The United Nation’s gross hypocrisy has also been documented many times. For example, throughout the 1970s and 1980s, it issued annual resolutions condemning South Africa for its apartheid policies, while completely ignoring Burundi’s official slaughter of between one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand Hutus and Uganda’s brutality toward Ugandans and Asians. Uganda’s Idi Amin deported every man, woman, and child of Asian descent, amounting to almost two hundred thousand (Meisler, United Nations, p. 211).
The U.N.’s hypocrisy is also evident in that nearly half of the members of the United Nations Human Rights Commission are human rights abusers, including some of the worst abusers on the planet. The current Commission features freedom-loving nations like Libya, Uganda, Angola, China, Cuba, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia (“Many ‘Free” Countries Voted for Libya to Join,” CNSNews.com, May 14, 2010). Past members of the Commission include Russia, Vietnam, and Syria. The United States had wisely refused to join the Human Rights Commission or even to participate as an observer until President Obama changed that policy last year. Another area of hypocrisy is in the UN’s disarmament program. Their vehicles carry stickers promoting pacifism and disarmament (a gun inside a blue circle with a slash across it), but their “peace keepers” are well armed and their workers are quick to call for armed protection if they are attacked. They only want to disarm everyone else!
The United Nations Human Rights Council, now comprised of Venezuela and recently, Cuba and China, has long been and remains a haven for dictators and democracies that indulge them. The UN Human Rights Council very rarely hold human rights violators to account, especially if they are powerful influencers of the UN itself. The U.N. Human Rights Council appointed China to its Consultative Group in spite of Beijing’s deplorable record on human rights. China will be able to influence the selection of at least 17 U.N. human rights mandate-holders over the next year, known as special procedures, who investigate, monitor, and publicly report on either specific country situations, or on thematic issues in all parts of the world, such as freedom of speech and religion.”. China is one of five countries that has Veto Rights in the UN. The UN Hague Court cannot put China on trial for genocidal, tortures mass imprisonments because China is not part of the Statute of Rose, cannot be tried under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. China is one of the biggest influencers of the UN and one of the largest funders of the UN Budget.
t has never passed a condemnatory resolution on China, Cuba, Russia, or Saudi Arabia, despite their terrible records on religious persecution, punishment of political dissent, hostility to freedom of the press. Trump administration rightfully decided to leave the Human Rights Council in 2018 after its efforts to reform the seriously flawed body were rebuffed by other governments.
The UN has become both the weapons and the shields for the world’s dictators. UN Watch ‘Murderous Dictatorships Exposed at UN Human Rights Council (April 19th 2023). See You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NogqQ4EPDs
The UN- UNESCO and WHO Universal Education ‘EDUCATION 2030’ All schools worldwide to teach Relationship & Sexuality in every subject of the school curriculum. Replacing Biology with Ideology – the sexual grooming of children- students worldwide.
UNESCO (UN Website) Children begin learning about sexuality as soon as they are born – children are sexual at birth therefore require sexual knowledge and that ‘sexual cognition’ begins ‘in the womb’.. he guidance says that “sexuality education starts from birth” and is described as a “framework for policy makers, educational and health professionals”. UNESCO Sexuality education 0-8 years . The UN removed the Bethlehem ‘Church of the Nativity from UNESCO World Heritage.
The UN signed an official partnership memorandum with the World Economic Forum 13th June 2019m forming a Global Corporate Mult-istakerholder One World Government. The nuptial agreement commits the two institutions to unprecedented levels of cooperation and coordination in the fields of education, women, financing, climate change, and health. Hence this is now a strong advocacy for a “multistakeholder” approach to global governance which demotes the primacy of states to make global decisions, it also marks a fundamental challenge to a nation-state global governance system that – despite its flaws – has clear obligations, responsibilities and liabilities. The United Nations is now a Global Public Private Institutional One World Government
Tuesday - February 13, 2024 - ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNANCE
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