CONCERNS AS TO PRINCIPLES OF WAITANGI AND PARTNERSHIP: Firstly I have concerns has to the deliberate legislative corruption of New Zealand’s original Founding Document Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The sovereign Nation of New Zealand are the people of New Zealand (NZ Citizens). All Peoples. Te Tiriti o Waitangi’s purpose was to carry out the wishes, desires of the Queen of England to establish a settled form of Civil Government with a view to avert evil consequences to the Māori people and the Europeans living ‘without laws’
Te Tiriti o Waitangi’s purpose was to carry out the wishes, desires of the Queen of England.
1) To establish a settled form of Civil Government with a view to avert evil consequences to the Māori people and the Europeans living ‘without laws’. 2) The Māori Chiefs ceded to the Queen of England forever the Government of their lands
3) Their lands means ‘their territories’ – Government means Sovereignty -‘Personage’ means King or Queen.
4) The Queen of England extends to the Māori people of New Zealand her ‘Royal Protection’, ‘Privileges’, Rights’ The same Royal Protection, Privileges, Rights as she gives her British Subjects, which therefore means ALL people alike, none are more privileged than another.
a)Article 1 of ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi means, that the Maori Chiefs transferred their ‘chiefly authority’ and their ancestry, past and present and future generations were ceded for ever. That prior to the signing of ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ there were no laws, no government, and lots of lawlessness.
b)Māori were fighting Māori, Māori and European were fighting each other. The Queen of England guaranteed royal protection from foreign invasions of New Zealand’s territories, from foreign powers also royal protection within New Zealand Territories
c)Te Tiriti o Waitangi clearly describes that the Laws established were ‘One Law for All People’ – Te Tiriti o Waitangi clearly shows that Māori did not have Fishing Rights – Tiriti o Waitangi does not state Iwi/Maori have ownership, control of Forestry, Natural Resources.
d)That Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create Veto Rights, nor Compensation of Lands or ownership of the entire lands of New Zealand. The Māori Chiefs ceded to the Queen of England forever the Government of their lands. Hence ‘lands’ means ‘territories’. Government means ‘Sovereignty’. The people of New Zealand are the Sovereign Nation. ‘Personage’ means King or Queen.
- e) The Queen of England extends to the Māori people of New Zealand her ‘Royal Protection’, ‘Privileges’, Rights’ The same Royal Protection, Privileges, Rights as she gives her British Subjects, which therefore means ALL people alike, none are more privileged than another.
- f) The Queen of England guaranteed royal protection from foreign invasions of New Zealand’s territories, from foreign powers also royal protection within New Zealand Territories
- g) Te Tiriti o Waitangi clearly describes that the Laws established were ‘One Law for All People’
h)Te Tiriti o Waitangi clearly shows that Māori did not have Fishing Rights, Own or control of Forestry, Natural Resources in New Zealand prior to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
i)Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create Veto Rights, nor Compensation of Lands or ownership of the entire lands of New Zealand
j)Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create a Partnership between Crown (Government) and Iwi/Maori/Hapu.
k)Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create ‘Principles’. Parliamentary Legislation created ‘Principles’
THE TERM ‘INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’ Te Tiriti on Waitangi did not create the term ‘Indigenous People’. George Manuel President of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood visited New Zealand in the early 1970’s met with a number of Māori entertainers and Māori Politicians. This gave George Manuel the opportunity to speak serious talk about the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ that he continued to spread around other countries he visited including meeting up with Aboriginal students in Australia. George Manuel established the World Indigenous Council of which he was President.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND THE UNITED NATIONS: At one meeting held in the UN Assembly a number of protestors walked out as they were angered that they had not given Manuel consent to label them as ‘Indigenous Peoples. George Manuel played a part in the preplanning of the UN Declaration Of the Rights for Indifenous Peoples. This took years to plan, involved several Iwi from NZ.
THE NATION STATES ‘RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION’ New Zealand is a Nation State, territorial bounded sovereign polity. A state that rules in the name of the citizens of that State whom identify themselves as the Sovereign of the State. The Right to Self-determination of the Sovereign State. This states that people, based on respect for the principle of equal rights, have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference
ON DAVID SEYMOURS PENDING REFERENDUM ON THE TREATY: The new government to support a ‘Treaty Principles Bill based on ACT Policy through to select committee to be legally binding. The rights to referendums should a council want to introduce Maori Wards? The people of New Zealand still have no legally binding referendum rights
ACT’S PENDING REFERENDUM ON TE TIRITI O WAITANGI’: The ‘Founding Document of New Zealand’ Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create ‘Principles’. By acknowledging ‘Principles’ therefore then supports the deliberate legislative corruption already implemented in the 1980’s by legislature. The New Government not acknowledging the corruption of the original founding document of NZ but once again promoting it by recognizing that ‘Principles’ were created by the Treaty and they were not.
THE CREATION OF THE TERMINOLOGY OF INDIGONOUS PEOPLES: Was not created by Te Tiriti o Waitangi. George Manuel President of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood visited New Zealand in the early 1970’s met with a number of Māori entertainers and Māori Politicians. This gave George Manuel the opportunity to speak serious talk about the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ that he continued to spread around other countries he visited including meeting up with Aboriginal students in Australia. George Manuel established the World Indigenous Council of which he was President. (George Manuel was influenced by Tanzanian politician Parkipuny who started modernizing this term rather than using the terms ‘natives’ or tribal communities’
THE TERMINOLOGY ‘INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ WAS NOT WELCOMED BY ALL: At one meeting held in the UN Assembly a number of protestors walked out as they were angered that they had not given Manuel consent to label them as ‘Indigenous Peoples. George Manuel played a part in the preplanning of the UN Declaration Of the Rights for Indigenous Peoples. This took years to plan, involved several Iwi from NZ. How many people with Maori ancestry call themselves Indigenous People/ Never mind leave it to the Te Pati Maori and Iwi Nationaal Leaders Groups.
A HUGE BONE OF CONTENTION THAT STILL EXISTS TODAY: There has been much contention as to the following:- If Māori did not have a Government, then how could they cede something that did not have in the first place? The following response included:- Each Māori Chief who subscribed his mark on the common weal and to Governor William Hobson (Representative of the Queen of England) were counted as an ‘authority’, as an offering to the Queen of England. That Māori Chief’s each having authority over each of their Tribes. That the total sum of the ‘Chiefs Authorities’ amounted to what was described as a ‘Government’
GOVERNANCE OF NZ PRIOR TO TREATY: Each of the individual Chiefs that made a mark on the Te Tiriti o Waitangi were finally counted as a total sum of ‘Authority’ (‘Total Authority’ of the Chiefs being the ‘Total Government’) Therefore Article 1 of ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi means, that the Maori Chiefs transferred their ‘chiefly authority’ and their ancestry, past and present and future generations were ceded for ever. New Zealand was a country of much lawlessness. Prior to the signing of ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ there were no laws, no government, and lots of lawlessness. Māori were fighting Māori, Māori and European were fighting each other
PROTECTION OF NEW ZEALAND AS A NATION STATE: Te Tiriti o Waitangi ‘New Zealand’s Royal Protection from Foreign Invasions:- The Nation State is under ongoing attacks through the continuous UN International Laws that have been adopted into out Domestic Policies, which endanger the very state of our Sovereign Nation State
THE PRINCIPLE OF SOVEREIGNTY: The political model of the nations state, fuses two principles. The principle of ‘state sovereignty’ (First articulated in the Peace of Westphalia 1648). This recognizes the right of states to govern their territories without external interference and also the principle of ‘national sovereignty’ which recognizes the right of national communities to govern themselves
THE LAWFUL RIGHTS OF THE CITIZENS OF NEW ZEALAND IGNORED: Citizens Initiated Referendums: The citizens of NZ are the Sovereign of New Zealand. The parliamentarians our servants, the people of New Zealand are not their citizens. Therefore we, the people of New Zealand should have legal rights to agree or disagree with the government. The people of New Zealand have no ability to act upon the decision making rights. Therefore this is an undemocratic system on that is determined by the State for the State not the people.
UNDRIP: The Government will no longer recognize the UNDRIP, therefore also the government surely must rid NZ of the terminology ‘Indigenous Peoples’? This UN Declaration was adopted into the UN Assembly on 13th September 2007. Four countries rejected this, did not agree to sign it, they were the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. John Key under a veil of secrecy sent Pita Sharples Co leader of the Māori Party to sign the UN Declaration in 2010. Hence this has at the core of apartheid in NZ (Racial Politics)
WILL CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DUMP AGENDA 2030? And its global Development Goals that are being implemented in New Zealand at an accelerated pace.?
UN AGENDA 2030: Imposes a threat to our country, New Zealand’s Nation State. Ardern imposed it into NZs Domestic Policy hence the Non-binding UN Agreement became legally binding. (The Peoples Report on UN Agenda 2030 2019. (134 pages).
AGENDA 2030 ‘IWI/MAORI PARTNERSHIPS: UN Agenda 2030 seeks Iwi/Maori Partnerships.(Published by MBIE Govt 2019) MFAT collaboration, a wider engagement to implement the UN Global Agenda in New Zealand by NZ Government engaging a partnership with Iwi/Maori for action on UN Agenda 2030 SDGs. References made to:-Indigenous people are adaptable and reconstruct world views to ensure relevant information is passed onto government. The implementation of the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan. UN agenda 2030 in the spirit of partnership, the SDG Global Agenda 2030 that recommends ‘diversity-fluidity-LGBTQ+ community
UN / WEF INTERNATIONAL INTERFERENCE OF THE NATION STATE: The principle of ‘Sovereignty fuses two principles. The principle of ‘State’ sovereignty’ First articulated in the Peace of Westphalia 1648). Recognizes the right of States to govern their own territories without external interference.
THE PRINCIPLE OF NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY: The principle of ‘National Sovereignty’ recognizes the right of national communities to govern themselves. With the governments accepted interference of UN/WEF International Rules this has violated the right of the Sovereign People of The Nation State of New Zealand
NZ AS A NATION STATE: Nationalism aspires to a congruence between State Borders and the Boundaries of the Nation Community, so that the National Group is contained in the Territory of its State, and the State contains the Nation’. It is clearly evident that Parliamentarians, our Nations Leaders show no obedience to that of ‘Sovereign Right to a Nation State’. The sovereign people of NZ have no legal binding decision making rights. The Undemocratic State of New Zealand
THE NATION STATES ‘RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION’ New Zealand is a Nation State, territorial bounded sovereign polity. A state that rules in the name of the citizens of that State whom identify themselves as the Sovereign of the State. The Right to Self-determination of the Sovereign State. This states that people, based on respect for the principle of equal rights, have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference
STATE BORDERS: As a political idea, nationalism aspires to a congruence between state borders and the boundaries of the national community, so that the national group is contained in the territory of its state and the state contains the nation
CHARACTER ASSINATION OF THE NATIONAL SOVEREIGN STATE: Has been severely corrupted by the ideology of ‘Decolonizing Everything’ consequently causing a serious division between individuals, groups, organizations in New Zealand, including that of political parties and their enactment of their policies.
PATRIOTISM: The term ‘Patriotism’ has been seriously corrupted globally and nationally. Patriotism is about loyalty to ones own country, our nation and political community. : Loyalty to ones own country: Patriotism, a feeling of attachment and commitment to a country, nation or political community. Patriotism the love of ones own country. Nationalism is the loyalty to ones nation
INTERUPTION AND INTERGRATION OF OUTSIDE GLOBAL ENTITIES: In the rights of the Sovereign people of the National Sovereign State of New Zealand. To Love One’s Own Country has been seriously corrupted has been deliberately determined “loving, being loyal to ones own country as Neo Nazism, Right Wing Extremism and White Supremacy.
EDUCATION CURRICULUM DISMISSES ‘LOYALTY, LOVING ONES OWN COUNTRY: Our children are being taught in the school curriculum (Universal Education UNESCO Education 2030) that promotes identity politics and gender ideology. Yes, the new government state they will once again implement English and Maths, but will they take RSI (Relationship & Sexuality), Gender Ideology out of the school curriculum?
GOOD NZ CITIZENS: Will the New Government replace the teaching of children to be ‘Good Global Citizens to be Good New Zealand Citizens, to love, respect be loyal to their own country?
NATIONALISM THREATENS MULTILATERALISM: Reported 2nd May 2019 (UN Article). Multilateralism must be strengthened, revitalize the UN Multilateral system so the UN remains effective. Nationalism has become a challenge to UN Multilateralism. Parliaments worldwide actively achieving Agenda 2030.
NEW ZEALAND PARLIAMENTARIANS: The integration into national frameworks to reach local communities. Parliamentarians worldwide to embrace UN Reforms, this includes diffusing the virtual space in which global civil society have emerged. To support promote minority communities, LGBTQ+, and racial division, environmentalism termed as ‘diversity and inclusion’. The Un reports Parliamentarians to play a key role at local level. Improve Stakeholder partnerships
PARTNERSHIPS AND STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM: References to this:- Parliaments worldwide foster interaction between National Parliament and the UN. (Nations Parliaments worldwide form Partnership with the UN). The 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments 2020 the opportunity to further consolidate this partnership to ensure implementation of the global agenda 2030. Highlights the role of Indigenous Peoples.
DESTRUCTION OF FREEDOM TO CHOOSE: This report is published by NZ Govt MBIE. Stakeholder Capitalism is Klaus Schwab’s baby, the destruction and replacement of Free-market Enterprises worldwide. Destroying the freedom to choose.
RUINATION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE NATION STATE ECONOMY: Multi-stakeholder capitalism is the enemy of small businesses and farming communities, it is one of the ‘Corporate Capture’ of Nation States to advance Global Governance. Massive re-engineering of social behavior as to the way we think, behave, what we purchase, the way we live and how we live.
UN CHALLENGES NATION STATES AS THREATENING MULTILATERALISM: It was reported on 2nd May 2019 (UN Article) entitled ‘Parliamentarians Discuss Multilateralism, UN’s Effectiveness at the 2019 Annual Parliamentary Hearing that discussed the emerging challenges to UN’s Multilateralism, that Multilateralism needs to strengthen worldwide, their needs to be many more women that participate in revitalizing the UN’s Multilateral System.
PARLIAMENTS WORLDWIDE ‘SDG’S (AGENDA 2030): Referenced the importance of Parliamentarian worldwide promoting global goals, that SDG Indicators (Agenda 2030) have been established to ensure local and regional budgets are ‘in step’. To ensure that the global agenda is integrated into national frameworks and they reach local communities
PARLIAMENTS ‘COMMITTEE’S PARTNERSHIP WITH UN: The suggestion was made to create within National parliaments committees similar to IPU Standing Committee on UN Affairs to foster interaction between National Parliaments and the UN. Thus referencing the 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament in 2020 could provide an opportunity to further consolidate the partnership between the UN, Nations Parliaments and IPU, thus ensuring to commit SDG implementation , to form a parliamentary committee to embrace UN Reforms
PARLIAMENTARIANS TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE UN GLOBAL AGENDA; . They can hold their Governments accountable by following up on commitments made at the United Nations and monitoring the implementation thereof, passing relevant national legislation and approving budgets. I. Multilateralism, emerging challenges and the role of parliamentarian
UN STATES THAT NATIONALISM HAS BECOME A HUGE THREAT: Nationalism, populism and isolationism pose a growing threat to the global order. The international system, with the United Nations at its core, must become more relevant, responsive and transparent. It must do a better job of including women and youth, and partner with the private sector, business, labour, civil society and regional and financial institution
SOCIAL MEDIA ‘IDISINFORMATION’ A GLOBAL AGENDA: Social Media and Disinformation that undermines the Multilateral System. The hearing emphasized the need for multilateralism in a world grappling with increasingly complex cross-border challenges. Nationalism, populism and isolationism pose a growing threat to the global order. Parliamentarians play a key role because they represent people and can ensure that global ambitions apply to local realities
ELECTIONEERING CAMPAIGN NEGLECTED GLOBAL ISSUES THAT ARE IMPLENTED LOCALLY: This has not yet been addressed or even publicized by ACT, NZ First or National Parties during their electioneering campaigns. Surely National Interests should be the dominant principle of policy making in any given country. Distr.: General 26 March 2019 UN General Assembly.
THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ‘AUCKLAND COUNCIL’: Will the new coalition government dump the C40 Cities agenda of Auckland Council (Local Government) Smart cities, the promoting of plant based foods, encouraging the destruction of small businesses and farming communities. Their Drag Queen Storytime in libraries.
POLICING IN NZ: Will police be required to remove their Rainbow bracelets? The Police are employed to serve the Government not the People of New Zealand
CHALLENGING PARLIAMENTARIANS TO STRENTHEN THE GLOBAL/WEF MULTULATERAL ORDER:. The 2019 annual parliamentary hearing served as an opportunity to discuss growing challenges to multilateralism and share ideas about how to reform the United Nations and strengthen the multilateral system in order to better respond to global challenges. This mode of operation challenges the traditional confinement of political struggles to the public sphere of individual sovereign states.
COALITION PARTY IGNORED THE NEW 300 PLUS RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Whether New Government Coalition partners would oppose these WHO International Health Regulations that update, amend the UN UHR 2005 AND THE NEW who International Pandemic Treaty (Accord)
THE WHO PANDEMIC ACCORD (TREATY) Does the new coalition agree with this or not? but they are certainly supporting the ‘One Health Approach’. The management-control of Human’s, Animals-wild and domestic, Plants, Soil, Oceas, Estuaries, the air you breathe, the whole dam Eco-System. This means that Climate Doomism lockdown is highly possible. Because they say that everything is inter-related (Inter-connected)
THE GLOBAL ONE HEALTH RESPONSE: Does the new coalition agree with this or not?
THE KILGALI AMENDMENT AGREED TO BY NZ GOVERNMENT AN AMENDMENT TO THE UN MONTRAL PROTOCOL OF THE VENICE CONVENTION: Is very restrictive, has huge implications for shipping, aviation, for services, products sold and manufactured in NZ. What is the governments take on this? This UN Agreement can be enforced by trade embargoes on countries that are non compliant. The Kigali Amendment calls for a gradual reduction in the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons (“HFCs”), which are potent greenhouse gases. Its global implementation should avoid as much as half a degree Celsius of warming by the end of the century.
KIGALI AMENDMENT: (NZ GOVERNMENT WEBSITE): In October 2016, New Zealand joined 196 other countries to adopt the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. HFCs are potent greenhouse gases commonly used in air conditioning and refrigeration In October 2016, New Zealand joined 196 other countries to adopt the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. HFCs are potent greenhouse gases commonly used in air conditioning and refrigeration
KILGALI AMENDMENT FULLY ENFORCIBLE: Non-Compliancy country’s risk Trade Embargo’s. This consequently made many countries fearful, hence all UN Nations States agreed, were signatory to this.
KIGALI ‘NZ’S ECOMOMY: What will the Coalition Partners do as far as the Kigali Amendment is concerned, this imposes a great cost to our nations economy, consumers commercial and domestic will have to find the funding needed for this as the implementation of the Kigali Amendment will seriously impact on both. Impact on New Zealands economy such as the impacts on packaging of foods, cooling systems, refrigeration, vehicle cooling systems, shipping maintenance renewable anergy and Aviation renewable agency and much more such as servicing and maintenance, spare parts.
THE UN NEW GLOBAL TAXATION AGREEMENT: To destroy Crypto currencies. As UN Nation States state that cryptocurrencies bitcoin is being used by terrorist organization. However the corporation will find a way around this, but the average UN Nation State citizen will not. What does the new coalition believe or intend to do about the CBDC Digital currency already being piloted in Australia by the ANZ and what about the global targeting of bitcoin, cryptocurrency?
MASS MIGRATION: Migration staff being told to ignore criminal records of migrants. Local Govt to implement migration in cities world-wide. migration? As New Zealander’s are impacted by inflation, economically, socially how will this effect policy making for the new coalition. Migration in New Zealand increases 165% 2023-2024. Migration Officers leave their jobs as their senior manager are ignoring their huge concerns as to being told to ignore criminal convictions, approve, approve, approve on face value, do not investigate, approve residency, student, work visa’s as quickly as possible (Source of information RNZ). Question:- Could New Zealands security be at risk as migration officers report that at least 200 of these applications per day were suspicious but they were told to approve them ‘do not investigate’
GLOBAL MAYORS MIGRATION AGENDA: Implementation of Local Govt’s ? Mass Migration this also includes the Global Mayors Mitigation Council in partnership with C40 Cities (Auckland is a C40 City)
Summary Report of the 2019 Parliamentary Hearing: Note by the President of the General Assembly] [2019 Annual Parliamentary Hearing Website
To find out more about the imports of HFCs into New Zealand, see Calculations from the New Zealand Hydrofluorocarbon Inventory in relation to the Kigali Amendment 2016 to the Montreal Protocol
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