UN Press reported 9th August 2023 that ISIL known as Daesh and its affiliates are exploiting conflict and non-conflicted frailties worldwide. Exploiting, fueling extremism. This message went out all ALL UN Nation States Governments. This being the 17th report referring to Daesh exploiting conflict dynamics and governance frailty, also refers to frailty during the times of the COVID19 pandemic restrictions. (UN Ref: S/2022/576),

The ISIL strategy as people as populations are mandated, severely restricted, denied basic human rights the ISIL strategy using overlapping global challenges of crisis catalyzing and spreading of terrorism, the violent extremism of Daesh as Authoritarian governments target conservatism, Christianity character assassinating them as Right Wing Extremists, White Supremacists even with brown skinned faces ISIL busy using this as their global terrorist campaign.

The UN Post documented the UN Document being Daesh S/2022/576 The exploring of conflict dynamics, governance fragilities, rating a plan and organizing terrorist attacks, controlling the flow of funds to enable Daesh short and long term ambitions.

Referencing Daesh financial action taskforce to finance terrorism, violent extremism and the emergence of the global pandemic, using this to their advantage. Exploiting trade, human trafficking, natural resources as to terrorism financing the Un called for a ‘ALL of UN Approach’ as to the threat of Jihad growing day by day. (UN Security Council)

Daesh ISIS, Al Qaida and Taliban connections REFERRING TO Congo and Mozambique being ‘Human Slaughter Houses’,  mobilizing finance to Daesh only 5 geopolitical regions on the African continent unaffected. ISIS connection throughout Africa as they illicit gold mining. Investigating journalists reporting that 6 billion Rand financing Daesh and their associates often unaccountable for their evil crimes.

UN 12th August 2023 threat of Daesh ISIL UN Resolution 2253 UN Security Council Daesh and their militia strategy a strategic threat updated from the previous 4 months Resolution 2610 Security Council to provide 6 monthly reports on the gravity of the threat of Daesh in International space and security efforts for UN Member States in countering the threat

The 17th UN Security Council Report was proposed by the Analytical Support & Sanctions Monitoring Team which was originally established this reporting  by the UN Security Council in  2004 which was Resolution 1526 as to Global Terrorism Coordination Compact Entities.

Documenting that the first half of 2023 threat posed to International Peace and Security by Daesh and associates remained high in conflict and non conflict areas as being a long standing threat- AS NZ’S AUTHORITARIAN STATE TARGET CHRISTIANS AND CONSERVATIVES THEY MUST HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THIS REPORT AS ALL UN NATION GOVERNMENTS WERE.


THE ROYAL INQUIRY INTO THE CHRISTCHURCH ATTACKS. DOCUMENT 15 Community Questions to the Royal Commission of Inquiry. Reports that the Muslim Community in Christchurch up to 5 years prior to the day of 15th March 2019 they were fearful of Daesh Attacks during Ramadan.

Daesh Attacks, ISIS were full on in Turkey when Tarrant visited their on several occasions and even prolonged his visit there, yet Tourists agencies were warning westerners about the real dangers there for them. Did not stop Tarrant though. Tarrant also visited Pakistan,  Iceland, Poland and Ukraine  and even North Korea.

Turkey was known as the multi billion tourist industry target for ISIL, Daesh. Tourist agencies warning of kidnapping, blood soaked mayhem, suicide bombings, car hijacking (Reported by Wilson Centre) And the kidnapping of westernized citizens. But obviously Tarrant was OK, undisturbed with that and visited their multiple times. This must be a red flag

We should be concerned that NZ SIS/Police had a tabletop exercise in October 2018 as to a lone world attack on the very same mosque as Tarrant attacked.

REFERENCE IS MADE TO:- The Lowry Institute Report refers to the Khayat Brothers that were on trial in Australia for an alleged attempt to bomb an aircraft on behalf of ISIS, had a brother fighting for ISIS and two nephews killed fighting for ISIS in Syria but there was nothing in their activities, nor history that placed them on the watchlist


I have no need to even try to view Tarrant’s manifesto, not interested the red flags are enough for me and the UN Global Report to UN Nations States as to the high threat to UN Nations of Daesh, ISIL and their associates.



https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14995.doc.htm )

https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/five-questions-about-christchurch-attack )  (Washington Post 16th March 2019)


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Vaccines have a pitiful grubby history of how they become Intellectual Property. The World Trade Org., (UN) trade related Intellectual Property Rights agreement, this is an extremely undemocratic, an expression of ‘private- public global corporate power’.

Intellectual Property Rights are quite simply explained. If you possess a cow and some-one steals it, you have lost your cow, however if you discover a process to make that cows milk safer to drink, the possession of that knowledge does not reduce your store of it. Jefferson’s famous formulation: he who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me”.

The concept of Intellectual Property was resisted in Europe right into the 20th century as late as 1912. Rejecting Patents that they called a “free trade in inventions”. This was consistent with the liberal doctrine as they were suspicious of patents. The Economist advocated for the abolishment of the English patent system, that was before inventors established a right of property in their inventions. It was viewed that inventors ought to give up all the knowledge and assistance of their inventions, this was suggested in a magazine dated 1850….”That is impossible, and the impossibility shows that their minds and their inventions are, in fact, parts of the great mental whole of society, and that they had no right of property in their inventions”

The first patent system arrived in Elizabethan England not to ’drive innovation’ nut to limited Crown-dispensed monopolies. Actually, the hatred of these monopolies played a starring role in the American Revolution, where the leaders were opposed to patents. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin thought patents as being impediments to progress. In fact the phrase Intellectual Property was coined in post revolutionary France to obscure the royal origins of monopoly, markets and theories did not fit into rights and property.

The word ‘Property’ itself had an unpleasant ring of ‘Privilege’. Patent was just an unaccepted theory and was very insincere, was viewed with suspicion. Then medicines started to be added to debates. Switzerland first became a pharmaceutical powerhouse, but did not add patents until 1977. Prior to the World Trade Org., (UN) in 1995 there was little power to enforce patents outside a country’s own borders.
Estes Kefauver was a Arkansas Democrat who oversaw an investigation into the post war pharmaceutical industry. He became focused on the industry’s business model, patents, cartel and monopoly pricing. Americans and other around the world then started making markups as high as 7000% on patented drugs, that were created using natural processed discovered in publicly funded labs.

Kefauver revealed that there was corruption and scandals related to the highest markups by Merck and Pfizer as they targeted middle class India and the Nehru Government responded with further investments in the country’s generics industry. In New Delhi they began drafting a new patent law to replace the British colonial regime that was still on their books.

The concept of intellectual property was resisted in Europe into the twentieth century. As late as 1912, Holland rejected patents and maintained what it called a “free trade in inventions.”. Merck CEO John O’Connor announced the patent law “A victory for Global Communism” From thence on, as time proceeded patents become increasing politicization of technology that the US Drug Industry took the lead in formulating the plan that culminated a quarter of a century later in the founding of the world Trade Organization of the United Nations.

In May 1974 a declaration was passed in the UN General Assembly calling for a ‘New International Economic Order’, a more equal distribution of global financial, natural knowledge resources that relates to human health. The UN Vision included a rejection of Intellectual Property as an illegitimate tool of the strongest against the week, a neo-colonial straw designed to continue siphoning wealth from the South to North.

In September 1978 Halfden Mahler a WHO (UN) Director General unveiled an agency program to help poor countries reduce their drug spending by building up their domestic drug industries this came about with the ‘Declaration of Alma-Ata’, to provide health for all by the year 2000. It was affirmed once again by the WHO (UN) that ‘health as being based on equity and social justice’

It is documented that the Alma Ata conference remained unfulfilled because of an obsessive revenge drive of a CEO of Pfizer in 1972, the year that India’s Patents Act entered into force. Developments threatened Pfizers ambitious plans for dominating global markets and agricultural products especially in Asia, however Pfizer lead an industry counter-attack against what is known as the G77. Pfizer’s patent lawyer launched infringement suits globally. In 1962 Pfizer sued the British Government after the National Health Service purchased an Italian generic version of Pfizer patented antibiotic, tetracycline.

Editorials documented that Pfizer owed its power to wartime contracts to produce penicillin which had been discovered and developed in Oxford that had left the public domain. British authorities have been in several legal conflicts with Pfizer. Over quite some time the N World Intellectual Property Org, (WIPO) oversaw the 1883 Paris convention for the protection of industry property.

Of course the Big Tech companies later became all part of the information economy with very powerful interests. In entertainment, software, biotech, agriculture and of course the pharmaceutical industry. Wealthy clubs and Regimes, groups were built around these big techs and big pharma industries.

Nations that refused to recognise the authority of the U S Patents Office were known as rogue nations. There was a tense worldwide struggle for technology supremacy. It was said “all freedom loving nations to get in line behind the proper enforcement and honourable treatment of intellectual property that singled out ‘computers, pharmaceuticals and telecommunication’ as area’s of knowledge being stolen by the denial of patent rights” It was also said that the their was a grab for high technology inventions for underdeveloped countries. Of course the UN and world Economic Forum now obsessively promote Pfizer patents and other Pharmaceutical Companies

Going back to the UN Marrakesh Conference on 15th April 1994, when 124 UN Member States signed the bringing of the World Trade Org., (UN) into existence. A treaty was signed “ a new era of global economic cooperation reflecting the widespread desire to operate in a fairer and more open multilateral trading system for the benefit and welfare of their peoples.” In return for enforcing Western patents on medicines and other technologies, G77 nations were promised access to northern rich markets, and a conditional “freedom from fear”

And hear we are today people ravaged with fear as a global experiment knocks on everyone’s door, as governments demand us all to be human guinea pigs to the pharmaceutical companies, for in New Zealand Pfizer.

CNBC report on 16/12/2020 that Pfizer or Moderns under the PREP Act are devoid of being sued if any person has adverse reactions from COVID19 Injections. The Government is not likely to compensate you for damages.

25/06/2019 — Pfizer and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company paid $2.3bn to settle criminal and civil liabilities for illegal promotion of their …

Pfizer lawsuit (re administration of experimental drug in …https://www.business-humanrights.org › latest-news › p…
In a separate action, the Nigerian federal government filed suit against Pfizer and several of its employees in June 2007 seeking nearly $7 billion in …

Pfizer recalls all lots of anti-smoking drug over … – Reuters
https://www.reuters.com › healthcare-pharmaceuticals › pf…16/09/2021 — Pfizer Inc said on Thursday it was recalling all lots of its anti-smoking treatment, Chantix, due to high levels of cancer-causing agents …

Laws suits refer to Pfizer’s Chantix having effects on peoples mental health, suicidal thoughts, depression and also causing suicides have been reported for many years. Chantix was approved by the FDA on the 5th October 2006 to help people quit smoking. There was a voluntary callback of Chantix by Pfizer in September 2021. It has taken 15 years to announce a voluntary call back of Chantix.

BENEFITS AND RISKS: Currently, the FDA tells patients that the benefit of using the voluntary recalled Chantix “is to keep on using it, the benfits outweigh the risks” The World Health Organization takes the same stance as FDA on the benefits and risks as FDA.

COVID19 Injections the same stance applies to the global human experiment of injections..The benefits verses the Risks. The benefits surely belong to the power and money hungry of this world.




IN December 2020, US family doctor Steven LaTulippe had his licence to practise medicine suspended over his opposition to mask wearing and other preventive measures against COVID-19.

According to the Oregon Medical Board, LaTulippe regularly advised patients it was “very dangerous” to wear a mask, particularly for older people and children.

Masks increased the body’s carbon dioxide content, he said, exacerbating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma and increasing the risk of multiple serious conditions, including heart attacks, stroke, collapsed lungs, methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pneumonia and hypertension. Signs posted in his clinic warned of carbon dioxide toxicity with mask wearing.

The Board found LaTulippe’s continued practice would constitute an immediate danger to public health and safety. His advice to patients about the alleged failure of masks to prevent viral transmission and their potential harm was counter to basic principles of epidemiology and physiology, the Board said.

When a clinician advises patients to act in a way that risks their own health and that of others, the situation seems fairly clear. But how should regulators respond when a doctor makes similar claims in a public forum, particularly if they use their medical training to bolster their authority?

LaTulippe’s opposition to masks was not confined to his clinic. At an Oregon political rally in November 2020, he had exhorted those attending to “take off the mask of shame”, the Washington Post reported.

Other US doctors have publicly touted debunked cures or described the pandemic as a manufactured crisis.

New York psychiatrist Dr Andrew Kaufman, for example, has built a huge global following through his denial of the existence of multiple viruses, including those behind measles, poliomyelitis, HIV/AIDS, chickenpox, and of course COVID-19.

He has described vaccines as “syringes full of poison” and promised followers that, if it gets to the point where soldiers are holding people down to vaccinate them against COVID-19, he will “give out a ‘recipe’ that can mitigate things for people that are held down by force and vaccinated”.

Dr Kaufman’s statements and opposition to mask wearing appears to have lost him some employment as a doctor but has not, so far as I am aware, posed any risk to his licence to practise medicine.

In Australia, professional watchdogs tend to take a harder line on promotion of non-evidence-based views with the potential to undermine public health, particularly in relation to vaccination.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) issued a statement in March 2021 warning clinicians to stick to the evidence when commenting on the COVID-19 vaccination program.

“Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign … may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action,” the statement said.

“Advertising that includes false, misleading or deceptive claims about COVID-19, including anti-vaccination material, may result in prosecution by Ahpra.”

Melbourne GP Michael Ellis had his licence to practise medicine suspended in 2020 as a result of a series of posts he made on social media before the COVID-19 pandemic with titles like “PROOF OF THE TOXICITY OF VACCINES!!!!”.

More recently, he had reposted on Facebook a claim that vitamin C supplements were very effective at killing the coronavirus.

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in August rejected his appeal against the suspension, saying they had “a reasonable belief that Dr Ellis poses a serious risk to persons and that it is necessary to take immediate action to protect public health or safety”.

Should doctors have the right to spout unscientific, even harmful, nonsense outside clinical settings?

US psychiatrist and bioethicist Dr Jacob Appel argues for a three-tiered approach to answering that question, one that distinguishes between “citizen speech”, “physician speech” and “clinical speech”.

In his country, physicians have generally been given “wide latitude to voice empirically false claims outside the context of patient care”, he writes in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

In an age of mass communication and social media, that allows dissenting physicians to offer misleading medical advice to the general public on a mass scale, he argues.

Dr Appel’s proposed solution to the problem would preserve a right for doctors to speak on issues such as health policy as private citizens (“citizen speech”), while introducing some degree of regulation around public statements that claim to be evidence-based and could be taken as medical advice (“physician speech”).



I personally believe the pandemic is a well pre-planned orchestrated global imperial force to reset the world economy, to replace the free-market economy with a multistakeholder Capitalist corporate economy. Think Free-market equalling freedom. Think multistakeholder corporation think e’ all your freedoms are at stake’

The insistence that COVIS19 injections are extremely safe and effective is a massive blatant lie. This lie will cause many, many deaths, more deaths than they allow us to have knowledge of. Where is the evidence base may you ask, try data in and data out- assumptions, predictions, mixed data modelling and biases…follow the money, always follow the money. What are the rewards immense power to control whole populations of people and status and massive wealth.
What is that saying “The emperor truly has no clothes”, however the acceleration to replace the global economy to re-engineer societies behaviour far outweighs any truth

One must surely as if this is a digital theoretical abstraction made on a computer from a genomic database. Data in and Data out is published as COVID19 actually 100% exists

#1 SARS-CoV-2 the Theoretical Virus: The Virus Has Never Been Isolated According to Koch’s Postulates or River’s Postulates that all the evidence below stems from the facts from the so called experts:-
Koch’s postulates are:
1. The micro-organism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not in healthy individuals.
2. The micro-organism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
3. When introduced into a healthy individual, the cultured microorganism must cause disease.
4. The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host, and found to be identical to the original microorganism.
River’s postulates were proposed by Thomas M. River in 1973 to establish the role of a specific virus as the cause of a specific disease. They are modifications of Koch’s postulates.

They are as follows:
1. The viral agent must be found either in the host’s (animal or plant) body fluids at the time of disease or in cells showing lesions specific to that disease.
2. The host material with the viral agent used to inoculate the healthy host (test organism) must be free of any other microorganism.
3. The viral agent obtained from the infected host must produce the specific disease in a suitable healthy host, and/or provide evidence of infection by inducing the formation of antibodies specific to that agent.
4. Similar material (viral particle) from the newly infected host (test organism) must be isolated and capable of transmitting the specific disease to other healthy hosts.
Whichever set of postulates is used, SARS-CoV-2 fails the test.



SARS-Cov-2 the Theoretical Virus has never been isolated.
The Spanish Health Journal ‘Salud’ published in November 2020 an interesting article entitled ‘Frauds and falsehoods in the medical field’ exposing the lack of evidence not only from the SARS-COVID-2 but also other historic coronaviruses

Jon Rappoport has concluded a great deal of investigative study exposing the exact same scam blueprint that was played out in 1980’s, with none other than Fauci in charge, when scientists asserted their was a new virus called HIV and it was causing AIDS. Other fake pandemics such as the 1976 swine flu pandemic.
“The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes.

And that includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed “genome” and even the so-called “target genes” allegedly specific to the “new coronavirus”. The test is worthless and all “positive” results obtained so far should be scientifically invalidated and communicated to those affected; and if they are deceased, to their relatives. Stephen Bustin, one of the world’s leading experts on PCR, in fact says that under certain conditions anyone can test positive!

In other words what I am reading from this is “you cannot have specific tests for a virus without knowing the components of the virus you are trying to detect. I am no doctor but that’s what I see this as.

The article I refer to states that the components cannot be known without having previously isolated/ purified with the virus. If I am wrong I stand to be corrected by evidence based information by a reliable source of information. It is questionable can the virus ever be isolated? From what I have researched so far is that none of the seven human coronaviruses have actually been isolated, that a large number of fragments of their supposed genomes are found in different areas of the human genome and in genomes of bacteria and archaea.

Explaining archaea from some researched information ‘How do humans use archaea?
“The detected archaea are probably involved in nitrogen turnover on skin, and are capable of lowering the skin pH, supporting the suppression of pathogens,” said Moissl-Eichinger. “Bacteria with the same capacities are already used as skin probiotics, potentially improving skin moisture and reducing body odours
