UN Press reported 9th August 2023 that ISIL known as Daesh and its affiliates are exploiting conflict and non-conflicted frailties worldwide. Exploiting, fueling extremism. This message went out all ALL UN Nation States Governments. This being the 17th report referring to Daesh exploiting conflict dynamics and governance frailty, also refers to frailty during the times of the COVID19 pandemic restrictions. (UN Ref: S/2022/576),

The ISIL strategy as people as populations are mandated, severely restricted, denied basic human rights the ISIL strategy using overlapping global challenges of crisis catalyzing and spreading of terrorism, the violent extremism of Daesh as Authoritarian governments target conservatism, Christianity character assassinating them as Right Wing Extremists, White Supremacists even with brown skinned faces ISIL busy using this as their global terrorist campaign.

The UN Post documented the UN Document being Daesh S/2022/576 The exploring of conflict dynamics, governance fragilities, rating a plan and organizing terrorist attacks, controlling the flow of funds to enable Daesh short and long term ambitions.

Referencing Daesh financial action taskforce to finance terrorism, violent extremism and the emergence of the global pandemic, using this to their advantage. Exploiting trade, human trafficking, natural resources as to terrorism financing the Un called for a ‘ALL of UN Approach’ as to the threat of Jihad growing day by day. (UN Security Council)

Daesh ISIS, Al Qaida and Taliban connections REFERRING TO Congo and Mozambique being ‘Human Slaughter Houses’,  mobilizing finance to Daesh only 5 geopolitical regions on the African continent unaffected. ISIS connection throughout Africa as they illicit gold mining. Investigating journalists reporting that 6 billion Rand financing Daesh and their associates often unaccountable for their evil crimes.

UN 12th August 2023 threat of Daesh ISIL UN Resolution 2253 UN Security Council Daesh and their militia strategy a strategic threat updated from the previous 4 months Resolution 2610 Security Council to provide 6 monthly reports on the gravity of the threat of Daesh in International space and security efforts for UN Member States in countering the threat

The 17th UN Security Council Report was proposed by the Analytical Support & Sanctions Monitoring Team which was originally established this reporting  by the UN Security Council in  2004 which was Resolution 1526 as to Global Terrorism Coordination Compact Entities.

Documenting that the first half of 2023 threat posed to International Peace and Security by Daesh and associates remained high in conflict and non conflict areas as being a long standing threat- AS NZ’S AUTHORITARIAN STATE TARGET CHRISTIANS AND CONSERVATIVES THEY MUST HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THIS REPORT AS ALL UN NATION GOVERNMENTS WERE.


THE ROYAL INQUIRY INTO THE CHRISTCHURCH ATTACKS. DOCUMENT 15 Community Questions to the Royal Commission of Inquiry. Reports that the Muslim Community in Christchurch up to 5 years prior to the day of 15th March 2019 they were fearful of Daesh Attacks during Ramadan.

Daesh Attacks, ISIS were full on in Turkey when Tarrant visited their on several occasions and even prolonged his visit there, yet Tourists agencies were warning westerners about the real dangers there for them. Did not stop Tarrant though. Tarrant also visited Pakistan,  Iceland, Poland and Ukraine  and even North Korea.

Turkey was known as the multi billion tourist industry target for ISIL, Daesh. Tourist agencies warning of kidnapping, blood soaked mayhem, suicide bombings, car hijacking (Reported by Wilson Centre) And the kidnapping of westernized citizens. But obviously Tarrant was OK, undisturbed with that and visited their multiple times. This must be a red flag

We should be concerned that NZ SIS/Police had a tabletop exercise in October 2018 as to a lone world attack on the very same mosque as Tarrant attacked.

REFERENCE IS MADE TO:- The Lowry Institute Report refers to the Khayat Brothers that were on trial in Australia for an alleged attempt to bomb an aircraft on behalf of ISIS, had a brother fighting for ISIS and two nephews killed fighting for ISIS in Syria but there was nothing in their activities, nor history that placed them on the watchlist


I have no need to even try to view Tarrant’s manifesto, not interested the red flags are enough for me and the UN Global Report to UN Nations States as to the high threat to UN Nations of Daesh, ISIL and their associates.



https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14995.doc.htm )

https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/five-questions-about-christchurch-attack )  (Washington Post 16th March 2019)


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NZ First introduces a Members Bill to Protect Freedom Of Speech , Described by NZ First ‘As a Vital part of Democracy to ensure that everyone can have a say – within the law. (Winston Peters May 24, 2024 )

The “Protection of Freedom of Expression Bill” will ensure that no organization or individual, when acting within the law, is unreasonably denied use of a public venue for an organized event or gathering due solely to holding a differing opinion or belief.  It achieves this by setting out responsibilities for facilitating free speech in public venues.      “A vital part of a functioning democracy is to ensure that everyone can have their say within the law” says New Zealand First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters.

That “Public venues paid for by taxpayers and local ratepayers should be available to anyone wishing to utilize those venues, and not be exposed to the ‘thinly veiled totalitarian thought police’ that have become so prevalent in New Zealand.”  It will ensure that all organizations are granted freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association, when acting within the law, utilizing any publicly owned facility.

“This Bill upholds New Zealander’s right to freedom of expression and the right to say, ‘I disagree.’” There have been multiple instances of public authorities and venues attempting to shut down, cancel, or censor organizations and speakers solely because they hold contrary views. “This cancerous cancel culture is an attack on the very fabric of New Zealand society”.  As stated in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 – “everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”  “New Zealand First will continue to defend the right of every New Zealander to exercise that freedom.”   “We refuse to accept these basic rights being taken away by certain pressure groups, causes, or influenced authorities.”

However, there is no mention of the recommendations that were made by the Royal Commissions Inquiry Into the Christchurch Attacks concluded 1/12/2020 which significantly violate Freedom Of Speech, as programs, initiatives have been developed implemented due to the recommendations made by the Royal Commission Inquiry Into the Christchurch Attacks 15/3/2019. Which affect Freedom of Expression, freedom of speech.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern  instigated the Inquiry to  investigate State Sector Agencies including NZ Police about individuals, activists prior to 15/3/2019, in an effort to prevent future attacks of this nature. 8/12/2020 The CH Ch Royal Commission of Inquiry made 44 Recommendations that covered National Security and wider social & community matters. NZ Police themselves as a lead agency included 8 recommendations from the concluded CH CH Inquiry. The govt’s initial response to the inquiry includes updates on relevant work that was already underway prior to the CH CH Attack.

Includes -Three new key initiatives were 1) Supporting Diverse Communities. (2) Tackling harmful behavior and Discrimination (3) Keeping NZ Safe Information. The Police initiatives in response to the recommendations included

1)Develop, promote an accessible reporting system, enabling members of the public to easily report concerning behaviors to a single contact point within the govt. (Possible concerns with responsive actions via this channel) . Advancing information, sharing this with other agencies, stronger relationships with agencies as to persons of interest. The police’s ability to record incidents reported as ‘being of concern’ to members of the public.. Hence to record incidences of ‘Hate Speech/Hate Crime.’

RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDED: All works frame come under the Arms Transformation Program. (Arms information platform (NZ Police) implementation of legislative changes controlling firearms in NZ) A system involving a digital platform that manages information related to fire arms, ammunition and other restricted weapons.

August 2018, No 2. LV. 2030 Agenda.. 2030 Global Agenda UN Arms Control and Development. Advancing disbarment within the 2030 Global Agenda for the 21st Century for Sustainable Development. The Secretary General of the UN recognized in his new Agenda for Disarmament, where he described ‘a vast potential’ for disarmament activities to further advance the UN’s pursuit of development objects (Launched 24/5/2018).

Referencing-UN Documents that ‘Agenda 2030 global goals (SDGs) provides a unique opportunity to revisit the historical relationship between disarmament and development. All UN Nation States have committed themselves to taking such an integrated approach to disarmament . To provide sustainable, coherent solutions with a strong focus on the problem of small arms control. Supports the achievement of SDG Targets 16 and 16.4 to advance SDG3, includes SDGs 5, 8, 11. Targets 5.5 and 16.8. This is a comprehensive universal disamenent to tackle the 21st century challenges. (UN Chronicle)

Recommendations NZ Police Royal Commission Inquiry CH Ch Attacks ..Recommendation 19. Direct NZ Police or other relevant agencies to make policies, guidance for firearms licensing system consistent with legislation. (REC 20) Introduce an electronic system of processing firearms license applications (Rec 21) Ensure firearms licensing staff have regular training, undertake periodic reviews of the quality of their work (REC22) Introduce performance indicators that focus on effective implementations of firearm licensing systems.

KEY INDICATORS; Are to include regular performance monitoring of firearms licensing, ensuring National Standards are met. (REC23) Processing of firearms applications for those that have lived outside of NZ 10 years prior to application. Required to produce police criminal history  from a place they have previously resided . Firearms officers to interview family members or close connections in other countries using technology if the applicant has no near relatives, close associations in NZ.

(REC 24) Introducing mandatory reporting of firearms injuries by Health Professionals (REC 42) Police to revise a way they can record complaints of criminal conduct to capture systematical  hate motivations for offending so NZ Police can use this to train front line officers (a) Identify bias indicators, so they can identify potential hate crimes, when they perceive an offence to be hate motivated and recording such motivations in a way which facilitates the use of Section 9 (1) (h) of the Sentencing Act 2002

Police received funding from Cabinet in 2021 to strengthen existing ties, partnerships with communities across NZ. Established Te Raranga- a new program to work to improve the response to Hate Crime and Hate Incidences, to support those offended by hate crime. Te Raranga to record hate crime, to make it easier for victims to report Hate Crime. A Victim Centric Approach to Hate Crime. Over 4 years Police will make it easier for victims to report Hate Crime for Victims and their families. Te Raranga leads the newly established Advisory Group (TRAG) Strengthening work at Govt and Agency level.

TRAG Members include NZ Human Rights Commission, Internal Affairs, Crime Stoppers CertNZ, Netsafe. Between 1/1/2021 and 24/6/2021 (6 Months) Police carried out checks on every reported Hate Speech made to them and recorded all of these. 1,693 reports of Hate Crimes. Police stated that this will help them understand the experiences of individuals, communities with a new way to proceed, develop, record, manage Hate Crime in the future. Te Raranga is a partnering program where agencies, come together to reduce the harm caused by Hate in NZ

Working with He Aranga Aka a multi agency as to the likelihood of hate crime causing violent extremism, NZ Police leading the development of this program. The framework involves 7 govt agencies – Oranga Tamariki, Ministry of Social Development, education, Corrections, Health, SIS and NZ Police. NZ SIS website  Describes extremist behaviors with the intention of becoming violent.

Extreme ideologies can be based on Faith, Political Beliefs that exist on the fringes of society, outside of accepted views and beliefs of people. They may radically seek to change the nature of the govt, religion or society to create a community based on their ideology. Promoting the use of violence to advance one’s own perception of identity and/or denigrate others’ perceived identities. Promoting the use of violence to achieve a desired outcome to a specific issue.

NZ SIS investigators reviewed NZs counter terrorism investigations back to 2006 to identify common behaviors, activities. Due to relatively low number of violent extremists and terrorist acts in NZ they used events seen overseas to validate their indicators for sharing information that is analytically robust. Te Raranga  supported by Christian NGO’s includes world Vision, TEAR Fund, Christian World Service, the Forum that collaborates with the City Council and the Ministry of social Development and CERA.

Te Raranga became a Trust in 2014, to help the church, encouraging the church to be a prophetic  voice together in the City, the Nation and the World. Te Raranga- In 2014 Joseph and Lesley Lee went to Samoa on a business contract with the UN and the Samoan Govt.                          8th December 2020 Beehive source of information ‘Making NZ Safer for everyone

The government announcing a raft of initiatives in response to the recommendations made by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Terrorist Attack CH CH 15th March 2019. Actions to promote Inclusion for all NZrs, recognizing the value of diversity. The Govt supporting diverse communities. Establishing a National Centre of Excellence to focus on diversity, Social Cohesion. Trialing support for young children to improve their self regulation, resilience and social skills.

The Govt tackling harmful behavior and discrimination by establishing the NZ Police program Te Raranga to respond to Hate Crime and Hate Incidences. Strengthening the capacity of the NZ Human Rights Commission. Implementing early intervention to prevent terrorism, violent extremism through multi agency coordination prevention program. Making changes to the Incitement provisions of the Human Rights Act, includes amending protections against discrimination, racism and risks to safety. The Minister of Diversity Inclusion and Ethnic Communities “The government is committed to ensure all people feel safe, they belong, are valued, can contribute’

Human Rights Act to include amending protections against discrimination to explicitly protect gender diverse and intersex people. Extending the Safer Communities Fund. The Govt in response to recommendation 30 established a Ministry for Ethnic Communities to increase manna improve leadership within the public sector, provide greater ability as to ongoing work to better support, respond to the needs of diverse communities. A graduate program, a National Centre of Excellence was formed to bring together academia, civil society, govt to research, prevent radicalization, social cohesion in NZ, to guide the work of policy agencies across govt.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry was clear that there was a need to improve responses, recordings of hate crime incidents, to reduce hate crime, a victim centric approach to hate incidents – hate crime to work with partners to develop restorative justice options for victims, communities, and those that cause harm. As well as this graduate programme, a National Centre of Excellence will be formed that will bring together academia, civil society and government to research the prevention of radicalization, social cohesion in a New Zealand context and guide the work of policy agencies across government

Te Raranga program improve front line practice to identify, record, manage hate motivate incidents and hate crime.  Early intervention by enhancing social Inclusion in NZ Society, proactively responding to harmful behavior. Strengthening laws against Inciting Hatred. The Minister of Justice confirmed that the Govt intended to strengthen laws relating to hate motivated activity, hate against an individual or group.

Cabinet agreed to a number of measures to improve Human Rights Act 1993 relating to Incitement to Hate against an individual or group. Establishing an engagement process with community groups to discuss changes.  (Poto Williams and Kris Faafoi).  Hate Speech is a term with varied meaning and has no single, consistent definition. What one perceives is hateful may not be perceived as hateful to another person.

Incitement to Hate Speech. Hate Speech Section 61 and 131 of Human Rights Act 1993 International obligations. Article 4(a) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination requires States to:- Declare an offense punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origins.

This has not taken into consideration International Laws that NZ Govt has agreed to such as The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Or the International Convention of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (29th November 1972) which NZ Ratified. The point I make here is that anyone can accuse you of hate speech, incitement to hatred and discrimination . This is dystopian and is weaponized by leftist woke, who actually decides what speech falls foul of hate speech standards?

What qualifies the difference between like and detest. Is there technical or legal rules of evidence? An imagined dystopian territory. Where you can appear before the courts have your cellphone, computer taken by police. The Orwellian Thought Police, policing and imprisonment for hateful things you have not said yet. So has NZ First really covered out backs. Note NZ First Members Bill states “Everyone can have their say as long as it is within the Law.

WHAT ABOUT THE INCITEMENT TO HATE SPEECH THAT VIOLATES FREEDOM OF OPINION, EXPRESSION Where revolutionary minority leftist woke groups are protected under the Social Justice Umbrella of the NZ Human Rights Commission? Minority Revolutionary groups self determining rights over the majority population of NZ. Where does Winston stand on this???










Waste Management NZ has been purchased by a Beijing Corporation namely ‘Igneo’ a Beijing Capital Group. This means that NZ largest organic waste disposal will be owned by this Beijing Corporate. Igneo Infrastructure partners. The First Sentier Investors is a global asset management business, ultimately owned by the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group. Igneo Infrastructure Partner as an unlisted infrastructure asset management business, is part of First Sentier Investors Group. They communicate, conduct business through different legal entities in different locations. 1st April 2022 Igneo Infrastructure Partners agreed to acquire 100% interest in NZ’s largest resource recovery and waste management services provide (Waste Management NZ Ltd.,). The buyer being the Beijing Capital Group

Beijing Igneo intends to benefit from long tern growth prospects and the sectors of the tail winds. Waste Management NZ operated 860 trucks across 70 locations in NZ, collecting over 2.1 million municipal bins per month. Comprising of a nationwide network of 49 recovery transfer stations and technical facilities, handling over 1 million tonnes of residual waste and recycling over 200,000 tonnes. Comprising of a nationwide network of 49 material recovery, transfer stations and technical facilities, handling over 1 million tonnes of residual waste and recycling over 200 thousand tonnes of residual waste and recycling

Igneo was jointly advised by Craigs Investment Partners and the Royal Bank of Canada on this transaction Bell Gully acted as the legal counsel. The purchase of Waste Management NZ by Beijing  was approved by the NZ Overseas Investment Office (OIO). Igneo is an autonomous investment team in the ‘First Sentier Investors Group, has been operating since 1994. . It invests in high-quality, mature, mid-market infrastructure companies in the utilities and transport sectors in the UK, Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Has a focus on ESG and proactive in ‘asset management’. Igneo manages US$14.8 bn worth of assets (as at 31 December 2021) on behalf of more than 120 investors around the world.

First Sentier Investors manages US$182.5 billion in assets (as at 31 December 2021) on behalf of institutional investors, pension funds, wholesale distributors, investment platforms, financial advisers and their clients worldwide. Has offices across Europe, America’s, Asia Pacific, they were formerly known as ‘First State Investments, but then was acquired by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation in August 2019. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is one of the worlds leading financial groups with , headquarters in Tokyo. Has a global network with approx.., 2500 locations in more than 50 countries, has approx.., 170,000 employees offers services in commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, leasing. First Sentier Investors (FSI) is an asset management business and the home of investment teams FSSA Investment Managers, Igneo Infrastructure Partners, Realindex Investments and Stewart Investors.

Igneo Infrastructure Partners is a UK trading name of First Sentier Investors International IM Limited. In the EEA this website is operated and communicated by First Sentier Investors (Ireland) Limited, registered office 70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland, (CBI registration number C182306). First Sentier Investors is ultimately owned by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc (MUFG), a global financial group. This is a leading global financial services group and one of the largest banking institutions in Japan. One of the worlds leading financial groups with total assets of approximately $3.1 trillion (USD). The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ New Zealand branch provides diverse corporate banking and finance services through a comprehensive network of branches

First Sentier Investors are stewards of assets under management of AU$215.5 billion (as at 31/12/22) across listed equities, fixed income and direct infrastructure on behalf of institutional investors, pension funds, wholesale distributors and platforms, financial advisers and their clients. Helping to grow their clients wealth. The Beijing Capital Group (BCG), which is owned by the Beijing municipal government.  In 2013 Hongkong listed Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings (CKI) has agreed to buy New Zealand waste management company EnviroWaste for NZ$501 million . Transpacific NZ Waste Management was sold to Beijing Capital Group for $950 million in 2014.



June 12th 1996 Wall Street Journal reported that last week the IPCC (UN) regarded as the best source of scientific information about human impact on the earths climate released The Science of Climate Change 1995 its first new report for 5 years. This was said to be the most authoritative statement on global warming, policy makers and the press worldwide would report on the critical decisions on energy policy that would have an enormous impact on US oil and gas prices and on the international community. As always the IPCC report has been highly regarded because it is peer reviewed, that is read, discussed and modified and even re-modified by so called International experts. However this report is not what it appears to be, it is not the version that was approved by contributing scientists listed on the title page. This indeed is a very disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process reported an expert who has more than 60 years as a member of the American Scientific Community, including service as president of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society. His words were “ I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process that the events that led up to this IPCC report. Key changes were made after scientists had met and accepted what they thought was the final peer reviewed version, believing that IPCC would obey IPCC rules- a body of regulations, that’s suppose to govern the IPCC panels actions.

There is nothing in the IPCC Rules that permits anyone to change a scientific report after it has been accepted by the panel of scientific contributors and the full IPCC. Participating scientists accepted ‘The Science of Climate Change’ in Madrid, then it was accepted again in Rome.  But more than 15 sections in Chapter 8 of the report, the key chapter setting out scientific evidence for and against human influence over climate were changed or deleted after the scientists charged with examining this question had accepted the supposedly final text. These were not merely cosmetic changes, nearly all worked to remove skeptics’ with which scientists regard claims that human activities are having a major impact on climate in general and on global warming in particular.

The following passages are examples of those included in the approved report but deleted from the supposedly peer reviewed published version:-“None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed [climate] changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases.”

  • “No study to date has positively attributed all or part [of the climate change observed to date] to anthropogenic [man-made] causes.”
  • “Any claims of positive detection of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total natural variability of the climate system are reduced.”

It is reported that the reviewing scientist used this original language to keep themselves and the IPCC honest. IPCC reports are often called the ‘CONSENSUD’ view. If they lead to carbon taxes and restraints on economic growth, they will have a major and almost certainly a destructive impact on economies of the world. This is no doubt deception and corruption to deceive policy makers and the public into believing that the scientific evidence shows that human activities are causing global warming. There is evidential concern as to the IPCC process as to scientific evidence a global warming. The Wall Street Journal July 11th 1996 entitled ‘Coverup in the Greenhouse’? Author Dr. Seitz, former president of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences, revealed that an unsponsored scientific report promoting global warming has been tampered with for political purposes.  That there had been protests from officials of the IPCC claiming that the revisions in their report, prior to publication “did nothing to change its emphasis”. And said that “ such unannounced change of an approved draft do not violate their rules of transparency and open review”.  However the evidence is there, and IPCC Officials quoted (Not named) by a Nature Article “The reasons for revisions to the chapter was to “ensure that it conformed to a ‘policymakers’ summary of the full report”. The response to that from the Scientific community of experts was “”Should not a summary conform to the underlying scientific report rather than vice versa?  The Wall Street Journal article pointed out that “the IPCC summary itself is a political document, is economical with the truth, has problems with selective presentations of facts, it totally ignored global temperature data gathered by weather satellite’s, because they contradict the results of the models used to predict future global warming.

IPCC providing so called scientific cover for political action, misusing respected scientists who never made extravagant claims about future warming. Where politicians and activists strive for international controls on energy use which was discussed in Geneva, when parties to the Global Climate Treaty convened, those that are anxious to stipulate that science is settled, trying to marginalize the growing number of scientific critics. It was reported that the IPCC Report on global climate change has been ‘scientifically cleansed. The author of this article in the Wall Street Journal 1996 was S Fred Singer, President of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. IPCC (UN) report that Science is Settled. It is the nature of science that is never settled. You will have heard that 97% of scientists believe humans are causing catastrophic global warming requiring govt action to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. his comes from surveyed climate related scientific studies, the results being over-simplified Many scientists whose papers were cited in this study have questioned its conclusions, suggesting that their papers were incorrectly interpreted, even accusing the author of cherry picking studies to fit the global agenda.

An UN senior official speculated that the world would be under water by the year 2000, misleading figures and stats, data continue to be peddled, and government leaders shut down any public debates. This is called an anti-science political tactic. Plus the activist mainstream media that influences populations mindsets that report that ‘Science is settled’. The New York Times  reported 10th December 2015 an article entitled “How Can Climate Science Be Settled?’. When computer models do not take into account all the variables, yet the media keep saying that climate change is settled. Science is never settled. Politicians and environmental activists and advocacy groups say that ‘climate is settled”.  The Beehive 6th December 2022 Speaker in the House was Dr Ayesha Verrall on Research, Science and Innovation focused on ‘future focused science system tackling NZ’ as big challenges on Climate Change. She referred to ‘shifting from a system with multiple small entities and strategies focusing on efforts on nationally significant priorities. Ultimately researchers, industry, government and Iwi focusing on sustained investment in new technologies and industries, that will embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi being more responsive to Iwi/Māori to improve wealth and resilience in these communities.

2nd December 2020 NZ Parliament Climate Change Declaration of Emergency references the IPCC and reducing the impact of human activity on the climate. Join 1800 jurisdictions in 32 countries to declare a climate emergency.  Seize the opportunities that a clean green reputation provides, includes the decline in Indigenous Biodiversity. Be a Carbon Neutral Govt by 2025. A declaration based on science. The UN IPCC. The declaration of global responsibility, a catalyst for change. Announcing the Carbon Neutral Programme. The ACT Party Simon Court speaker in Parliament stated that the Climate Emergency is simply a triumph of politics over practical solutions. He said “he knows that human activity has a significant impact on climate and the environment. ACT declared that the Climate Emergency was “Nothing but a Stunt”. He referred to “Stop flying MPs all over the country, wherever they like, as MPs are the only people in the world with unlimited travel budget to fly anywhere they like, whenever they want at the tax payers expense”.  However ACT believes that NZ Govt must play their part through innovation led business, engineers, scientists not through slogans and PR stunts. James Shaw embraced ‘Fridays for Climate Strikes’ school strikes for climate. Nicola Willis (National) said that the Climate Emergency Declaration will have no measurable impact on global climate change and the opposition know it. “ It won’t take a single car off the road. It won’t reduce the methane from a single cow, nor remove a single tonne of carbon dioxide from the air.  The motion before us employs all the implied drama of the word “emergency”, but it does so with zero practical effect. It is, unfortunately, yet another collection of words in place of the sincere policy and concerted action

New Zealand must take to drive down our emissions. I am very firmly of the view that climate change threatens our world and our communities, that the production of greenhouse gas emissions by people is its cause, that New Zealand must act to reduce our emissions, and, of course, that Parliament has a solemn responsibility to take steps to achieve that. Of course the National Party is on board with the global mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ”. Debbie Ngarewa Packer Co leader of Te Paati Maori Party referred to “protecting Mother Earth (Goddess Gaia) and Father (Sky) and a multitude of descendants, tribes and sub-tribes that descended from the Gods through to the Treaty of Waitangi, thus supporting the motion of the Climate Emergency.  In 2018 the IPCC released a landmark report that there is 12 years left to limit climate catastrophe. (Science is settled) Packer said. As she spoke about the $300 million fund to support Maori Farmers to transition to regenerative agricultural methods.

NOTE: The London School of Economics and Political Science reported 7th February 2018 ‘More Flaws in Estimates of the Economic Impacts Of Climate Change. Is fundamentally misleading and contains apparent mistakes. Prof Toi was a coordinating lead author of the IPCC Report in 2014, criticism of Toi stated he attempted to estimate the best-fir line. Several outside reviewers involved in the process expressed concern that estimates were not meaningful. Prof Toi ‘The Economic Impacts of Climate Change’ published 12th January 2018 by the ‘Review of Environmental Economics and Policy’ that provided an update to the survey in the in the  published IPCC Report.  It was found that based on 27 estimates from 22 studies listed in the 2018 IPCC Report concluded that “the welfare impacts of initial warming are positive”. However upon close examination it was revealed the finding was unsound, based on outweighing of a single outlier study that was more than 15 years old, that had sloppy errors, like Professor Toi previous papers. (This is the report that Debbie Packer embraced as she spoke about a $300 million fund for Indigenous farmers)


AN ANTI-SCIENCE POLITICAL TACTIC ‘ A GLOBAL AGENDA TO CONTROL PEOPLE, PLANET FOR A VERY WEALTHY PROFIT’ AND NOT A SINGLE COW WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. ‘THIS IS A CASH COW’Fred Singer, President The Science & Environmental Policy Project Fairfax, Va. Further SEPP links to the controversy:http://www.sepp.org/science-editorials.cfm? whichcat=Organizations&whichsubcat=International%20Panel%20on%20Climate%20Change% 20(IPCC)#A72

https://friendsofscience.org/index.php?id=2237 3 pages


https://www.mbie.govt.nz/assets/te-ara-paerangi-future-pathways-white-paper-2022.pdf 76 pages





I find it extremely disturbing how human life itself is being dehumanized. Canada’s Euthanasia laws are extremely permissive. Next May Canada’s assisted suicide will dismiss the terms of safeguards when it comes to the criteria of terminally ill as the government legally introduced Assisting the premature death of those with Mental Health illnesses,. (With no terminal illness).This is an extremely slippery road that the rest of the world is already taking. The advocating of regulations of euthanasia is becoming much easier for individuals to access.  There have been reports that some people have sought Assisted Death because they cannot acquire adequate Government support around mental health issues. In Belgium Assisted Dying is not just for the terminally ill. Patients with Psychiatric conditions, even children can request Assisted Death. Assisted Dying is widely accepted. As for New Zealand David Seymour introduced his Euthanasia Bill namely ’End Of Life Choice’. A well chose term, using the word ‘choice’. When choices are restricted, of course people will lean towards the word choice. However Seymour’s Euthanasia Act has very dangerous concepts and lack some very serious  safeguards. All is now silent, no public debate on this Euthanasia Act.

A year after the Act has been legislated we have 214 Assisted Deaths of individuals that have accessed Seymour’s Euthanasia Act. I question did emotions give the Bill its legislative power to be passed legally. Were some of these serious critical safeguards ignored by peoples emotions.? I personally believe that David Seymour is an Euthanasia activist, mainstream news have reported that only one year of the Euthanasia Act being passed into legislation and Seymour is proposing an amendment to the Euthanasia Act. Seymour is calling for relaxing the Euthanasia Act ‘End Of Life Choice’ for people without terminal illness to have the opportunity to seek assisted death with a Mental Illness (As they have done in Canada). Hence removing the criteria requirement of ‘Terminal Illness’. Seymour is reported to have admitted he only agreed to the 6 months limitation for Terminal Illness to get the Bill through Parliament”. Seymour’s original Bill would have allowed non terminal patients with ‘grievous and irremediable conditions’ to have access to the lethal end of life drug. It’s been reported by media that Seymour agreed to limit the Bill to 6 months terminal illness’ to end of life, to get the Bill through Parliament

Some felt that Seymour’s’ original Euthanasia Bill was much too broad, raised concerns ‘assisted dying would mean this would be available to mental health patients. If Seymour follows through with his amendment to NZ Euthanasia Act ‘End Of Life Choice’, this means NZ Govt will be following down the same slippery slope as Canada. Euthanasia for Mental Health Illnesses, terminal life expectancy will no longer be the criteria for assisted dying, killing individuals prematurely .Canada’s slippery slope in 2016 -1,000 people approx.,. accessed assisted dying in 2021- 10,6064 people accessed ‘assisted dying’. With more people dying from Assisted Dying Euthanasia Legislation than for Diabetes, Pneumonia, Influenza and Liver Disease. As Reuters News Agency reports how a 47 year old woman in Canada sis seeking Assisted Dying because she is suffering from Anorexia.

Dehumanizing Human Life Itself- ACT Party David Seymour revisiting his original Euthanasia Bill terminology that included “A grievous and irremediable Condition’, where people do not have to be suffering a terminal illness. Psychological suffering that is intolerable to the individual. Medical Ethics “Firstly Do No Harm” However Canada is allowing for Assisted Suicide for Psychiatric Patients with Psychiatric  disorders. Several countries have already allowed this Since 2002 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg collectively know as the Benelux nations have legislations that permit physical or psychological “suffering that cannot be treated by acceptable terms”. Its documented that between 100-200 psychiatric patients are euthanized open request annually between Belgium and the Netherlands. Euthanasia Beyond Medical Conditions for those that are tired of living. Pegasus – a self proclaimed voluntary assisted dying associations that is based in Basel, Switzerland currently provides ‘euthanasia for non-medical ‘suicide tourists’. A well known Disability Advocacy Community in Canada have reported to be extremely concerned that permitting euthanasia for non-terminal, disabled individuals may not have adequate access to state of the art treatment, that euthanasia could become a ‘cost of living; alternative to suffering, where adequate solutions are not available or affordable’

The following justifications are being applied for access to premature end of life assisted death, euthanasia, assisted suicide for Mental Health, psychiatric disorders. for example Autonomy, Self-determination, intolerable suffering is irremediable. NZ Herald Reported 7th November 2022 ‘Euthanasia Laws Too Strict, Should Be Relaxed’ Says ACT Leader David Seymour, thus removing the criteria, requirement that a patient has only 6 months to live’. Some groups felt that definition was too broad, and raised concerns it could make assisted dying available to disabled people or mental health patients. The amended law, which was voted on in a public referendum, made it explicit that applicants could not get access to assisted dying on the basis of disability or mental illness alone. Seymour would argue for the criteria in the law to be broadened to that in his original bill when it comes up for review in 2024. The NZ Her lad Article referred to the definitions used by the world Health Organization were confusing and could easily be interchanged when it comes to the criteria of access to ‘assisted suicide, assisted death, assisted dying’. Is this New Zealand’s slippery road to ‘dehumanizing Human Life Itself”. Death has it become the treatment, just another market place transaction. Surely if a person has a serious mental health illness how can they possibly make a clear decision mentally about ending their life prematurely World February 23rd 2023 reported that Canada considers allowing ‘assisted suicide for children, without parental consent’

A Parliamentary committee has called for expanding Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program to that ‘mature minors’ whose deaths are ‘reasonably foreseeable’ to allowed to hasten their deaths without parental consent. ‘Grievous and Irremediable  Foreseeable’ condition, is defined as the individuals natural death is reasonably foreseeable. Lives that are not worth living? A narrow medical, mental health solution to much larger social problems. For those with mental health illness that cannot judge for themselves, the value judgement that a persons life is not worth living. Where is societies obligations to supporting, the positive enabling the elderly, the sick and the dying, what about autonomy enhancing financial home care, social support to help overcome loneliness, instead of making vulnerable people feel they are a burden to society. These consequences that lead to mental health disorders, illnesses, the solution ‘snuff out a life prematurely with a lethal jab’

NZ Mental Health failings. RNZ Reports 29th May 2023 how a teen tells of lack of mental health support despite abuse by State Care. NZ Mental Health facing another crisis (NZ Herald 28th May 2023) and 9th June 2023 NZ Health System is broken. Where is the compassion, the care and prevention, early intervention focus? What now? Lethal Jabs as a solution for NZ’s failed Mental Health Support, thus spilling  over to people feeling powerless to be able to access mental health care. Is this the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, where terminal illness is removed, the more relaxed assisted killing is legislated in NZ?

NEW ZEALAND’S  DANGEROUS SLIPPERY SLOPE ‘AMBULANCE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CLIFF’ EUTHANASIA FOR MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESSES. NZ Mental Health failings. RNZ Reports 29th May 2023 how a teen tells of lack of mental health support despite abuse by State Care. NZ Mental Health facing another crisis (NZ Herald 28th May 2023) and 9th June 2023 NZ Health System is broken. Where is the compassion, the care and prevention, early intervention focus? What now? Lethal Jabs as a solution for NZ’s failed Mental Health Support, thus spilling  over to people feeling powerless to be able to access mental health care. Is this the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, where terminal illness is removed, the more relaxed assisted killing is legislated in NZ? Is New Zealand going down the same slippery slope as Canada, Belgium. Netherlands??? I personally believe so, as David Seymour ACT Party looks to amend the Euthanasia Act in 2024.
