Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)  mask gives the message that DEI eliminates racism. The structured DEI Initiatives programs drag individuals down  if they are opposed to the group narrative of DEI. Thus imposing a Cancel Culture, to cancel individuals, other groups out by silencing them by censorship or self censorship. DEI wears a  mask of ‘morality’ claiming moral values, far from it the DEI structure incorporates immoral actions, behaviors, voices that actively target Christians, character assassinating law abiding citizens but calling them white  supremacists, debunking and targeting hetro sexual normality

DEI is ugly but on the surface appears to be a campaign of caring about minority groups whether it be race, gender, sexuality. DEI includes an aggressive toxicity which encumbers humiliating behavior’s that cause division, pays lip service to freedom of speech. DEI is a Trojan Horse attacks traditional values, morals and western culture. As in the Posy Parker Event ‘Stops Women from speaking out publicly’

DEI erodes trust destroys solidarity, individual freedom of thoughts. Using of misinformation, disinformation projects targeting those that do not agree with the DEI LGBTQ1+ Narratives and those of the Co-Governance agenda, Maori Sovereignty. LGBTQ1 and Black Lives Matter, Climate Alarmist Activists, Pro Palestinian hate Jews all a part and parcel of this DEI initiative of Identity Politics.. CRT Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory. Marxism, Cultural Marxism which is embraced by the Human Rights Commission and Global Human Rights partners worldwide.

DEI is an immoral hierarchy of oppressors and victims based on categories of race, gender, sexuality. The transgender Rainbow Community embracing 100 plus genders and sexualities.  The demanded determined dynamics of power and control over others corrupted by conscious and unconscious biases. DEI initiatives have mainstreamed the Status Quo as a dominant force in society, and in the workplace, universities, organizations, businesses, Central and Local Govt and even in many churches. In the military. Police and NZ Armed forces. NZ Defense Force DEI initiatives document ‘move away from hetro sexual normality .

But no government dept is challenging or even talking about these DEI Initiatives as they are all have bought into it. DEI Programme’s that cost $12,000  (June 2023) annually for workshops and DEI assessment for commercial and govt departments. 26th April 2022 Christopher Luxon (SpinOff News) stated he was committed to DEI Diversity, Inclusion- A National Roadmap to National Workplace policies. NZ Govt Public Services committed to the Rainbow Tick. The Rainbow Tick is a DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion Initiative with complete workshops and assessments.

3rd October 2023 NZ Defense Force takes out  Rainbow Community honor’s for their DEI Initiatives. A Supreme Award in their progressive commitment and support of the Rainbow community LGBTQ1 and 100 or so other genders and sexualities. NZ Defense Force hosted a Pride Defense Conference partnering the Pride Pledge rolling out training workshops, supporting Big Gay Out. Were re-credited with another Rainbow Tick.

 The most inclusive diverse military force in the world. The Vice Chief of the Defiance Force and the Vice Marshall of the NZ Defense Force represented the NDF at the Rainbow Excellence Awards in 2023. DEI initiatives documented in the NZ Defense Force DEI training, workshops include ‘move away from hetro-normality. NZ Defense Force first received the Rainbow tick in 2019 in 2020 published ‘The Rainbow Inclusion’ In 2021 increased their focus on DEI training across camps and bases.

DEI and the Rainbow Zebra Crossing painted over in K Road Auckland. Now Rainbow Pride want a special Restorative Justice- Offender- Victim (Oppressor-Victim) service available to take the offenders to account. Maybe the crossing should have painted on it a traditional family without all the rainbow colours. The Auckland Zoo gained a rainbow tick have they painted the zebra’s yet in rainbow stipes.?   Local – Central Govt have the DEI Rainbow tick, Auckland Museum have the rainbow tick. Imagine a Maori Tribal War canoes painted in rainbow stripes.

Human Rights Commission partner the Rainbow tick, and the Rainbow Community Refers to Vandalism of the Rainbow Crossing in K Road reported by Quack Pirihi and Bhenjamin Goodsir, restorative justice we have the right to hold our views, And so have the majority of people in NZ.  Is this Three Party Coalition going to rid New Zealand of these dangerous separatist revolutionary DEI initiatives??

We will never have peace and solidarity in NZ whilst these exists, and it exists throughout NZ. America is under attack for its DEI initiatives. There is a growing backlash amongst counties that implement DEI initiatives. Universities in Florida being stopped from spending money on DEI . Stop DEI save Free Speech is becoming a message on campuses in the States. Get rid of Wokeness, develop patriotic loyalty to your country.

Recognize individuals in the workplace for their skills, experience, qualification not the dominating factor of race, and gender, sexuality. In America Black Students teaching White students to hate white students. Promoting exclusion in a so called Inclusive Diversity structured education system. Just because the DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion sounds good does not mean it is good. DEI is a mask that hides an ugly face, erodes  individual freedoms, its toxic- Marxist, Culturally Marxist, Identity Politics, Critical Theory Critical Race Theory

DEI is an initiative where it leaves the country under attack by a leftist revolutionary minority disguised as a ‘plea for justice’ just like Mao Ze Dong in China’s Cultural Revolution for the modernizing of  peasant China by the purge of the highest leaders in the Chinese Communist Party. DEI promotors are not anti-racist, they are racist, programs of discrimination a forced design of wokeness.

 Like Mao Ze Dong Cultural Revolution that supports critical race theory and the implementing of fears to control the group steers people away from real political discussion into one of ideology now science and biology

DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion has raised its ugly head in Pro Palestine Hate Jews, Climate Change For School Protests vs Climate Skeptics, COVID vs Anti Vaxers, BLACK Lives Anti colonialism and Traditional Westernization, traditions, Christianity.  And Transgender LGBTQ1 and 100 plus fender and sexuality identity’s vs Hetro-normality and Christianity, traditional family.  (Rainbow Crossing VS Zebra Crossing)  RESTORE JUSTICE RID NEW ZEALAND OF DEI INIATIVES.  Until then there will be no peace within New Zealand borders.

Until world Institutions, Organization, Leader of Governments Internationally debunk Diversity Equity and Inclusion there will never be solitude or peace. The UN Global Compact promotes Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) throughout business operations. DEI is incorporated into United Nations Population Fund the standards of construct for International Civil Servants. The WEF corporate DEI embedded initiatives of Global Corporate Capture.

#MeToo. #BlackLivesMatter. #StopAAPIHate. These are just some of the recent movements that have compelled Americans to reflect on the social injustices that exist in our country today. The scrutiny on these social issues has trickled down to the professional world.. DEI has  now evolved into a core business function that large and small businesses alike. COVID19 effects on the worlds economy has effected a DEI imitative explosive growth. Mandatory programme’s that can be very controlling.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) anchor key considerations when designing and implementing climate change policies. Indigenous Communities more effected than westernized communities from floods, rising seas etc., COVID 19 Indigenous people more effected by COVID that westernized people. Oppressed and victims.


Your net zero, utopian future of degrowth civil unrest and many uncertainties, destroy humanity’s morality and rebuilt it a national, regional global platform. (DEI DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION) TOOLBOX- WEAPONARY



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Algorithm Bias is described as systematic and repeatable errors in a computer system that creates unfair outcomes, eg privileging one category over another. Algorithms can be simplistic or complex. They are tiny pieces of invisible code that perform calculations that power machine learning. There are many types of bias for example  sample bias, prejudice bias, measurement bias and exclusion bias.

Algorithm bias are caused by the people that create them, that write algorithms those that choose the data used for the algorithms, they choose how to apply them as to the results required of the algorithms. Its easy for people to determine conscious biases which automatically perpetrate the end result required, for whatever purpose needed.

For example- information bias, selective bias which equate to the distortion of research. Biases affect decision making, policy making may be – survivorship bias, confirmation bias, framing bias, group think bias. There are of course other biases such as – Invisibility, stereotyping, imbalance, selectivity, non-reality, fragmentation, isolation, linguistic, cosmetic all are namely biases. A Linear Algorithm has the highest bias. Linear Regression an to error that is introduced by real live problem which maybe complicated. Linear models can introduce bias, make output easier to understand.

What about Climate Model Bias:- Errors in climate modelling is caused by a range of factors for example- spatial resolution (large grid sizes), simplified thermodynamic processes and physics or incomplete understanding of the global universal system. Limitations of climate models as predictions of climate is incomplete, the climate systems imperfect ability to transform knowledge into accurate mathematical equation. Climate models inability to reproduce important atmospheric phenomenon. That natural variability is still the dominant uncertainty in predictions. Uncertainty in Climate projections, predictions ,

Are they taking into account volcanoes, even dormant ones gives off gasses, what about El Nino and the North Atlantic Oscillation? Climate models are imperfect tools, control mechanisms, used for the purpose of social & behavioral re-engineering. To replace the global economy, to de-growth to promote tribal feudalism. To take us back to the dark ages.

Climate simulations differ from reality. Simulated clouds, surface atmosphere and representations of soil & vegetation in climate simulations models are to small. Climate models predicting our future,  determining our lives for us. Plundering New Zealand, plundering, destroying the livelihoods of farmers worldwide.

The complex nature of the climate system is too difficult to determine the exact impacts that change will be at different locations at different times.  Uncertainty increases the level of fear- climate doom and gloom. Rising seas, the scorches earth.  Equates to uncertainty, biased algorithms consequently data in-data out and rubbish and rubbish out. .No-one can be certain of the natural climate ability but the climate scientists know for certain what algorithm biases they are using. Question- who is creating the invisible tiny codes that make up for Algorithms and for what purpose will they use the end result for-..who benefits. Who are the winners and the losers. Its not possible to determine the future by emission. Carbon offsets are a scammers dream and is largely a sham, a massive fraud.  On the 23rd March 2022,The Guardian on Australia’s carbon credit scheme reported is largely a scam  says whistleblower. Professor Andrew McIntosh said the system gives credits for projects such as regrowing native forests after clearing, is a fraud on the environment, taxpayers and consumers.

Prof Andrew McIntosh is an Environmental Law and Policy expert a former head of the Governments Emission Reduction Assurance Committee. He launched an extraordinary attack on the scheme, saying the govt had wasted $1 billion in tax payer funding. 3/5/2016 Multi-billion Euro Carbon Trading Fraud Trial Opens in Paris , this was called the heist of the century. The SpinOff News ‘Dodgy deals with Climate Fraudster-NZ’s role in the junk carbon scam. Alongside Russia and Ukraine, NZ is complicit in a carbon swindle, and NZ’s reputation is at risk, write Geoff Simmons. 18th April 2016. NZ was willing and able to participate in a wholesale climate fraud

The short story is that Ukraine and Russia found loopholes in the International rules for carbon trading. The loopholes allowed them to create millions of carbon credits that had no environmental benefit whatsoever- they were simply fraudulent. Other countries cottoned on, stopped dealing with Russia and Ukraine Incredibly New Zealand ended up being the largest customer of these climate criminals because our government was the only one that accepted their dodgy wares. The scam used was claiming for carbon credits for projects that had already happened.

Examples -after the Soviet Union downfall Ukraine was left with large rock piles that still contained coal. Occasionally these piles caught fire, releasing carbon emissions. In 2012 the Ukraine started claiming carbon credits on the basis that they would remove the coal from the piles and put out fires. Trouble was they already removed the coal four years earlier, they even lied about how much coal was involved. In 2012 Europe and NZ got increasingly suspicious of what the Ukraine & Russia were up to. NZ made noises about banning these dodgy credits in April 2012, the minister then was Tim Grosser, he claimed “there is serious danger of NZ essentially exporting capital for no good reason”. Backroom negotiations took place with their coalition partner ACT CHANGED THEIR MIND. July 2012 they left our Emissions Trading Scheme open to dodgy credits, claiming that our scheme should reflect the ‘international price”

By the beginning 0f 2013 Europe had banned the trade in these dodgy credits, leaving New Zealand as the only willing buyer. One must question “How was it as NZ Govt stated “the international price”?. The International Price of fraudulent and environmentally worthless carbon credits. At one point falling as low as 15 cents per tonne. The price of carbon credits in 2011 was around $20 per tonne. That price was a sufficient  incentive to plant trees so back in 2011 NZ had no need to purchase International units to cover our emissions.

When the price of carbon crashed, nobody bothered to plant tree’s, everyone bought the dodgy carbon credits instead. NZs emissions soared. Meanwhile polluters profited and ordinary Kiwi’s got ripped off. The details are in the report. NZ rapidly became the largest consumer of these fraudulent foreign credits. Over a quarter of all  NZ emissions between 2008-2002 ended up being covered by dodgy carbon credits. 99% of NZ emission reduction units came from Russia and the Ukraine.

 In  2015 a review by the Stockholm Environmental Institute found that 89% of Ukrainian projects were of questionable or low environmental integrity, as dodgy as hell. NZ tax payers ended up with the govt sending around $200million of their good money to these crims. The opinion in many circles that NZ Govt was knowingly an accomplice in this climate crime.  Stuff NZ reported August 16th 2016 ‘Companies revealed over dodgy carbon credits’. Some of NZ’s biggest businesses including BP, Z Energy, NZ Steel and Fonterra were named by the Morgan Foundation as buying dodgy carbon credits

 A number of forestry companies were also identified as having purchased fraudulent carbon credits from Ukraine and Russia these include NZ Forest Leasing, Matariki Forests, Ngai Tahu Forest Estates and China Forestry Group. James Shaw Greens co leaders said the govt should trade good carbon credits for bad ones to ensure the integrity of NZ’s global commitment to cut climate pollution.  The Morgan Foundation said the govt had stockpiled about 85-90 million units which would see the country through to 2020, but many of the units were fraudulent.

Associate professor Euan Mason of the school of forestry University of Canterbury said “Our govt knew the imported credits were fraudulent. They knew that their policies allowed companies to act immorally, that many companies did act immorally.

NZ Herald also reported on 17th April 2016 that NZ’s Carbon Credits Scheme A Farce’. NZ accused of cheating to fulfil its International Climate Change obligations. The Emissions Trading Scheme allows polluters to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by buying carbon credits from companies such as the forestry industry

Polluters were able to buy carbon credits from other countries which had signed up to the Kyoto Agreement,. NZ was far the largest purchaser of Russian and Ukrainian carbon credits through NZ Emission Trading Scheme. This was a National led govt at the time

NBR Report Paul Bennet dismissed the Morgan Foundations recently released ‘Climate Cheats’ reports which highlighted the NZ companies that had bought carbon credits from Russia and Ukraine. The minister said the Morgan Foundation “Offered nothing new” It was accepted that the Stockholm Report had pulled the plug. All political parties behind the closed doors of Wellington knew the fraudulent carbon credit scam was happening.

NZ Geographic reported “Credit where none is due’ 12 companies profited from pollution using fake carbon credits from Russia. A Reports that back in the 1990’s NZ government assured that the country would trade (and plant) our way out of climate change. In 2002 Labor Govt announced the Emission Trading Scheme.

The carrot being that businesses that reduce their emissions could sell their unused units. Those that had exceeded their allocated carbon credit would have to buy more.  Thanks to hot air the Emission Trading Scheme has removed NOT ONE GRAM of  greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.

The Government highly aware that hot air was killing its own ETS, the govt continued to flood the market, giving its own units to businesses for free. Fraudulent Carbon credits. In 2016 140 million emission units- 5years worth of activity remained still out there in 2020, doing absolutely nothing to avert climate change.  Where are they now? Its was said back them “when the price is right, they’ll  cash up their free credits whilst paying for their pollution. “Profiting from pollution”. As always the taxpayer picks up the climate doom and gloom tab. Come on people do you really believe in this climate doom and gloom bullcrap.

And here the govt is carbon tax on commercial and domestic rates, energy etc., And throwing the farmers under their own tractors, using them as the govts whipping boy. Climate Change Bias’s are many. Data in and Data out. Rubbish in and Rubbish Out. Corruption in and Corruption Out. Tax payer money in and tax payer money out. We have become a disposable society. The NZ Govt plundering NZ.




March 2019 UNITED NATIONS  TECHNICAL BRIEF ON THE EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION EDUCATION SECTOR was part of the outcome of the Sexuality and Relationship Programmes in the School Curriculum in New Zealand. Under the guise of planning  the implementation of a School Bullying Program worldwide numerous studies and surveys took place internally nationally worldwide as described in Part 1 of my video.

The Stop Bulling, stop Violence, stop Discrimination masked the entrenched questions and responses required of students in schools. These surveys, studies included schools students being asked a number of questions of a very personal sensitive nature around sexuality and relationships, feelings, actions etc., sexual desires. ..preferential sex partners eg girl-girl, girl boy, boy-boy and what were their sexual preferences, sexual desires these were integrated with questions and responses related to discrimination. For example:  dress, skin colour as to discrimination, (critical race theory). All to be aligned manipulated incorporated in UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 5 ‘Achieve Gender Equality and SDG 3 ‘Leave non-one behind’  manipulated to include – lesbian, gay, non-binary, bisexual trans and gender diverse.(LGBT) persons, groups, communities. Which can be directly or indirectly link to trans.- gender fluid, gender diverse, LGBTQ1 etc.,

NOTE: Under the guise of education, ‘Stop Bullying ‘- Anti-bullying’  RSE Programs were included in School curriculums worldwide, in NZ- in to every class activity. The UN  designed ‘Monitoring school violence based on sexual orientation gender identity or gender expression in national and international surveys

UNESP (UN) is an UN Global Agency that collaborates with UN Member State authorities, leaders. UNESCP led the UN Agenda 2030 SDG for Education 2020-2030, ambitious goals and commitment. With education promoting a global movement based on sexuality and relationships and they call it ‘Monitoring School Violence’, at the very core  is a deliberate based on sexuality, gender identity, gender expression (SOGIE)

Worldwide an estimated 245 millions boys and girls experience school violence (UNESCO 2017). UN concluded ‘All forms of school violence is a barrier to achieving UN Agenda 2030 SDGs (SDG 4) Target  non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all’). That ALL forms of violence are  seen as a barrier to achieving UN Agenda 2030 Global Goal (SDGs), an inclusive, effective learning environment for all.  Gender expression, gender non conformance, girls categorized as masculine, boys categorized as effeminate became information that was embedded in school violence, bullying.

2020 – 2030 N Agenda 2030 Global Goals (SDGs). Saying that Agenda 2030 could not succeed without this UN Global Education framework, strategy. Which included the capturing of sensitive sexual data from students, academia. The scarcity of data prevented an accurate picture of the nature and impact of school violence. Data on SOGIE majorly was pretty non-extent at National, Regional and Global levels. It was found that very few counties routinely collected data on school violence based on SOGIE.  (SOGIE is an LGBTQ acronym for Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, transgender, queer etc

Many countries found that such studies could be costly, unreliable, unsustainable. Therefore UN Member Nation Governments managed the studies because they had the power over what evolved from academia research (universities) If data was recorded  was collected by universities, academia,  NGOs that supported, promoted LGBT1 people.

The UN ‘Global Education 2030 Agenda UNESCO led the way at National, Regional and Global levels, to implement their ambitious global goals for what us called the Best Practice for Global Education 2020-2040. This was school violence physical, psychological, sexual, bullying inside and outside the classroom, off line and online. QUOTE- All forms of violence are a barrier to achieving UN Agenda 2030 Global Goals

Surveys , studies were adapted, manipulated to fit directly or indirectly into UN Agenda 2030 Development goals. Approaches, questions, responses included students being questioned about certain   sexual fantasies, same sex attraction, the classification of multiple genders. Sexual attraction,  sexual behaviours, sexual desirability

Questions included: Whom have you had sexual contact and the frequency (define it) Males, female, trans , defining answers around eg sexual kissing, sexual touching, oral-genitalia sex etc., etc.,  Which of the following do you consider yourself to be?  Heterosexual, that is, straight  Lesbian or gay

The UN Technical Brief on these surveys dated March 2019 referenced the ‘ CDC Global School based student health survey/ Global Population 2018’ and Auckland University. These massive international-national  UN designed studies, survey’s purpose, deliberately highly inflated data on LGBT1 and minor reporting on Heterosexuality.)

For example Auckland University research was namely ‘Youth 2000 School Survey. The sample size was 28,000, Was conducted in 2001, 2008 and 2012 included 9-13 yr olds. Included were references to pasifika cultures, maori languages and terms for gender diversity-Gender-queer

Referenced the CDC  ‘School-based survey. Country: Global. Population: Adolescents. Age: 13-17 year olds. Sample size: Unknown. Frequency: From 2018

In Australia, for example, Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) recommends using non-binary options – such as ‘X’ or ‘non-binary’ – rather than intersex in survey questions about a person’s sex or gender (Intersex Human Rights Australia, 2012)   And Australian Commonwealth Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender 2013. An approach that gives recognition to non-binary gender identity or sex characteristics. Examples that  identify ‘sexual jokes, comments or gestures’ – something that could be linked to SOGIE – as a specific form of bullying. Indeed, such practices are often related to a student’s perceived gender non-conformity, particularly boys who are seen as ‘effeminate’. Other studies stated that young children unsure about whom they are attracted to.

Collecting data on intersex students Due to the very small number of students who are intersex, it is highly challenging to collect meaningful data on school violence affecting such children in large surveys. .The term ‘Queer’ a reclaimed word used as an umbrella term for a range of sexual identities including LGBTI or gender questioning Queer’  interrogating of sexual gender. Survey on full-time members of the Canadian Forces; the institutionalized population, children aged 12-17 that are living in foster care, and persons living in two health regions of Quebec

25TH May 2019.. The World Health Assembly updated ‘ 21st Century , the reflecting of critical advances in science and medicine. Reframing Gender  Incongruence . Previously termed as NOT a Gender Identity Disorder. Describing a marked  incongruence between an individuals experienced/ expressed gender and the assigned sex in pre-pubertal children. Incongruence is a lack of consistency, or appropriateness as in inappropriately affect one when one is subjectively evaluated in situations that are at odds with reality. These International- National UN designed population based studies, surveys were deliberately designed and implemented into the UN ‘Global Education 2020-2030’ . Orchestrated by policy makers worldwide as the now ‘Relationship-Sexuality Programs in the NZ School Curriculum.

The UN March 2019 Technical Brief refers to “ Each individuals (school students) physical features relating to sex, including genitalia, chromosomes, hormones, physical features, gender identity differenced from their sex attributed to them at  birth. Was well documented as part of the research, study material

Everyone in society will suffer, children are deliberately being robbed of their innocence, their precious magical childhood years, pushed into a world of instability. Children are our most vulnerable, they hurt the most. Wake Up NZ



February 17th 2022 The Daily Telegraph New Zealand reported ‘Pfizer Leak #2 Has the New Zealand Government Signed Over Our State. Under the title of this news article is documented ‘Global Regulatory Capture and the Demise of Constitutional Democracy #Pfizer Leak

18th January 2022 whistle-blower cybersecurity IT Researcher Ehden Biber released findings related to Pfizer jab contract conditions signed by 110 Govts. The series of leaked findings from July 2021 led to many citizens worldwide to question the levels of the contract indemnification, liability protection that governments had willingly signed off. New Zealand Govt was one of them..


Biber’s leak exposed critical evidence detailing a testimony of a senior executive of Pfizer Carlos Murillo an ex Country Manager of Pfizer Brazil and current President of Pfizer Latin America who testified under oath in front of a Senate Investigative Committee on 13th May 2021.He revealed in his testimony Pfizer Contract Conditions that were negotiated with Brazil that comprised of an unilateral template, the standardizing of negotiations provind for International consistency in obtaining legal security dispute settlement methods, competent jurisdiction, applicable law, confidentiality, waivers of immunity and enforcement. Thus allowing standardized conditions allowed by Pfizer to negotiate with 100’s of countries in parallel, and advance the pace they advanced in order to roll out the jab uptake. Pfizer dictated ‘leonine’ clauses to ensure incompatibility with Brazilian law, which led to complex legal negotiations to alter Brazilian legislation in order to guarantee legal security for Pfizer. Hence being standardized 110 countries facing constitutional interference.

Because in NZ, I am of the opinion we have the least transparent highly censored government ever OIA requests were with-held, it was almost impossible to ascertain what NZ’s contractual negotiations were with Pfizer, whether the government had allowed bullying by Pfizer, there was no clear picture, evidence available. However the various leaked contracts that were unilateral standardization documented that the purchaser must fulfil all contractual obligations under the agreement, including without limitation any such obligations that survive expiration or termination of this agreement. The question being did NZ Government sign away its constitutional ability to uphold the rule of law. The Pfizer Mandate, did Pfizer interfere in NZ’s State Sovereignty was this indeed a Pfizer Judicial reset? As Biber stated.

The OIA request Pfizer Contract Clause 9.4 was successful,  entitled ‘Waiver of Sovereign Immunity’. Question how can a private company such as Pfizer execute such powers over the government that was voted in by sovereign people of NZ.? And immunity from any court in the land, immunity of jurisdiction, immunity against any judgement rendered by a court or tribunal, immunity from the enforcement of judgement, immunity against precautionary seizure of its assets

Biber stated that by signing the Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Govts have violated the sacred principle of power separation between executive, legislative and judiciary branches that constitutes democratic sovereignty. Thus endangering democracy be allowing a foreign imposition and corporate interference to capture State Sovereignty through unlawful contracts that indemnify against ‘any other theory’ law, which included criminal law. Biber also refers to NZ Attorney General David Parker and his ability to hold so many overlapping, conflicting portfolio’s and his ministerial responsibility to a complex emergency situation. That there appears to a series of procedural anomalies. Judges also being captured by Pfizer’s judicial reset.

The governments deliberate evasiveness, their concentration of power over the sovereign peoples of NZ, preventing of checks and balances the exceeding of limits of constitutional law. NZ Judges exercising arbitrary power over the life, liberty of the sovereign peoples of NZ hence guaranteeing corporate immunity rather than obedience to International, National Human Rights. Legal is not necessary lawful, so how lawful were the jab orders.?

Biber states in the Daily Telegraph that NZs COVID19 Vaccination orders may have been made unlawfully, he stated “according to new evidence obtained from the Dept of the Prime Minister and Cabinet under the OIA-Official Information Act. Legal professional were advised of a number of anomalies 1) no such order was ever made by Chris Hipkins Minister for COVID Response. Reasonable research discloses ‘no evidence’ of warrant or prime ministerial authority in the NZ Gazette authorizing Dt Ayesha Verrall to make secondary legislation under the Principle Act (VLA2021. S4 (4)

Here are some facts of evidence outlined in the Daily Telegraph, followed by a summary of questions:-   1. The main vaccination order (COVID-19 Public Health Response Vaccinations Order 2021 was made by Dr Ayesha Verrall Associate Minister of Health, not by Chris Hipkins, Minister of COVID19 Response- Legislation dated 28/4/2021 Wellington. Issued under the authority of the Legislation Act 2019. Notification in Gazette 28/4/2021. Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall Associate Minister Of Health.

The Act (COVID19 Public Health Response Act 2020 required the minister to be someone authorized either by the Prime Minister or by warrant. The Minister means.. a) for the purposes of Sections 11AA, 11AB and 33AA (i) the Minister for Workplace relations and Safety or (ii) the Minister under the authority of any warrant or with the authority of the Prime Minister responsible for the administration of those sections.

(b)For the purposes of any section- (i) the Minister for COVID19 Response or (ii) the Minister who under the authority of any warrant or with the authority of the Prime Minister responsible for the Administration of this Act. An information request was made to the Dept of the Prime Minister Office (DPMO) for such authorization.

Information provided by DPMO included 2 letters from the Prime Minister to Chris Hipkins and a Warrant issued to Chris Hipkins by Governor General Patsy Reddy. No documents were received in relation to Dr Ayesha Verral at all. It has therefore been taken that she had no authority under the ACT at all.

The PMs letters describe what the COVID19 portfolio responsibilities might include, only authorizes two things, but no authority to make Vaccination orders. However authorized Chris Hipkins firstly to exercise the responsibilities of the Minister Of Health under the Act, however the Minister of Health has no responsibilities under the ACT. It authorizes Chris Hipkins to exercise ‘Cost Recovery’ but not section 11 of the Act. Arderns letter 9/11/2020 to Christ Hipkins ‘managing any resurgence of the virus, having the responsibility for exercising the responsibilities, functions, powers off the Minister Of Health under the COVID19 Public Health Response Act 2020, to be Minister responsible for subpart 3a -Cost Recovery- of part 2 of that Act. Ardern reaffirmed this being a limited authority in a further letter dated 17th December 2020. The Warrant under the hand of Dame Patsy Reddy does appear to give wider authority to Minister Hipkins. But that warrant explicitly requires Minister Hipkins to act “in person”, and details precise criteria for exception to that  condition

Included with information provided was an opinion volunteered by Michael Webster Clerk of the Exectuve Council suggesting any member of the Executive could act for any other at any time, Apparently per S7 of the Constitution Act 1986.So what is being stated that there are no certain qualifiers- anyone. Biber makes a valid point here:-These Orders are Secondary legislation, which means they are not made by vote of the House of Parliament, but are merely a delegated responsibility to one Minister.  Accordingly, secondary legislation is subject to specific limits of authority, in particular a delegated authority must be exercised by the person delegated, not someone else except in extenuating circumstances. This is like a Sherriff delegating a deputy – that deputy cannot delegate another deputy, and neither can one deputy tell another deputy what to do. Such things must go back to the Sheriff to decide. And also points out other relevant consideration:-. Firstly, rules of construction/interpretation: A special law shall prevail over the general and prior laws. Therefore, Hon Hipkins Ministerial Warrant requiring him to act only “in person” takes precedence over s7 of the Constitution Act 1986, as explained for example:

Biber gives an example of this: Lecture 8 – Chapter 9 Specific law takes precedence over general laws, if law is not specific then we can refer to the general interpretation of the law. When we have a Specific article of law on a specific issue, we use this to interpret. The constitution is the most general, for example freedom of press, expression, liberty, discrimination…An ex. of specific law would be an Article in the criminal code: prohibition of hate literature (if you breach this, court must interpret this article, if can’t, go to general Constitution: Freedom of discrimination)


Further in the same vein, if secondary legislation is going to be amended, then that must be by the same person. Legislation Act 2019 s41 provides: by the same person. But it appears Hon Verrall and Hon Hipkins have been amending each other’s orders contrary to s 41 Legislation Act.

Secondly, a Minister might indeed need to step into the shoes of another, in case of sickness or other incapacity. That is arguably the proper purpose of s7 of the Constitution Act 1986. And that would then require them to act in expressly in that exact capacity. I.e., “Acting Minister for COVID-19 Response”. No other capacity can suffice, wrong hat. But Minister Verrall’s Orders are instead signed in her capacity as Associate Minister for Health. Therefore, the question whether Hon Hipkins could amend Hon Verrall’s Orders becomes irrelevant. If Hon Verrall’s Order was invalid in the first place, then there is nothing for Hon Hipkins to amend. This claim that the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 was made unlawfully by Hon Verrall was put to the High Court in Wellington on 20 September last year. The case was overturned. The case was brought by a former employee of the New Zealand Customs Service who had her employment terminated as a result of the implementation of the order.

The court stated that Covid-19 Orders were able to be made by the Minister, meaning “the Minister who, under the authority of any warrant or with the authority of the Prime Minister, is responsible for the administration of the Act. The court noted that the “Hon Dr. Ayesha Verrall signed the Order on behalf of Mr. Hipkins and the applicant argues that she was not authorized to do so.” Both Dr. Verrall and Minister Hipkins provided sworn affidavits to the court. The Court concluded that Dr. Verrall lawfully signed the Order on behalf of Mr. Hipkins. One can only wonder why the warrant pertaining to Minister Hipkins’ authority were not made available to the court by the Crown? Or what the outcome might have been, if the ministerial warrant had been made available to the court. As explained, it appears the Associate Minister of Health has no powers under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020. By not providing the warrant or letters granting Prime Ministerial authority, the Court was perhaps not properly informed leading to a mistaken decision accordingly.

Pfizer Mandate: Making sense of the obfuscated puzzle:- If Hon Dr. Verrall has no Warrant or Prime Ministerial authority, can she make a valid Order under the Act? If not,  Was Hon Hipkins ever sick or incapacitated such that Hon Dr. Verrall might need to act in his stead?  If so, Would Hon Dr. Verrall then be able to act only in capacity as “Acting Minister for COVID-19 Response”, and not “Associate Minister of Health”? If so, Does the Main Vaccination Order made and signed by Hon Dr. Verall, in her capacity as Associate Minister of Health have any validity at all? If not, Do we have any valid Vaccination Order’s at all? If not,

Have all the protests, and Judicial Reviews, wrongly presuming the Orders were properly made, and then challenging the details, been a waste of time? And what about those people whom publically opposed the jab mandates, those that publicly used their International, national human rights to lawful legal assembly those that have been before the courts and imprisoned. Brian Tamaki, Vinny Eastwood, Bill TK and anyone else I have not heard about.  Do they have immunity from the judicial system such as the foreign corporate Pfizer. Corporate Capture Of NZ.?? Biber pointed out errors in the law, are we questioning that? When he refers to MBIE as a decision maker failed- and refers to an error of law. What about the sovereign law abiding people of NZ where does this lead them. The Attorney General acting for the Crown did not disclose the ministerial warrant to the court. The ministerial warrant has not been gazetted with full limitations and restrictions publicly available.  The DPMO will not publish the relevant OIAs on their website.

The Chief Ombudsmen has no authority under the Ombudsmen Act 1975 to investigate acts and decisions of ministers.  Medical Ethics have been ignored. Data Collection has been inaccurate. Adverse Reactions  Injury  Death. Revealing clause 9.4: Waiver of Sovereign Immunity has raised some acute questions:
If the New Zealand Government are in fact under contract blackmail regarding breaching indemnification clauses and cannot challenge the situation due to such a breach, how could the Crown and New Zealand get out of such a contract?

How can New Zealand citizens challenge constitutional validity of Parliament that has been compromised or threatened with such extreme censorship and non-disclosure from a Foreign Corporation? One that has dictated the government will give the corporation some form of mortgage or charge over State assets and if there is any contractual dispute it will not be litigated in NZ’s courts but in some tribunal outside the jurisdiction of the State, such as the New York State or an ad hoc Tribunal.

If the New Zealand Government was to cancel, amend or override the Pfizer contract resulting in commercial or political retaliation – how could it defend itself Would there be specific case law or legislation to enact the protection of State Sovereignty?

This is not over rover. The Authoritarian regime of New Zealand have and are showing us they are still violating the sovereign peoples human rights to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression etc., etc., etc., and many more etcs., This Government (Regime) are doing similar to what Hitlers regime did with Goebbels controlling the press and the invasion of privacy, censorship, and unjust sentencing and imprisonment of law abiding New Zealanders. The Govts journalist fund that advocates that law abiding citizens are publicly slandered and lied about. Freedom of the Independent Press is being massively persecuted as our Christians worldwide. New Zealand- The Plundering Of NZ. What we need is a sovereign population that loves their country that will publicly speak out with moral courage.  Biber states:- Was there ever a Mandate? Or have employers been tricked into firing their staff unlawfully?

My Question:  Did the political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington give a foreign corporation the right to take away our sovereign rights as the sovereign people of NZ.?






June 2n d 2021 Money talks and Bull shite walks. Woke Corporate Capture has been institutionalized. Large companies and corporation benefit, just follow the money. LGBTQ+ESG100 providing investors with a solid basis for backing corporations cooperating with LGBTQ+ Human Rights Campaign Activists

Wokeness that pays huge dividends. Advocates for ESGs (environmental, Social, Governance). A global social contract and its rapidly growing. In February 2021 in an annual letter BlackRock Larry Fink took note of the ‘tectonic shift’ towards ESG investing, reporting the ESG trend will continue to accelerate rapidly, he emphasized for corporations large businesses to focus on ‘post modernized rather than traditional idealisms as they hold more ESG value.

Encouraging them to respond to the social structures of change that are happening in the world today including that of LGBTQ1+. Reflect young peoples values, rather than traditional values.

The financial benefit for investor dollars focus on LGBTQ+ Rights. ESG – LGBTQ+ESG100 funds. By supporting and promoting LGBTQ+ Communities, ideas, policies, LGBTQ activism. Incorporate LGBTQ+ community survey data into methodology, generate benchmarks of the nations highest performing companies.  These Woke Corporation indexes screen out certain sectors for example guns, pornography and weapons of mass destruction and gambling for revenue.

Black Lives Matter LGBTQ Rights movement raise the bar of the ESG100 LGBTQ Index. Here there is a renewed focus on people of colour. (The Racial Divide-Colour of the Skins-Cultural Marxism)

Money talks Bull shite walks, as politics and corporation collaborate on LGBTQ+ electoral campaigning to gain votes from non-traditional post modern mayhem. The targeting of transgender youth. Those ESG100 – LGBTQ1 funding political votes

The leveraging of corporate capitalism, roots of all evil, global banks and global wokeness, wealthy billionaire investors  and financial institutions, debanking not only those that oppose LGBTQ1+ but also policies to eliminate viewpoints, freedom of expression.

Namely ‘A Viewpoint Diversity Business Score’. People, small businesses  that will be excluded from the market place or even excluded from secure employment.

Debanking = De-Growth= A Class system of Cultural Marxism = Global Communist Governance through Digital Data Governance through Financial Institutions.

China’s corporate governance model, the economical political syndicate of collaborative actors creating huge profits with State objectives. More State control of the economy, as the government turns to corporations because these governments no longer serve the people best interests, whilst the corporations serve their shareholder profiting best interests not the general publics.

This has become a massive Social, Cultural Marxist, Communist threat worldwide. That replaces a Free-market economy of freedoms and choices, supply and demand by pushing ESG governance. ‘Environmental, Social, Governance ( ESG) is a socialist ideology that falsely represents the global market place. A far leftist approach to business worldwide.  I simply ‘Woke’ Capitalism.

Cultural Marxism = Socialism. Communism is Socialism on steroids. Has a history of hardships, struggles, poverty, death etc.,  ESG is a ‘Woke’ Tool for a ‘Woke’ Communist takeover.

The aggressive Left ESG Corporate governance, a tool for global foundations like the Gates and Ford Foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The whisperers in the ear of all UN Agencies. (The WEF-UN Strategic partnership agreement signed 13th June 2019. The term ‘ESG’ originally coined by the UN Environment Program Initiative 2005, was fully applied to the corporate world from 2015-UN Agenda 2030-

The WEF Global Redesign Initiative Summit where the gathering of governmental leaders, corporations etc., were asked by Klaus Schwab the founder of WEF “What do you want the world to look like min the future”. The strengthening of the global financial market by Corporate stakeholder capitalism.

Stakeholder Corporate Capitalism is just another term for Socialism/Communism.. DESG related control, dictating how business behave politically under a global communist regime. Global Communist Governance.

All the political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington know this, but are hiding it from the sovereign  peoples of New Zealand. Bail them up about this Communist Governance. I urge you not to let them silence you by calling this a ‘conspiracy theory’ . It is a global Conspiracy that cannot be ignored.  What we having been experiencing in NZ and across the world, the use of fear – Fear, fearfulness resulting in compliance. Now ESG Communist demanding compliance and control of populations lives through ESG compliance of the Global, National market place. They are gunning for small businesses, rural communities and small holder farmers. No farmers- No Food.


