ECO Socialist Multistakeholder Public Private Global Partnership with the UN-WEF ‘Corporate Capture of the World’ and the Global Godfather of Climate Hysteria

Maurice Strong the Godfather of Climate Hysteria. The self proclaimed Socialist Climate Change Inventor, that defined a trace gas as a very wealthy meal ticket of tens of thousands of climate functionalities

Maurice Strong established two of the largest UN Environmental Agencies.  Maurice Strong Personal Advisor to  UN Secretary Generals. Maurice Strong quoted at the UN “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about”? Quote Maurice Strong UN. The Science is settled “No its not:. Maurice Strong Self confessed socialist had a massive influence on world affairs, international environmental rules, international agencies and businesses, an influential member of the WEF

Maurice Strong joined the UN at 18years old lived with a leader of the UN Treasury. Eventually put the UN into the collaboration with environmental businesses. The shadowy influence of the UN Leaders from 1962 till 2005, often clled ‘the international man of mystery’  and a ‘new guy in your future’ and a very dangerous one at that. Strong made his fortune in oil and energy eg Petro Canada, Power Corporation, CalTex Africa, Hydro Canada, the Colorado Land and Cattle Company, Ajax Petroleum, Canadian Industrial Oil and Gas— to name just a few. He had an extensive range of contacts within the power brokers of the world, he was called the ‘Michelangelo of Networking’ but he was not angel.

1972 organized the 1st Earth Summit in Stockholm The Conference on the Human Environment. This led to the formation of the UN Environment Program Maurice Strong was the head of this. Later he organized the UNEP, he was the boss of the first international expert group on climate change. This led to UN sponsored organizations eg The Earth Council and Earth Charter, World Resources Institute, World Wild Life Fund, The Commission for World Governance and the University for Peace.

Strong was the driving force behind the world governance, governing of UN Nation States . He dreamt up a world tax on monetary transactions of 0.05% which would have given the UN an annual income of $1.5 trillion annually. About equal to the income of the US. However the stumbling block was the UN Security Council that has veto rights. (The power of Veto). So he devised a plan to get rid of the UN Security Council but did not succeed in implementing his plan. And then he came up with this light bulb moment called ‘Global Warming’, this might just be the device to get his World Governance up and running.

1989 Strong was appointed to Secretary General of the Earth Summit, 1992 he addressed the second Earth Summit at Rio. Telling 1,000’s of climate change delegates

“It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable”.

Hence there goes the house (private Property) there goes your Meat  (plant based burgers) Bill Gates ‘Beyond Burgers’, the transformation of the world called ‘The World we Want’ being the world the Corporation- UN-WEF Collaborators want.  (Global Power and wealth)

However Strong did not say at this time he had actually purchased a very large piece of land in Colorado. The Colorado Land and Cattle Company, he bought this off an arms dealer named Adnan Khashoggi who had strong connections with the Bin Laden family

200,000 acres of cattle property called ‘Baca’ It sat on a vast underground water system. Strong formed the American Water Development Corporation to exploit the water by pumping it out for commercial intent but was stopped by locals. Maurice Strong was told by a mystic that : The Baca Ranch would become the new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the world in years to come”

With this, he created the Manitou Foundation, a New Age Institute which was located at his Baca Rach, above what he called the saced waters that lay below. He established the ‘Conservation Fund’ with the help of Laurence Rockefeller, to study the mystical properies of the Manitou Mountaun. A circular temple was built at the ranch devoted to the world mystical movements

The valley where the Baca Ranch is located is traditional home of the Navajo tribes. They believe that their ancestors were led underground in this valley by ‘Ant People’. According to the Navajo tradition they warned of the coming ‘Sky Katchinas’ (Sky spirits’. Strong was drawn towards these Navajo mystical beliefs. Maurice Strong founded the Earth Council Institute in 1992, recruiting world luminaries eg., Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Al Gore and David Rockefeller. In year 2000 Earth Charter Strong again pushed for a World Governance body.

2005 Maurice Strong, an extremely powerful man made a push which he announced would save humanity, the promoting of the theory of human induced greenhouse gases, but he was caught with his hand in the till. He endorsed a chque for himself made out to M Strong issued by the Jordanian Bank. The South Korean businessman Tongsun Park was given the cheque, he was convicted in 2006 by a New York Federal Court of conspiring to bribe  UN Officials

Maurice Strong resigned and then fled to Canada, then onto China where he continued to live. Taking sanctuary in China where his cousin Louise Strong, a Marxist who lived with Mao Tse Tung for 2 years before she died in 1970.

In 1947 Maurice Strong  worked at the UN at the age of 18 a Canadian from Manitoba, he was a junior officer at the UN Security Section, he lived with the UN Treasurer Noah Monod. Maurice Strong was involved in bribery and corruption, a very well known one was the Un Oil for Food Scandal. Strong was stripped of many of his 53 International Awards and honours he had collected over a lifetime for this. Strong was known for his dual role of an eco global socialist pushing for a world governance and he was also reported to be a ruthless businessman

Maurice Strong was a longtime Foundation Director of the World Economic Forum, a senior advisor to the World Bank. A Canadian Oil- Mineral Businessman, Under Secretary of the UN, President of the Power Corporation of Canada, Secretary of the Un Human Environment Programme, CEO of Petro Canada, Headed Ontario Hydro. Head of the Water Development Incorporated, Commissioner of the World Commission on environmental Developments, Leader of International environmental Movements worldwide.

An active member of Perking University, Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Research on Security and Sustainability for North East Asia. Died at 86 in 2015. Self confessed radical Socialist. There are references made to Maurice Strong and Canada’s Principal Investment Corporations that have interests in Energy and Utility Businesses. The Power Corporation of Canada. In 1976 at Pierre Trudeau request Maurice Strong returned to Canada to head the newly created national oil company Petro-Canada.

Strong was a shareholder in Oil companies, he had acquired Denver Oil was the largest shareholder. AZL merged with Tosco Corporation which Strong acquired which was 160,000 acres – the Baca Ranch in Colorado which was Strongs Manitou Foundation. Strong later became the chairman of the Canada Development Investment Corporation, the holding company for some of Canada’s principal government owned corporations. 1982 he became chair of Ontario Hydro.

Dec 3st 1986 Strong founded the American Water Development Incorporated, with a rights to pump water from a guge area and sell it to water districts in the Front Range Urban Corridor of Colorado. (There was much conflict about this and activism) So Strong existed the company. Strong was the director of Molten Metal Technology, an environmental tech company founded in 1989, recycling hazardous waste gained research grants from US Dept of Energy. The company later filed for bankruptcy.’ Stockholm Conference

In 1971, Strong commissioned a report on the state of the planet, Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet,[25] co-authored by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. The report summarized the findings of 152 leading experts from 58 countries in preparation for the first UN meeting on the environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. This was the world’s first “state of the environment” report.

The Stockholm Conference established the environment as part of an international development agenda. It led to the establishment by the UN General Assembly in December 1972 of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with headquarters in NairobiKenya, and the election of Strong to head it. UNEP was the first UN agency to be headquartered in the third world.[26] As head of UNEP, Strong convened the first international expert group meeting on climate change.[27]

Strong was one of the commissioners of the World Commission on Environment and Development, set up as an independent body by the United Nations in 1983.

Maurice Strong the Godfather of Climate Hysteria. A longtime foundation Director of the WEF, on the advisory committee of Harvard University, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Maurice Strong flanked by 100 world leaders embodied in Agenda 21 launchpad. The design of the global governance and Mass Global Warming hysteria that has now evolved into a ECO Socialist Multistakeholder Public Private Global Partnership with the UN-WEF ‘Corporate Capture of the World. WEF GLOBAL REDESIGN INIATIVE. THE GREAT RESETTHE NEW NORMAL – THE GLOBAL AGENDA 2030- TO LEAVE NO-ONE BEHINDEVERYONE EVERYWHERE AT EVERY AGEORIGINATED BY THE SHADOW OF THE MOST POWERFUL LEADERS OF THE UNNONE OTHER THAN MAURICE STRONG.THE GLOBAL GOD FATHER OF CLIMATE HYSTERIA.



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Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.  The New Zealand Government played a part in developing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  The New Zealand Government is one of the founding members of the United Nations (1945)  New Zealand Government is the left hand of the UN, is  a party to 1900 UN Agreements, Declarations etc.,

June 13th 2019 The UN and the World Economic forum officially agreed to a partnership, making this a Public-Private Global Multistakeholder Corporate Governance.  It was reported this partnership was formed to accelerate UN Agenda 2030.

In 2019 the New Zealand Government signed an agreement with the World Economic Forum, a white paper..project to ‘Re-imagine AI Globally’. To use New Zealand citizens as guinea pigs.

Awaken Surveillance Capitalism, the undermining of freedoms and the transforming of ‘human experience’ into ‘behavioral data’. To collect data for  financial gain. (Multistakeholder Capitalist Corporations, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc.,)

New Zealand Government also have a partnership with France to be enacted out from 2021 onwards. The extention of the ‘Christchurch Call’, increased surveillance on the internet of those that have been labelled extremists and terrrorists. Those that oppose the Governments narratives will be targeted more so than ever.  (Nationalism -Patriotism has become a dirty word to those that adhere to and promote Globalism)
The severe erosion of our democratic rights have put  citizens in the position where we must seriously make demands of the NZ Government to halt this dangerous insanity, this that now demands the citizens of New Zealand to be participants of Human Experiments.
Today the 17th January 2022, sadly I am grieved to say, they are coming for our children.  Stay strong mums and dads, caregivers we cannot let them harm our children, we must stop them using our children as participants in human experiments.  The vaccinators will tell you these jabs are extremely safe, however they will not sign a piece of paper to say that your child will not be seriously harmed lor die. They are not extremely safe.
The Government have abused, violated our Human Rights. Human Dignity, human rights are our birthright.  The birthright of everyone on this planet.


The crap thats coming out of the toilet bowl of Wellington, is stinky shit……. God Save New Zealand.

It was reported in the Guardian on May 5th 2020 “Labour led government pledged $100 million to keep 1200 motel rooms available for the homeless for a year, a temporary’ weak roof over the head solution’, which is no solution at all.

Scoop Regional Independent News reported 27th June 2021 that New Zealand house prices in the first quarter of 2021 were an astonishing 22.1% higher than 12 months earlier. With rents soaring, since year 2000 in Auckland rents have risen 45%, average rent $ 564 per week and in Wellington $517 per week.

In June 2021 the number of people waiting for public housing has quadrupled under Labour to 23,687 households has since increased. The Scoop News article reported:- This included 41,724 people “living without shelter, in temporary accommodation or sharing accommodation,” and 60,399 “in uninhabitable housing that was lacking one of six basic amenities: tap water that is safe to drink; electricity; cooking facilities; a kitchen sink; a bath or shower; a toilet.” Researchers said the figures were likely to be underestimated, given that homeless people would have had difficulty taking part in the mostly-online census.

The government says it will increase public housing from 67,200 units in 2018 to 81,300 in 2024; but even if the target is reached, this would only accommodate just over half those currently on the waiting list. The government is non-transparent what are these units, mostly pack and stack apartments to meet the local/centralized government UN Human Habitat target.

The discrimination that exists against those whom are homeless, the identity politics, the haves and have nots promoted by Ardern and her political cronies in New Zealand is inexcusable. The Govt, UN and their allies promote racism and discrimination yet blame citizens who what the best for their families. The propaganda machine purchased by the NZ Government.

Mental Health and Suicides in New Zealand. Suspected Suicides, a person taking their own life is investigated by the Coroners Office. Last NZ Stats stated the Suicide had decreased. This is crap. The Coroners office is 5-6years behind in investigations, so how on earth can NZ Government, Ministry Of Health, Stats NZ publish the true figure?  Answer-“They can’t”.  The World Health Org., have reported that one million people die from suicide annually. The British Medical Journal reports “As many countries face new stay-at-home restrictions to curb the spread of covid-19, there are concerns that rates of suicide may increase—or have already increased.  Several factors underpin these concerns, including a deterioration in population mental health, higher prevalence of reported thoughts and behaviours of self-harm among people with covid-19, problems accessing mental health services, and evidence suggesting that previous epidemics such as SARS (2003) were associated with a rise in deaths by suicide.

Tackling known risk factors that are likely to be exacerbated by the pandemic is crucial. These include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, hopelessness, feelings of entrapment and burdensomeness, substance misuse, loneliness, domestic violence, child neglect or abuse, unemployment, and other financial insecurity.

Appropriate services must be made available for people in crisis and those with new or existing mental health problems. Of greatest concern, is the effect of economic damage from the pandemic. One study reported that after the 2008 economic crisis, rates of suicide increased in two thirds of the 54 countries studied, particularly among men and in countries with higher job losses.

The psychological and social impact of job loss is real. Pressure goes on mental, physical and financial health and on families. It’s a tough emotional and financial rollercoaster.

In the December quarter, at least 140,000 people were going through this – 29,000 more than the year before. It’s the equivalent of the total labour force of Dunedin, Nelson and Rotorua combined.

People need work not workshops and Ardern’s so called ‘Wellbeing Indicators’ that are added to research data give bias and predictive models of data in and data out – Legal Fictions.

As centralized government lead from the top down behind the closed doors of parliament they are introducing, promoting the those represented by the World Economic Forum into AI digital control. Drones, Tele-Health- Agri-Business and more and more surveillance of New Zealand citizens, increasing surveillance and control.  Yes New Zealand citizens are being used as guineapigs all part of the official partnership the NZ Government signed with the World Economic Forum 2019.

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Thank you.  Carol Sakey



The Covid 19 Health & Response  Protection Framework Vaccination Order  introduced the ‘Traffic Light system’ that put in place various restrictive health measures. Has legally established vaccination certificates and the rules that apply when regions are in different colours.. Red, Orange and Green.

The Traffic Light System is the opposite to a roundabout where freedom of choice applies, traffic lights are controlling mechanisms.  Complicated and cross referenced definitions in the COVID Vaccination Framework Order.

The COVID19 Controlling Traffic Lights are  not straightforward, they are complicated, cross referenced definitions. A continuous set of severe restrictions to control New Zealanders.

Severely controlling, and an authoritarian government led by Ardern that is seriously out of control.

Employers are being told by government officials to be mindful of their obligations as to the ‘No Jab-No Job’. Don’t wait for employee’s to make up their minds whether to be vaccinated or not.

The New Zealand judicial has declined cases that reference No Jab-No Job to the violation of Human Rights. Workers are openly being held as hostages, this includes nurses, doctors, school teachers and others.

International and Nation Human Rights are being severely restricted as many nagtions globally, including New Zealand are being dictated, controlled by a Chinese Communist Social Credit System.




2019 several high powered meetings at the UN of great importance the Global Development Goals of UN Agenda 2030 were failing.

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021 (UN)

The World Economic Forum official Partnership to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals- Sustainable Cities and Economies, increased surveillance, high density living (Smart Cities).


Employment work from home.  Lesson Human contact with others.

Rural migration to Urban/City Highly condensed populated area’s.

Controlling populations from the top down. Centralized government controlling all the basic needs you must have to survive.

Investing in data, the end of true science. .data in and data out.. a one world metric system of a promised global utopia. You will be happy..


Please click on the arrow in the image above,  it will take you to my rumble  video…… where I will share with you more about 2019, the year that was. 2019 the year a global partnership  accelerated actions to UN Agenda 2030 global development goals.
