Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)  mask gives the message that DEI eliminates racism. The structured DEI Initiatives programs drag individuals down  if they are opposed to the group narrative of DEI. Thus imposing a Cancel Culture, to cancel individuals, other groups out by silencing them by censorship or self censorship. DEI wears a  mask of ‘morality’ claiming moral values, far from it the DEI structure incorporates immoral actions, behaviors, voices that actively target Christians, character assassinating law abiding citizens but calling them white  supremacists, debunking and targeting hetro sexual normality

DEI is ugly but on the surface appears to be a campaign of caring about minority groups whether it be race, gender, sexuality. DEI includes an aggressive toxicity which encumbers humiliating behavior’s that cause division, pays lip service to freedom of speech. DEI is a Trojan Horse attacks traditional values, morals and western culture. As in the Posy Parker Event ‘Stops Women from speaking out publicly’

DEI erodes trust destroys solidarity, individual freedom of thoughts. Using of misinformation, disinformation projects targeting those that do not agree with the DEI LGBTQ1+ Narratives and those of the Co-Governance agenda, Maori Sovereignty. LGBTQ1 and Black Lives Matter, Climate Alarmist Activists, Pro Palestinian hate Jews all a part and parcel of this DEI initiative of Identity Politics.. CRT Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory. Marxism, Cultural Marxism which is embraced by the Human Rights Commission and Global Human Rights partners worldwide.

DEI is an immoral hierarchy of oppressors and victims based on categories of race, gender, sexuality. The transgender Rainbow Community embracing 100 plus genders and sexualities.  The demanded determined dynamics of power and control over others corrupted by conscious and unconscious biases. DEI initiatives have mainstreamed the Status Quo as a dominant force in society, and in the workplace, universities, organizations, businesses, Central and Local Govt and even in many churches. In the military. Police and NZ Armed forces. NZ Defense Force DEI initiatives document ‘move away from hetro sexual normality .

But no government dept is challenging or even talking about these DEI Initiatives as they are all have bought into it. DEI Programme’s that cost $12,000  (June 2023) annually for workshops and DEI assessment for commercial and govt departments. 26th April 2022 Christopher Luxon (SpinOff News) stated he was committed to DEI Diversity, Inclusion- A National Roadmap to National Workplace policies. NZ Govt Public Services committed to the Rainbow Tick. The Rainbow Tick is a DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion Initiative with complete workshops and assessments.

3rd October 2023 NZ Defense Force takes out  Rainbow Community honor’s for their DEI Initiatives. A Supreme Award in their progressive commitment and support of the Rainbow community LGBTQ1 and 100 or so other genders and sexualities. NZ Defense Force hosted a Pride Defense Conference partnering the Pride Pledge rolling out training workshops, supporting Big Gay Out. Were re-credited with another Rainbow Tick.

 The most inclusive diverse military force in the world. The Vice Chief of the Defiance Force and the Vice Marshall of the NZ Defense Force represented the NDF at the Rainbow Excellence Awards in 2023. DEI initiatives documented in the NZ Defense Force DEI training, workshops include ‘move away from hetro-normality. NZ Defense Force first received the Rainbow tick in 2019 in 2020 published ‘The Rainbow Inclusion’ In 2021 increased their focus on DEI training across camps and bases.

DEI and the Rainbow Zebra Crossing painted over in K Road Auckland. Now Rainbow Pride want a special Restorative Justice- Offender- Victim (Oppressor-Victim) service available to take the offenders to account. Maybe the crossing should have painted on it a traditional family without all the rainbow colours. The Auckland Zoo gained a rainbow tick have they painted the zebra’s yet in rainbow stipes.?   Local – Central Govt have the DEI Rainbow tick, Auckland Museum have the rainbow tick. Imagine a Maori Tribal War canoes painted in rainbow stripes.

Human Rights Commission partner the Rainbow tick, and the Rainbow Community Refers to Vandalism of the Rainbow Crossing in K Road reported by Quack Pirihi and Bhenjamin Goodsir, restorative justice we have the right to hold our views, And so have the majority of people in NZ.  Is this Three Party Coalition going to rid New Zealand of these dangerous separatist revolutionary DEI initiatives??

We will never have peace and solidarity in NZ whilst these exists, and it exists throughout NZ. America is under attack for its DEI initiatives. There is a growing backlash amongst counties that implement DEI initiatives. Universities in Florida being stopped from spending money on DEI . Stop DEI save Free Speech is becoming a message on campuses in the States. Get rid of Wokeness, develop patriotic loyalty to your country.

Recognize individuals in the workplace for their skills, experience, qualification not the dominating factor of race, and gender, sexuality. In America Black Students teaching White students to hate white students. Promoting exclusion in a so called Inclusive Diversity structured education system. Just because the DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion sounds good does not mean it is good. DEI is a mask that hides an ugly face, erodes  individual freedoms, its toxic- Marxist, Culturally Marxist, Identity Politics, Critical Theory Critical Race Theory

DEI is an initiative where it leaves the country under attack by a leftist revolutionary minority disguised as a ‘plea for justice’ just like Mao Ze Dong in China’s Cultural Revolution for the modernizing of  peasant China by the purge of the highest leaders in the Chinese Communist Party. DEI promotors are not anti-racist, they are racist, programs of discrimination a forced design of wokeness.

 Like Mao Ze Dong Cultural Revolution that supports critical race theory and the implementing of fears to control the group steers people away from real political discussion into one of ideology now science and biology

DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion has raised its ugly head in Pro Palestine Hate Jews, Climate Change For School Protests vs Climate Skeptics, COVID vs Anti Vaxers, BLACK Lives Anti colonialism and Traditional Westernization, traditions, Christianity.  And Transgender LGBTQ1 and 100 plus fender and sexuality identity’s vs Hetro-normality and Christianity, traditional family.  (Rainbow Crossing VS Zebra Crossing)  RESTORE JUSTICE RID NEW ZEALAND OF DEI INIATIVES.  Until then there will be no peace within New Zealand borders.

Until world Institutions, Organization, Leader of Governments Internationally debunk Diversity Equity and Inclusion there will never be solitude or peace. The UN Global Compact promotes Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) throughout business operations. DEI is incorporated into United Nations Population Fund the standards of construct for International Civil Servants. The WEF corporate DEI embedded initiatives of Global Corporate Capture.

#MeToo. #BlackLivesMatter. #StopAAPIHate. These are just some of the recent movements that have compelled Americans to reflect on the social injustices that exist in our country today. The scrutiny on these social issues has trickled down to the professional world.. DEI has  now evolved into a core business function that large and small businesses alike. COVID19 effects on the worlds economy has effected a DEI imitative explosive growth. Mandatory programme’s that can be very controlling.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) anchor key considerations when designing and implementing climate change policies. Indigenous Communities more effected than westernized communities from floods, rising seas etc., COVID 19 Indigenous people more effected by COVID that westernized people. Oppressed and victims.


Your net zero, utopian future of degrowth civil unrest and many uncertainties, destroy humanity’s morality and rebuilt it a national, regional global platform. (DEI DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION) TOOLBOX- WEAPONARY



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The Decade of Water Action 2019-2030. UN Assembly gathering- 23-24th March 2023. Attendee’s are world leaders, private sectors, academia,  organizations, NGO’s, Philanthropists and others for the UN 2023 Water Conference.  Included planning discussions on ‘Inclusive Equitable Water worldwide to ‘Secure the Future for People and Planet. .and lots of profit for multistakeholderm. Corporate Capture. To accelerate UN Agenda 2030 SDGs. A global political agenda to incorporate Smart policies into the global governance agenda and that of UN Member States Domestic policies. The natural resource of water has become a global commodity to be bought and sold on Wall Street. Implementing a new global information system. Used to guide plans, priorities prior to 2030. Every region in the world to have a warning system for natural disaster by 2027. The acceleration of SDG6 UN Agenda 2030. Every UN Member State to fast track climate action. Guterres said “Its desperate for actions to be taken by UN Member States. States with each other and their own citizens”. He stated that “Climate Action is moral, festering climate injustice feeds division, threatens to paralyze UN Global Climate Action Plan” 29/3/2023. That every UN Member State to appoint a ‘Special Envoy’ on water. Referring to a Global Water Social Policy. Global water is essential, effective for use in Global Politics.

Referring to – spaces, nations, states, mega cities, agriculture, regions, water sheds (river basins), local community, indigenous, technical criteria, infrastructure, economies and GUESSWORK. Global politics that criss cross State Sovereignty. Intersections of space and politics anchor these together, and embedded all  of this is Global Water Governance a massive collaboration of Global politics through hybrid networks of  a philosophy of Authoritarianism. Critiqued to the SDGs through integrated water resource management (IWRM). IWRM reached its heights in the 1990’s, then waned . Was redeployed to govern environmental change- risk- security (influence). The UN Response to Global environmental change and economic crisis. International Water Resource Management (UN/WEF). International organizations shaping global water policy, influencing global discourses. Water- Global Social Policy= Social Risks to too many other domains that link environmental, economic, political, all connected

Revisiting history -Huxley 1935-1943 his focus on eugenics and UN Educational Scientific Cultural Org., (UNESCO) Introduced the TVA model of integrating water control and social policy across education and health, rural development. In 1936 The Flood Control Act was introduced in the US. References made  to water contests and conflicts. “water is what you make it, can be many things” Global Water Politics a Global Governance shift to address undercurrents hence a natural resource (water) became a global political construct. Hence projects advantages to global industry, agribusiness, trade finance shaping  Global Water Policy launched by UNESCO International Hydrologic, spatial rates for States, a spatial control, the so called moral ordering of water  Into every  UN Nation state.(State projects)

Control over nature internationally was constituted in19th century debates over civilization and progress stemmed from ‘International Danube’ Commission established in 1856 which especially occupied Russia’s lack of territorial control over the River Danube. The dominance of water with political control with the right tools that engineered water control. The control of nature, the spatializing of international agreements to engineer the control of water ‘Transnational Water Engineering Act Globally’. Post World War 2 the American model of TVA was exported to dozens of countries as the quintessential model of International Development promoted by UN Agencies including UNESCO

1971 The collaboration of Global Water politics- social, economic shifts and massive transformations.  International Water Resources Association (IWRA) First world water congress in Chicago 1973 The International Water Journal 1975 forging global water policy through meetings and journals. The critiquing people lacking water. 1977 Un conference ‘Water Partnerships’ UNESCO, HABITAT and World Bank (Global Water Governance). Water mapped out to human needs through the World Bank- water scarcity- water control- corporations and water-

1977 Integrated Water Global Politics approach to water. UNESCO-International Meteorological Org., space and politics, hence international collaborations at a global level acted out locally in UN Member States. (planting local roots)

1977 The shift from International policies to Global Politics this included the Mar del Plata, Argentina 1977. The  Integrated Water Global Politics approach to water. UNESCO-International Meteorological Org., space and politics, hence international collaborations at a global level acted out locally in UN Member States. ( the planting local roots)

1978 The Global Social Policy Water -Rational planning of water. 1999 UNESCO Earths Water Book of  statistical evaluability as the basis of decision making as to water., The spreading of this and rehearsing the information multiple times. Earths Water Atlas.’ UNESO

1980’s A widespread adopting of neo-liberal policies around water scarcity  interpreted by the world bank that required forming water pricing to enhance conservation, Neo liberal policies were applied to structural adjustments supplied by the World Bank and other privatization parties.

1987 Commission of the Environment and Development World Report ‘Our Common Future’ known as the Brundtland Report on Sustainable Development. UN gatherings with academia, heads of govts, scientists happed every three years, neo-liberalism established the global network of water with the World Bank or the UN Environment Programe UNEP. Commission of the Environment and Development World Report ‘Our Common Future’ known as the Brundtland Report on Sustainable Development

1991 Our Common Future received global attention as perceived as insufficient attention to the water issue, this was an opportunity to put water on the SDG agenda.

The Dublin UN Gathering  “It has economic value, competing uses, to be recognized as an economic good’ (DUBLIN (UN) Statement 1992). The Global Sustainability Agenda – Conflict and Contest. World Bank, UNESCO, IWRM, SDG to promote Multistakeholder Corporatization.

1994 Political influence for global economic environmental policy journal ‘Water Policy’ establishing credibility as multistakerholderism to convene World Water Forums. The editor of the journal Jerome Deli Priscoli claimed that “” the integration of water sector cross from a universal human longing to return to the comfort of the womb”

1996 Global Water Partnership- World Bank – knowledge broker- social- economic political global governance goals.  IWRM 3,000 partner organizations in 183 countries.(sustainable Water Management Services)

1997 the transnational power relationships and water conflict management. UN Water Courses Convention to codify existing norms.. global wate policy and the World Bank collaboration.

2003 Govts align water with sustainable millennium goals at the same time changes to land cover, World Economic Forum established an independent assessor of progress of programs towards the UN M DGs in 2004 when the Global Risks Report was published.

2009 WEF meeting UN Secretary General Ki Moon asked WEF to influence, establish water insecurity, structural risks, water energy- food nexus integrating various multiple policy domains hence global multistakeholderism

2008 Corporate Capture including influencing, collaborating with . financial tools for global water policy, debt for water swaps and microcredit schemes. The adopted language ..2008 Financial Crisis to bridge environmental and economic risks, new networks for the WEF.

2010 UN passed Human Rights to water and Sanitation enhancing market forces globally, market mechanisms. Engaging corporations eg Pepsi Co, Coca Cola, Nestle, new working groups to action Agenda SDGs collaborating with the World Bank under the quintessential book of data relating to water, The Water … Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO

Many UN gatherings with academia, heads of govts, scientists happed every three years, neo-liberalism established the global network of water with the World Bank or the UN Environment Programme UNEP. Namely ‘WATER FOR ALL’. A global governance portfolio was created – a high level panel on water, political development to deliver UN Agenda to steer and drive UN Member States.. The introduction, global expansion of the  language of  critical thresholds, shocks, tipping points , complex systems were interconnected with economies and environments. The mirroring of global, regional, national discourse of SDG integration and neo liberal policies, programs – people, planet for those global elite few wealthy profits. The earth system amplified into multiple critical roles, , the Global governance of water  political, social and economic global forces. The massive dominating power of the Global Governance, multi-layered collaborations emerging into what is called Water Scarcity, water security, water resilience what about Water on the Stock market, and water and land grabs. Mass corruption, robbery of natural resources under the International Resource Water Management

Control water, control everything,  control everyone.  Global Water Governance and neo liberal environmentalism. The massive power of the World Bank and the collaboration of philanthropists, NGO’s UN and WEF Multistakeholder capitalism. Transnational policies, transnational corporations.  Water is central to the Global Governance. National the public- private partnership with Iwi Water Group and collaborating Iwi/Hapu. And the global strategic partnership of the UN and WEF just to make it official they are actually in an official partnership, and it hasn’t just happened these last couple of years.  Unelected bodies advocating the way people live their lives in NZ. International organizations shaping global water policy, influencing global discourses. Water- Global Social Policy= Social Risks to too many other domains that link environmental, economic, political, all connected

Revisiting history -Huxley 1935-1943 his focus on eugenics and Un Educational Scientific Cultural Org., (UNESCO) Introduced the TVA model of integrating water control and social policy across education and health, rural development. In 1936 The Flood Control Act was introduced in the US.

There were references to water contests and conflicts. “water is what you make it, can be many things” Global Water Politics a Global Governance shift to address undercurrents hence a natural resource (water) became a global political construct. Accelerating SDG6. Into every  UN Nation state. Transnational power relationships an water conflict management of 1997 and the UN Water Courses Convention to codify existing norms.. global wate policy and the World Bank collaboration. Hence projects advantages to global industry, agribusiness, trade finance shaping  Global Water Policy launched by UNESCO International Hydrologic, spatial rates for States, a spatial control, the so called moral ordering of water  Into every  UN Nation state.(State projects). Control over nature internationally constituted on the 19th century debates over civilization and progress stemmed from ‘International Danube’ Commission established in 1856 which especially occupied Russia’s lack of territorial control over the River Danube. The dominance of water with political control with the right tools that engineered water control. The control of nature, the spatializing of international agreements to engineer the control of water ‘Transnational Water Engineering Act Globally’. Post World War 2. A widespread adopting of neo-liberal policies around water scarcity that was intepreeted by the world bank that required forming water pricing to enhance conservation, Neo liberal policies were applied to structural adjustments in the 1980s supplied by the World Bank and other privatization parties.

‘WATER FOR ALL’. A global governance portfolio was created – a high level panel on water, political development to deliver UN Agenda to steer and drive UN Member States.. The language of  critical thresholds, shocks, tipping points , complex systems were interconnected with economies and environments. The mirroring of global, regional, national discourse of SDG integration and neo liberal policies, programs – people, planet for those global elite few wealthy profits. The earth system amplified into multiple critical roles, , the Global governance of water  political, social and economic global forces. The  dominate of  a Global Governance one collaboration after another and multi-layered collaborations emerging into what is called Water Scarcity, water security, water resilience what about Water on the Stock market, and water and land grabs.

Control water, control everything,  control everyone.  Global Water Governance and neo liberal environmentalism. The massive power of the World Bank and the collaboration of philanthropists, NGO’s UN and WEF Multistakeholder capitalism. Transnational policies, transnational corporations. Water is central to the Global Governance. National the public- private partnership with Iwi Water Group and collaborating Iwi/Hapu. Global water Governance taking growing local roots.  And the global strategic partnership of the UN and WEF just to make it official they are actually in an official partnership, and it hasn’t just happened these last couple of years.  Unelected bodies advocating the way people live their lives in NZ. International organizations shaping global water policy, influencing global discourses. Water- Global Social Policy= Social Risks to too many other domains that link environmental, economic, political, all connected

here were references to water contests and conflicts. “water is what you make it, can be many things” Global Water Politics a Global Governance shift to address undercurrents hence a natural resource (water) became a global political construct. Accelerating SDG6. Into every  UN Nation state. Transnational power relationships an water conflict management of 1997 and the UN Water Courses Convention to codify existing norms.. global wate policy and the World Bank collaboration. Hence projects advantages to global industry, agribusiness, trade finance shaping  Global Water Policy launched by UNESCO International Hydrologic, spatial rates for States, a spatial control, the so called moral ordering of water  Into every  UN Nation state.(State projects)

NZ replacement of the Resource Management Act 1991. Spatial control, public- private partnerships (Co Governance ). The language of  critical thresholds, shocks, tipping points , complex systems were interconnected with economies and environments. The mirroring of global, regional, national discourse of SDG integration and neo liberal policies, programs – people, planet for those global elite few wealthy profits. The earth system amplified into multiple critical roles, , the Global governance of water  political, social and economic global forces. The  dominate of  a Global Governance one collaboration after another and multi-layered collaborations emerging into what is called Water Scarcity, water security, water resilience what about Water on the Stock market, and water and land grabs.

Control water, control everything,  control everyone.  Global Water Governance and neo liberal environmentalism. The massive power of the World Bank and the collaboration of philanthropists, NGO’s UN and WEF. NO WATER-NO LIFE. EF Multistakeholder capitalism. Transnational policies, transnational corporations. Water is central to the Global Governance. National the public- private partnership with Iwi Water Group and collaborating Iwi/Hapu. And the global strategic partnership of the UN and WEF just to make it official they are actually in an official partnership, and it hasn’t just happened these last couple of years.  Unelected bodies advocating the way people live their lives in NZ. The capitalization of crisis, crisis after crisis. And now we have the planning of a Global Hate Speech International Law. Is this Hopkins special announcement appoint Ardern to a Special Envoy with Macron to converse and collaborate with the UN and world leaders on the Incitement to Hate Speech. Expose Global Governance Plan incitement to intolerance.









SciTechDaily article publish  3rd Feb 2023 authored by University of California Jan 2nd 2022 ‘Grow And Eat Your Own Vaccines’. Using Plants as mRNA Factories. Eating salads could replace the jab in the arm where vegetable, salads could be turned into mRNA factories. Messenger RNA or mRNA technology that’s used in COVID19 jabs. The project was funded by the National Science Foundation USA… Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  The DNA containing the mRNA jabs can successfully be delivered into part of the plant cell where it is then replicated. The DNA encoding for the protein is delivered by targeted nano materials, without mechanical aid by applying a droplet of nano formulation to the leaf surface.  The UCRs Dept of Botany & Plant Sciences San Diego  are in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University. Vegs and salads become not just foods but  edible vaccines without the jab. Nano materials deliver nitrogen, a fertilizer directly to where the plants most need it. The plant engineering technique will make nanoparticles go to the chloroplast, which  lies within the cells of plants and certain algae- the site of Nano materials deliver nitrogen, a fertilizer directly to which a process where the sun converts the plant into chemical energy for growth.

Sept 22nd 2022 the ISAAA Global Knowledge Centre of Biotechnology published an article  ‘US Scientists Embark on developing an edible plant based vaccine. Edible plants  mRNA Vaccine factories. Stating that lettuce and spinach can produce vaccines, grown in backyards and entire fields. Where mRNA technology can currently be used to produce COVID19 vaccines in plants. The objective being the DNA containing the mRNA vaccines can be delivered into part of the plant cells where they can replicate. Thus demonstrating the plant ability to produce enough mRNA to compete with traditional  vax shots.

Science Daily reported 7th January 2014 University of Washington published an article which referenced a new type of vaccines. One that would be easier to manufacture and much cheaper. A vaccine that could be manufactured on demand for human immunizations and administered within minutes after a disease broke out. Mass jabs for an entire population, for everyone immediately as soon as an epidemic starts. Blanket vaxing the entire population as published by Francious Banys, professor of chemical engineering and lead author of the ‘Journal of Nano-Medicine’. The research was funded by a grant from the ‘Grand Challenges Explorations’ which is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation partnering the National Institute of Health.

December 18th 2019 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT News article entitled ‘Storing Medical Information below the Skins Surface’, where a specialized invisible dye is delivered along with a vaccine, that enables the patients  personal ID and vaccination history to be stored nakedly under the skin. The invisible quantum of dye is delivered by a micro needle patch.  The quantum invisible dye consists of nano-crystals, can remain for at least 5 years under the skin where it emits infrared light that can be detected by a specifically equipped smart phone. These applications mean that populations can be traced, tracked through this invisible quantum dot.

30th April 2022-Gates Foundation website ‘Gates Notes’ published an article ‘Everyone, everywhere- vaccinate the world in 6 months’ to prevent pandemics. He stated that the COVID19 jabs are safe and effective, however there are serious problems  he said that we need to solve before the next pandemic comes along and that is “those who have not been jabbed. The world needs to produce enough vaccines for everyone on the planet within 6 months of discovering a new pathogen. 8 Billion doses for a single dose vaccine, 16 billion for a 2 dose vaccine version. Steps need to be taken to accelerate the invention of new vaccines, there will be a process of a lot of trial and error. Connecting diagnostic tests to the human trial system we can automatically suggest to doctors that their patients should join a trial. mRNA vaccines could help speed up manufacturing doing away with conventional ways which are quite complex. Transferring the technology know how from one company to another. Just swap the old mRNA for a new one, its easier to transfer between companies. He added “with these advances it will be possible to achieve something amazing beyond preventing pandemics, eradicating entire families of pathogens” A world that could rid itself of all coronaviruses, even the influenza virus. NOTE The common cold is a coronavirus. No-one has ever magically got rid of the common cold. “A future without pandemics and without the flu, Gates said “now that’s worth investing in”

Gates referred to new modular technologies in the pipeline, that are easier, cheaper to build, factories that can be adapted to make different vaccines and tackle vaccine hesitancy. He made a You Tube Video on ‘how to deal with rumours, myths in India. (You Tube Video ‘Dispelling Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural India). Gates has published many articles ‘The future our grandchildren disserve’. Bill Gate’s ‘The Year Ahead 2023 CNBC published report 23rd January 2019 refers to Bill Gates and DAVOS (World Economic Forum). Where Bill Gates made some key points about his best investments where he turned $10 billion into $200 billion  by investing in global health organizations aimed at increasing access to vaccines that created a 20 to 1 return.

Gates Foundation established GAVI in 1999 pledging $750 to set GAVI up. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pledged US $750 million to set up  GAVI is a key partner in shaping the global vaccine market. Gates biggest investment, money maker. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation play a technical and financial role in the Global Vaccine Alliance to shape global markets, gathering data, decision making, providing financial support for market investments. Gates foundation also make substantial funding available to the World Health Org., (UN), therefore he does have influential global privileges. The foundations invests in activities ranging from vaccine discovery- development-delivery financially supporting  new entrants into the market.

A the author, researcher of this article, I am personally highly suspicious of the COVID Pandemic through research finding that the World Health Org., Immunization Agenda 2030 Report which is a Global Strategy to leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age. The decade of action- 2020- 2030. The World Health Assembly with the support of UN Nation State Government and partners endorsed a global vision and strategy titled ‘Agenda 2030 -IA 2030 that envisions a world where everyone, everywhere at every age fully benefits from vaccines. It aims to maintain ‘hard won’ gains in immunization, recovering from the disruptions caused by COVID19, to achieve even more by leaving no-one behind-in any situation at any stage of life. It aims to maintain hard-won gains in immunization, recover from the disruptions caused by COVID-19, and achieve even more – by leaving no one behind, in any situation or at any stage of life.  A co-creation process with close engagement of countries to ensure that the vision, strategies, priorities and goals are aligned with each country’s needs. IA 2030 framework is designed to be tailored by countries to their local context, to be revised throughout the decade as new needs, challenges emerge. This also includes a framework of tailored indicators that enable use of data action to increase immunization programs at all levels. To monitor progress across all countries at country, regional, global levels. IA 2030 goals are designed to inspire action for implementation for health security, universal health coverage. Countries could set their own specific targets and milestones for the decade of action 2020-2030. This includes regional vaccination action plans. For partner organization, this could mean aligning organizational strategies and indicators to accelerate the attainment of IA 2030 goals. Putting people in the centre, led by governments and implemented through broad partnerships and driven by data. IA 2030 with strategic priorities referring to UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, Targets for the entire world. Extremely ambitious commitments to gain population vaccination over the 2020-2030 decade. A Decade of Action- as described by the UN WHO.

WHO published “Immunization is playing a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Immunization to reach more people than any other health and social service, a key driver to universal health coverage. Immunization is critical to SDG3, promotes wellbeing for all ages. IA 2030 contributes either directly or indirectly to thirteen of the other SDGs of UN Agenda 2030 (Published by the WHO (UN) 1/4/2020). UN Agenda 2030 was introduced in October 2015 after the failing of UN Agenda 2021. UN Agenda 2030 is non-binding, however Jacinda Ardern was a guest speaker at a gathering hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates for WEF Global Shapers Community. Ardern boasted to the audience at the gathering that she had introduced UN Agenda 2030 into NZs domestic policies, making her the first in the world to lead the way, encouraging other countries to do the same. Once introduced into Domestic policy UN Agenda 2030 became binding and legal. GAVI Alliance created by Gates Foundation published an article on their website referring to ‘vaccine collaboration’. Titled ‘ Decade of Vaccine Collaboration’. A ten year vision of immunization for all people regardless of where they live, that was in 2010. Stating that in the next 10 years the global health community vision of a world in which all individuals and communities can be free of vaccine preventable diseases’. The Decade of Vaccines Collaboration- brought together diverse stakeholders to develop the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), GAVI (Bill Gates serves on the leadership council of the global vaccination collaboration steering committee. The Global Vaccine Action Plan IA2030. The Global Vaccine Plan (GVAP) has been endorsed by 194 UN Member State Governments at the World Health Assembly in 2012 where a framework was presented to achieve the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ vision for peoples in ALL communities worldwide. To reach vaccination targets in every region, country, community, to meet global and regional elimination targets and to develop, introduce new vaccines and technologies. Coincidental I don’t think so, the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy was launched in 2005. It was Bill Gates that provided the leadership of the Global Vaccine Plan for 194 UN Member State Govts, for every region, every community globally. Supported by their WHO (UN0 and UNICEF (UN) and the World Bank, including of course the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2005 the International Health Regulations were created at the World Health Assembly which are binding for 194 UN Member State Governments, which include 196 countries. Helen Clark is the co chair of a gathering working on a plan to add more resolutions to IHR 2005, also a plan for an International Pandemic Treaty. The results of this planning to be reported to a gathering at the UN Assembly in January, last month. The World Health Assembly have set a deadline of May 2024 for putting together a draft pandemic treay and proposed amendments to IHR 2005. (IHR Binding on 194 UN Nation States). Negotiations are under way in Geneva to amend the IHR 2005 regulations, to create a new WHO convention on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery this is referred to as the International Pandemic Treaty. A rules based international order. This would go beyond legal restrictions it would be global compliancy, demands, international global cooperation.  Under Art 19 and 21 of the Constitution of the World Health Org.,, the World Health Assembly may adopt legally binding conventions and regulations.

The World Health Assembly therefore is composed of representatives of UN Member States, often ministers of health who meet once a year to vote on resolutions and decisions. So the final decision on what is adopted rests with Member States themselves. (Helen Clark is co chair of the latest proposed amendments to IHR 2005 and the International Pandemic Treaty). Article 60 of the WHO Constitution states that different voting quota’s apply to the adoption of regulations approved by the World Health Assembly. This requires 2/3rds majority of the Member UN States present and voting in the Assembly.  Under Art 60 regulations can be adopted by a simple majority unless the representatives classify them as ‘important issues’ on an ad-hoc basis, then this required 2/3rd majority. However, despite the differences in the provisions requiring the necessary majorities and procedures for entry into force, agreements and regulations are in practice, generally decided upon by consensus in the plenary sessions  of the World Health Assembly. Agreements can be adopted on any matter according to Art 19 of the WHO Convention. Art 2 WHO enumerates 22 functions of the organization, first is to act as the ‘governing and coordinating body of International Health’. WHO deals with the regimes of  International Law for example ‘access to medicines’ due to intellectual property rights and environmental health (A One Health Approach- for everyone, everywhere at every age). Agreements become binding once they have undergone the entire ratification process.  Under Art 21 of the WHO Constitution, the World Health Assembly can adopt legally binding regulations on States unless they expressly reject them (opt out), however once the period specified in the regulations for rejecting or formulating reservations has elapsed, the rules in question are binding all UN Member States that have not expressed any objections. In January 2022 the US Government submitted a proposal to amend 13 provisions of IHR 2005. Also an initiative where WHO (UN) could declare a public health emergency of international concern without first consulting the affected UN Member States, the creation of a new mid level emergency declaration

NOTE: The One Health Approach of the WHO (UN) Convention. The World Health Assembly includes environmental, food and animal health to be included. (Food, animals-wild, domestic- soil, plants, air etc., every living organism. If these new amendments are adopted, if an International Pandemic Treaty is established all UN Member State governments must increase their funding towards this, this will be considerably much higher than contributions to WHO by UN Nations States now, hence more money from tac payers pockets and massive control over our health, a One World Health Governance for ALL. Leave No-one Behind, everyone, everywhere at every age.  Helen Clark Twitter “GAVI are making vaccine available to ALL, so that no-one gets left behind”

8th March 2021 NZ Herald published an article – vaccines are expected to arrive in New Zealand during the second half of the year,” Jacinda Ardern said. “This brings our total Pfizer order to 10 million doses or enough for 5 million people to get the two shots needed to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.. “.8th March 2021 Stuff NZ reported “The government’s new order brings New Zealand’s total for the Pfizer vaccine to 10m doses. Because the vaccine requires 2 shots to be effective. On the 10th March 2021 The Beehive reported  “New agreements secure access to 7.6 million doses from AstraZeneca – enough for 3.8 million people, and 10.72 million doses. We are setting out the plan today after securing enough Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for everyone in New Zealand to get the two doses they need”

NOTE: A Texas Court has ordered FDA to shares thousands of Pfizer documents that were received by FDA prior to the authorization of the Pfizer jab on the open market. Pfizer had refused the request stating no-one would view this information. However the thousands of pages of Pfizer info will not be available to the public or anyone else for at least another 2-3 years. Pfizer admitted in the European Parliamentary Court they did not test the Pfizer jab to see if it stopped transmission of the virus. Early 2022 the WHO (UN) requested that all UN Nation Governments align the way they reported COV ID deaths with the way WHO does. If a person has a COVID19 Positive Test and dies within 28 days of that test this is counted as a COVID19 Death, that window on 28 days can be extended. In UK it has been known at times to be extended to 60 days.  Therefore the man that got shot by police in Auckland where the mainstream news-media called this a COVID death this is the reason why. Therefore suicide number, post jab deaths etc., etc., can magically disappear within the data.

The intentional deliberate plundering of NZ through UN Immunization Alliance 2030 Collaboration The World Bank, UNICEF and WHO (UN) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Reference to speech in the House “We are setting out the plan today after securing enough Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for everyone in New Zealand to get the two doses they need “ Two new vaccines secured, enough for every New Zealander .

Covid-19: Pfizer vaccine purchase order made for 8.5 million … › .
8th March 2021
COVID-19 vaccine roll-out plan | › …
10 March

We are setting out the plan today after securing enough Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for everyone in New Zealand to get the two doses they need …
Two new vaccines secured, enough for every New Zealander ›


Decade of Vaccines (DoV) Collaboration

Global Vaccine Action Plan (

Gates ‘Dispelling Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural India is on You Tube 30th April 2022 30th April 2022





1st December 2022. Govt Investment to support Maori Business and Jobs in the Primary Sector- Damien O’Connor and Meka Whaitiri speakers in the House.  Total exports by Māori businesses have grown by 38% since 2017 to $872 million, with the majority from the food and fibre sector. Launch of Rautaki mo te Taurikura action plan to support the continued growth of Māori food and fibre sector.  Support for Māori agribusiness innovation and workforce development.-Co-investment in a trial embedding mātauranga Māori in farming practices to improve soil quality and clean up waterways. The Government is investing in more on-the-ground support, innovation, and workforce development as part of a new plan to grow Māori businesses and jobs in the food and fibre sector.

Associate Agriculture Minister Meka Whaitiri announced  “so we can lift sustainability, maintain our international competitive edge and grow export value, we’re kick-starting that mahi by co-investing in a $723,200 project led by Māori farming company Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation, which operates 42,000 hectares of whānau farms in the Manawatū-Whanganui region. The project will involve an innovative trial embedding mātauranga Māori into farming practices, delivering measurable environmental benefits around improving soil quality and cleaning up waterways. Investing in projects like this will ensure our Māori agribusinesses can lift productivity across their land, by providing up to date advice to adjust their practices and innovate, so that growth in exports can continue and provide jobs across the sector,” Meka Whaitiri said.  The Ministry for Primary Industries’ Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund (SFF Futures) will contribute $433,920 to the project.

Total exports by Māori businesses have grown from $630 million in 2017 to $872 million in 2021, with the majority from the food and fibre sector. “we launched Rautaki mo te Taurikura – Embracing change for prosperity, which is a detailed plan to support the Māori food and fibre sector and drive even more growth in the years to come,” Meka Whaitiri said.  Adding that  “This builds on multiple investments from Budget 2022, including $34 million to put extra Māori agribusiness advisors in the regions, and $35 million to support Māori-led innovation and mātauranga-based approaches to reducing on-farm emissions, includes the use of workshops, targeted groups, field days and other on-farm activities to share the most up to date information on low emissions practices. We’ve also invested in projects to help landowners improve their productivity, create training opportunities and jobs, and develop innovative practices and products to grow Māori exports.”. “Māori are uniquely positioned to convert the challenges ahead into opportunities,  and to lead the way for others to do the same,” Meka Whaitiri said. “Purchasing decisions of consumers abroad are increasingly being driven by their values, as they question how products were produced and by who. New Zealand’s future opportunities lie in aligning with their values, and this sector plan helps take us there,” Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor said. “Supporting the Māori primary sector to expand and achieve its aspirations is a key part of the Government and sector’s Fit for a Better World roadmap, which aims to add $44 billion to primary sector export revenue across the next 10 years.”

The Rautaki mo te Taurikura plan will be reviewed in 2024. The plan can be downloaded here: Budget 2022 also included $40 million to deliver industry transformation plans for the food and beverage, fisheries, and the forestry and wood processing sectors, which we’re developing in partnership with industry and Māori.”  Other SFF Futures initiatives with Maori include a $19.9 million project with Spring Sheep to expand into the Taranaki region in partnership with Parininihi ki Waitotara (PKW) and an $11.6 million programme with Ngāi Tahu Farming Limited  And Ngāi Tūāhuriri to take part in a whole-farm scale study in North Canterbury to validate the science of regenerative farming. The Government’s commitment to helping farmers adapt to shifting consumer expectations is demonstrated by the co-investment of about $530 million with the sector across 230 SFF Futures projects to date.




The Eco Socialist Manifesto was jointly launched in Paris in 2001 by  Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy during a workshop on ecology and socialism. It was quoted “The deepest shadow that hangs over us is neither terror, environmental collapse not global recession, it is internalized fatalism. Kovel is known as the father of Eco Socialism he was a Green party ember is the US. He ran for US Senate in 1998. Kovel was an advisory editor of Socialist Resistance.  The Eco Socialist Manifesto refers to a reasoning as to preventing crisis and the necessity for overcoming it. The Eco Socialist Internationalists bought this into being. Namely a ‘chaotic world order to spread across the world like gangrene

The crisis of ecology of societal breakdown, the demands of eco socialism, the imperialistic one world governance. Greenwashing, at whatever costs it take, human costs, costs to lives and costs to economy, the plundering of nations. The hand in glove of corrupt subservient states, elite locals and  transnational corporations collaborating with heads of UN Members States, academia, NGO’s and others that are highly rewarded for doing so. Profound unsustainability, this must be changed to have a utopian future worth living. This is Socialism on steroids. This should have been set fire to on the rubbish heap of history. Through the reinterpretation of Socialism eg Eco Socialism thus Socialism on steroids has become mans worst nightmare, endangering humanity itself. Elaborating, collaborating and embracing Eco Socialism is what some call Eco Fascist Cultism. The death of a nation.

I became much more interested in Eco  Socialist Fascism, and the deaths within nations, and the non transparency around Eco-Socialist Fascism. The Eco Fascist National Socialism of the Nazi ecology component. Eco fascism. The ‘Roots of Blood and Soil’ Germany, the science of ecology, Green leftist politics, fanatical socialist nationalism. Hitlers Nazism the  home of naturalism and socialist nationalism better known as fanatical socialist nationalism, the cause of peasantry, which led to the welfare of the land. “When one sees nature in a necessary connectedness and interrelationship, then all things are equally important-shrub, worm, plant, human, stone, nothing first or last, but all one single unity.” Hitlers veganism – purity of the Aryan race environmental Eco Socialist Fascism. The deadly connection between love of the land, namely the planet – the worship of Gaia Goddess mother earth and militant racist nationalism. Eco-Socialist Fascism.

Researching Eco Socialism I came across an article in the Sydney Morning Herald dated 15th March 2019 5.58 pm. Entitled ECO-FASCISM and the Aussie Shooter by Michael Koziol. What I read really took me off guard. Marx advocated a communist economic system. Eco Socialism taking control of the means of production. As Tarrant self described himself an eco fascist. As Scott Morrison confirmed that the Australian had been arrested in New Zealand and that he had been briefed on the manifesto described as a ‘work of hate’. 74 pages of the Australian’s dossier regurgitated familiar objections to immigration and multiculturalism, laments the decaying culture of the white European West. He made little reference to Australia in his manifesto, in his view ‘Australia was no more than a ‘European colony’ “simply an offshoot its its British colonists and a ;ack lustre one at that. He dismissed the idea he could have been radicalised by ideas given to him by friends and associates, the stated that “those around him were the typical Australians, apathetic and for the most part apolitical. He did not identify as an Australian despite being born there. The news reported that the gunman said. “The origins of my language is European, my culture is European, my political beliefs are European, my philosophical beliefs are European, my identity is European and, most importantly, my blood is European,” he wrote. “What is an Australian but a drunk European? Kidding, but Australia is a European colony, particularly of British stock and thereby an extension of Europe.”  The dossier compiled by a self described terrorist, reveals an obsession with violent uprisings against Islam. Describes his country of his birth ‘ little more than an outpost of Europe with prosperity for political apathy’. He described himself as an ‘Ethno Nationalist Eco-fascist’ having previously identified as a communist, an anarchist and a libertarian. He wrote that he believed in ‘ethnic autonomy for all peoples with a focus on the preservation of nature and the natural order”. He was a self described ‘Ethno Nationalist Eco Fascist’’ Eco fascism the darker shade of green. That is environmentalism  and progressive leftist politics. Aggressive, violent white nationalist espousing eco fascist political beliefs indicating a troubling trend in environmental politics

On researching another report/ thesis of the emergence of Eco Fascism 152 pages pdf. The (Re)Emergence of Eco-Fascism: White-Nationalism, Sacrifice, and Proto-Fascism in the Circulation of Ecological Far-Right Digital Rhetoric. by Jacob Kenton Smith, B.A. A Thesis Approved by the Department of Communication. David W. Schlueter, Ph.D., Chairperson Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Baylor University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. Approved by the Thesis Committee Leslie A. Hahner, Ph.D., Chairperson Scott Varda, Ph.D. Sara Alexander, Ph.D. Accepted by the Graduate School May 2021 J. Larry Lyon, Ph.D., Describes ‘Environmentalism is no longer the sole domain of progressive and leftist politics. Espousing white nationalists namely eco-fascist with political believes that are a troubling trend in environmental politics. Goes on to name the Christchurch shooter, Patrick Crusius the El Paso Shooter. Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch shooter, and Patrick Crusius, the El Paso Shooter, explicitly utilized argumentative strategies taken from eco-fascist literature bases. Twitter thread sparked the largest discussion of eco-fascism ever. Fascists on the platform Telegram espouse the belief fascism is inherently natural.

 By studying the rhetorical techniques and appeals of eco-fascist digital rhetoric, this thesis adds to an emerging conversation regarding the (re)emergence of eco-fascism. Although they refer to Far Right let me explain that. When you go as far right as you possible can and to the far left as far as you possible can there both meet in the same sphere is in this Eco Fascism.

The NZ Muslims are the Shia Community, researching Turkey, the ethno national using a political tool and the reason for ‘sunnification’ The European Turks to follow this model depends on their level of acceptance of the society they live in. Eco Nationalist Fascism had entered Turkey. I have this questioning of the mind, did the Australian shooter have this yearning for his visits , and extended lengthy visit to Turkey  because of meeting with like minded Eco Fascists? I have never read his manifesto and do not intend to, have never wanted to and never will. At the time he visited Turkey the Tourism industry was warning westerners of the risk of visiting Turkey of the high percentage of Sunni Muslims in Turkey and unrest. But obviously Tarrant felt comfortable going there, and not at risk at all. The Royal Christchurch Inquiry 17 Community Questions were responded to by the Inquiry. One of those questions was “Were the  Muslims in Christchurch fearful of anyone, any group before March 15th 2019.

The Royal Inquiry response to that question was “In the three years up to the Christchurch Terrorist attacks they stated they were fearful of Daesh at the time of Ramadan”. (Not Right Wing Extremism, nor White Supremacy). And now through my research of Eco-Socialism I stumble across the a newspaper article reported on the days of the attacks in Christchurch where the Australian shooter as he is called as an Ethno White Nationalist Eco Fascist.  But this was not the only news article or academic thesis I had read about the shooter and another shooter with a manifesto namely the ‘El Paso shooting that killed 22 people, as he ranted about plastic waste and over consumption. “If we get rid of enough people, then our life can become more sustainable” he concluded. Another article 7th August 2019 ‘What is eco-Fascism’ The ideology behind attacks in El Paso and Christchurch. (Fears of climate change, immigration and overpopulation are driving a new wave of violence. By Luke Darby Aug 7th 2019. He referred the El Paso shooter and his manifesto “An Inconvenient Truth’ after Al Gores 2006 Climate Change documentary. The shooter wrote in his manifesto. “The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources,” he wrote. “If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can be more sustainable.” He also blamed America’s consumer culture for environmental damage. Crusius also claimed that he was inspired by the shooter in Christchurch, New Zealand, who killed 51 people at two mosques and, in his own rambling manifesto, referred to himself as an “eco-fascist.” He described immigration as “environmental warfare,” and claimed “there is no nationalism without environmentalism.”

According to the FBI, ecoterrorism is “the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally-oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature.” For many, this likely evokes the image of tree-huggers with bolt-cutters, like the Animal Liberation Front which started breaking into animal testing labs in the ’80s, releasing test subjects and destroying equipment.

Tarrant’s self description reported by those whom had read the manifesto was he described himself ‘not as a conservative, not a Nazi, as a ‘eco naturalist- an ‘eco-fascists’




