SPECIAL POWERS: Special powers are authorized by the Minister of Health or by an Epidemic Notice – these apply where an emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act
THE POWER TO DETAIN: The power to detain, isolate, quarantined – allows a medical officer of health to ‘require persons’, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals or things to be isolated, quarantined or disinfected (Section 70 (1)(f) NOTE: ENTER YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A WARRANT
THE POWER TO PRESCRIBE PREVENTIVE TREATMENT: Allows a Medical Officer of Health, in respect of any person who has been isolated or quarantined, to require people to remain where they are isolated, quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as the Medical Officer of Health as prescribed. NOTE: MEDICATION THAT YOU MAY NOT CHOOSE TO CONSUME
THE USE OF FORCE: Section 71A states that a member of the Police may do anything reasonable necessary (including the use of force) to help a Medical Officer of Health or any person authorized by the Medical Officer of Health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under Sections 70 or 71 NOTE: CAN USE FORCE ON YOU IF NOT COMPLIANT
THE ONE HEALTH RESPONSE: Just like the 17 Global Development Goals of Agenda 2030 the ‘One Health Response’ is an interconnected one. That Humans, Animals- Wild, Domestic.. the Oceans, the Plants, the Soil and the Tree’s are all interconnected as a ‘One World Eco-system’
The New Zealand Pandemic Plan sets out the health system strategy and framework for actions for preparing for and responding to future pandemics. It can be adopted and applied (with adaptations as necessary) to any pandemic event. It sets out the health system strategy and framework for actions in preparing for and responding to future pandemics. While the plan is focused on respiratory pathogens, such as influenza and COVID-19, it can be adopted and applied (with adaptations as necessary) to any pandemic, regardless of the nature of the pathogen and its severity. NOTE: REGARDLESS OF THE NATURE OF THE PATHOGEN AND ITS SEVERITY
Monday - August 12, 2024 - Uncategorized
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