UN Press reported 9th August 2023 that ISIL known as Daesh and its affiliates are exploiting conflict and non-conflicted frailties worldwide. Exploiting, fueling extremism. This message went out all ALL UN Nation States Governments. This being the 17th report referring to Daesh exploiting conflict dynamics and governance frailty, also refers to frailty during the times of the COVID19 pandemic restrictions. (UN Ref: S/2022/576),

The ISIL strategy as people as populations are mandated, severely restricted, denied basic human rights the ISIL strategy using overlapping global challenges of crisis catalyzing and spreading of terrorism, the violent extremism of Daesh as Authoritarian governments target conservatism, Christianity character assassinating them as Right Wing Extremists, White Supremacists even with brown skinned faces ISIL busy using this as their global terrorist campaign.

The UN Post documented the UN Document being Daesh S/2022/576 The exploring of conflict dynamics, governance fragilities, rating a plan and organizing terrorist attacks, controlling the flow of funds to enable Daesh short and long term ambitions.

Referencing Daesh financial action taskforce to finance terrorism, violent extremism and the emergence of the global pandemic, using this to their advantage. Exploiting trade, human trafficking, natural resources as to terrorism financing the Un called for a ‘ALL of UN Approach’ as to the threat of Jihad growing day by day. (UN Security Council)

Daesh ISIS, Al Qaida and Taliban connections REFERRING TO Congo and Mozambique being ‘Human Slaughter Houses’,  mobilizing finance to Daesh only 5 geopolitical regions on the African continent unaffected. ISIS connection throughout Africa as they illicit gold mining. Investigating journalists reporting that 6 billion Rand financing Daesh and their associates often unaccountable for their evil crimes.

UN 12th August 2023 threat of Daesh ISIL UN Resolution 2253 UN Security Council Daesh and their militia strategy a strategic threat updated from the previous 4 months Resolution 2610 Security Council to provide 6 monthly reports on the gravity of the threat of Daesh in International space and security efforts for UN Member States in countering the threat

The 17th UN Security Council Report was proposed by the Analytical Support & Sanctions Monitoring Team which was originally established this reporting  by the UN Security Council in  2004 which was Resolution 1526 as to Global Terrorism Coordination Compact Entities.

Documenting that the first half of 2023 threat posed to International Peace and Security by Daesh and associates remained high in conflict and non conflict areas as being a long standing threat- AS NZ’S AUTHORITARIAN STATE TARGET CHRISTIANS AND CONSERVATIVES THEY MUST HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THIS REPORT AS ALL UN NATION GOVERNMENTS WERE.


THE ROYAL INQUIRY INTO THE CHRISTCHURCH ATTACKS. DOCUMENT 15 Community Questions to the Royal Commission of Inquiry. Reports that the Muslim Community in Christchurch up to 5 years prior to the day of 15th March 2019 they were fearful of Daesh Attacks during Ramadan.

Daesh Attacks, ISIS were full on in Turkey when Tarrant visited their on several occasions and even prolonged his visit there, yet Tourists agencies were warning westerners about the real dangers there for them. Did not stop Tarrant though. Tarrant also visited Pakistan,  Iceland, Poland and Ukraine  and even North Korea.

Turkey was known as the multi billion tourist industry target for ISIL, Daesh. Tourist agencies warning of kidnapping, blood soaked mayhem, suicide bombings, car hijacking (Reported by Wilson Centre) And the kidnapping of westernized citizens. But obviously Tarrant was OK, undisturbed with that and visited their multiple times. This must be a red flag

We should be concerned that NZ SIS/Police had a tabletop exercise in October 2018 as to a lone world attack on the very same mosque as Tarrant attacked.

REFERENCE IS MADE TO:- The Lowry Institute Report refers to the Khayat Brothers that were on trial in Australia for an alleged attempt to bomb an aircraft on behalf of ISIS, had a brother fighting for ISIS and two nephews killed fighting for ISIS in Syria but there was nothing in their activities, nor history that placed them on the watchlist


I have no need to even try to view Tarrant’s manifesto, not interested the red flags are enough for me and the UN Global Report to UN Nations States as to the high threat to UN Nations of Daesh, ISIL and their associates.



https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14995.doc.htm )

https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/five-questions-about-christchurch-attack )  (Washington Post 16th March 2019)


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Supplementary Written Evidence Submitted by Gillian Jamieson

Covid vaccines, treatments, mental health and the future

I am extremely concerned about the fact that the novel gene-based Covid vaccines are resulting in deaths, sometimes of quite young people, or causing miscarriages, blindness, neurological symptoms and so on, but that few MPs mention this and Government adverts tell us that vaccines are safe even for pregnant women. It seems that the risk/benefit equation does not add up, especially then the average age of death from Covid is 82.5 years. These are vaccines still in clinical trials and authorised for emergency use only. There should be enough important data on excess deaths to show that there is and has been no emergency.

A distressing example of harm is the death of a healthy young baby at 5 months after being breast fed by a mother vaccinated against Covid. This appears in a US Vaers report.

In fact there is no informed consent. My experience is that the NHS sends out a leaflet saying vaccines are safe and you are invited to a vaccine centre without prior notification of the vaccine to be used, and without your doctor present helping you to decide. In Scotland the patient information leaflet was given to my neighbour, but only when the needle was poised to enter the arm. Few people seem to realise that the vaccine is still in clinical trials.

I have many other concerns about harms caused by Government actions. I will list them under various headings. I see that the Hart Group (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) has addressed some of the issues I mention in this bulletin https://www.hartgroup.org/6-may-2021/ and I will refer to this.

Vaccine deaths and adverse effects
The daily rate of vaccine deaths is now higher than Covid deaths. Death figures in the UK for the 2 main vaccines at the links below are 1227 plus 149 miscarriages, the latter figure showing a steep rise.


It is estimated that a maximum of 10% of adverse events are reported via the Yellow Card, which means actual deaths will be about 12,270 and miscarriages about 1490, at a minimum. On the other hand very few of the Covid deaths are likely to have been caused by Covid. They are only designated as “with Covid” based on a highly inaccurate and inappropriate test. Thus vaccine deaths are likely to be vastly higher than actual Covid deaths at present. We are told that vaccines are preventing deaths. We do not know this. The decline in “Covid deaths” could be attributed to changing the Ct value of the PCR test or just because the virus is disappearing or because of pre-acquired natural immunity via T-cells etc.

The facts are that these vaccines were approved for emergency use only. There is now no emergency and they should be withdrawn, especially as clinical trials do not finish until 2023 and as we now have a safe and effective treatment in ivermectin (Hart bulletin) and other drugs and supplements.

A review of ivermectin studies is here: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/06000/review_of_the_emerging_evidence_demonstrating_the.4.aspx
Other treatment includes the use of corticosteroids and antihistamines if symptoms are still present on the 8th day of illness as suggested by Dr. Shakara Chetty here: https://covexit.com/the-8th-day-therapy-for-covid-19/. In the UK this is being followed up by Dr. Chris Newton here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-newton-813ab229/detail/recent-activity/shares/

Animal trials for these vaccines are not even complete. It is misleading to say that they do not affect fertility. There is no data for this yet. (Hart) Neither is there any long-term safety data. Neurological effects, for example, may take 3 years to develop. The Astrazeneca blood-clotting issues are now well-known and many younger people have died because of this. There are however other concerns e.g. the spike proteins which the vaccine causes the body to produce, may cause disease in other parts of the body: https://www.salk.edu/news-release/the-novel-coronavirus-spike-protein-plays-additional-key-role-in-illness/ and https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2020-N-1898-0246. At the end of this email is a link to a comprehensive article about the Covid-19 vaccine.

Effect on fertility: as there is no data on this yet (Hart), it is highly misleading of the RCOG to state that ” “We want to reassure women that there is no evidence to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines will affect fertility. Claims of any effect of Covid-19 vaccination on fertility are speculative and not supported by any data” . In fact there is no evidence to suggest that it does not affect fertility. In addition one doctor has grave concerns about this: https://www.jennifermargulis.net/halt-covid-vaccine-research-scientist-urges-cdc/

Individual examples of harms and deaths:
1. 12 year old girl in Moderna trial paralysed from waist down etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GKIFgmm7xI
2. Young man has heart attack after Pfizer jab despite healthy cardiovascular system: https://twitter.com/HowardSteen4/status/1388043539108429827
3. Fit and healthy 32-year old man dies after AZ jab: https://twitter.com/GillRaeWalker/status/1388072474491895808m
4. 27 year old man dies after AZ jab: https://twitter.com/robinmonotti2/status/1388381054688546817 (includes link to site for other deaths)
5. Death of fit and healthy woman after 2nd jab: https://twitter.com/RealJoelSmalley/status/1391017188509769733

Plan to vaccinate children and child vaccine deaths
This is covered by Hart. Children are at no risk from Covid and must surely NOT be vaccinated with an experimental, new type of vaccine, with no long-term safety data. Why do teaching unions want this? To protect teachers? Since the vaccine trials were not set up to test the spread of the virus (see table1 here: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4037 ) then the union campaign must be based on an irrational belief in the myth of asymptomatic spread, still promoted by Mr Hancock and government adverts. But it has been proven that the Sars-Cov-2 virus is only likely to be spread by those with definite symptoms, aside from the short pre-symptomatic phase. The evidence is here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w and https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4851 and https://probabilityandlaw.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-cambridge-study-testing.html

Out of 4000 children vaccinated in the US, 9 died, 7 almost died and 3 were permanently disabled . Many secondary schools have over 2000 pupils, so there would a lot of casualties in one school alone, if children were to be vaccinated. I assume we don’t want this. This data comes from these 2 websites: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographics-trends and https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html.

Vaccine adverse effects can transfer to the unvaccinated if they come into close contact with the vaccinated
This is described by Pfizer as occurring through “environmental exposure” to the vaccinated via inhalation or skin contact. This is described here: https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2020/11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020_Pfizer_BioNTech.pdf in Section 8.3.5. Of particular concern to Pfizer is “exposure during pregnancy” (EDP) and this must be reported within 24 hours.

From reports so far, these transferred adverse events seem particularly to cause havoc with female reproductive systems as described at Questions 3 to 5 of this document: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/action-alerts/identifying-post-vaccination-complications-their-causes-an-analysis-of-covid-19-patient-data

Is anyone in the UK following these reports up?

No end in sight
Unfortunately, I am aware that the Government’s intention is to continue fear-mongering using the myth of asymptomatic spread and fear of variants. The proof that Government wishes restrictions, testing and vaccines to continue is
1. that various councils are advertising for Covid Marshalls
2. that the government wants to “normalise testing as part of everyday life” which was part of the job description (now deleted) for an “Interim Head of Asymptomatic Testing Communication”, copied here: https://twitter.com/GillRaeWalker/status/1377364958753615873 and
3. that in April they were also offering a 2 year contract to a Covid advertising contractor. They also continue this social conditioning by allowing leaks from Sage officials on TV and to the press. Surely these people should not be on TV offering their opinions. Any announcements should be made by Government ministers only.

Mental health hypocrisy
Aside from the devastating effects of lockdowns (not Covid) on people’s lives and livelihoods, the emotionally manipulative and misleading advertising and statements from Government have caused this directly. The “case’ and “death” figures have been exaggerated and taken out of context, so that there has NEVER been a balanced presentation of possible dangers from Sars-Cov-2. The Government is therefore only paying lip service to the huge short and long-term mental health problems developing, by talking about funding for it. What they need to do is stop the adverts, stop pointless testing of healthy people and restart normal life without coercive pressures NOW. Coercive pressure includes Covid-status certification. The suppression of the voices of scientists and doctors whose views differ from those of Sage also need to be heard and a mature debate needs to be had.

My position
I will not be having a Covid vaccine, due to the lack of knowledge of long-term effects of this new gene-based technology, because of the low infection fatality rate and because I trust that either my immune system will deal with it or I can use proven treatments such as ivermectin. I do not believe “case” figures, because I know that many positive test results are false positives. I believe asymptomatic spread is rare. I know that far fewer people than 120,000 died FROM Covid. I will not submit to testing unless I have serious symptoms. I do not own a smartphone and never will, so will not be using the various NHS apps. I will never use any sort of medical status certification as I believe it is coercive and divisive. As a result I may never see my mother, brother, 2 sister and 6 nephews again as they live on different continents. This is sad, but I will not bow to coercive pressure.

A few months ago, every MP received a briefing from Drs. Craig, Yeadon, Joel Smalley and Jonathan Engler, in which the confusion over data and the inadequacy of PCR tests was clarified by experts, but MPs took no action. But because of this I have signed the UK Citizens’ Declaration of Freedom and Human Rights, which can be found here: http://ukcitizen2021.org/

Would you please:
Ask the Government to find a uniform system of reporting verified Covid deaths and Vaccine deaths and side effects, so that there can be fair comparisons and accurate figures. The cause of deaths from now on needs to be confirmed and verifiable if we are not to continue in restrictions for years to come. The Yellow Card system needs to be improved and used by all.
Ask the Government to fully investigate treatments for Covid 19, instead of spending money on testing those with no symptoms and rolling out experimental vaccines.
Ask the Government to stop advertising misleading information such as “vaccines are safe” and “1 in 3 people could be spreading the virus”.
Ask the Government to make people fully aware of the risks of taking the vaccine and that clinical trials are not finished, so that there is informed consent.
Ask the Government to encourage diverse scientific contributions to the policy and disband Sage, which contains too many non-medical people.
Ask the Government to lift censorship of dissenting views everywhere – especially on the media and social media, which has recently banned anyone talking about ivermectin.

Please also read this alternative view by Professor (retired) Romeo F. Quijano, Dept. Of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila available here: https://www.academia.edu/45058943/Should_We_Take_the_Vaccine_Against_Covid_19

Gillian Jamieson
6 Burnet Crescent
East Saltoun
EH34 5BZ



THE CLUB OF ROME DOCUMENTS:- ‘The Greenhouse Effect’… “In searching the new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would bit the bill…all these dangers are caused by human intervention….the real enemy, then, is humanity itself” ‘The Council of the Club of Rome 1991’

Most influential organizations begin with the meeting of a few like minds. In 1965, Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, made a speech that proved inspirational to Alexander King, the Scottish Head of Science at the OECD. The two found that they shared a profound concern for the long-term future of humanity and the planet, what they termed the modern ‘predicament of mankind’.

Three years later, King and Peccei convened a meeting of European scientists in Rome. Although this first attempt failed to achieve unity, a core group of like-minded thinkers emerged. Their goal: to advance three core ideas that still define the Club of Rome today: a global and a long-term perspective, and the concept of “problematic”, a cluster of intertwined global problems, be they economic, environmental, political or social.
At the group’s first major gathering in 1970, Jay Forrester, a systems professor at MIT, offered to use computer models he had developed to study the complex problems which concerned the group more rigorously.

An international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began a study of the implications of unbridled exponential growth. They examined the five basic factors that determine and, in their interactions, ultimately limit growth on this planet – population, agricultural production, non-renewable resource depletion, industrial output and pollution.

The Club of Rome was founded, formed at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy. They described themselves as ‘a group of world citizens sharing a common concern for the future of Humanity.

The Club of Rome consists of current and former Heads of State, UN bureaucrats, high level politician and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, business leaders from around the world

It is the membership of the Club of Rome that has formed a think-tank that provides ‘suggestions to the United Nations that are planned to radicalise the world, transform people, planet for prosperity (profit). The transformation that is going on right before our eyes that relates to COP26, UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and IA2030, these are no accidents, nor are they mindless, they have been carefully construed and orchestrated. The Club of Rome think tank have played a huge part in all of this.

The Club Of Rome founded two sibling organizations namely the ‘Club of Budapest’ and the ‘Club of Madrid’, focusing on social and cultural aspects of their agenda also concentrating on the political aspects

The three clubs share many common members and hold joint meetings and conferences, they are ‘all in the one same beast’. The Club of Rome established a network of 33 National Associations. Membership of the main club is limited to 100 individuals at one time.

Al Gore, Maurice Strong are just two of those individuals who are affiliated to the main Club Of Rome through National Associations USACOR, CACOR etc.,
But one must ask who and what is the Club of Rome, it is not some little group of nobody’s or greenie activists or unheard of politicians.
They are senior officials of the UN, current and ex world leaders, founders of environments organizations.

If you research Ann Bressington’s exposure of UN Agenda 21, Club of Rome.

‘The Inconvenient Truth’ Al Gore who led the US delegation to the Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Climate Change conference chaired a meeting at the Club of Rome held in Washington DC in 1997

The following are just a few who are members of the Club of Rome:-
Javier Solana, the Secretary General of the ‘Council of the European Union, the representative of EU Foreign Policy and Maurice Strong the former head of the UN Environment Programme and chief advisor to the leader of the UN – Kofi Annan.
Kofi Annan was the Secretary General of the Rio Earth Summit and also the co-author (with Gorbachev) of the Earth Charter and the Kyoto Protocol, also the founder of the Earth Council.

Mikhail Gorbachev the former president of the Soviet Union was a member of the Club of Rome, founder of Green Cross International and the Gorbachev Foundation.

Diego Hidalgo an executive member of the Club of Rome with Gorbachev of the Club of Madrid was also the founder and President of the European Council on Foreign Relations in association with George Soros.

Founding member of the Club of Rome and also the president of the ‘Club of Budapest’ is Erwin Lazlo, he also is the chairman of the ‘World Wisdom Council’’.
Anne Ehrlich – Population Biologist is married to Paul Ehrlich, she and hher husband Paul authored many books on human overpopulation
Hassan bin Talal president of the Club of Rome and the president of ‘Arab Thought’ is a member of the UN’s Global Roll of Honour, also a former director of ‘Friends of the Earth’ and the ‘Sierra Club’

Sir Crispin Tickell founder of the World Future Council, named as the United Nations champion of the Earth Forum, a former British Permeant Representative to the UN and permanent Representative to the UN Security Council, also the Chairman of the ‘Gaia Society’.
Sir Crispin Tickell is also the Chairman of the Board of the Climate Institute and a leading British Climate Change Campaigner.

Kofi Annan – former Secretary General of the United Nations. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
Javier Perez de Cuellar is the former Secretary General of the United Nations.

Gro Harlem Brundtland is the former President of Norway and the UN Special Envoy for Climate Change

Robert Muller is the former Assistant Secretary General of the UN, founder and Chancellor of the UN University of Peace.

The Dalai Lama, the ‘Spiritual Leader’ of Tibet. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Father Berry Thomas a Catholic Priest is one of the leading proponents of deep ecology, eco-spiritualaity and global consciousness.

David Rockefeller is a Club of Rome Executive Member and the former Chairman of Chase, founder of the Trilateral Commission also the executive member of the World Economic Forum.

David Rockefeller donated land on which the United Nations stands.

Stephen Schneider a professor of Biology and Global Change at Stanford was one of the earliest most vocal proponents of man-made global warming, he is also a leader of IPCC Reports.

Bill Clinton the former President of the United States also founder of the Clinton Global Imitative.

Jimmy Carter – former President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Of course Bill Gates is a member of the Club of Rome. He is the founder of Microsoft, makes his wealth in investing into research that brings him billions of dollars of profit though philanthropy.

Naming a new more members of the Club of Rome including Ted Turners, George Soros, Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair, Deepak Chopra, Desmond Tutu, Henry Kissinger.
Of course there are many more far too many to mention right now, also those associated with Temples of Enlightenment and New Age Spiritual Activists.

George Matthews – Chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation Harlan Cleveland – former Assistant US Secretary of State and NATO Ambassador Barbara Marx Hubbard – President Foundation for Conscious Evolution Betty Williams – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Marianne Williamson – New Age ‘Spiritual Activist’ and key members of the United Nations and leading professors of Academia. Eco-political and Eco-environmental.

The committee of the Club of Rome include more than 300 members. On the 21st March 2018 the Club of Rome report clled for a new enlightenment stating that is human beings do not fundamentally alter their current lifestyles and the economy planetary boundaries will soon be transgressed.
The bones of UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 were laid out in a series of Club of Rome reports. one of the first being Limits to Growth (1971) this was mainly about ‘overpopulation

“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

This text is taken from the Club of Rome’s 2002 report, Planetary Emergency Plan: Securing a New Deal for People, Nature and Climate.
In that the Great Panic of 2020 (pandemic) is currently dominating the new cycle, don’t think for a minute that radical climate change alarmism has gone away. To the contrary, it is just waiting for the massive funding that will be sprung during the Great Reset

SOURCE: https://www.technocracy.news/club-of-rome-planetary-emergency-plan-declared/



Global Vaccine Action Plan
The Global Vaccine Action plan (GVAP) was developed to help realize the vision of the Decade of Vaccines, that all individuals and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine preventable diseases.

As the decade is drawing to a close, the SAGE Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) 2011-2020 review and lessons learned report, provides an overall assessment of plan’s successes and challenges. It also proposes 15 recommendations for the development, content and implementation of the next decade’s global immunization strategy
The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) ― endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 ― is a framework to prevent millions of deaths by 2020 through more equitable access to existing vaccines for people in all communities.
GVAP was the product of the DoV Collaboration, an unprecedented effort that brought together development, health and immunization experts and stakeholders. The leadership of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF, United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and WHO, along with all partners – governments and elected officials, health professionals, academia, manufacturers, global agencies, development partners, civil society, media and the private sector – are committed to achieving the ambitious goals of the GVAP. Many more are expected to add their support in the future as the plan is translated and implemented at the country and regional levels.
https://iris.wpro.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665.1/10921/9789290617099_eng.pdf;jsessionid=3588ABFA01DADF7788502691C106876B?sequence=1 WORLD HEALTH ORG., (UN) REGIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLENMENTATION OF THE GLOBAL VACCINE ACTION PLAN IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC (This includes Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands) 92 page Report.
Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011–2020 (GVAP). Aims of the Regional Framework for Implementation of the Global Vaccine Action Plan in the Western Pacific Introduction of new vaccines, immunizations

In May 2012, the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011–2020 (GVAP), a global framework that builds on its predecessor, the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006–2015 (GIVS). GVAP offers a broad range of strategies and activities and establishes new goals for achieving the Decade of Vaccines vision of a world in which all individuals and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine-preventable diseases.
A wide array of stakeholders was involved in the development of GVAP. The Regional Framework for Implementation of the Global Vaccine Action Plan in the Western Pacific has been prepared to translate strategies and activities recommended by GVAP into the context of the Western Pacific Region and to incorporate all global and regional immunization goals. By consolidating all of this information in one document, the framework aims to accelerate progress towards achievement of global and regional immunization goals and to help stakeholders better understand how to work together in implementing GVAP in the Region

Strategic Objective: All countries commit to immunization as a priority. Individuals, communities understand the value of immunization and vaccines, o much so they demand them as their right and responsibility.
Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011–2020 In May 2012, the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011–2020 (GVAP) was endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly. GVAP builds on the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006–2015 (GIVS), endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2005, and outlines a vision in which the full benefits of immunization are extended to all people, regardless of where they are born, who they are or where they live. Developing GVAP brought together multiple stakeholders involved in immunization, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and WHO, along with all partners – governments and elected officials, health professionals, academia, vaccine manufacturers, global agencies, development partners, civil society, media and the private sector




The Pfizer Inc. Political Action Committee (the “Committee”) was formed by Pfizer Inc. (the “Company”) to solicit and receive voluntary political contributions from employees and stockholders of the Company and certain subsidiaries to assist candidates for elective office. The Committee was registered with the Federal Election Commission in April 1976. During 2020 and 2019, contributions could be designated by the contributor to a specific candidate or political party for political office.

Political Contributions to US Senate Candidates, US House Candidates. State and Local Candidates and Political Parties and other PAC funds. 2019 total $ 1,310,711 2020-$1,513,439

How much money does Pfizer give to political committees?
Pfizer also sponsors a federal political action committee and is one of the nation’s most generous PAC givers. The company has so far donated more than $2.64 million to politicians and political committees during the 2019-2020 election cycle.

On November 16th 2020 our Upjohn business, which was our global, primarily off-patented branded and genetic patented business was spun off and combined with Mylan N.V to create a new global pharmacy company, Viatris Inc. Beginning in the 4th quarter of 2020, the financial results of the Upjohn business are reflected as discontinued operations for all periods presented. Following the combination, we now operate as a focused innovated biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery, development, manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution of biopharmaceutical products worldwide as of February 2nd 2021.

The Governance Sustainability Committee of Pfizer oversees the practices, policies, procedure of the board and its committees this includes political spending-donations to political parties

For achieving SDG, it should be noted that only one of these goals, SDG3, refers specifically to vaccines (3.b.1). However, in addition, we have also identified 7 other SDG goals strongly related to vaccines and 6 SDG goals related to vaccine, in a total of 14 vaccine-related goals in 17 SDGs. Two of these goals are related to innovation and technological development of vaccines (SDG9 and SD17). We discuss the main vaccine development challenges for achieving SDG and current technological and regulatory obstacles particularly affecting developing countries. From this perspective, we propose STI governance strategies to overcome these gaps and increase global access to vaccines, focusing on institutional and regulatory perspectives, including intellectual property and ethics. Policy recommendations for vaccine funding and incentives for innovation, development, and production are made. Finally, we emphasize the enormous potential role that access to innovative vaccines can play on global sustainability (Milstien et al. 2007; Possas et al. 2015), benefiting particularly the poorest countries in a global context permeated by sharp social inequalities.

The Governance & Sustainability Committee Charter is available on Pfizer website at-



