RNZ REPORTED yesterday 3rd April that 8,000 unj-abbed or partly Covid jabbed health workers were allowed to keep working. More than 5,000 of them worked for the District Health Boards. Data released to RNZ under the Official Information Act, shows health providers – including district health boards, GP clinics and home-help agencies – made 516 applications for exemptions to avoid Significant Service Disruptions of which 102 were granted.
Of the 8051 health workers covered by these exemptions between October 2021 and September 2022, more than 5000 were employed by district health boards.
Nearly half, 3935, were care and support workers – but the total also included 352 doctors (out of nearly 19,000 registered), 992 administration workers, 788 allied health professionals and 1984 nurses and midwives.
The Nurses Organization, which represents 60,000 plus nurses and midwives, noted those exempted were a tiny minority of the total health workforce.
Whilst NZ Citizens who chose not to be jabbed were character assassinated, purposely targeted. People lost their jobs, businesses closed down and many never recovered. New Zealanders have been treated appallingly, disgusting , of course you will see reported that people did not die post jab. They say “we only curbed peoples freedoms” The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID19 will be on ‘Lessons learned, responses, including vax mandates, will deliver the report the end of September.
As mainstream media will report the mass deaths of COVID remember that 10th March 2022 If a person has a positive COVID test then die 1 month or more later they count this as a COVID death. The WHO wanted all UN Nation States to report stats of COVID Mortality in the same way. The man who was shot by a police officer in Auckland was reported as a COVID death. ZILCH TRANSPARANCY. And with thousands of Health files been cyber attacked, and Cardia files, Bereavement files… STRANGE THAT. Winston Peters reveals 11,000 plus Health Vax exempt.
Monday - April 8, 2024 - Uncategorized
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