meet friends at the coffee shop, would be treading on dangerous territory.   I can hear her now “Bugger off, who a hell do you think you are… if I want to go to the coffee shop, I’ll go –  You are not my maker, or creator”- Go sort your own life out,  sounds like it’s a mess”.  My Mum straight to the point.

What about the  shot in the arm?. That’s an absolute No, NO. Mum didn’t trust doctors, or hospitals. To her,  all medicines were poisons. And  she would never agree to wear a nappy around her face, after all.. she even refused to wear a gas mask in war time Britain.

Like or leave Mum, it made no difference to her. Mum was loudly opinionated,  embarrassingly so at times.  Seeing a woman in a skirt almost up to her thigh..   Mum would deliberately in her loudest voice spurt out  “Carol, look at her, lamb dressed up as mutton, you can see what she had for breakfast, lunch and dinner”  I would try to hush her voice.. “shhee Mum, she can hear you”, her response was   “I know, but Carol don’t hush me, you may be in your 60’s now, but I’m still your mother”

Mum and in later years enjoyed each others company visiting family members in England and Ireland. Dad was Irish, and Mum liked everyone to believe she too was Irish.   She knew how to dance an Irish Jig, and sing an Irish song. Often on visits to Ireland I found myself having to sleep in the same bed as my mum, because of shortage of bed space.

I found out things about my Mum I never knew before, like her loud stinky farts that nearly blew me out of bed. There was no escaping them, inside and outside the bed covers. All I could do is suffer in silence, and just pray that Mum would run out of gas, rather sooner than later.  I bravely approached the stinky subject with Mum saying “maybe she’s eating too much rich holiday food, that’s causing her fluctuance” Respectfully I did not tread on dangerous territory by describing them as “loud smelly farts”

Surprisingly mum didn’t  fiercely retaliate, she smiled, but I noticed that hint of sarcasm as she responded  “Never mind dear, its only kisses from the intestines,  showing how much your mother loves you”.  You would certainly be treading on dangerous territory if Mum saw you sneezing into your sleeve, as we are being told to.. Mum would have been horrified, sneezing is for hankies.  I can just hear her now “Look at that dirty filthy person, rubbing their snotty nose right up their  sleeve, bloody disgusting”.

And as for facial masks my Mum would not hesitate to go up to a complete stranger and ask “what’s it like burping and sneezing in your own face, wearing that nappy around your face”

Sharing my thoughts about my Mum, with an old friend the other day, we agreed ‘my mother would rather wear a pair of police handcuffs rather than a nappy around her face.  My friend laughed, saying its like this  “There’s this  condom and a face mask sitting together on a park bench-  The condom looks at the mask and says “they won’t wear you either , huh”.

Later that day I visited another old friend who was a psychotherapist in the same clinic as I worked from many years ago. I noticed the sign on the door ‘Vaccine Passes required to enter these premises’.  I ignored it and walked in, no questions asked. But couldn’t help telling her , she’d bought into the insanity, that people were seriously injured, have died after having the COVID shot.

I went onto say that this insanity has people confused, believing lies through the propaganda machine.  She looked at me, like she was a shrink. “Here we go, I could see it coming, she thought I was an anti-vaxer crazy woman. She told me she cared for me, put her arms around me. I felt I wanted to rip her arms out of her sockets, but I pulled myself together, a little voice in my head said  “firstly, do no harm”.

My friend she should taken into account that I am my mothers daughter, and she knew what my mother was like, that she could be treading on dangerous ground. Here we go, then she started  “close your eyes Carol, visualize you are on standing on a railway track and a high speed train is heading for you, what are you going to do?”

I opened my eyes and laughed saying “I’m going to grab me a helicopter and fly right out of there”. .. Oops that wasn’t the answer she was looking for.   Once more she said “Close your eyes Carol, can you see the high speed train rushing towards you ?”  I whispered “Yes I can it”. she whispered back asking “what are you going to do”? Again I replied, this time a a nice soft voice  “I’m going to grab me a helicopter and fly right out of there”. In a louder slightly agitated voice she responded  “Where in hell are you going to get a helicopter from”?   Again  I opened my eyes, loudly responding “The bloody same place you got your dam train from”.  There it ended, both of us cracked up laughing.

Getting back to my dear old Mum, it was a losing battle trying to argue with Mum.  She’d say “ Carol, you maybe in your 60’s, but I’m still your Mother, therefore your argument is invalid.”   Dear mum gave me two choice, take it or leave it.    I can’t help it after all I am my mothers daughter and occasionally my mum pops out of my mouth.  Mother’s never really die. My mum at times had a great deal of trouble with me, but I am sure she enjoyed it.  Mum taught me that “Fear is not an option”. My father was Irish and Mum English., however  Mum deliberately adopted my dads Irishness. She was a ‘want to be Irish’.

In your Irishness Mum, here’s a message for you –  “’Tá mé i ngrá leat”  which means I love you in Gaelic.  We are all individually unique and to Mothers born. Created as God’s children.  I find it very special when people come together in unity acknowledging that we are all special unique individual human beings. A meeting of living heart and souls, carrying our forefathers identity within each of us.

When asked “what is the solution to these extremely troubling times, I say “the bureaucrats are the problem, the people are the solution”

Without this insane, ruthless, utter  disrespect for human life we have experienced by Ardern’s Govt, we probably would never have met kindred spirits. Yes out of the bad comes the good, which gives us hope, because we are not alone as thousands in New Zealand come together in unity.

We cannot back down, there is no other alternative, it is our responsibility  for our children, future generations to keep moving forward.

To retain our human dignity, human rights and civil liberties. Yes, the solution lies with the people, we are the people.

Again I repeat these words-Mothers Day Sunday 8th May, especially for my Mum “’Tá mé i ngrá leat” – “I love you Mum” Rest In Peace.





2nd December 2021 David Parkers speech in Parliament found on parliamentary website


Included in his speech he states the following:-

Taken too far, collective rights are used by communist, fascist or theocratic regimes to suppress minorities and individual liberties.

That extreme views of individual liberties ‘trumping community rights beget unjust outcomes too

Unless an individual adult has a medical reason not to be vaccinated, that it’s a fair expectation those that can should in order to protect us all. He adds “ Unvaccinated people may not be able to enjoy the same things that the vaccinated do”

Vaccine certificate will now become a way a feature of daily life as we move into the traffic light system.

Now many businesses and event holders will be able to choose whether they use the vaccine pass or not for their customers

Green, orange, red levels using vax certs will allow gatherings like weddings, hospitality, gyms to operate with few restrictions

Some private companies have already announced they will not serve, allow unvaxed on their premises, also mentions those running musical festivals and international flights

Some businesses are still asking their staff or customers to be vaxed.

David Parker adds, that private sector decisions do not trigger the same Bill Of Rights Act- balancing exercise in the same way as  government decisions do.

It is unlikely that exclusion from music festivals or international flights or private premises would be unlawful.

Not being able to go out for dinner is simply a consequence of their refusal to be vaccinated.

He says the message is clear:- If you choose not to be vaxed then there will be things you will miss out on.

The government has set ot all the controls for each of the traffic lights by including them in one new order, but made only some of those controls “active” right now.

Parker said “This means that New Zealanders can see for themselves all the controls that could apply at Red Orange and Green if a localised lockdown is needed

He then spoke about vaccine requirements: for workplaces.If people choose not to be vaxed, do not always have a free choice of employment

The government require those people who work in MIQ, border, health & disability, education, prisons. Police and defence force personnel to be vaxed.

The Government has introduced vaccine requirements for those working in MIQ, border, health and disability, education, prison workforces, police and defence force personnel.

Other than this, persons conducting businesses, undertaking a concept used in the Health & Safety at Work Act, The Govt has designed a tool for businesses to use, but not compulsory.

Other Health and Safety tests can be applied.

Parker made a reference to a European Court of Human Rights Case referring to compulsory childhood vaccinations as follows:-

“It cannot be regarded as disproportionate for a state to require those for whom vaccination represents a remote risk to health to accept this universally practised protective measure as a matter of legal duty….

Parker states  in the name of social solidarity, the govt believes people are fairly asked to bear the consequences of their choice not to vaccinate

Saying the future is uncertain, ever higher vax rates, comes with more options and few restrictions, adding if the virus mutates, and science advances…

The govt will respond swiftly, supporting those affected.

Another humdinger lie by this government- Our calm and caring science-driven approach has resulted in more freedoms in New Zealand.

We have honoured the NZ Bill Of Rights Act.- Another lie Ardern and her political cronies totally violated the NZ Bill Of Rights Act 1990


