THE ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power over the populace in the pretense of putting everything right in an ordered fashion, a top down tyranny,  has been tried and is a true method to not only manipulate nations but also to destroy them. The chaos that has purposely been created to transform our world into a socialist/communist one world agenda  (UN Agenda 21/2030) . Sustainability is a socialist collective unstainable strategy, a socialist blueprint for ‘People-Planet) through Klaus Schwab’s WEF baby Multi-stakeholderism of Public-Private Partnerships). A corporate capture of UN Nation States worldwide.


Six months prior to the Pandemic June 13th 2019 WEF and UN signed an official partnership memorandum on the proviso that the WEF members that included CEO’s of Corporations, NGO’s and high level institutions would implement an accelerating to achieve the UN Agenda 2030 for the 21st Century, as the UN was lacking power and financial wealth to achieve this successfully. This consequently gave Corporate CEO’s highly influential positions putting their feet under the UN One World Global Governance table of decision making (Corporate capture of everything, leaving no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age)

Enter the global Pandemic  as described by the WEF as a global opportunity for a Great Reset. And still more needed to be achieved for the UN Global Agenda to be successful, and it had to be implemented as fast as possible right throughout the western world. That was mass migration, this is what we are seeing across Europe, Ireland, England etc.,   Did New Zealand escape, no we need not escape.


Mass migration in NZ 2023-2024. 152,000 (provisional count April 2024) of residential, visitor, student, work visas were approved. Immigration NZ officials demanding that Immigrations officer ignore criminal history, ignore investigations, ignore warning approve, approve, approve with great speed. Those that approved the most got a ‘shout-out’, those that did not received a ‘warning’.


A number of Immigration officers were highly concerned complained to the INZ officials, they were ignored. So they left their jobs being emotionally affected by INZ Officials dangerous decision making as to the risking  our country’s national security. They took their concerns to the main stream media, RNZ where these serious concerns were published.  There is a deafening silence, no more is said about those that instigated, participated in this risk to NZ’s National Security.????

Mass Migration the Socialist/Communist Blueprint  to accelerate UN Global Agenda 2030 ..Destroy Nation States implement chaos, out of chaos come top down totalitarian regimes (dictatorships)



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