Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)  mask gives the message that DEI eliminates racism. The structured DEI Initiatives programs drag individuals down  if they are opposed to the group narrative of DEI. Thus imposing a Cancel Culture, to cancel individuals, other groups out by silencing them by censorship or self censorship. DEI wears a  mask of ‘morality’ claiming moral values, far from it the DEI structure incorporates immoral actions, behaviors, voices that actively target Christians, character assassinating law abiding citizens but calling them white  supremacists, debunking and targeting hetro sexual normality

DEI is ugly but on the surface appears to be a campaign of caring about minority groups whether it be race, gender, sexuality. DEI includes an aggressive toxicity which encumbers humiliating behavior’s that cause division, pays lip service to freedom of speech. DEI is a Trojan Horse attacks traditional values, morals and western culture. As in the Posy Parker Event ‘Stops Women from speaking out publicly’

DEI erodes trust destroys solidarity, individual freedom of thoughts. Using of misinformation, disinformation projects targeting those that do not agree with the DEI LGBTQ1+ Narratives and those of the Co-Governance agenda, Maori Sovereignty. LGBTQ1 and Black Lives Matter, Climate Alarmist Activists, Pro Palestinian hate Jews all a part and parcel of this DEI initiative of Identity Politics.. CRT Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory. Marxism, Cultural Marxism which is embraced by the Human Rights Commission and Global Human Rights partners worldwide.

DEI is an immoral hierarchy of oppressors and victims based on categories of race, gender, sexuality. The transgender Rainbow Community embracing 100 plus genders and sexualities.  The demanded determined dynamics of power and control over others corrupted by conscious and unconscious biases. DEI initiatives have mainstreamed the Status Quo as a dominant force in society, and in the workplace, universities, organizations, businesses, Central and Local Govt and even in many churches. In the military. Police and NZ Armed forces. NZ Defense Force DEI initiatives document ‘move away from hetro sexual normality .

But no government dept is challenging or even talking about these DEI Initiatives as they are all have bought into it. DEI Programme’s that cost $12,000  (June 2023) annually for workshops and DEI assessment for commercial and govt departments. 26th April 2022 Christopher Luxon (SpinOff News) stated he was committed to DEI Diversity, Inclusion- A National Roadmap to National Workplace policies. NZ Govt Public Services committed to the Rainbow Tick. The Rainbow Tick is a DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion Initiative with complete workshops and assessments.

3rd October 2023 NZ Defense Force takes out  Rainbow Community honor’s for their DEI Initiatives. A Supreme Award in their progressive commitment and support of the Rainbow community LGBTQ1 and 100 or so other genders and sexualities. NZ Defense Force hosted a Pride Defense Conference partnering the Pride Pledge rolling out training workshops, supporting Big Gay Out. Were re-credited with another Rainbow Tick.

 The most inclusive diverse military force in the world. The Vice Chief of the Defiance Force and the Vice Marshall of the NZ Defense Force represented the NDF at the Rainbow Excellence Awards in 2023. DEI initiatives documented in the NZ Defense Force DEI training, workshops include ‘move away from hetro-normality. NZ Defense Force first received the Rainbow tick in 2019 in 2020 published ‘The Rainbow Inclusion’ In 2021 increased their focus on DEI training across camps and bases.

DEI and the Rainbow Zebra Crossing painted over in K Road Auckland. Now Rainbow Pride want a special Restorative Justice- Offender- Victim (Oppressor-Victim) service available to take the offenders to account. Maybe the crossing should have painted on it a traditional family without all the rainbow colours. The Auckland Zoo gained a rainbow tick have they painted the zebra’s yet in rainbow stipes.?   Local – Central Govt have the DEI Rainbow tick, Auckland Museum have the rainbow tick. Imagine a Maori Tribal War canoes painted in rainbow stripes.

Human Rights Commission partner the Rainbow tick, and the Rainbow Community Refers to Vandalism of the Rainbow Crossing in K Road reported by Quack Pirihi and Bhenjamin Goodsir, restorative justice we have the right to hold our views, And so have the majority of people in NZ.  Is this Three Party Coalition going to rid New Zealand of these dangerous separatist revolutionary DEI initiatives??

We will never have peace and solidarity in NZ whilst these exists, and it exists throughout NZ. America is under attack for its DEI initiatives. There is a growing backlash amongst counties that implement DEI initiatives. Universities in Florida being stopped from spending money on DEI . Stop DEI save Free Speech is becoming a message on campuses in the States. Get rid of Wokeness, develop patriotic loyalty to your country.

Recognize individuals in the workplace for their skills, experience, qualification not the dominating factor of race, and gender, sexuality. In America Black Students teaching White students to hate white students. Promoting exclusion in a so called Inclusive Diversity structured education system. Just because the DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion sounds good does not mean it is good. DEI is a mask that hides an ugly face, erodes  individual freedoms, its toxic- Marxist, Culturally Marxist, Identity Politics, Critical Theory Critical Race Theory

DEI is an initiative where it leaves the country under attack by a leftist revolutionary minority disguised as a ‘plea for justice’ just like Mao Ze Dong in China’s Cultural Revolution for the modernizing of  peasant China by the purge of the highest leaders in the Chinese Communist Party. DEI promotors are not anti-racist, they are racist, programs of discrimination a forced design of wokeness.

 Like Mao Ze Dong Cultural Revolution that supports critical race theory and the implementing of fears to control the group steers people away from real political discussion into one of ideology now science and biology

DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion has raised its ugly head in Pro Palestine Hate Jews, Climate Change For School Protests vs Climate Skeptics, COVID vs Anti Vaxers, BLACK Lives Anti colonialism and Traditional Westernization, traditions, Christianity.  And Transgender LGBTQ1 and 100 plus fender and sexuality identity’s vs Hetro-normality and Christianity, traditional family.  (Rainbow Crossing VS Zebra Crossing)  RESTORE JUSTICE RID NEW ZEALAND OF DEI INIATIVES.  Until then there will be no peace within New Zealand borders.

Until world Institutions, Organization, Leader of Governments Internationally debunk Diversity Equity and Inclusion there will never be solitude or peace. The UN Global Compact promotes Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) throughout business operations. DEI is incorporated into United Nations Population Fund the standards of construct for International Civil Servants. The WEF corporate DEI embedded initiatives of Global Corporate Capture.

#MeToo. #BlackLivesMatter. #StopAAPIHate. These are just some of the recent movements that have compelled Americans to reflect on the social injustices that exist in our country today. The scrutiny on these social issues has trickled down to the professional world.. DEI has  now evolved into a core business function that large and small businesses alike. COVID19 effects on the worlds economy has effected a DEI imitative explosive growth. Mandatory programme’s that can be very controlling.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) anchor key considerations when designing and implementing climate change policies. Indigenous Communities more effected than westernized communities from floods, rising seas etc., COVID 19 Indigenous people more effected by COVID that westernized people. Oppressed and victims.


Your net zero, utopian future of degrowth civil unrest and many uncertainties, destroy humanity’s morality and rebuilt it a national, regional global platform. (DEI DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION) TOOLBOX- WEAPONARY



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The Hunger numbers, are we counting them right? Refers the Millennium Goals that had expired hence the introduction to UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals within this 169 Targets. https://www.the  17/02/2015

UN and International NGO’s rallied around the conclusion that Agenda 21 had been very successful with its anti-poverty movement, they reported that poverty had been halved and one of the biggest goals of the MSGs of significantly decreasing poverty had  was only a little shy of the target they aimed to achieve. Powerful, compelling evidence eager to convince the world that the global economic system that they had introduced is the right track to be on and to continue down with their new UN Agenda 2030. To make this happen “We must do more of this”

The UN had reported the number of hungry people worldwide, that had been steadily increasing over the previous 2 decades not decreasing.  UN Nation Governments in 1996 took the World Security Pledge that they would cut the number of people suffering from hunger in half, there we reported to be at that time 780million hungry people worldwide according to UN Reports. 2009 according to UN Reports 1,023 million hungry people approx. 30% more. NOTE: This is not unfamiliar-The International Shifting of the Goal Posts.

The Millennium Declaration was signed in 2000. At that time the MDGs pushed the base rate back to 1990, allowing them to claim China’s progress during the previous decade, even though this had nothing to do with the MDG Campaign.

At the end of 2012 with only 3yrs to go to the expiry of the MDGs the UN Food Agriculture Org., (FAO) announced an approved methodology of counting hunger, they found it necessary after reports of increase hunger spread to change their reporting, so they revised the numbers.  They managed to transform a steadily increasing rising trend in hunger stricken people to a  decreasing number. As they retroactively estimated about food supplies and new assumption were introduced that focused on ‘Calories’

It had been reported that 2009-2010 showed a dramatic increase in the number of hungry people worldwide this being due to the food price crisis, and reckless financial speculation which sparked riots in much of the developing world.  It was reported that there was a jump in numbers of undernourished people in 2009-2010, their were many voices of concern that question FAO (UN) reliability of their estimation of hungry people globally. Hence a request was made to the FAO (UN) by the committee of the ‘World Food Security’ to organize a technical round table to discuss FAO measurements of under nourishment.

The FAO had come under fire for the decision change of the methodology they had used for 25 years in their longitude study, just 3 years before its conclusion, which was seen as bad scientific standards. Scholars raised questions about the definition of FAO’s ‘hunger’ claiming it gravely underestimates the scale of the problem..The FAO counting people as hungry only by ‘Calorie’ counting.

Measurements of ‘Calorie’ intake at rock bottom levels that is ‘inadequate’ to cover a sedentary persons lifestyle (1800 calories per day) Most poor people do not lead sedentary lifestyles they are usually engaged in demanding physical labour (India the average rickshaw driver uses 3,000-4000 calories per day) FAO recognized the flaw and responded “that ‘ideally’ undernourishment should be accessed at the individual level by comparing individual energy intakes however the approach is just not feasible when it comes to gathering data”  The Food Agriculture Org., (UN) do not stop there, its said no ‘methodology is perfect, well UN’ Methodology is far from perfect. It’s predictive, uses assumption, many variable models when it comes to data gathering.

The United Nations launched its UN Agenda 2030 17 SDGs included are 169 Targets- A one script for all People-Planet for much Profit for the Global Elite. It was headed the ‘Goal of Eradicating Hunger and Poverty Once and For All’, and it has no realistic measurements of hunger. It’s seriously flawed and corrupted with whopping lies.

2.Despite the fact we collectively produce enough food for everyone in the entire world even at 3000 calories per day. Yale Prof., Thomas Pogge puts it like this “Somebody, somewhere needs to say the poor have been dramatically portrayed, this is important because it comes to question whether our global economy is actually on the right track at all”

The UN tells us their solution is working, that’s a huge whopping lie.. it is not.  The FAO have revealed the link between growth and nutrition is weak, therefore we need to put productive resources back in the hands of the people, small farmers etc.,  We need to reverse land and water grabs (Small farms being grabbed by large investors)  We need to put the handbrakes on monopolization of land, seeds and supply chains by corporations like Monsanto and Syngenta.  The data is clear that small scale farmers do a better job and are better for the environment that these large greedy corporations (Research Resource Jackson Hickols, Anthropologist. London School of Economics)

It will take moral courage to challenge the Government, to challenge the transnational corporations (TNCs) that are massively appropriating our food systems throughout the world. As long as we obscure the truth we are less likely to notice the urgency to act is upon us.    27th September 2014 New York Times article entitled ‘Counting The Hungry’ It referenced the FAO (UN) methodology being flawed, wrong. Calculations made by ‘World Nutrition Journal.Org. The cooking of the books. The publishing of FAO’s calorie counting, the inaccurate figures.  Article – Disputes  the FAO (UN) definition of ‘Forest’ as not being open and clear.  21/09/2016 Article ‘Silence In Response to Previous Demand for the FAO (UN) to change its flawed data as to FAO definition of ‘Forest’.  On International Day Of Forests’ 2017 another request was sent to the FAO (UN) to change its definition on the word ‘Forest’. September 2015 the World Forestry Congress was held in Durban, thousands of people packed the streets to protests against the FAO (UN) as they insisted that FAO change the definition of ‘Forest’.

 The FAO (UN) insisted on defining ‘Forest’ to be basically just a bunch of trees. Being a minimum  area of land covered by a minimum number of trees at a minimum height and a canopy percentage.  FAO promoting the establishment of million hectares of industrial plantations. A petition with a 1000 signatures was given to FAO who were hosting the World Forestry Congress gathering. But nothing changed.

The response from FAO as to its flawed definition of ‘Forest’- “There are over 200 national definitions of the word ‘Forest’, that reflect a variety of stakeholders in this matter. To facilitate the reporting data a globally valid, simple of categorization of forests is required” Tats it, and nothing changed.  FAO definition of ‘Forest’ did not influence the way 200 National definitions of ‘Forests’ was formulated at all. This definition was adopted by the UN FAO in 1948 and has remained ever since until this very day

The influence of the Food Agriculture Org., (UN) goes way beyond the definition of the word ‘Forest’. It is also utilized in the UN Climate Change Convention UNFCCC. By adopting FAO  definition of ‘Forest communities, farmers are extremely negatively affected.

UNFCCC has globally promoted a view of forests as an area of land containing only tree’s. As for the UNFCCC its mainly the tree’s, the forest that matters because of the capacity to store carbon as they grow, not forest dependent communities. Rural communities have been negatively impacted by the governments restrictions, the interests are not in the communities themselves but the ‘Offset Projects, referred to as REDD + Projects.

The flawed word ‘Forest’ introduced by the UN is a complexly false way of reducing deforestation, it’s a money making opportunity that threatens not just local communities but the whole of the country, nations worldwide. (Expanding the ‘Carbon Sink’ tree plantation). The attracting of climate finance, based on the presence of tree’s.  FAO definition of ‘Forest’ influences actions of the ‘financial and development’ institutions, promotes large industrial logging of forests, industrial tree plantations (REDD + Carbon Offsets).

The World Bank is part of the UN conglomerate that partners the FAO (UN) and has been for many decades, as to forest related initiatives. They join forces in the most ambitious plans launched during UN FCCC COP@! In Paris the “African Forest Landscape’. A restoration initiative aiming to cover 100 million hectares of deforested, degraded lands in the African continent with trees.

The World Bank jumped on the bandwagon making $1 billion available for the plan to proceed. The World Bank viewing ‘reforestation’ is crucial as to how the world itself defines a forest. (But does not disclose what FAO (UN) defines as a ‘forest’. The World Bank opened the door wide for tree plantation companies, corporations to enter communities throughout Africa.

The ambitious Restoration Plan promoted by the World Bank and FAO, that strongly resembled a previous plan they had both partnered ‘The Tropical Forestry Action Plan that totally failed.

NOTE: FAO DEFINITION OF ‘FOREST’ According to the FAO, Forest is defined as: “land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds -2022. Climate Pledges built on Flawed Emissions Data. ‘The plan to save the world from the so called worst man made climate change is built on data the world is relying on, but the ‘data’ is inaccurate. Food giants reap enormous profits during times of crisis.. and Agri-business billionaires are reportedly raising their collective wealth. Child labour is on the rise..So are billionaires in the food system. Cargill is one of four companies who control 70% of the global market for agricultural commodities, including wheat, soy and cocoa

Top NZ Landowners revealed/Otago Daily Times-Online News. November 2019 :Today we reveal the top private landowners in New Zealand-family owned Tiong Group own forestry, media and property Assets.

The definition of the FAO (UN)  ‘Forest’ has extremely wide negative impacts on New Zealand because ‘Forests’ are related to land and water grabs world wide.Ardern’s so called emergency Zero Carbons is about

CONTROL’- Control of Land hence food and ultimately New Zealanders lives. ‘The Godless, Cruel Plundering of New Zealand. 








On July 22nd 2020 Jacinda Ardern gave a speech in the Beehive Wellington regarding the NZ Goventment’s diplomatic relations with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. THe NZ Government established diplomatic relationships the Socialist Republic of Vietnam back in 1975 and launched a ‘Comprehensive Partnership with them in  2009. In 2015 John Key also made a statement enhancing the Comphrehensive Partnership with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2015. THe PM of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has met with Andrew Little, Mallard, David Clark and Jerry Mateparae.  Jacinda Ardern also met up with PM of Socialist Vietnam in 2018

NZ Govt and Socialist Republic of Vietnam have a robust in depth  relationship within bilateral and multilateral frameworks. Arderns more recent communication with the PM of Socialist Republic of Vietnam was via virtual meeting. Ardern in her beehive speech spoke about building on the momentum, growing shared interests, a common outlook, mutual trust- aspiring to open a new chapter and taking the NZ Govt and  Socialist Republic partnership to a  much higher level

Ardern’s speech included that the NZ Govt agreed that they would consult and work closely together, wherever possible with Socialist Republic of Vietnam on key international issues such as multilateral trade initiatives, including cooperation on climate change.  Both Leaders agreed to encourage investment, including in areas such as high-tech agriculture, green and renewable energy and infrastructure.

Defence and security: The two sides acknowledged the recent positive developments in bilateral defence cooperation such as the signing of the New Zealand-Vietnam Three Year Defence Cooperation Action Plan 2018-2021 and the Peacekeeping Operations Training and Cooperation Implementing Arrangement, as well as high-level defence visits in both directions. The two leaders also welcomed further broader security and defence cooperation, including in military industries and research, cyber security.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced two new projects, namely, a three-year partnership supporting Vietnamese farmers and food processors to modernise production, generate safer food and improve incomes (NZ$1.5million); and a pilot renewable energy project supporting the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam with the tools to develop the wholesale electricity market enabling greater efficiency and renewable energy uptake (NZ$0.5 million).

The Strategic Partnership is aimed at further strengthening the overarching framework for engagement and cooperation between Viet Nam and New Zealand, for the benefits of our people, contributing to peace, stability and prosperity in each country, the region and the world. To provide leadership and guidance to this strengthening relationship, New Zealand and Viet Nam commit to deepening bilateral political cooperation through frequent high-level exchanges between political parties, parliamentary and governmental delegations, particularly regular meetings between Prime Ministers, and annual meetings between Foreign Ministers, Trade Ministers and Defence Ministers, held in either of our countries, in the margins of multilateral meetings, or by video-conference.
Ardern stated in her speech in the Beehive that NZ Govt and the  Socialist Republic of Vietnam Prime Minister have agreed to promote investment in both directions and encourage inclusive growth, we will also foster cooperation in the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), indigenous or ethnic minorities businesses, women entrepreneurs and other important areas.

Also to commit to further enhancing bilateral agriculture cooperation, including through joint research, collaboration and action on climate change in agriculture and forestry, agri-tech, technical assistance on plant health laboratory accreditation, plant breeding, food safety management and electronic certification, trade in legal timber products, and commercialization of agriculture products. We welcome the commencement of a regular Agriculture Dialogue between officials.

Ardern stated -We welcome the positive impacts made by New Zealand’s sustained bilateral and regional official development assistance, particularly in areas of New Zealand’s strength and Viet Nam’s priority such as high-quality human resources development, climate change and economic resilience, sustainable water management, agriculture, and disaster risk management.
We reaffirm our commitment to closer defence cooperation as a priority in the Strategic Partnership, including through high-level defence visits, port calls, policy consultations, strategic dialogues, education and training, United Nations peacekeeping operations, intelligence exchanges, maritime security cooperation and enhanced coordination in the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus forum.

NEW ZEALAND POLICE AND SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAME ‘MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY:  Building upon the 2019 arrangement between the Ministry of Public Security of Viet Nam and the New Zealand Police, we agree to convene annual meetings between the leadership of the two agencies and explore the possibility of additional cooperation that provides a framework for preventing and combating crimes, thereby enhancing regional security and the well-being of our people. Through such joint efforts, we will make our respective communities safer.

The new Strategic Partnership is founded on a shared commitment to international law, multilateralism, and regional economic integration, and an understanding of our converging strategic interests. We emphasise the importance of maintaining close cooperation in multilateral and regional fora in both governmental and parliamentary channels.  We reaffirm our commitment to ASEAN Centrality and its role in the evolving regional architecture that is open, transparent, inclusive, and rules-based, built upon ASEAN-led mechanisms, and which safeguards the sovereignty and interests of all states, regardless of their size.

New Zealand re-emphasizes its strong support for Viet Nam’s roles as ASEAN Chair for 2020 and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2020-2021. We welcome the continued strengthening of the ASEAN – New Zealand Strategic Partnership and celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Dialogue Partnership and the 5th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership in 2020. Acknowledging that the prosperity and sustainable development of the Mekong sub-region is crucial to achieving the ASEAN Community Vision, New Zealand also commits to strengthening cooperation with Mekong countries in areas such as, disaster management, water-food-energy security, smart agriculture, public health and human resources development.

Ardern said in her Beehive speech that NZ Govt and the Socialist Republic of Vietname welcomed the recent  signings of the below Government to Government arrangements, which indicate the breadth of our mutual interests, the dynamism of the relationship and our concrete determination to continue to strengthen our partnership now and into the future and  the arrangement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries on the Facilitation of Border Clearance of Agricultural, Forestry and Aquatic Products through the use of Electronic Certification; Also the following:-

Viet Nam New Zealand Strategic Engagement Plan on Education 2020-2023;

Memorandum of Arrangement on Financial Cooperation between the Ministry of Finance of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the New Zealand Treasury;

Arrangement between the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, and New Zealand Government to Government know how relating to cooperation in vocational education and training and skills development.

The significance of information sharing and strengthening cooperation on a range of bilateral, regional, and international issues such as pandemics, climate change, e-government, human rights, science and technology, and countering terrorism and violent extremism. In that light, we welcome the commencement of a regular Oceans Dialogue between officials.

So, why should New Zealand Citizens be so concerned about this, be aware this information has not been made public to for the citizens of NZ .

Amnesty International reported repressive laws, intimidation and harassment, and much more. There are reports of torture and other ill-treatment of prisoners remained widespread. In March, Amnesty International revealed that political activist Nguyễn Văn Đức Độ, who was serving an 11-year prison sentence, had been kept in solitary confinement since May 2020 in inhumane conditions at Xuân Lộc prison in Đồng Nai province. His prolonged solitary confinement and ill-treatment by prison guards severely affected his mental health. (This is but one incidence of many)





The definition of Malthusianism Theory is that the human population grows more rapidly than the food supply until famines, war, disease reduces the population. More than two centuries ago (1798) Thomas Robert Malthus introduced this theory on ‘population growth’ He authored a book ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ where population growth if unchecked outstrips the food supply, leading to an imbalance between food and population growth

A ‘Malthusian Fear’ is otherwise known as a  “Malthusian catastrophe” this includes ‘premature deaths like disease, hunger, war, epidemics, famines and other natural calamities. Checks and balances reinstate the balance between population and food supply. My mind wanders to the ‘left’, because I innately believe Ardern is capable of doing anything.  In my minds I appears the words ‘Population Control’, excuse the pun but these words stick out like a pair of dog’s balls, because it sure has been a crazy insane world over the last couple of years.

Back in 1798 Malthus’s time, there was no advanced AI digital technology, not like now where probably 98% of New Zealanders would have no idea how these scientists, researchers in academia come up with their predicted, projected results that are called ‘evidence based’.

Evidence based is a system where a small favoured group of individual scientists, researchers are involved in a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’, which is simply just a trade off, a win- win situation, here is an example of what I am getting at:- The Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet favours a couple of university scientists, they by AI digital data modelling produce the information (evidence)  the government needs to produce Bills, amend Acts and make Regulations. This has been highlighted more so since COVID19 hit New Zealand shores, this ginormous storybook is being played out across the world to reward self interested parties.

Note how when the pandemic’s first year time and time again there was this revisiting the history of the 1918 war, then Shaun Hendy publicised that there would be masses of deaths daily in New Zealand and the hospitals would be overwhelmed. One news article reported that undertakers in another country was running our of coffins, when I researched this found it to be a blatant lie, the coffin makers had actually gone on their long Christmas break and there was no shortage of coffins at all.

We await the food shortage we hear about. Marsden is closed which means it puts us in a more vulnerable place, however Marsden Point Oil Refinery also provided a by-product used as a reserve in meats, cheats and other foods hence now there is more talk about food shortages. On top of this Ardern plunders our country into further debt and disruption, I am sure her head is full of Zero Carbon because she certainly is obsessed with it as Nanaia Mahuta is with the ‘Three Waters Reform Plan’ hence ‘water on the brain’

Back to ‘Malthusianism’, Marxist Paul Ehrlich’s authored an educational textbook the ‘Population Bomb’ (1844)  The book ‘The Population Bomb’ stated that in the 1970’s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death that nothing can be done to prevent the world’s death rate from rising. The solution would be ‘the world’s population must be bought under control, the growth rate must be reduced to zero’. To achieve growth rate zero, or negative it was suggested a sterilant could be used temporarily, put into water and food supplies, that monetary incentives be given to men who agreed to be sterilised before having two children and those that produce more children were taxed more. Sex selection was suggested and a much bigger plan would be to establish a Dept of Population and Environment to determine population size this would include research into population control. ‘Malthusianism’

Another Marxist named Engels  wrote ‘The productive power of mankind’s disposal is immeasurable’ namely Malthusianism. The Marxist view is that overpopulation is ‘non-sustainable’. In the 1970’s and 1980’s it was predicted ‘due to over-population and major societal upheavals immediate action was advocated to limit population growth.  Taking another step back in history, in the 1950’s and 1960’s there were fears of  population explosion this became embedded in the minds of a worldwide audience, not surprising as Ehrlich’s book ‘Population Explosion’ sold 2 million copies worldwide.

Malthusianism bought environmentalism to be a front-runner for environmental issues worldwide. Population and environment collaborated ‘human number became debated and assessed as to our human future’. Large Malthusian organizations were established name The Club of Rome, The Club De Madrid, Club of Budapest and the Sierra Club, they focused on global issues such as  environmentalism and population. Of course the United Nations have their Population and Environment which includes research and policies relating to population advice for all UN member countries. ‘Malthusianism’.

Neo‐​Malthusian policies aimed at limiting family size have increased female infanticide and sex‐​selective abortion in China and India, skewing the world’s sex ratio at birth to 107 boys per 100 girls. (The natural ratio is 105 boys per 100 girls.). In 2016 nine million abortions that took place in China. A  2019 report had similar findings: “Chinese authorities threatened or imposed punishments on families for illegal pregnancies and births, using methods including heavy fines, job termination, and abortion

Malthusianism is relevant for economic development today (Article 2010). Population and growth have two key components, a positive standard of living on the growth rate of population resulting either from a biological effect of consumption on birth and death rates, or a behavioural response on the part of potential parents to their economic circumstances eg; a negative feedback from the size of population to the standard of living.

The association of lower fertility with higher human capital investment via a quality–quantitative mechanism, and the effect of lower fertility in freeing up the labour for labour output production, in this instance the term ‘Malthusian’ is used. Hence the size of the population such as congestion of fixed resources.

In poorer countries like India and Africa parts of Asia ‘Malthusian’ effects are more likely to exist because poorer countries having the largest populations. Overpopulation in India has been a major concern for amost 5 decades. A UN report stated that India’s population will rise to 1.5 billion by 2050. Therefore in an effort to limit the growth of the population India is using mass sterilisation for population control. Sterilization also being used as a contraception.

The United Nations has been massively involved in population control. A conference held in August 1984 referencing the 1974 Bucharest Conference expanded the World’s Population Plan of Action in order to incorporate the results of their latest research, data provided by UN Member Nations Government.

REFERENCE TO: UN World Population Policies 2021 ‘Policies related to fertility’ has been produced by the ‘Population Division of the UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs’. This UN agency provides policies in economic, social and environmental spheres  a global interface for UN Nation Member Countries.. The division is an interagency coordination mechanism to monitor trends and to address current and emerging population issues. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2021).- World Population Policies 2021 are related to fertility

My research refers to the UN 2021 World Population Police on Fertility. Globally through 2019 three quarters of governments worldwide had policies related to fertility. Among the 102 countries with available data in 2019, 88 governments considered the fertility of adolescents to be a matter of concern. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic and social changes have affected fertility levels in many countries,  Population experts and national and international leaders began calling for action to stem rapid population growth (May, 2012). Two academic conferences on population, organized or co-organized by the United Nations, were held in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965.  The World Population Conference, held in Bucharest in 1974, was the first of three intergovernmental conferences on population convened by the United Nations. It attracted a broader audience than the earlier academic conferences, including government officials from 135 countries, and led to the adoption of the World Population Plan of Action. Some population policies, especially in past decades, included specific quantitative targets and were not entirely voluntary, sometimes using strong incentives or coercion to ensure widespread adoption of family planning practices and leading in the most extreme cases to the use of forced sterilization or abortion as means of population control.

In 1962, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to “conduct an inquiry among the governments of States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies concerning the particular problems confronting them as a result of the reciprocal action of economic development and population changes”.4 To implement this mandate, the Population Division, currently part of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, conducted the first United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development in 1963 and, since then, has periodically gathered information on official government’s views and policies concerning a wide range of population issues, including fertility and family planning.

During 2015-2020, four out of eight world regions had below-replacement fertility, namely Europe and Northern America, Australia and New Zealand, Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. New Zealand’s fertility rates. New Zealand’s population has decreased significantly during the last 10years. Fertility rate for women in 2011 was 2.078 . The fertility rate for women in 2022 in 2022 is recently 1.61.per woman. Please Note: Replacement population is 2.1. One must ask how the government is going to increase population numbers in New Zealand to meet the ‘population replacement’ rate?.

As for New Zealand’s Replacement pPopulation, I believe Ardern will accelerate ‘globalisation’, saturate the country with migrants, refugees from Afghanistan, Syria etc., hence diluting New Zealand’s sovereignty fast tracking ‘global citizenship’ in New Zealand.

UN Agenda 2030 17 global development goals includes extensive migration. During the UN Assembly the NZ representative at the UN recently informed the UN Assembly that the UN Global Compact of Migration would be entered into NZ Policy. Non-Binding UNGCM would hence become binding-lawful).

UN Agenda 2030 a non-binding agreement has already been made binding and lawful by Ardern. This is entrenched with multistakeholder capitalism. To destroy Free-market economy, small businesses and farming in New Zealand. Those that control the water and  land  also control the food hence ultimately control the  people.

‘MALTHUSIANISM’  Whenever food supply increases, population rapidly grows to eliminate the abundance resulting in perpetual human suffering unless we control human population.


NOTE: Click on the image above it will link you to my Rumble Video  which references Helen Clark, John Key, Jenny Shipley as the ‘Elephants that are still in  the room’ – ‘Malthusianism’



There is a massive  ‘Global Pandemic’ that is being ignored. The mainstream media globally, nationally are deliberately ignoring it. Between October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021:  360 Million Christians were persecuted worldwide.  (source of info – Gladstone Institute International Policy Council). This is absolutely horrific.

You won’t hear this being reported in mainstream media news nor from any other media unless its an independent media source. Over the past 5 years Christian persecution worldwide has increased 70% and there is no sign of letting up.

In 2021 an average of 16 Christians were murdered every day, because of their faith every day (Source- World Watch List-2022 ), World Watch is an humanitarian International Organization.. I repeat this again because its hard to take in that so many Christians are being persecuted and continue to be persecuted from 1st October 2020- September 30th 2021 Over 360 million Christians suffered high levels of persecution and discrimination.

A rise of 20 million from the previous year. This equates to 1 in 7 Christians worldwide suffer persecution for their faith. The latest report record the high Christian persecutions since the International World Watch published their list-report 29 years ago.

5,898  Christians were murdered for their faith.. 24% more than the year before when 4,761 Christians were murdered.  Additionally 6,175 Christian believers were detained without trial, arrested, imprisoned and 3,829 Christians were abducted. 5,110 Churches and other Christian buildings (schools, monasteries etc.,) were attached and profaned. REPEAT-EVERY DAY AROUND THE WORLD 16 CHRISTIANS ARE MURDERED.

Afghanistan is the most dangerous place in the world to be for any Christian. – Christian men face almost certain death if his Christian faith is found out by the Taliban. Women and girls in Afghanistan may escape death and may be married to  Taliban fighters. Often women and girls are raped and used for human trafficking.

.The incoming Taliban regime had access to recordings and reports that helped them ID where and who the Christians are. These Christians were often detained, before they were murdered they were made to tell the identity of other Christians and where they could be found. The Taliban is said to go door to door tracking down Christians. The incoming Taliban regime gained access to recordings and reports that helped to identify Christians.

North Korea is no. 2 on the list then Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, India and Saudi Arabia are all on the top 10 of the worst persecutors of Christians. Christians face being  beaten. Raped, imprisoned, slaughters for merely attending a church. – Nine of the Eleven worst places to be for Christians have Muslim majorities.

Extreme persecution” meted out to Christians in nine of the top 11 worst nations for persecuting Christians  takes place in Muslim-majority nations- and are governed by Sharia Law (Islamic Law)39 out of the 50 countries on the World Watch report are overwhelmingly governed by Islamic Law (Sharia Law), that’s directly enforced by the government or by society or both.

The Taliban show no fear of reprisal from the West as the West has expanded their own Agenda’s, have weak or corrupt governments, or exploiting their own people..

In Sub Saharan Africa violence against Christians is extremely high due to the increased rise of jihadist violence. There are great fears that a significant part of the region faces destabilization.  The Boko Haram in Nigeria and Cameroon continue to murderously wreak havoc.

These Islamic State Groups are active in West Africa and Mozambique.    Al Shabab control large parts of Somalia and Islamic Extremism is seriously advancing as Westernized Governments choose not to look in that direction.

When ISIS took over parts of the Middle East, Christians were executed, abducted, sexually assaulted and hunted.  Groups like Boko Haram and Al Shahab severely threaten Christians.  When Taliban took control of Afghanistan being Christian is about having a death plastered all other them.

Muslims that convert to Christianity find themselves severely persecuted by their families and the communities they live in, so they have to move away from their homes.”  The persecution of Christians in India has intensified Hindu extremists aim to cleanse the country of the presence of  Christians and have minority religions.

Under the veil of COVID19 pandemic Christians have been deliberately, intentionally overlooked when it comes to the distribution of government aid and have been blamed for having spread the virus to others.

The COVID19 Pandemic has been used to shut down churches in China and to keep them permanently shut. In China Christians have been imprisoned and tortured to death, bibles were destroyed, churches and homes looted. Christians suffered humiliation.

Forbes. Com reported in 2021 that Christians are subject to various methods of discrimination and persecution in China. A Christian Chinese website that had existed in China for 20 years this year ceased to exist.

In Qatar violence against Christians rose sharply, many churches  were forced to stay closed because they were targeted using  COVID restrictions.”  Local authorities in Bangladesh told Muslims who covert to Christianity to return to Islam or receive no government aid.  Under the Veil Of COVID19  in the Central African Republic, Christians were also denied Government Aid , however they were told if tghey revert back to Islam they will be able to eat.

84 million Christians are fleeing religious persecution. These Christians end up as refugees in neighbouring Muslim Nations. They cannot escape from the fear they are trying to run away from. Christian women fleeing their homes reported how they have been sexually assaulted, there are many reports of women and children having been raped, used in sexual slavery. Many drawn into prostitution to survive.

As jihadism spreads a much larger Christian exodus is expected.  Hate Crime against Christianity is very evident in Western Europe it is at its all time high.  According to a November 16th 2021 report by the organization for ‘Security and Cooperation in Europe’ over a  quarter of all hate crimes registered in Europe in 2020 were ‘Anti- Christian’ compared to 2019.

Jews were the next who were most targeted against when it came to Hate Crime. (A very close 2nd on the list to Christians) However there are significantly fewer Jews worldwide than Christians. Approx.,  15 million Jews as opposed to approx.., 2.8 billion Christians. NOTE: The media do not report on those that are ‘Christian Haters’.

360 million Christians around globally are being persecuted the world are experiencing “high levels of persecution and discrimination… The number of Christians highly persecuted, discriminated against in 2018 was 215 million.  In 3yrs has increased by 45 million Christians persecuted for their faith. This is horrific yet Ardern’s political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington busy themselves with Hate Crime Laws

Using Tarrant as a scape goat. Tarrant an Australian citizen not a Kiwi. We have this Islamophobia and White Supremacy, Right Wing Extremism thrown at good law abiding Kiwi’s, those with Christian Values & Belief’s.

3.Why were the police and SIS looking the other way in March 2019?  Was it because there had so many Islamic Extremist’s on their NZ Designated watch list in New Zealand. On NZ Police Website lists associated with Resolution 1373- namely terrorist designated in New Zealand

A list formed at the Prime Ministers discretion. The dates from which these terrorists have resided in NZ, and how many have had been dates renewed as being still designated in NZ since February 2010 until now.

Al-Shabaab from Somalia and the Liberation Army, Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Bangladesh (HUJI-B), Indian Mujahideen (IM), Military Wing of Lebanese Hizballah, the Islamic Resistance, ISIL, Jundallah and Maute Group-also known as Islamic State in Lanao; Islamic State of Lanao;,  Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Tarrant’s on the list,-Brenton-Harrison Tarrant, the Shining Path

An deliberate extremist Islamic attack against shoppers in a supermarket in New Lynn Auckland with a  number of serious injuries. Police are outside the shop, not in view of the terrorist whom they were watching so closely.

The Govt knew  the terrorist was a serious threat, what happened Police shoot him dead. But what does Ardern say. BBC reported that Ardern said “Supermarket stabbing was a ‘terrorist attack’. Six people had been wounded, the Sri Lankan was under police surveillance

Ardern publicly  in a news conference said, “this was despicable, hateful, was wrong, it was carried out by an individual, not a faith” But what a whopping lie, a witness heard the attacker shouts “Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest). This is a phrase uttered by Muslims many times a day in prayers and in in greetings. New Counter-Terrorism Laws, Hate Speech Laws will also target Christian minded Conservative law abiding citizens. Persecutions & Discrimination against Christians

Christian believes, values- One man that courageously stands up, has been to  prison, is discriminated against and character assassinated, targeted by Ardern’s purchased Media is Brian Tamaki.  Then there is Pastor Carl Bromley from Christchurch his house ransacked and damaged by police whilst they watched him leave the house they then moved in to do their ransacking. Carl Bromley was reported by Newshub as saying ‘The Govt are seeking to rape me of my right to worship as a church gathering targeted

Police confronted him over his hosting of an alert level 4 church service over the weekend. Police warned Carl Bromley he could face arrest or a fine but Carl said “I will not bow down to legislation that deprives me of my God given right to worship”. Carl Bromley told Police “Just because its legal, does not mean it is right, just because its illegal does not mean its wrong “

For every Nigerian Christian Minister who prays at the alter in his church, who gathers together fellow Christians to prayer he and those that worship with him know the dire risks they take, that the church doors could at any time be thrown open, or kicked by ruthless Islamic extremists. They know full well, they will be brutally murdered for practising their Christian faith-they are  ‘Christian Martyr’s.



