Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 was originally titled ‘Our Common Future’, the planning of societal change takes place decades before the public see any signs of the implementation, by this time it is being sold to them in the form of a benefit’.  The future we will all have in common. The planning of economic and societal transformation, this has taken decades now the public can see this for themselves, but sadly many people still put their heads in the sand, completely ignore it to the detriment of this generation and future generations to come. This is the blueprint to control all our basic needs to survive, water, plants, human, animals- wild and domestic under the concept of what is called a ‘One Health Approach’ which is already embedded in the International Rules Based Order.  (Control of the whole Ecosystem) This is a recipe for destruction in every country village, township, city, region worldwide. This is a massive public relations scam that’s happening worldwide for ‘No-one to be left behind, everyone, everywhere at every age’. Right now the International Rules Based Order is implementing a plan called ‘De-growth’. This is the New Normal, the Great Reset the transformation for the 21st Century and beyond for the so called common good of all. Restrictions, mandates, isolation, controlling mechanisms for the common good of all. The Great Reset must be the peoples Great Resist if we are to survive with all our dignity intact.

The Global Agenda for the 21st Century is an inventory and control plan of what energy you take in and what goes out, monitoring measuring cities, targeting humans, you are the carbon they want to restrict- control- deplete, as populations are moved into these ever increasing highly dense cities. Diluting traditions, cultures of individual nations by way of implementing mass migration from developing countries. The dangerous path to Globalized Citizenship. The restricting of mobility, being easily monitored and controlled. Violating private property rights, parental rights. The reducing of consumption, usage- degrowth. The takeover of the Sovereign Nation State. This is the mapping of the ‘End Game’, the implementation of unelected global actors, global dictatorship of totalitarian sociopaths all at citizens, peoples, populations expense worldwide. Remove Human Activity from the Rural Areas these are to be called ‘wild lands, they use “concern for extreme population projection’.

UNEP, UN Environmental Programme, UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) is also known as the ‘Earth Summit’ held in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in June 1992. This was the largest summit ever, it focused on the global socioeconomic activities and how they were predicted to have an effect on the environment. Climate doomism being caused by human activity, this was a way that worldwide influential leaders could come together, policymakers, diplomats, CEO’s, Scientists and of course the global propaganda machine Government leaders and NGO’s, representatives of 176 States and territories. Several UN organizations and specialized agencies, 35 intergovernmental organization and 1500 plusnon-governmental organizations. This coincided with the World Environment Day the 5th June. Environmentalism  (Eco-socialism) was about to spread worldwide. A Global governance of Eco Socialism. The International environmental Treaty, the power and influence over international systems worldwide as a whole.. Political, Economical, Environmental  Global Governance. The Brundtland Report established the coined phrase  ‘Sustainable Development’. The plan at the time was transforming modern society, it cultural, economic, political and scientific components it was reported ‘ this is in order to tackle dramatic environmental destruction’. The World Commission on Environment and Development ‘Our Common Future (1987) is titled ‘A GLOBAL AGENDA FOR CHANGE’ (The Brundtland Report) .. chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister  Gro-Harlem Brundtland This included the role of the International economy, food security and monitoring, Sustainable Development Towards Common Action  Our Common Future, From One Earth to One World  (The UN World Commission on Environment and Development)

Sustainable Development Towards Common Action. The calling  for a common endeavor and for new norms of behavior at all levels and in the interests of all. The changes in attitudes, in social values, and in aspirations that the report urges will depend on vast campaigns of education, debate and public participation. To this end, we appeal to “citizens” groups, to non governmental organizations, to educational institutions, and to the scientific community. They have all played indispensable roles in the creation of public awareness and political change in the past. They will play a crucial part in putting the world onto sustainable development paths, in laying the groundwork for Our Common Future. The process that produced this unanimous report proven that it is possible to join forces, to identify common goals, and to agree on common action. Governments, individually and collectively, have the principal responsibility to do this. UNEP’s Earthwatch programme should be the centre of leadership in the UN system on risk assessment 95. However, given the politically sensitive nature of many of the most critical risks, there is also a need for an independent but complementary capacity to assess and report on critical global risks. A new international programme for cooperation among largely non-governmental organizations, scientific bodies, and industry groups should therefore be established for this purpose. 4.4 Making Informed Choices 96. Making the difficult choices involved in achieving sustainable development will depend on the widespread support and involvement of an informed public and of NGOs, the scientific community, and industry. Their rights, roles and participation in development planning, decision-making, and project implementation should be expanded. 4.5 Providing the Legal Means 97. National and international law is being rapidly outdistanced by the accelerating pace and expanding scale of impacts on the ecological basis of development

Jacinda Ardern and the Earth watch Program and her leadership of the International Socialist Youth. Just a segment of our so called ‘Our Common Future’ under the regime of a One World Stakeholder Governance of Eco Socialism. The art of looking for trouble and finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly applying the wrong remedies, battling ideologies instead of working alongside uncertainties of science, and XX and XY of biology that has been insanely replaced by the Wokeism of  120 or more gender ideologies and throw in a few cat and dog human ideological agenda too.  Progressive global geopolitics,  sharing of variants of pathogen, the global human laboratory of lab rats worldwide. Bio-Digital Convergence and digital control where all people worldwide have digital identities to create a global utopia. Our so called Common Future is governed by a Communist top down global regime.

5987our-common-future.pdf (


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UN Agenda 2030: 17 Global Development Goals 169 Targets over 230 Indicators. For starters ignore the warm fuzzy language. Starting from the very beginning, is a very good place to start to describe firstly UN Agenda 2030 SDG ‘End Poverty in ALL Forms Everywhere’.   Remember behind the masks of the fuzzies hides evil monsters.

NZ’s ugly monsters are the political cronies that hide themselves in the toilet bowl of Wellington. UN Agenda 2030 SDG1 – End Poverty in ALL Forms Everywhere’ equates to, really means  ‘Redistribute wealth and resources to make the super rich much more wealthier and the middle class poorer. The super rich have hugely increased their share of the worlds wealth.  The 2020 Wealth, Health  & Inequality Report stated the largest rise in billionaire wealth was recorded as never seen before. The wealthiest in the world making 6 times more than the bottom 90% of humanity. That’s collectively $2.7 Billion per day. Where extreme wealth gaps have totally undermined SDG1 (Ending Poverty in ALL forms everywhere). The DAVOS WEF crowd reveling in their concentration of increased wealth. (World Bank reports Agenda 2030  SDG 1 unlikely to be met)

It is reported that ‘Extreme Wealth’ and ‘Extreme Poverty’ is significantly increasing at the same time. All those basic living expenses have significantly increased in price as worldwide more people struggle. Many more New Zealanders are struggling as inflation increases so does food, gas, energy, rents, loans and mortgages. On top of this is the increased crime, Newshub reported 23rd May 2023 the crime stat’s for NZ’s major cities. Between 2017 and 2022. March 2017 Auckland City 87,971   per year – 2023 to approx..,  110,000 this year already. March 2017 Wellington City 9,800 per annum – 2023 =12,290 per year. Christchurch City  March 2017 =25,547 per year increased in  2023 to 35,941 per year. Businesses are  anxious and concerned many continuing to report they do not feel safe. As for the Labour’s  Govt’s Gun Buy Back Scheme, that’s shot them in the foot so to speak, another failure. The shootings, stabbings, ram-raids have all increased.  Law abiding citizens register their guns, crim’s, gangs do not. Another UN global directive- disarm law abiding citizens.

Law abiding citizens, Conservative and Christians, no matter what race, those that oppose the Socialist Left woke political narratives have been assassinated by the government paid off media as ‘White Supremacists’. “How dare you be a conspiracy theorist, an anti vaxer”, using this to shut voices down, to divide the nation, to silence voices- Silence is Consent’.

It appears those political cronies do not need our consent, they just mandate the population to under human guineapig trails. “Go to Mcdonalds and get a Free Happy Meal with your next jab”- The very unhealthy MacJabber Burger with a free coke full of sugar, giving the message “look after health, your immune system have a McJabber and Coke Happy Meal..Coca Cola’s profit for 12 months ending June 30th 2023 was $25.832 Billion a 6.15% increase over a year. Coca Cola facing a lawsuit for plastic pollution from the Earth Island Institute and Plastic Pollution Coalition. However Coca Cola reports the UN SDGs Agenda 2030 are championed as an important framework  for collective action

What are the SDG Plans of the UN/WEF Partnership Global Governance?  A global registry of policies, commitments, multistakeholder partnerships (Corporate Capture) with governments. UN/WEF support accelerate UN Agenda 2030. All governments are encouraged to register their policies to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 (Leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere, at every age

Corporate Capture globally, regionally, nationally increasing the price of goods and services, increasing payouts to shareholder. Lining the pockets of the ultra rich, forcing more millions into poverty. (What does SDG 1 look like now?) The FAO (UN) is in Rome, they monitor the worlds food supply report food security and poverty. FOA have reported that 95 food and energy corporations have doubled their profits made shareholder much wealthier. 1.7 Billion workers live in countries where inflation not outpaces wages. This has not just happened, it’s been happening for decades, the global system is totally rigged and corrupt favours the most wealthiest on the planet.

In New Zealand parliamentarians do not publicize that they are selling off assets that belong to All New Zealanders- these are called ‘Crown Enterprises’ will not publicize that the people of New Zealand own Crown Assets under Crown Enterprises, they belong to you namely a non-government party. The Government’s role is to ensure that NZ Assets are retained in ‘public ownership’. The Government has sold many of those assets that ALL the people of NZ own. They have robbed the people blind.

If you are being seriously effected by the much higher cost of living, or you need another car, or house maintenance etc., Or you maybe a business that needs more finance so you are able to survive, or a farmers who is seriously affected by the govts restrictions, so you may well apply to the bank for a loan. Your carbon footprint will be scrutinized by a somewhat similar system as the ‘Chinese Social Credit System’. Compliancy will get the loan, non-compliancy will not, you will be seen as a credit risk. The Global Elite with their mansions by the sea, leaders of governments, corporations travelling around the world multiple times in one year. Yes they try to cause anguish through main stream reporting and legislations to stop the rising seas, measure your carbon footprint. However the worlds 60 biggest banks have provided $4.6 trillion in financing for fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement in 2015. Yet they scrutinize ethical mortgages, ethical savings account, ethical bank accounts, ethical cash . The greedy rich banks that crippled the world economy. Yes the greedy banking morons with their climate and financial risk insanity. Mortgage lenders that cash in on peoples misery.

The role of Greed and Fear and the hiking of interest rates, do they care about you, families and communities ? HELL NO. Do they care about those in poverty? Hell NO. The International Bank of Settlements control all the worlds money. Does it care about the world’s children living in poverty ? Hell NO. Banks are like greedy ugly moths that eat through your savings, eat your standard of living and eat your future away. This is a global, regional, national recession in pursuit of benefiting the already wealthy. Winston Peters interview on You Tube.. the country is $40 billion more dollars in debt. A debt left to you, your children and your children   SDG 1 Agenda 2030. End ALL Poverty everywhere HELL NO.

Crises-Fear-Silenced and Controlled ‘Agenda 2030 Corporate Capture of ALL UN Nations States. Multi-stakeholder Capitalism. SDG 1 Agenda 2030 End Poverty in ALL its forms everywhere, equates to ‘ redistribute wealth and resources’ to make the super rich wealthier, the middle class much poorer. “You will be happy and own nothing”. 7th April 2022 the World Economic Forum  Website includes the chart from the World Inequality Lab’ of global income and wealth inequality. Showing the richest 10% of the worlds population own 76% of wealth globally whereas the poorest half own just a sliver. Then adds -STEP UP THE VACCINES.

Global Citizen reports “New study reveals Immunization could put an end to poverty” 13/2/2018 Harvard Institute. Playing as vital role will help 24 million people from falling into poverty by 2030 (Agenda 2030 (UN) Funded by Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation.(Red Flag). Gates fund the pandemic Preparedness 12/5/2022 commits US $125 million to end one pandemic and prevent the next it is reported by the Gates Foundation itself. Bill Gates net wealth $110 billion. Bill Gates best investment reports CNBC News turned his $10 billion into $200 billion (23/1/2019) A return on his vaccine investments.

The ‘Billionaire Boom’ Boom time increases wealth of America’s richest billionaires. Washington Post March 12th 2021 Six Tech Titans made more than US $360 billion from March 2020 to March 2021. Its reported 8th February 2022 “the richest people in the world got even richer and more people fell into the poverty trap. The wealth gap is killing the poor.

This is the obsessional SDG pushing, ramming it down our throats, destroying small businesses, that may never recuperate again, people struggling to pay for basic items necessary to exist. The worlds richest have doubled their fortunes since the pandemic began whilst the world income of 99% of humanity are much worse off as a result of the Pandemic. The Non-binding Agenda 2030 (UN) was adopted in September 2015. The majority of the population did not know and many are still unaware that this was and is still happening,  this massive transformational shift actioned by NZ’s MP’s in Parliament, therefore ‘Silence remains Consent’.

The people did not vote MPs into Parliament to destroy our economy, punish our people, mandate them out of jobs. Publicly crucify them through the mainstream media because they refuse to take part in a global experiment. UN Envision 2030 Eradicate extreme poverty for ALL people everywhere. Extreme poverty measured at living on less than $1.25 per day.

New Zealander should be outrages at what  destruction these parliamentarians have done to New Zealand. The people of NZ did not vote in prior referendums, or elections to be aggressively controlled by outside interference of corporate capitalism. I for one, an done.. enough is enough. Surely all others have had enough. The Governments initiative, their goal, their purpose is to destroy NZ’s free market economy, free market enterprise and replace it with UN/WEF Multistakeholder Corporatization ‘Corporate Capture. Free market economy is ‘your freedom to choose’. Stakeholder Corporate Capitalism ‘your freedom is seriously, severely at stake’. I will not believe that the people of NZ voted for our Sovereign Nation to be  harshly aggressively ruled by a one world governance. All these parliamentarians need to be gone, enough is enough. New Zealand has become a dangerous place for children, families for all ages. UN Agenda 2030- everyone, everywhere at every age- leave no-one behind.

Stats NZ will report that Poverty in NZ is unchanged (Stats NZ Govt Dept). Govt paid off Mainstream media will confirm this. As does Jan Tinetti’s Beehive speech 22/3/2022. STATS NZ are caught out ‘No inclusion of the most vulnerable families’ (Child In  The City .Org). The 9,000 households questioned in the survey, there were almost no inclusion of some of the most vulnerable families. The Govt’s Advisory Group February 2019 report made 42 recommendations on how the govt could change child poverty rates, not one of them have been implemented.  The Government uses Agenda 2030 Indicators to measure poverty. NZ Labour reports more than 60,000 kids lifted out of poverty.  Business and Economic Research Ltd 4/4/2023 Thousands of children in NZ still living in financial, material hardship (Ardern’s ‘Child Poverty Reduction Act). Again another miserable  FAILURE. Stats NZ estimate child poverty stats

Ministry of Social Development (Govt) report New Zealand Poverty Project’s method of establishing a poverty line using focus groups to establish a consensual-based poverty measure. Rubbish in and rubbish out. They are lying, we know they are lying, you know, that they know, that we know they are lying. SDG 1. UN AGENDA 2030 Communist De-Growth. With high inflation rates, increased cost of loans, mortgages, rents, basic necessities in life, you don’t have to be a researcher, an academic to know that this has significantly negatively affected people, families, children the elderly in NZ. SDG 1. Crises-Fear-Silenced and Controlled ‘Agenda 2030 Corporate Capture of ALL UN Nations States. Multi-stakeholder Capitalism. SDG 1 Agenda 2030 End Poverty in ALL its forms everywhere, equates to ‘ redistribute wealth and resources’ to make the super rich wealthier, the middle class much poorer. ‘You will be happy and own nothing’


I urge people to vote in New Zealand’s General Election whom want morality back, families protected -I say NO to Critical Race Theory and NO to Gender Ideology Theory in the School Curriculum and in the Workplace. Stop this sexually abusing, sexualization of our children NOW. I believe in One Law for One Nation. That our farmers and small businesses must be protected return New Zealand’s economy into a Free market enterprise where there is freedom to choose. Say NO to Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capitalism (Where freedoms are serious threatened

Be Gone Agenda 2030. Be Gone the Undemocratic WTO, the WHO the UN/WEF Globalist Cabal. Do NOT Under-estimate New Zealanders, we have  plenty of farmers that can lend their hand to most things. They can feed our Nation. We have a wealth of Natural Resources, do not let anyone tell you “We need the UN”. We have the ‘Number 8 Wire’ mentality, so lets do it. Surely enough is enough, I certainly have had enough- What about you?  SDG 1 Agenda 2030 Data-Rubbish in and Rubbish Out. Throw it in the rubbish. Step Out Of The Poverty Trap.

Researched By Carol Sakey   WakeUpNZ






Australian Senator Michael Roberts published an article on UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 calling this a conspiracy theory. Mainstream Media is corporate owned and extremely wealthy has much wealth to gain from supporting, promoting the global elite and are key players of World Economic Forums Global Redesign otherwise known as ‘The Great Reset’ and the Fourth Industrial Revolution -Global Governance (Guardian News 14/9/2016). Referencing Agenda 21/2030 (UN) as threatening to demolishing Sovereign Nations through UN Agenda 21, 2030 .that “people are waking up to the UN destroying our national sovereignty” referring to the UN Lima Declaration and the  1992 Rio Declaration (UN) – the implementation for a 21st century global governance which is known as ‘UN Agenda 2030’

Hence Senator Michael Roberts also accused all UN Member States of sneakingly implementing Agenda 2030 blaming the Keating Govt as having implemented this under the guise of biodiversity’ and that property rights would be stolen, regulations would be passed to control people. That  climate alarmism would push UN Member Nation States be  foreign controlled, he called the UN Paris Agreement as sham. Hence using the word ‘sustainability’ to pass regulations. Roberts wanted Australia to leave the United Nations.

UN Agenda 21 like UN Agenda 2030 both being non-binding agreements are commitments made by those govts that have ratified them, once entered into that nations domestic policies becomes law (Legislative Acts). Trump said in 2017 that UN Agenda 2030 to cut carbon emissions is a “draconian financial economical burden that is imposed on America”. However once legally binding some parts with Agenda 2030 are not legally binding. The documents text is littered with modal verbs ‘should’- ‘shall’  – may’ etc., that carry a different weight. ‘Shall’ being the big one. ‘Shall’ obliges countries to undertake action within the agreement. The Paris Accord (UN) contains 117 ‘shall’s’.

The Paris Agreement reads “Each Party ‘shall’ prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contribution that it intends to achieve”. Nationally determined contributions equates to the term “UN Climate uses references to ‘pledges’ how they aim to accelerate those pledges.  UN Member States have committed to submit their nationally determined contribution, update them every 5 years as to the actions they have each taken to reduce carbon emissions, however developed countries must do this annually

Art., 4 “Support shall be provided to developing countries” Billions of dollars over a period of years, this pledge has been made collectively among all developed nations (Paid by Tax Payer dollars). The goal posts have been shifted in many cases from 2030 to 2050. All UN Member States are endorsing promoting UN Agenda 2030. This is not a conspiracy theory. At the expense of NZ Tax Payers and the livelihoods of small businesses, farming communities and the plundering of New Zealand all political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington have jumped on the UN bandwagon.

Jacinda Ardern was the first to introduce UN Agenda 2030 into NZ’s Domestic Policies making it legally binding, she also urged other UN Member States to follow her lead. (NZ Guineapig State). Socialist, leftist will deny that there is a risk of destroying sovereign nations and individual property rights. Many will call UN Agenda 2030  a utopian nightmare. The Guardian News earlier stated that the US pushed the idea of Agenda 21(UN), as being communism under disguise.

Al Gores book declared ‘Fear is the most powerful enemy of reason’. Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ showed animations of Florida, San Francisco, Shanghai, Netherlands, Bangladesh and Manhattan all being swamped by oceans. Gore said “IF” Greenland and Antarctica broke up and melted, then talked about ‘rising seas’ and a hundred million refugee’s fleeing from ‘rising seas’

Biden addressing the US Senate in 1987 predicted a catastrophe of Biblical Proportions for the Entire World from Global Warming, he said “In the next new years global warming, should it occur in accord with the direst predictions would be a catastrophe of biblical proportions for the entire world”.

1989 a Senior UN Environmental Official said that a UN study predicted “Entire Nations Would Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth From Rising Seas If The Global Warming Trend Is Not Reversed By Year 2000’. That ‘coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees’ that would threaten political chaos said Noel Brown from the New York office of the UN Environmental Program (UNEP). (Peter James Spielmann ‘UN Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked Associated Press 6/29/89)

UNEP stated there was only a 10 year window (the window of opportunity for the New Normal) before the greenhouse effect would go beyond human control, that nations They said the government only had a 10 year window before the greenhouse effect would go beyond human control, that nations globally would be wiped off the map and millions of people displaced, 1/6th of Bangladesh would be flooded, displacing a ¼ of its 90 million population. Predicted that warming melts polar ice caps, ocean levels will rise up to 3 feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations (UN Official Associated Press Interview reference to Coastal Regions). 1995 UN Study predicted ‘Rising Seas’ would cause most of the beaches on the East Coast of the US to disappear by 2020.

In 1995, A UN Study Predicted That Rising Sea Levels Would Cause Most Of The Beaches On The East Coast Of The United States To Disappear By 2020. Associated Press reported 29th June 1989 ‘Snowfalls are now a thing of the past’. “In a few years snowfall will become so rare and exciting in so much as that children just are not going to know what snow is- Snow will be a virtual experience”. Al Gore claimed in 2009 ‘ a new research shoed the Arctic would be ice-free within 5 years, he was speaking at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. He told the conference “These figures are fresh, some of the models suggest to Dr Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice-cap during the summer months could be entirely ice-free within 5 to 7 years.

In 2009 Al Gore claimed new research showed the Artic could be ice free within 5 years. Al Gore was speaking at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit.  He told the conference “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.’”  (Frank James, “Al Gore Slips On Artic Ice; Misstates Scientist’s Forecast,” NPR, 12/15/09)  Al Gore announced on 15th December 2009 said he reported wrongly “it’s unclear how he arrived at this, I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this”

John Kerry Secretary of State appeared with a French Official publicly said “There is only 500 days to avoid Climate Chaos”. (31st May 2014) The French Foreign Minister remarked “President Obama and John Kerry and himself had committed to reach success on this important matter”  In 2019 Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Greta Thunberg predicted ‘The world will end by 2030, hence pushing UN Agenda 2030, accelerating the partnership agreement signed by the UN with the World Economic Forum to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 (Replace the Free-market global economy with Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capture).  Greta Thunberg claims in her 2019 book ‘No-one is too small to make a difference’ refers to UN Agenda 2030 “we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, that will lead to the end of civilization as we know it”

Media headlines that are not repeated today, perhaps far to many people have woken up to the wealthy global propaganda machine:- “It’s the time of famines, they will get worse and most disastrous by 1975. Birth control may have been accomplished by making it involuntary by sterilizing agents into staple foods, drinks, water. Roman Catholics should be pressured into birth control (Salt Lake City Tribune 17/11/1967 reported Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich-(Socialist/Marxist).

Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1980. This situation will get continuously worse un less we change our behaviour”. Pushing global populations to change their behaviour by using continuous tactics of fear through crisis events. (New York Times 10/8/1969).  Scientist predicts a new ice age by the 21st Century. Air pollution may obliterate the sun, cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century (The Boston Globe 4/4/1970).

3.“The oceans will be as dead as Lake Erie in the next ten years. America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980 (Paul Ehrlich 6/10/1970 The Daily Facts Newspaper’ ) In the next 50 years the fine dust that man constantly puts into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels could screen out much of the sunlight therefore average temperatures would drop by 6 degrees.(9/7/1971 Dr S I Rasool National Aeronautics & Space Admin Columbia University). Associated Press reported September 1978

“If sustained over several years- 5 to 10 degrees is estimated, thus triggering an ice age. “There is no end in  sight to 30 year cooling trend reports the international team of specialists”(Associated Press September 1978)

The gradual rise in sea level is threatening to completely cover the Indian Ocean nation  of 1,196 small islands within the next 30 years. As drinking water will dry up. (Canberra Times 26/9/1988-Environmental Affairs Director). Rising seas could obliterate nations by year 2000 reported UN Officials (Associated Press 1989). The west side highway that runs alongside the Hudson River will be under water, windows will be taped up, there will be no birds there, however there will be more police cars. Crime happens when heat increases. Restaurants would have signs saying “Water by request only”(1988 Jim Hansen Climate Scientist).  The Pentagon tells Bush “Climate will destroy us, Britain will be Siberia in less than 20 years. By 2020 there will be mega droughts, famine will erupt worldwide. 5 to 10 years Artic will be free of Ice in the summer  (24/6/2008 NASA Scientist and his colleague scientists-The Guardian News 21/2/2004)

Gordon Brown reported that we have fewer than 50days to save our planet from catastrophe  US Navy predict summer ice-free artic by 2016. It was stated that using complex modelling, making reports more accurate than other previous reports(9/12/2013 ‘Earth Insight Environment’-US Dept of Oceanography-The Independent 20/10/2020). ‘Only 500 days remained to avoid climate chaos (John Kerry Secretary Of State 14/5/2014-Washington Examiner). New as she announced Zealand’s Prime Minister calls a ‘Climate Emergency’ announcing that “Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time” thus pledging a ‘carbon neutral government by 2025.(The Guardian 1/12/2020).

Children in Britain’s schools being treated for ‘Eco Anxiety’ a new mental health condition causing nightmares, fear, anxiety- the teaching of climate alarmism is schools. Schools strike for Climate Action worldwide- schools teach students to make Climate Alarmism placards. School ‘Strike for Climate’ also known as ‘Fridays for Future’ (FFF), Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate is an international movement of school students who participate in demonstrations demanding political leaders to take action on climate.

It was reported a Socialist urban design will save NZ from Climate Change Seizing the means of production (economy)-Important ,investment  Billy Fleming a local proponent of the Green New Deal for progressive politicians like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says urban design will play a key role (UN Human Habitat-Smart Cities-Huge Surveillance of civilians). Fleming said “things need to change, and change fast”. He referred to the Green New Deal built on 3 Pillars as being radical being built on restructuring  on how and where we live (3 Pillars-decarbonising the economy, climate adaptation and social justice)- (Newshub interview 26/9/2019

I personally believe this is deliberate psychological warfare of UN Nation populations worldwide using extreme global fear tactics to enable compliancy-control of civil society- the replacing of the Free-market Economy for a UN/WEF Corporate Capture of the worlds Economies using financial systems such as the IMF and World Bank and other large financial institutions. (WEF Global Redesign). The destruction, plundering of Sovereign Nation States, the plundering of farming communities and small businesses and a mass exodus from rural areas to urban/city UN Human Habitat Smart Cities that are highly surveillance those  ‘controlling citizens lives’. Thousands strike 4 Climate across NZ (1 News 3/3/2023) as farmers struggle with free-market reforms.

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Carol Sakey
Global Economy


And Stakeholder Capitalism is likely to fail again.

Klaus Schwab founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum says “We should seize this moment to ensure that stakeholder capitalism remains the new dominant model.”

The massive shift, transition to enter a new decade is now finding that big businesses, corporations are under attack. They have been caught single mindedly shovelling money to its shareholders , corporations, CEOs. This is all done at the expense of customers, employees, the environment and society as a whole. World Economic Forum Stakeholder Capitalism  is everywhere., it’s the mantra of the Business Round Table that was announced in 2019 by almost 200 CEOs of the largest corporations in the world.

Stakeholder capitalism is not a new idea, it was launched by the 1932 management classic ‘The Modern Corporation and Private Property’ Author Adolf A Berle and Gardiner C Means. The idea being that public firms should have professional managers would balance the claims of stakeholders, taking into account public policy, for the next 40years this was the general approach of big business in the US. Over the years following this led mass confusion and conflicting claims among stakeholders consequently this became known as the ‘garbage can organizations’. In the 20th century big business, corporations attempt to implement stakeholder capitalism seemed likely to fail.

Cynics have concluded that stakeholder capitalism is nothing more an elaborate public relations stunt espoused by big business to get through the current PR crisis. They say  they say “business will go on doing what it has done since time immemorial: making money for itself”. That the attraction of stakeholder capitalism does not commit business to do anything particular.. Big business, corporations will just go on shovelling money to their shareholders and CEOs while maintaining a public front of social and environmental sensitivity.

Big business must ultimately pay some attention to all the stakeholders, including shareholders. If big business systematically short change stakeholders other than shareholders The stock market may soar in the short term only but the decade long diversion of business income to shareholders will result in staggering incomes for most of the population. Hence inequality consequently increases, populist leaders will emerge and the political consensus will unravel.

One must ask, how did the world end up in this mess? Big business, corporations in political hot water well its because big business, corporations, CEO’s and Philanthropists such as Bill Gates, their sole purpose is to make money for themselves and shareholders.

The New York Times article September 1970 by the future winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics,  Milton Friedman in response to the confusions of stakeholder capitalism  said “Any business executives who pursued a goal other than making money were unwitting  puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades.

When the firm prioritizes shareholder value above all the other stakeholders, customers, employees, suppliers, society tend to get short changed”

Stakeholder capitalism is an unacceptable form of institutionalized selfishness that breeds on itself.

Each individual act of selfishness leads to another, yet this steadily gained momentum, by the end of the 20th century it had become the gospel of business. Whilst delivering, transferring of assets to the existing owners of shares this does not deliver or benefit the rest of society. It’s a toxic mix of soaring short term corporate profits, astronomical CEO income that had led to median incomes, growing inequality, periodic massive financial crashes, slowing productivity and a widening distrust of large businesses, corporations all for short term corporation profits. In May 2019, the Republican-led Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, faulted CEOs for focusing too much on the next quarter and not enough on the next generation: “Many business leaders,” said the committee chair, Senator Marco Rubio, “seem to care more about returns for shareholders than the people who work for them.”

In 2019 stakeholder capitalism began to dominate political conversation, corporate leaders began to feel under threat grasped for alternatives. It was June 13th 2019 that the World Economic Forum signed an official partnership agreement with the United Nations, became the favoured ‘whisperers in the ear’ of the UN agencies. This surely was a massive non democratic, human rights breech. The collaboration of a global one world public-private corporate governance, where International laws, regulations, agreements etc., would be influenced by the UN partnership with WEF Multi-stakeholder corporations.

Corporations, large businesses with their Dilbert-Style Managers, an absence of clear priorities among stakeholders, CEOs. Unclear in their minds which priorities they should be pursing hence one result was the Dilbert style of management. The famous Harvard Business Review article in 1977: Abraham Zaleznik’s “Managers and Leaders Are They Different?” This article has been published many times.

Firstly the manager focuses attention on procedure not on substance and then focuses how decisions are made, not the decisions to make. The manager is working in a setting where the goals of the organization are neither clear or perceived worthwhile. This is a hierarchical structure, precise role definitions, elaborate rules and procedures that often conflict with managers.

Secondly the manager communicates to subordinates indirectly by “signals”, rather than clearly stating a position. The traditional rule-driven bureaucracy requires both managers and workers to leave their personal views and attitudes behind in the entry lobby, before they enter the workplace. In this world the managers personal  views are irrelevant, the only safe way to communicate is to deploy indirect signals which obscures who wins and who loses. Its not what the manager believes that matters, but what the system requires between different senior managers where managers have no way of knowing what the right answer is.

Hence they play for time waiting for the dust to settle this is a way of always being. On the winning side. These are routines that are played out, up and down the hierarchy. Helps the middle manager to survive and the corporation to make a nice wealthy fortune, this is played out on a daily basis in Corporations, large organizations worldwide.(The Dilbertian Practice). T

3.In announcing the Davos Manifesto 2020, the chair of the World Economic Form, Klaus Schwab argued that there were only three alternatives: shareholder capitalism, state capitalism and stakeholder capitalism. Both shareholder capitalism and state capitalism are now both political poison. So, Schwab argues, the only alternative is stakeholder capitalism.

In opting for stakeholder capitalism, Schwab missed a better option, which is tried and true ‘the free-market enterprise economy’ just what he has always been obsessed with destroying globally, however the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are now together obsessively promoting, accelerating Multistakeholder Corporate Capitalism to be entrenched in all UN Member Nations.

NZ GOVERNMENT PLANS: Iwi/Moari -Co-Governance. Corporate Capture of NZ, Vision 2040-Entrenchment of UNDRIP in NZ. Ramping up Hate Speech, Mass Surveillance, Iwi Constitution, A huge transition to Stakeholder Capitalism but firstly the destruction of the Free Market Economy

The UNDRIP promotes, favours Iwi Elite. Public-Private Corporate Partnerships. The Iwi Elite being the driving force- the driver of this Public Private Partnership vehicle, the NZ Government is the back seat passenger and the public of New Zealand are the roadkill.   Cultural Marxism is a huge problem that exists behind the closed doors of Parliament and this most be exposed. For what it is then Stakeholder Capitalism will fail. We must promote the Free Market economy in NZ

NOTE: The same applies to Iwi Elite Corporations as I have explained above. Short lived self interested profitable wealth. As a trade off Iwi Elite advances the power of the governments Marxist Socialist ideology. A care less attitude towards New Zealand citizens. A huge Democratic deficit.  The truth is out there and I pray the truth will set us all free from this godless selfish evil doing. .



Gaia Goddess-(Mother Earth) teaches that an “Earth spirit”, goddess, or planetary brain must be protected.  It is this belief that fuels the environmental movement, sustainable development, and a global push for the return of industrialized nations to a more primitive way of life.

, Gaia has named Christianity as the obstacle to human evolution and our spiritual destiny.  A document mandated by the U.N.-sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global Biodiversity Assessment, explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that has set humans apart from nature and stripped nature of its sacred qualities.

The UN condemning Christianity as the root of all ecological evil, the document goes on to praise Buddhism and Hinduism as they “did not depart as drastically from the perspective of humans as members of a community of beings including other living and non-living elements”.  Non-Christian religions are definitely favored by the global government as good stewards of Mother Earth.

Members of this “Green Religion” will all agree that the Earth is in a crisis state and this ecological emergency is the result of Christian traditions. Thus Progressive churches, Eco Churches worldwide, as well as in New Zealand are bastardizing Christianity

At the core of all environmental Eco-Socialist Marxist legislatgions, policies lives Gaia, Greek Goddess- Mother Earth. Why are Indigenous Peoples worldwide being used to be the leaders, voices of action for these Global Elitists? For more information please  CLICK ON THE LINK TO MORE INDEPTH INFORMATION IN THE ABOVE IMAGE THIS WILL LINK YOU TO MY RUMBLE VIDEO.
