New Zealand perverted sexualization of children. The NZ Herlad titles this article ‘Controversial book: ‘Welcome to Sex
‘ a ‘fabulous Resource says sexuality educator” 31st July 2023
This is what the NZ Herald reports:- Welcome to Sex: Your no-silly-questions guide to sexuality, pleasure and figuring it out by Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes is being stocked in libraries around New Zealand.. A controversial book about sex aimed at children is a “fabulous” resource and answers the questions kids are asking, a relationship and sexuality educator says. The book, Welcome to Sex: Your no-silly-questions guide to sexuality, pleasure and figuring it out, by former Dolly Doctor and youth health expert Dr Melissa Kang and TV personality Yumi Stynes, is making waves after a library user complained on social media about its inclusion on the shelves… The book, targeted at 11- to 14-year-olds, traverses everything from consent and sexuality to sexual positions.
And although this is a disgusting book Tracy Clelland a lecturer at Canterbury University said “ most parents actually want this book to help educate their children”. And refers to children as young as 9 years old asking about sex toys and anal sex.
Seriously people lets get a grip on this. We really do need to ‘drain the swamp’. This book doesn’t border on grooming. It is the sexually grooming of our children. So what do the public libraries have to say, here is one response “The Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (Lianza) said it was important for libraries to have an inclusive collections”. Comment from LIANZ) “In situations such as in the case of Welcome to Sex, there may be disagreements over the content. However, libraries don’t make individual decisions for their readers about what is appropriate,
A Hutt City Council spokeswoman said it took all feedback about books in the libraries’ collections seriously and had reassessed Welcome to Sex.
“We support the view of the libraries’ professional body, Lianza, on this book and we will continue to have it in our collections.” The book is also in libraries across the country, including in Auckland, Christchurch and Tauranga.
So, what does Auckland Council head of Library and Learning Services – Catherine Leonard have to say on this childhood sexuality grooming book “Our role is not to censor: and “Auckland Libraries are like all other public libraries in NZ, committed to freedom of access to information, we will not supress or remove material simply because it offends people. Can’t help thinking this “What an Ignorant evil bxtch”, yep though it but dare not say it in public “You know, freedom of speech and all that stuff” Come-On People who are going to protect our children if we as adults are not prepared to front up and loudly speak up? HANDS OF OUR CHILDRFEN NOW…
DISLAIMER: None of the content in this blog has been influenced by Rock The Vote
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