June 12th 1996 Wall Street Journal reported that last week the IPCC (UN) regarded as the best source of scientific information about human impact on the earths climate released The Science of Climate Change 1995 its first new report for 5 years. This was said to be the most authoritative statement on global warming, policy makers and the press worldwide would report on the critical decisions on energy policy that would have an enormous impact on US oil and gas prices and on the international community. As always the IPCC report has been highly regarded because it is peer reviewed, that is read, discussed and modified and even re-modified by so called International experts. However this report is not what it appears to be, it is not the version that was approved by contributing scientists listed on the title page. This indeed is a very disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process reported an expert who has more than 60 years as a member of the American Scientific Community, including service as president of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society. His words were “ I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process that the events that led up to this IPCC report. Key changes were made after scientists had met and accepted what they thought was the final peer reviewed version, believing that IPCC would obey IPCC rules- a body of regulations, that’s suppose to govern the IPCC panels actions.

There is nothing in the IPCC Rules that permits anyone to change a scientific report after it has been accepted by the panel of scientific contributors and the full IPCC. Participating scientists accepted ‘The Science of Climate Change’ in Madrid, then it was accepted again in Rome.  But more than 15 sections in Chapter 8 of the report, the key chapter setting out scientific evidence for and against human influence over climate were changed or deleted after the scientists charged with examining this question had accepted the supposedly final text. These were not merely cosmetic changes, nearly all worked to remove skeptics’ with which scientists regard claims that human activities are having a major impact on climate in general and on global warming in particular.

The following passages are examples of those included in the approved report but deleted from the supposedly peer reviewed published version:-“None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed [climate] changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases.”

  • “No study to date has positively attributed all or part [of the climate change observed to date] to anthropogenic [man-made] causes.”
  • “Any claims of positive detection of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total natural variability of the climate system are reduced.”

It is reported that the reviewing scientist used this original language to keep themselves and the IPCC honest. IPCC reports are often called the ‘CONSENSUD’ view. If they lead to carbon taxes and restraints on economic growth, they will have a major and almost certainly a destructive impact on economies of the world. This is no doubt deception and corruption to deceive policy makers and the public into believing that the scientific evidence shows that human activities are causing global warming. There is evidential concern as to the IPCC process as to scientific evidence a global warming. The Wall Street Journal July 11th 1996 entitled ‘Coverup in the Greenhouse’? Author Dr. Seitz, former president of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences, revealed that an unsponsored scientific report promoting global warming has been tampered with for political purposes.  That there had been protests from officials of the IPCC claiming that the revisions in their report, prior to publication “did nothing to change its emphasis”. And said that “ such unannounced change of an approved draft do not violate their rules of transparency and open review”.  However the evidence is there, and IPCC Officials quoted (Not named) by a Nature Article “The reasons for revisions to the chapter was to “ensure that it conformed to a ‘policymakers’ summary of the full report”. The response to that from the Scientific community of experts was “”Should not a summary conform to the underlying scientific report rather than vice versa?  The Wall Street Journal article pointed out that “the IPCC summary itself is a political document, is economical with the truth, has problems with selective presentations of facts, it totally ignored global temperature data gathered by weather satellite’s, because they contradict the results of the models used to predict future global warming.

IPCC providing so called scientific cover for political action, misusing respected scientists who never made extravagant claims about future warming. Where politicians and activists strive for international controls on energy use which was discussed in Geneva, when parties to the Global Climate Treaty convened, those that are anxious to stipulate that science is settled, trying to marginalize the growing number of scientific critics. It was reported that the IPCC Report on global climate change has been ‘scientifically cleansed. The author of this article in the Wall Street Journal 1996 was S Fred Singer, President of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. IPCC (UN) report that Science is Settled. It is the nature of science that is never settled. You will have heard that 97% of scientists believe humans are causing catastrophic global warming requiring govt action to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. his comes from surveyed climate related scientific studies, the results being over-simplified Many scientists whose papers were cited in this study have questioned its conclusions, suggesting that their papers were incorrectly interpreted, even accusing the author of cherry picking studies to fit the global agenda.

An UN senior official speculated that the world would be under water by the year 2000, misleading figures and stats, data continue to be peddled, and government leaders shut down any public debates. This is called an anti-science political tactic. Plus the activist mainstream media that influences populations mindsets that report that ‘Science is settled’. The New York Times  reported 10th December 2015 an article entitled “How Can Climate Science Be Settled?’. When computer models do not take into account all the variables, yet the media keep saying that climate change is settled. Science is never settled. Politicians and environmental activists and advocacy groups say that ‘climate is settled”.  The Beehive 6th December 2022 Speaker in the House was Dr Ayesha Verrall on Research, Science and Innovation focused on ‘future focused science system tackling NZ’ as big challenges on Climate Change. She referred to ‘shifting from a system with multiple small entities and strategies focusing on efforts on nationally significant priorities. Ultimately researchers, industry, government and Iwi focusing on sustained investment in new technologies and industries, that will embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi being more responsive to Iwi/Māori to improve wealth and resilience in these communities.

2nd December 2020 NZ Parliament Climate Change Declaration of Emergency references the IPCC and reducing the impact of human activity on the climate. Join 1800 jurisdictions in 32 countries to declare a climate emergency.  Seize the opportunities that a clean green reputation provides, includes the decline in Indigenous Biodiversity. Be a Carbon Neutral Govt by 2025. A declaration based on science. The UN IPCC. The declaration of global responsibility, a catalyst for change. Announcing the Carbon Neutral Programme. The ACT Party Simon Court speaker in Parliament stated that the Climate Emergency is simply a triumph of politics over practical solutions. He said “he knows that human activity has a significant impact on climate and the environment. ACT declared that the Climate Emergency was “Nothing but a Stunt”. He referred to “Stop flying MPs all over the country, wherever they like, as MPs are the only people in the world with unlimited travel budget to fly anywhere they like, whenever they want at the tax payers expense”.  However ACT believes that NZ Govt must play their part through innovation led business, engineers, scientists not through slogans and PR stunts. James Shaw embraced ‘Fridays for Climate Strikes’ school strikes for climate. Nicola Willis (National) said that the Climate Emergency Declaration will have no measurable impact on global climate change and the opposition know it. “ It won’t take a single car off the road. It won’t reduce the methane from a single cow, nor remove a single tonne of carbon dioxide from the air.  The motion before us employs all the implied drama of the word “emergency”, but it does so with zero practical effect. It is, unfortunately, yet another collection of words in place of the sincere policy and concerted action

New Zealand must take to drive down our emissions. I am very firmly of the view that climate change threatens our world and our communities, that the production of greenhouse gas emissions by people is its cause, that New Zealand must act to reduce our emissions, and, of course, that Parliament has a solemn responsibility to take steps to achieve that. Of course the National Party is on board with the global mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ”. Debbie Ngarewa Packer Co leader of Te Paati Maori Party referred to “protecting Mother Earth (Goddess Gaia) and Father (Sky) and a multitude of descendants, tribes and sub-tribes that descended from the Gods through to the Treaty of Waitangi, thus supporting the motion of the Climate Emergency.  In 2018 the IPCC released a landmark report that there is 12 years left to limit climate catastrophe. (Science is settled) Packer said. As she spoke about the $300 million fund to support Maori Farmers to transition to regenerative agricultural methods.

NOTE: The London School of Economics and Political Science reported 7th February 2018 ‘More Flaws in Estimates of the Economic Impacts Of Climate Change. Is fundamentally misleading and contains apparent mistakes. Prof Toi was a coordinating lead author of the IPCC Report in 2014, criticism of Toi stated he attempted to estimate the best-fir line. Several outside reviewers involved in the process expressed concern that estimates were not meaningful. Prof Toi ‘The Economic Impacts of Climate Change’ published 12th January 2018 by the ‘Review of Environmental Economics and Policy’ that provided an update to the survey in the in the  published IPCC Report.  It was found that based on 27 estimates from 22 studies listed in the 2018 IPCC Report concluded that “the welfare impacts of initial warming are positive”. However upon close examination it was revealed the finding was unsound, based on outweighing of a single outlier study that was more than 15 years old, that had sloppy errors, like Professor Toi previous papers. (This is the report that Debbie Packer embraced as she spoke about a $300 million fund for Indigenous farmers)


AN ANTI-SCIENCE POLITICAL TACTIC ‘ A GLOBAL AGENDA TO CONTROL PEOPLE, PLANET FOR A VERY WEALTHY PROFIT’ AND NOT A SINGLE COW WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. ‘THIS IS A CASH COW’Fred Singer, President The Science & Environmental Policy Project Fairfax, Va. Further SEPP links to the controversy: whichcat=Organizations&whichsubcat=International%20Panel%20on%20Climate%20Change% 20(IPCC)#A72 3 pages 76 pages


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Precision Farming is also known as Smart Farming. Smart Farming like Smart Cities include significantly increased surveillance, monitoring of every aspect of your life.

Surveillance of non-humans and humans, the dual purpose of Smart Farming. Which leads to zilch freedom, your private life being highly monitored hence controlled by digital technology through Precision Farming/ Smart Farming.

‘Smart is increasingly a euphemism for surveillance. Cities in at least 56 countries worldwide have deployed surveillance technologies powered by automatic data mining, facial recognition, and other forms of artificial intelligence.
Urban surveillance is a multi-billion dollar industry, with Chinese and U.S.-based companies such as Axis, Dahua, Hikvision, Huawei, and ZTE leading the charge.

Now digital totalitarianism goes rural. Thus supercharging surveillance, encroaching on free speech, privacy, and data protection.
Identity collection devices are commonplace, having exploded across public and private spaces. Shanghai recently installed Alibaba’s City Brain public surveillance system, which oversees over 1,100 biometric facial recognition cameras. A combination of satellites, drones, and fixed cameras grab over 20 million images a day.

The bus, metro, and credit cards of local residents are also traced in real time. And these tools are spreading. Chinese firms are busily exporting surveillance tech to Latin America, other parts of Asia, and Africa, helping enable what some critics call digital authoritarianism.

New Zealand Government has its surveillance strategy as to COVID 19 monitoring. Public Health Surveillance of public health and data.
New Zealand surveillance data provided by ESR, funded by the Ministry of Health with the cooperation of the diagnostic laboratories.

Ministry of Health support enables ESR to provide some specific additional work, prioritised on the basis of national benefit and we are happy to collaborate with funded projects to mine the surveillance data. How transparent is this and how private?

The new coronavirus pandemic and related lockdown measures triggered a significant increase in digital control over people in many countries.
Search your history books how totalitarianism has caused torture, famines, millions murdered, imprisoned through Totalitarian Dictatorships. Under Digital Global Inclusion is our individual uniqueness being annihilated, is Newland as a sovereign nation being annihilated deliberately so, to replace, denounce NZ Citizenship for Global Citizenship?

Farming is the backbone of New Zealand, it’s credible to question , is this White Paper Project that refers to the NZ Governments partnership with the World Economic Forum part of the Global Digital Playbook to destroy the backbone of New Zealand through Smart Cities, Smart Farming (Precision Farming)?

Wake Up New Zealand. Carol Sakey.

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Scientists have admitted that man made global warming is a massive hoax. The Norwegian Nobel Committee rescinded the Peace Prize it awarded in 2007 to former US vice president Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, amid overwhelming evidence that global warming is an elaborate hoax cooked up by Mr. Gore.

A press release from the committee that quotes a chagrined Rajendra Pachauri, who is the UN IPCC climate panels chair, claimed he was a victim of a “cunning deception spanning over many years”
Saying “he was deeply ashamed for having unwittingly perpetrated such a massive fraud on the governments of the world”.
Reports have shown that data from data satellites and radiosondes, surface temperature readings, borehole analysis, measurements of rising seas, melting glaciers and permafrost…..pheno-logical data and proxy reconstructions of paelo-climatic conditions were fabricated out of thin air by my former friend, who is Al Gore …

After Al Gore Noble Peace Prize & IPCC (UN) was revoked, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee awarded the prize money to the 31,000 people who signed the Oregan Petition, the peace prize money was shared between each signatory of the petition. ($1.53 million)
Al Gore owned up to hus duping of the scientific community. In a blog on his website, the explained the so called ‘genesis of his scheme’. It went like this .. “now that the jig is up (he’d been found out to be a liar) ..
”Now that the jig is up, as long as I can remember, my goal is life has been to destroy free-market capitalism, to replace it with global totalitarian social.. but it seemed that tradition methods such as guerrilla warfare were proving unsuccessful.,
then one day in 1988, I was strolling through the halls of my giant mansion when it hit me:- carbon dioxide… by striking at the molecule that lies at the heart of industrial civilization I could bring the whole system to its knees and usher in a workers paradise.”
He goes on to say “The rest just sort of fell into place….“ I wrote a book, held some Congressional hearings, made a movie, dashed off a few pseudonymous journal articles on radiative forcing…. and the next thing you know, I was on TV with Dave Matthews and Ludacris where I convinced people to purchase carbon offsets”.. He said “ I would have gotten away with it if it were not for that darn petition”

The New York Times quoted ‘NASA climate scientists James Hanen, an very outspoken advocate of limiting gas emissions saying that Al Gore ruse sucked him in “hook, line and sinker”. Not all scientists of course were fooled by Gore, but many have remained silent…
One scientist stated :- It is our hope that, whenever future generations find themselves swayed by the notion that one can derive generalizations about the physical world by gathering measurable data and subjecting it to logical analysis, they will recall the humbling and extraordinary events of today, April Fools Day, 2009.

Some severely character assassinated, lost their reputation through a litany of lies about them, others have been silenced by money or been threatened in some way or another. There are trillions of dollars being made and will continue to be made by global eco geographical multistakeholder capitalist corporations through global greening. The Green Mask, the mask that hides the ugly face of Marxism, socialism, communism.

The mask that hides the truth behind the World Economic Forums official strategic agreement with the United Nations. On the 13th June 2019, prior to COVID19. The Global Public Private Corporate Governance. As the WEF and UN collaborate on every part of how you live, eat, whether you work or not, welfare and income, no doubt a universal income… digital controls through the money markets.
When WEF’s Directorship board meet, Al Gore, Black Rock and a couple of members of Bidens, Obama’s, Clinton team are on board… also Jac Ma the richest man in China… And a couple of leading executives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and of course Klaus Schwab himself, founder of the WEF and chairman. All to accelerate UN Agenda 2030.

The collaboration of Vaccine Passes, certificates with digital wallets, a cashless society.. where political policing will know your behaviours, the way you think, who you meet, where you go etc., In NZ before the select committee the Digital ID Framework Trust Bill. (Ignore the word TRUST).
All your individual id in one place…. How convenient. For the government that rules from the top down that has seriously violated all our human rights. Trust the government, when even your driver licensing info is shared with 3rd parties. And of course what about cyber attacks, hacks.
Many of you may not have heard of the Oregon Petition, a political petition that was designed to educate the public about scientific results, the consensus of climate change research. This petition urged the US Government to reject the man made hoax- the Kyoto man made global warming protocol of 1997 and the policies that have followed.

The petition reads:- We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.

Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

Back to Al Gore,s court case where this British Judge ruled Al Gores doco “An Inconvenient Truth’ that was distributed around the world.. ruled that Al Gore’s Doco was not to be shown in UK Schools unless accompanied by materials explaining the films inaccuracies”. Gores doco was determined as biased, the law suit alleged. Gores doco was to go to 3,500 secondary schools in the UK as part of a ‘Sustainable schools year of action’. The Education Secretary at the time, Alan Johnson said “that influencing the opinions of children is crucial to developing a long term public view of the environment’
4.Yes that’s what they do, influence the minds of the young through the education system,.. dumbing education down.
Gore’s doco was described at the court by one person who opposed it as “just over half of the film is scientific material, 30% pure politics and 20% much, much.. used to soften up the viewer to persuasion”.

This barrister said “ scientifically the majority of the arguments advanced are false, or falsely exaggerated on the basis of the governments own evidence. The key flaw to Gores film is partisan, aimed at influencing rather than informing, it lacks balance.. that the government set out to disseminate .. what we say, this is about advancing political political propaganda into schools…
This very same political propaganda that is being taught in New Zealand schools.
That’s what happens, when the truth is spoken that does not fit the geo-eco political narratives.. truth tellers are called conspiracy theorists from the propaganda machine

Al Gore has authored several eco-political books…he is the co-founder and chairman of Generation Investment Management. He is also a senior partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, and a member of Apple, Inc.’s board of directors, and spends much of his time as chairman of ‘The Climate Reality Project’ .. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington are not.
Gore was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976, 1978, 1980 and 1982 and the U.S. Senate in 1984 and 1990. He was inaugurated as the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States on January 20, 1993, and served eight years.

During the Administration, Gore was a central member of President Clinton’s economic team. He served as President of the Senate, a Cabinet member, a member of the National Security Council and as the leader of a wide range of Administration initiatives
In New Zealand the Government has influenced, brainwashed our children through the education system as to UN Agenda 2030. Climate Alarmism, The seas will rise so high, the planet is on fire.. now brainwashed and indoctrinated they are taught to make placards and go on School Climate Strike. Don’t blame the young, in fact blame every political cronie in the cesspit of Wellington for mentally abusing our children through the school system. Dumbing education down.

Official mental health services in the UK have documented that the teaching of climate alarmism through education .. this is affecting many children’s mental health, they have now officially called this a mental issue ..namely ‘Eco Alarmism’

The UN recently proclaimed “A code Red for Climate Change”. A code Red of how populations worldwide are being hammered, severely disempowered by those that promote this climate alarm globally, that fills our childrens heads with fear. Code Red be aware of the UN/WEF Public-Private Corporate Governance.. the global – national geo-eco-political power play, the stench of greed of the 1% of the whole of the worlds population, those that are represented by the WEF… as they in collaboration with Ardern and all those political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington have eroded your freedoms and human rights as they all are part and parcel of this evil global corruption of causing severe havock to peoples lives worldwide.
And they could never have achieved this cruel evilness without an introduction of a global crisis, to shut the worlds economy down, to indoctrinate, brainwash – influence a new normal society with a new normal economy…without the COVID19 Global Crisis none of this insanity, erosion of freedoms, human rights could have happened.

Ardern entered UN Agenda 2030 in NZ Governments policy decision making. 17 out of 17 global development goals (17 SDG’s) include Climate Alarmism. 14 of 17 include ‘The UN Global Strategy of Vaccines.. (2011-2019). Then the UN Global Strategy of Vaccines introduced in 2019 prior to COVID19.. IA 2030.
NEW VACCINES.. 95% UPTAKE AT LEAST FOR NEW VACCINES. Teach children as young as 10 years old about the importance of Vaccines through the education system. All included in UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals.

Ardern was a guest speaker at a Bill & Melinda Gates event during which she boasted having entered UN Agenda 2030 17 SDG’a into NZ Policies, she added quite proudly “other nations may take her lead”.



The Imperial Global Public-Private Corporate Governance of the Planet namely Earth. The Eco-Political Global Elite (The Green Leftist-Socialist-Communist Global Powerhouse)

The Corporate capture of global governance : The World Economic Forum – UN partnership agreement is a dangerous threat to all living beings on the earth. Digital Globalization, digital Data, digital control of global populations. A Multistakeholder business governance, nationally-globally is being played out, has been planned for years, the end is in sight. The emerging powers in this Global imperialist global governance.

A group of rising powers from the global South is effectively challenging western predominance, the hallmark of the global order over the last two centuries. CIGI’s research is built on long term transnational networking that brings together high-ranking scholars from the industrialized and the developing worlds. The redistribution of wealthy and the end of private property rights.

Where have all the farmers gone..long time passing.
Where have all the tradies gone…long time passing…
Where have all the small businesses gone…long time passing
Where have all our freedoms gone….long time passing.




The pre-planned blueprint of the 21st Century was introduced by the Club of Rome in 1991. Just before the UN introduced UN Agenda 21 with its millennium goals, a global strategy of transformation that included people, planet and profit for the wealthy few.

Agenda 21 ended in 2015 when UN Agenda 2030 replaced it, this included 17 Global Development Goals. 17 out of 17 of these global development goals included climate alarmism (using weapons of fear to bludgeon minds worldwide, including our children’s minds.

14 of those 17 global development goals include vaccines. To leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age from the cradle to the grave. For 95% of the population in developed countries to participate in new vaccination, human experiments.. now and in the future. 2020- 2030 the Global Strategy of Vaccines.. Leave No-one behind. The Decade of Vaccines.

Target vaccine hesitancy, fill the population gaps, target hesitancy to vaccines..demand vaccines (World Health Org., UN). A global transformation of people and planet.

The Club of Rome has other related clubs, the Club of Vienna and the Club of Madrid. Helen Clark is a member of the Club of Madrid. Clarke received an email that was also cc’d to James Shaw in 2019 from the Club of Rome…

Dear Helen Clark, as a member of the Club Of Rome (Madrid), I omitted to include in a hyerlinked email to the main Club of Rome members on the 27/05/2019 the following. As our former PM we believe this is important for you to know, that the Club Of Rome’s Emergency Plan is based on theory-refuting high forecast inaccuracy (84%-97%). The IPCC’s dismissal/omission of natural climate change risks relevant to the 21st century that the UN IPCC contrived in (Art 2) that dictated key-risk assessment, its unsafe alteration to ice age boundaries which dis-orients governments to the significance of today’s climate change.
Please note that this email was also cc’d to 60 government ministers (MPs) including those politicians of the opposition.. The Maori Party, Greens, Act and National. Yes they are all in this together.

The elephants have never left the room as John Key, Winston Peters and Helen Clark are also key manipulators, influencers in this evil transformation of human lives through a Global Strategy namely UN Agenda 2030.

Under the veil of COVID19 massive weapons of fear are intruding into personal lives, destroying family relationships, friendships as Ardern’s government, all those political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington are playing their parts, to control New Zealanders lives in every aspect possible.

The Club of Rome, the Malthusian Agenda of Population Control, the 1991 blueprint for a global revolution in the 21st century, transformation of people, planet to reward the wealthy few. A Private-Public Global Corporate Governance. The World Economic Forum that represents the Multistakeholder Capitalist Corporations to replace small businesses and the farming communities worldwide. Introducing fake meat grown in labs, chemicals, crops of Monsanto-Bayer. They call this healthier for the population as they promote Coca-cola and fast food companies. Lesson human contact, work from home. Human contact is necessary is part of human nature. The desensitizing of human life itself by ungodly, immoral global forces.

For further information on this very serious topic of our lives in their hands please go to the link in the image above.
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