The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers

More than half the world’s population are currently in work and 15% of working-age adults live with a mental disorder. Without effective support, mental disorders and other mental health conditions can affect a person’s confidence and identity at work, capacity to work productively, absences and the ease with which to retain or gain work. Twelve billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety alone. Furthermore, people living with severe mental health conditions are largely excluded from work despite this being important for recovery. Mental health conditions can also impact families, carer’s, colleagues, communities, and society at large. Depression and anxiety cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year predominantly from reduced productivity.

Everyone has the right to work and all workers have the right to a safe and healthy working environment. Work can be a protective factor for mental health, but it can also contribute to worsening mental health. Work-related mental health conditions are preventable. Much can also be done to protect and promote mental health at work and support people with mental health conditions to participate fully and equitably in work. WHO has developed Guidelines on mental health at work. This is accompanied by the Mental health at work: Policy brief developed in collaboration with the International Labour Organization. Together, these products aim to improve the implementation of evidence-based recommendations for mental health at work to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions, and enable people living with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in work.

The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers

PAGE 1. Governments have a responsibility to act. .ILO conventions on occupational safety , health, discrimination, violence and harassment…WHO strategies and action plans on health, environment, climate change, mental health.. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

WHAT POLICY MAKERS CAN DO..:- In consultation with employers and or workers organizations.

1.Prevent workers from experiencing mental health condition  refers to psychosocial risk management among occupational health services, to prevent, monitor, propose remedial action for harm caused by psychosocial risks, especially where such a capacity may not be available for lower resourced employers.

2 Protect and promote mental health at work, strengthen capacities and opportunities act on mental health conditions at work: Develop frameworks to require, encourage the use of effective interventions to protect and promote mental health. Provide guidelines and quality assurance standards for training and other interventions used in workplaces.

Build capacities within primary care, occupational health and mental health services to recognize, respond to mental health conditions in the context of work and to support lower resourced employers.

3.Support worker with mental health conditions tpo access, thrive at work: Align employment laws with International Human Rights instrument – protect workers with mental health conditions from discrimination. Establish pathways between health, social and employment services to facilitate govt initiatives and return to work programs


LEADERSHIP: Commit to mental health at work by raising awareness, advocating for action and leading policy development

INVESTMENT: Secure sufficient funds, resources to design and deliver mental health at work policies, interventions

RIGHTS Uphold peoples rights to participate in work fully and faily

COMPLIANCE: Establish regulatory processes to guide employers and strengthen uptake and compliance with relevant laws, regulations and recommendations




3 Pages Pdf: The World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK.. Guidance for Policymakers





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To: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern , Hon David Parker , Hon Andrew Little , Hon Chris Hipkins , , Chris James ,

Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Minister of Health, Minister of Covid, Minister or Seniors, Director General of Health and Chris

I attach below some new and very important research which I must assume your advisors have not yet provided to you, or the experimental Pfizer injection rollout would surely already have been suspended.

It is now clearly established that the S-Protein [spike protein] is a toxin that causes the harmful symptoms known as “Covid”.

I surely don’t need to explain the legal, ethical and human rights consequences of a government knowingly promoting a program which intentionally injects a life threatening toxin into healthy people.

I also attach a report indicating that injected nanoparticles (and the S-Protein) do not remain in the arm muscle but instead circulate throughout the whole body.

The combined effect is that the Pfizer jab injects mRNA to take over cells to manufacture the deadly S-Protein toxin and this spread throughout much of the body, manufacturing the S-Protein toxin for days and in some cases many weeks.

This explains why even the limited available research from the two months of study as summarised in the Comirnaty Data Sheet identifies possible harm to many different parts of the body including the heart, blood, brain, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, fainting and dizziness etc.

This is no longer just a shocking experiment. Everyone involved is now on notice of this “injection roulette” which may result in death or serious injury to previously healthy people. The health and safety implications for employers and those who push this jab, are significant.

No post injection death can legitimately be ruled out as being caused or contributed by the injection, at least not without a full coroner’s report. Certainly any post vax stroke, heart attack, other blood disorder, nervous system disorder or even suicide or car accident (known overseas as “vaccidents”) must prima facie be assumed to be caused or contributed to by the jab, at least until a full coroners report is undertaken.

Similarly it is not good enough to claim that our seniors who die post jab were frail and likely to die. Surely if they were that frail they should have been spared from the jab. Anyway, surely “deaths post Jab” should be treated consistently with “deaths post Covid”.

Despite the secretive, flawed and very passive official post jab injury reporting process ( CARM), and as a result of the more active community led follow up, you are already on notice of a number of deaths and life threatening and life changing harm from this injection. The deaths and harm will inevitably continue if there are any further injections. Perhaps initially you had an excuse that you thought the S-Protein was “safe”. However now you are on notice that it is not “safe” by any definition.

Further, although you in privileged position are on notice, many members of the public who you were elected to represent remain deceived by misleading claims in crown propaganda that the jab is “safe and effective”. In these circumstances there can be no “Informed consent”. Each jab without Informed Consent is in breach of the Health and Disability Code and is an assault.

In these circumstances, the ongoing program is surely criminal, and indeed may result in Homicide as defined by the Crimes Act:

158 Homicide defined

Homicide is the killing of a human being by another, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever.

Compare: 1908 No 32 s 173

Anyone who aids, abets or otherwise incites homicide is a party to that homicide.

I note that the Director-General of Health has shared his view in sworn evidence that Covid is the most serious health issue for New Zealand in 100 years.

I invite you all to consider that claim very carefully and critically. Please put Covid in perspective against the many other challenges which we face, including for example heart attacks, strokes, cancer, suicide accidents and diabetes and the nitrate and other contamination of much of our water.

Surely you must agree that the harm is not from “Covid” but from the “Response to Covid”.

The best expert evidence is that the risk from Covid is similar to the risk from influenza. Many experts are now saying that Covid is simply a rebranding of influenza and colds, supported by PCR testing that was never intended as a diagnostic tool. The WHO says that PCR testing should not be used beyond 20-25 cycles. OIA responses indicate that in NZ PCR tests use up to 45 cycles, which simply multiplies any contamination.

Our government is about to enter dangerous new phase if it proceeds to inject more healthy New Zealanders with an injection that experts have established is toxic.

Apart from the direct harm to those who choose, or are bullied to accept this injection, there is considerable peripheral harm. This includes the contamination of our Blood Bank with S-Protein. We can only speculate on the risks for vulnerable people who receive blood contaminated with this toxin.

Please stop and reflect. Please listen to international experts who are independent from Big Pharma and who are not invested in the Covid paradigm.

Please listen to the New Zealand scientific and medical experts who have put their careers and reputations on the line out of extreme concern.

Please correct the misinformation that this injection is “safe and effective” and “approved by Medsafe” when in fact it did not meet the statutory criteria that “benefit exceeds risk”.

There is no imminent health risk from suspending the program. Dr Bloomfield’s sworn evidence was that the risks were mainly financial and reputational.

Please find the courage to challenge whoever is driving this, and any who act on dogma rather than evidence, reason or ethics.

The future of New Zealand depends on your courage to step up and make this critical call for our people.

I urge you to listen, engage and act in the public interest.

Please put aside your pride and the dogma, and suspend this program.

I am happy to assist however I can.

Sue Grey LLB (Hons), BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology), RSHDipPHI

Co-leader NZ Outdoors Party (

Lawyer Sue Grey to NZ government: Failure to cease Covid vaccination programme may constitute homicide


MASKING ALL (Part 3 of 3 Video’s)

Human history is rife with the stories of slavery and freedom.
The claiming of ownership over each other through ideological sanctions or sheer brute force.
A 21st-century scholar of history studying invasions, genocides, ethnic cleansing, slavery, and bonded labour may falsely conclude that the civilized world has moved past these social evils by entering the era of peace treaties, diplomatic ties, and economic warfare. Obviously not so as populations globally are being mandated to wearing masks.

Individual liberty and freedoms are being seriously destroyed as millions of people worldwide march, protest for their freedoms and civil liberties, for autonomous human rights to be returned
Those soldiers, the war dead who fought for our freedoms, sacrificed their lives for us to retain our freedoms. Now we must now demand that these freedoms will not be sacrificed.

The Nuremberg Trials, the Nuremberg Code “Never, never again” Human Dignity will never be destroyed again neither will our unique individual freedoms. The largest criminal court in the world at the Hague turned its back on those millions of people in China that are imprisoned, tortured, forced sterilizations, forced abortions, rapes. The Judicial of The Haque concluded we have no jurisdiction over the evil Communist Chinese Regime
The evil Chinese Communist Regime the best buddy of the leader of the World Health Org.,

The WHO (UN) the dictator of how populations must be treated during epidemics, pandemics and determine what ingredients go into your annual flu shot.

The world has become a dangerous place, not because of the pandemic but because of those that control lobal populations lives, and by those UN Member Governments that praise them and welcome these totalitarian rules into countries such as New Zealand.
The propaganda machine will not report all the law suits against Pfizer. Will not reports the decades some law suits have taken. Ministry Of Health, Jacinda Ardern will not publically talk about Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Injections, nor about the hazardous dangerous toxins, chemicals in facemasks.

That 85% of facemasks worldwide are manufactured in China and that 70,000 new face mask manufacturing companies have been set up in China, wit no regulations around safety


MASKING IT ALL (Part 2 of a 3 part series of Video’s)

The unforeseen risks of Governments, businesses’ mandating facial masks should be questionable as to the risks populations worldwide are facing by wearing these products that may contain hazardous waste, harmful chemicals that we may constantly breathe in.

Masks have become an overwhelming obsessive response as governments worldwide impose populations to other serious risks to their health and wellbeing.
Leading scientists are questioning whether the real risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals from long term mask wearing is actually higher than the risk of coming into contact with Sars-Cov-2.

Nano plastics have been found in disposable masks, harmful pollutants.
What’s even more shocking is that masks were and are well known for possessing aniline, a known carcinogen’
Scientists have discovered that some masks that we believe keep us safe from COD-19 could actually put us in more trouble than we could imagine, as many of these are laced in toxic chemicals.


ALL MASKED (Part 1 of a 3 Part series)

The unregulated disposal of toxic chemical facemasks into the environment creating a disease transmission vector

It has been documented that we need to protect animals and wildlife from disposable facemasks
Quebec Health reported that dangerous toxic chemicals have been found in facemasks. 9th April 2021. Potentially toxic masks distributed in schools and day care centres in Quebec (Health Canada)

Discovered during a preliminary risk assessment that the masks contain microscopic graphene particles that, when inhaled, could cause severe lung damage.”
Many facemasks have been found to be very unsafe can cause unintended adverse effects

For all living beings on this earth we are what we consume, what we breathe as to what consequently effects our overall health and wellbeing, whether this be a living being be a human, animal, mammal, plant or insect

