ECO Socialist Multistakeholder Public Private Global Partnership with the UN-WEF ‘Corporate Capture of the World’ and the Global Godfather of Climate Hysteria

Maurice Strong the Godfather of Climate Hysteria. The self proclaimed Socialist Climate Change Inventor, that defined a trace gas as a very wealthy meal ticket of tens of thousands of climate functionalities

Maurice Strong established two of the largest UN Environmental Agencies.  Maurice Strong Personal Advisor to  UN Secretary Generals. Maurice Strong quoted at the UN “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about”? Quote Maurice Strong UN. The Science is settled “No its not:. Maurice Strong Self confessed socialist had a massive influence on world affairs, international environmental rules, international agencies and businesses, an influential member of the WEF

Maurice Strong joined the UN at 18years old lived with a leader of the UN Treasury. Eventually put the UN into the collaboration with environmental businesses. The shadowy influence of the UN Leaders from 1962 till 2005, often clled ‘the international man of mystery’  and a ‘new guy in your future’ and a very dangerous one at that. Strong made his fortune in oil and energy eg Petro Canada, Power Corporation, CalTex Africa, Hydro Canada, the Colorado Land and Cattle Company, Ajax Petroleum, Canadian Industrial Oil and Gas— to name just a few. He had an extensive range of contacts within the power brokers of the world, he was called the ‘Michelangelo of Networking’ but he was not angel.

1972 organized the 1st Earth Summit in Stockholm The Conference on the Human Environment. This led to the formation of the UN Environment Program Maurice Strong was the head of this. Later he organized the UNEP, he was the boss of the first international expert group on climate change. This led to UN sponsored organizations eg The Earth Council and Earth Charter, World Resources Institute, World Wild Life Fund, The Commission for World Governance and the University for Peace.

Strong was the driving force behind the world governance, governing of UN Nation States . He dreamt up a world tax on monetary transactions of 0.05% which would have given the UN an annual income of $1.5 trillion annually. About equal to the income of the US. However the stumbling block was the UN Security Council that has veto rights. (The power of Veto). So he devised a plan to get rid of the UN Security Council but did not succeed in implementing his plan. And then he came up with this light bulb moment called ‘Global Warming’, this might just be the device to get his World Governance up and running.

1989 Strong was appointed to Secretary General of the Earth Summit, 1992 he addressed the second Earth Summit at Rio. Telling 1,000’s of climate change delegates

“It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable”.

Hence there goes the house (private Property) there goes your Meat  (plant based burgers) Bill Gates ‘Beyond Burgers’, the transformation of the world called ‘The World we Want’ being the world the Corporation- UN-WEF Collaborators want.  (Global Power and wealth)

However Strong did not say at this time he had actually purchased a very large piece of land in Colorado. The Colorado Land and Cattle Company, he bought this off an arms dealer named Adnan Khashoggi who had strong connections with the Bin Laden family

200,000 acres of cattle property called ‘Baca’ It sat on a vast underground water system. Strong formed the American Water Development Corporation to exploit the water by pumping it out for commercial intent but was stopped by locals. Maurice Strong was told by a mystic that : The Baca Ranch would become the new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the world in years to come”

With this, he created the Manitou Foundation, a New Age Institute which was located at his Baca Rach, above what he called the saced waters that lay below. He established the ‘Conservation Fund’ with the help of Laurence Rockefeller, to study the mystical properies of the Manitou Mountaun. A circular temple was built at the ranch devoted to the world mystical movements

The valley where the Baca Ranch is located is traditional home of the Navajo tribes. They believe that their ancestors were led underground in this valley by ‘Ant People’. According to the Navajo tradition they warned of the coming ‘Sky Katchinas’ (Sky spirits’. Strong was drawn towards these Navajo mystical beliefs. Maurice Strong founded the Earth Council Institute in 1992, recruiting world luminaries eg., Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Al Gore and David Rockefeller. In year 2000 Earth Charter Strong again pushed for a World Governance body.

2005 Maurice Strong, an extremely powerful man made a push which he announced would save humanity, the promoting of the theory of human induced greenhouse gases, but he was caught with his hand in the till. He endorsed a chque for himself made out to M Strong issued by the Jordanian Bank. The South Korean businessman Tongsun Park was given the cheque, he was convicted in 2006 by a New York Federal Court of conspiring to bribe  UN Officials

Maurice Strong resigned and then fled to Canada, then onto China where he continued to live. Taking sanctuary in China where his cousin Louise Strong, a Marxist who lived with Mao Tse Tung for 2 years before she died in 1970.

In 1947 Maurice Strong  worked at the UN at the age of 18 a Canadian from Manitoba, he was a junior officer at the UN Security Section, he lived with the UN Treasurer Noah Monod. Maurice Strong was involved in bribery and corruption, a very well known one was the Un Oil for Food Scandal. Strong was stripped of many of his 53 International Awards and honours he had collected over a lifetime for this. Strong was known for his dual role of an eco global socialist pushing for a world governance and he was also reported to be a ruthless businessman

Maurice Strong was a longtime Foundation Director of the World Economic Forum, a senior advisor to the World Bank. A Canadian Oil- Mineral Businessman, Under Secretary of the UN, President of the Power Corporation of Canada, Secretary of the Un Human Environment Programme, CEO of Petro Canada, Headed Ontario Hydro. Head of the Water Development Incorporated, Commissioner of the World Commission on environmental Developments, Leader of International environmental Movements worldwide.

An active member of Perking University, Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Research on Security and Sustainability for North East Asia. Died at 86 in 2015. Self confessed radical Socialist. There are references made to Maurice Strong and Canada’s Principal Investment Corporations that have interests in Energy and Utility Businesses. The Power Corporation of Canada. In 1976 at Pierre Trudeau request Maurice Strong returned to Canada to head the newly created national oil company Petro-Canada.

Strong was a shareholder in Oil companies, he had acquired Denver Oil was the largest shareholder. AZL merged with Tosco Corporation which Strong acquired which was 160,000 acres – the Baca Ranch in Colorado which was Strongs Manitou Foundation. Strong later became the chairman of the Canada Development Investment Corporation, the holding company for some of Canada’s principal government owned corporations. 1982 he became chair of Ontario Hydro.

Dec 3st 1986 Strong founded the American Water Development Incorporated, with a rights to pump water from a guge area and sell it to water districts in the Front Range Urban Corridor of Colorado. (There was much conflict about this and activism) So Strong existed the company. Strong was the director of Molten Metal Technology, an environmental tech company founded in 1989, recycling hazardous waste gained research grants from US Dept of Energy. The company later filed for bankruptcy.’ Stockholm Conference

In 1971, Strong commissioned a report on the state of the planet, Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet,[25] co-authored by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. The report summarized the findings of 152 leading experts from 58 countries in preparation for the first UN meeting on the environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. This was the world’s first “state of the environment” report.

The Stockholm Conference established the environment as part of an international development agenda. It led to the establishment by the UN General Assembly in December 1972 of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with headquarters in NairobiKenya, and the election of Strong to head it. UNEP was the first UN agency to be headquartered in the third world.[26] As head of UNEP, Strong convened the first international expert group meeting on climate change.[27]

Strong was one of the commissioners of the World Commission on Environment and Development, set up as an independent body by the United Nations in 1983.

Maurice Strong the Godfather of Climate Hysteria. A longtime foundation Director of the WEF, on the advisory committee of Harvard University, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Maurice Strong flanked by 100 world leaders embodied in Agenda 21 launchpad. The design of the global governance and Mass Global Warming hysteria that has now evolved into a ECO Socialist Multistakeholder Public Private Global Partnership with the UN-WEF ‘Corporate Capture of the World. WEF GLOBAL REDESIGN INIATIVE. THE GREAT RESETTHE NEW NORMAL – THE GLOBAL AGENDA 2030- TO LEAVE NO-ONE BEHINDEVERYONE EVERYWHERE AT EVERY AGEORIGINATED BY THE SHADOW OF THE MOST POWERFUL LEADERS OF THE UNNONE OTHER THAN MAURICE STRONG.THE GLOBAL GOD FATHER OF CLIMATE HYSTERIA.



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We live in cold times: “We live in the coldest period of the last 10.000 years” , says Danish glaciologist, Jørgen Peder Steffensen who take us back in time to the Grenland ice cores and reveals the secrets from the past.” Today’s warming is not unprecedented and thus no way to tell if human industry has made any difference. Jørgen Peder Steffensen is a professor in ice core related research at the centre for ice and climate at the Niels Bohr Institute the University of Copenhagen.\RNZ reported

THE ROSS ICE SHELF IS FREEZIBNG, NOT MELTING.. Feb 23rd 2018. Scientists were surprised by their study. In November, scientists from New Zealand used a hot water drill to go deep into Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf. The shelf, which can be up to 10,000 feet thick, is the largest of several that hold back West Antarctica’s massive amounts of ice. If these were to collapse, global sea level would rise by ten feet.

Drilling a hole and lowering a camera and thermometer inside is a way for researchers to understand the history of the shelf, and what is happening to it now. In measuring the temperature and currents below the shelf, they expected to find that the ice was melting.

Instead, the water appeared to be crystalizing and freezing. In the video from National Geographic below, you can see the white dots of ice crystals as the camera is lowered towards the dark sea below. If the shelf was melting, the hole at that level would have smooth sides. “It blew our minds,” Christina Hulbe, the glaciologist from the University of Otago in New Zealand, who co-led the project, told National Geographic. It’s a decent sign that catastrophic melting of the Ross Ice Shelf won’t occur in the near future.

Source: National Geographic

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New Zealand the Worst Climate Cheats in the World


Did this ruin NZ’s Clean Green Non- Corrupt image – recommendation.??

NZ Herald 27th September 2023 was headed ‘Election 2023: How do we tackle Climate Change?. National, Labour, Act, Greens, Te Pati Maori and NZ First Policies. NZ Zero Carbon Act, mandated emissions budget, reduction plan, NZ legislative architecture to force net emission down to zero by 2050. But political parties widely varying their positions on how to meet climate commitment. A large looming headache referring to agricultural emissions.

Where farmers pay for biogenic methane emissions, it appears Labour, National, Act, Greens, Te Pati Maori all  legally bound by the Kigali Amendment 2016 of the UN Montreal Protocol. That has International enforcement laws if NZ Govt does not comply. 21/12/2019 NZ Law changed to reflect the Kigali Amendment. The NZ Emissions Trading Scheme. At a huge cost to consumers worldwide.

4/11/2021 Reform of the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme, a key policy to reduce emissions ensures NZs commitment to Paris Agreement. Non compliancy to Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol means a global trades embargo on NZ. There have been many articles, reports published alleging that the Emissions Trading Scheme is a sham, a fraud, a hoax. The Great Cash For Carbon Hustle’ a fix for runaway emissions, one which does nothing to reduce emissions hence its all down to book-keeping.

It was reported that in one notorious case the Vatican was presented with ‘carbon offset certificates’ for millions of trees that were never planed in 2019 by Yale Climate Connection. The Arab News 15th March 2023 refers to an investigation by European and British Media, The Guardian and the German Weekly and other media referencing that ‘in January 2023. They concluded gaping holes in the program of carbon offsets used by the worlds leading carbon certifier, 90% of the company’s rainforest offset credits did not represent genuine carbon reductions.

Corporations are accused of cheating and lying as to their carbon offsets and carbon trading. The  Emissions Trading System being without checks and balances, just a matter of book-keeping. Where big industries turn activities around the book-keeping of carbon offsets and trading into another revenue stream, with an extensive stock -market of carbon trading. No checks whatsoever, with billions of dollars of trading invested in offset programs. Being called a Global Climate Fraud.

10/11/2021 Greenpeace reported the ‘carbon offset’ scheme is a scam, a scammers dream. A book-keeping trick. Suddenly carbon trading, carbon offsets are everywhere, carbon foot print measuring for individuals and team player through Auckland Council online ‘FutureFit’. However in reality does this even change the climate, global boiling? It allows businesses to pollute waterways, break trade waste water regulations and the ETS appears to be great for profits. Let’s talk, NZ Government, their history on being the worst climate cheats in the world as they knowingly purchased Ukraine and Russian fraudulent Carbon Credits (Morgan Foundation Report).

The Government was accused of totally irresponsible alleged criminal behavior..It was reported the Government did this to meet their  International commitments for the 2020 emissions of the Kyoto Agreement. NZ being a willing participant in wholesale climate fraud. Reference was made to ‘Hot Air’ climate units, because they did not represent true emissions reductions (they were nothing but hot air). This being an alleged deliberate decision making by the National led government of the day, to continue to allow unlimited used of these foreign fraudulent carbon units for as long as the International community would allow it.

Thus tainting NZ reputation for being a ‘Clean, Green Corrupt Free Country’. Almost $200 million dollars of NZ taxpayer money was put into the hands of these foreign crims. When the Morgan Reports (1 and 2) were published this made many in the community aware of how criminally the NZ Govt had behaved.

Hence it was suggested that the Govt had three options to deal with their criminal fraudulent behavior as climate crim’s to hold their reputation intact.

1)DUMP THE JUNK: Cancel the fraudulent foreign credits 

(2) BURN THE BANK: Remove the Government’s 2 for 1 deal and freeze companies free allocation of the 2 for 1 deal

(3) KEEP IT CLEAN: Keep the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) closed to International trade until NZ Government could be certain NZ’s ETS scheme has ‘integrity’

Also it was suggested that “in the mean-time work closely with some of NZ’s Pacific neighbors to develop bilateral arrangements. 18/4/ 2016 The Morgan Foundation launched a second report also called ‘Climate Cheats’ showing NZ was by far the biggest buyer of the fraudulent foreign carbon credits. The Climate Cheats Report entitled ‘The Dozen Dirty Businesses’ were exposed, where NZ Govt handed over these fraudulent carbon credits to businesses,  dumping the ‘junk credits’.

NZ was the only country in the world that allowed the use of these fraudulent foreign credits between 2013-2015.

Large businesses in NZ were known to profit from the fraudulent credits by selling or banking them, by profiting from pollution. NZ Steel was one, others were Power and Petrol companies led by BP included Caltex and Genesis the Power Company, they were the biggest users of the fraudulent Ukraine, Russian Carbon credits.

MOBILE OIL DID NOT PARTICIPATE, BUT REMAINED STILL REMAINED COMPETITIVE. Some Forestry Companies also purchased these foreign units, but their names were not exposed. The Spinoff News NZ reported 18th April 2016 ‘Ukraine and Russia had found loopholes in the International Rules for Carbon Trading. NZ is complicit in a ‘climate swindle’. A willing participant in ‘wholesale climate fraud’

That Europe and New Zealand had been increasingly suspicious of Ukraine and Soviet Union, as to what they were up to in 2012. NZ Government had made noises about this at this time, about banning the ‘dodgy climate credits in April 2012. It was reported that in 2012 that backroom negotiations between the National Party and its coalition Party ACT were hesitant about the foreign fraudulent carbon units, however in July 2012 they decided to leave the dodgy carbon foreign units remaining open, instead of immediately halting this climate criminality.

Other countries had walked away from the foreign carbon fraudulent credits, but NZ Government decided not to do so. It was said that ‘NZ ETS Scheme should reflect the ‘International Price’ of carbon offset purchasing and carbon  trading. By the beginning of 2013 Europe had totally banned the trade of these foreign fraudulent carbon units from Russia and Ukraine, leaving New Zealand still purchasing them at a very cheap price. NZ rapidly became the largest consumer of the fraudulent foreign carbon credits in the world.

Over a ¼ of  All NZ’s carbon emissions between 2008-2012 were covered by fraudulent carbon units. 99% of all carbon credits came from Russia and Ukraine. In 2015 the Stockholm Environment Institute found that 89% of Ukraine projects were of ‘questionable or low environmental integrity’ In other words as ‘dodgy as hell’

However NZ Tax Payers were robbed of approx. $200 million to put in the hands of these crim’s thanks to the NZ Govt. The NZ Government most certainly knew these were fraudulent credits and they were an accomplice to a climate crime at the expense of the NZ Taxpayers. At the time the 2nd Morgan Foundation Climate Cheats report was published  in 2016 it was alleged the NZ Government were still holding up these fraudulent credits as proof they were meeting International emissions targets.

Stuff NZ reported 18th April 2016. NZ Government allowed ‘Climate Fraud’ to reach emission reduction target. A damming environmental report. Stating the Morgan Foundation Report raised concerns on NZ’s use of the fraudulent foreign carbon credits referring to the NZ Govt reaching it 2020 International Emission targets, which was said to damage NZ’s reputation.

After the publications of the Morgan Foundation Reports Labours David Parker said “the Labour party had been calling the government to close down overseas ‘hot air’ carbon credits from the likes of Ukraine and Russia. (Therefore Labour also were well aware of the fraudulent carbon credits and were also a party to the climate crime)

National Party Paul Bennet Climate Minister said the ETS Scheme is not perfect, but NZ made the best decisions at the time”. Greenpeace NZ Climate Campaigners reported that “ NZ has continued to use the fraudulent climate credits at the time of Paul Bennetts and Parkers responses in 2016.

He also added that “the ETS scheme was a policy that was purposely made to sound boring and dense so people would not dig deeper into it”. In reality the ETS Scheme allows for businesses to make profits from pollution. The whole of the National led government of the time were aware of the climate crime it was committing. They were all aware of the fraudulent criminal behavior of Russia and Ukraine and the carbon credit fraud. As other countries backed away. Europe banned the purchasing use of these fraudulent carbon credits the whole of NZ Government led by National and its coalition partner ACT Party. All political party in government were guilty of this climate crime at this time.







Please click on the link for my video for information on this.

WakeUp NZ

Carol Sakey





Scary by image, design, text, front page propaganda that depicts that the end of the world is nigh. Scorching earth, wild fires, floods, sea level rises. Domestic migration residents must move away from the coastline where they live, including those in cities by the sea.

Yet here they are building retirement villages by the sea some priced at $2 million dollars for a small apartment. Wealthy individuals live in their mansions by the sea. But others are to move into Smart City, C40 Cities, to be controlled to be spied on everyday by camera’s facial recognition.

They want to take away your cars whereas those that are wealthy can own as many cars as they like, have a launch moored at the waters edge. Political leaders still fly all over the world whenever they like, are immune to these restrictions, regulations and controls.

Chicken Little- help, help, help the sky is falling in they will have you believe them, they announce ‘Trust Us’. Trust the tiny algorithms that you cannot see with the naked eye, trust the data and computer modeled information you cannot understand, that you may never ever view for yourself.

Ardern introduced the first Algorithm Charter in the world which all govt agencies have access to and use. Trust the scientists, researchers that rely on corporations, organizations, governments and philanthropist organizations that fund them out of their own self interests. Leading politicians want you to TRUST THEM..

Political leaders that scare the hell out Leaders of political parties scaring the hell out of children, vulnerable people. Children screaming with placards held high and voices of climate alarmism.

National Health in England have named Climate anxiety as a mental health disorder, young people, children having nightmares, anxiety attacks, feeling depressed because of the scary image driven victimizing text educational authorities dump on children in classrooms everywhere. UNESCO..WHO (UN) EDUCATION 2030 worldwide education from birth upwards.

Dishonesty, Misinformation Projects funded by Governments that allow politicians themselves to have corrupt, dishonesty immunity. The UN Secretary General Guterres announced ‘Global Boiling’.

Its not the climate that boiling its populations that have been placed in the Climate Cooling waters that have now been sucked into the corrupted global boiling pot.

The robbing of taxpayers, ratepayers and consumers both domestic and commercial of millions of dollars that could well end up being billions of dollars, there is no end to it, this ‘ambulance chaser propaganda journalism.

With no conscience, they go out of the way to capture the publics attention, their imagination with dramatic words, with unimaginable effects. The Ozone scare established in the 1980’s, blaming manmade CFC’s /HCFC’s  as they refer to the Ozone hole.

The so called ‘Ozone Hole’ makes it sound so dramatic as the hole is reported much larger than the size of Canada, and then the largest its ever been, and then its healing is getting smaller to the UN Montreal Protocol part of the Vienna Convention of 22md September 1988, the object of the Montreal Protocol of 1987 must be working.

The so called ‘Ozone Hole’ that is widely reported is not a hole but the thinning of the Ozone layer. The terminology ‘The Ozone Hole’ is just a metaphor for the ozone layer thinning. But this massive Ozone Hole’ sounds so dramatis and overwhelming to some people. (Psychological warfare)

As for the thinning of the ozone layers during the North and South Poles, this happens in the South in the winter months.

The stratospheric ozone is created when UV radiation (sunlight) hits oxygen molecules, which combine with other oxygen molecules to form ozone. No ozone layers are created at either the North Poplar or South Polar  Poles during the winter months in those regions

The ozone layers are created in the summer months, however ozone is a naturally unstable compound that has an average half-life of approx.., 2-3 months. In the warmers ozone layers, its half-life may only be a few days.

This means that every polar winter approx.., 50% of the ozone disintegrates , the ozone layers thins out, this is a natural event. However the US State Dept, Congress in the 1980’s hijacked, targeted the CFC’s, then the HCFC’s as a criminal agent.

The ozone alarmists only looking at recent history rather than long term history where the Ozone layer has waxed and waned got larger and shrunk.

They do not tell the public that CFC’s are 5-7 times heavier than air. Put some in a balloon and see what happens. With sufficient winds some CFCs may make it to higher altitudes, until they sink again. Only very small fractions of CFCs ever reach the stratosphere.

CFC’s do not destroy the ozone layer Chlorine does. Stratospheric UV (Sunlight) radiation has to first break apart CFC molecules to release chlorine. The problem is that mother nature produces far more naturally occurring chlorine than humans or animals could ever could.

There are more than 1,000 natural sources of chlorine much of this comes from plants, insects, oceans, solar storms but the most largest comes from volcanic eruptions. Studies from Harvard, France, Russia, Australia and many science center’s are raising the warming flags

During the CFC scare the earth was experiencing was higher than average volcanic eruptions. One single large volcanic eruption has leached more chemicals in the stratosphere than humans, animals that generate in many years of CFC human production, which is barely miniscule.

But nature will always do what nature always does not what International UN Laws dictate and mandate. Naturally if nature wants to annihilate our ozone layer at anytime and it virtually did 250 million years ago, this is the time of a massive prolonged Siberian super-volcanic eruptions that lasted for many years.

Approx., 95% of the ozone layer disintegrated, this is long before the extinction of the dinosaurs, this was called ‘The Great Dying’ approximately of all life finished. There was no fossil fuels then or Human made CFCs or CFC’s.

Natural Chlorine the Romans did not fossil fuel chariots when the climate was warmer then then now. Global boiling, some laugh, some cry, some become very scared and scared and anxious

However,eg corporations, environmental organizations, corporations, foundations, enviro environmental activists, vegan societies, agri-businesses, UN/WEF puppets- UN Nation State Governments they have legitimized the global agenda.

From the theory of Malthusian, to the Population Bomb, to Population to De-population. From the Eugenics of Socialist Margeret Sanger, to the Rockefellers, to International Planned Parenthood affiliated to Family Planning NZ.

From the Gates foundation that is one of the UN Agencies biggest funders to scaring, indoctrinating, manipulating young minds through UNESCO Agenda 2030 collaboration with wealth seeking Corporate Capture of WEF Schwab’s baby “Multi-stakeholder capitalism’, and Schwab’s 604 page Global Redesign of 2010 to the Great Reset-The narrow window of opportunity

If one has not learned from history then it is likely that one is condemned to repeat it..

1)Thomas Malthus -Population vs Natural Resources  (2) The Club Of Rome and the 1968 ‘Population Bomb’-Prof., Paul Ehrlich (3)Rockefeller Foundation and Population related fields (4) Margaret Sanger Eugenics-A Socialist Activist- founder of the International Planned Parenthood whom collaborated with Rockefeller of the UN Population Div.,

Global Cooling  (6) Global Warming, (7) Climate Crisis (8) Climate Disaster (9) Climate Catastrophe we must urgently act now   (10) The Ozone Hole Corruption (11)Corporate Capture and Political collaboration – Public-Private Partnerships. (PPPs)PPP- People – Planet and heaps of Profit. Corporate Capture. Smart Cities, Environmental Refugees’ and the worst fraud in human history Climate Corruption.. Massive Climate Crime by the way of simply book-keeping, no checks, no balances.

And New Zealand Government has the reputation as being the  ‘worst climate cheats in the world’. Climate Criminals That is my next video.

Researched By Carol Sakey



Carol Sakey


The IPCC ignored crucial peer reviewed literature showing that normalized disaster losses have decreased since 1990, human mortality due to extreme weather has decreased by more than 95% since 1920. The IPCC cherry picked from literature and drew opposite conclusions, claiming increases in damage and mortality due to anthropogenic climate change.  These are just two of the conclusion of the report ‘The Frozen Climate View’ of the IPCC. Published by Clintel Foundation

These are very flawed IPCC Reports that NZ Government and other governments worldwide are using to wreck our economies. * IPCC misleads policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenario. There is also another much larger report . The IPCC cherry picking literature. The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC published by Clintel Foundation is a must to read. One that should be used to target all those political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington.

 IPCC hides good news about disaster losses and climate-related deaths
* IPCC wrongly claimed the estimate of climate sensitivity is above 2.5
°C; it is more likely below 2°C
* IPCC misleads policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenario
* Errors in the AR6 report are worse than those that led to the IAC Review in 2010.

An international team of scientists from the Clintel network has analyzed several claims from the Working Group 1 (The Physical Science Basis) and Working Group 2 (Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability) reports. This has now led to the report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC.

It has introduced a new hockey stick graph, which is the result of cherry-picked proxies. And it has ignored temperature reconstructions that show more variability in the past, such as the well-documented Little Ice Age.

The IPCC claims there is an acceleration in the rate of sea-level rise in recent decades. Clintel has shown this claim is flawed, because the IPCC ignores decadal variability in sea level. We also show that its sea-level tool – made available for the first time – shows a mysterious and improbable jump upward in 2020. On top of that, the IPCC is ‘addicted’ to its highest emissions scenario, so-called RCP8.5

IPCC has done a poor job of assessing the scientific literature. All countries rely on the IPCC reports to support their climate policies and most of the media blindly trust its claims. The Clintel report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC shows that this trust is not justified.
Clintel has reported the following “In our view the IPCC should be reformed, and should include a broader range of views”. Scientists with different views, such as Roger Pielke Jr and Ross McKitrick, to participate more actively in the process is a necessary first step. If, for some reason, such inclusion of different views is unacceptable, the IPCC should be dismantled

Three Pages






