June 12th 1996 Wall Street Journal reported that last week the IPCC (UN) regarded as the best source of scientific information about human impact on the earths climate released The Science of Climate Change 1995 its first new report for 5 years. This was said to be the most authoritative statement on global warming, policy makers and the press worldwide would report on the critical decisions on energy policy that would have an enormous impact on US oil and gas prices and on the international community. As always the IPCC report has been highly regarded because it is peer reviewed, that is read, discussed and modified and even re-modified by so called International experts. However this report is not what it appears to be, it is not the version that was approved by contributing scientists listed on the title page. This indeed is a very disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process reported an expert who has more than 60 years as a member of the American Scientific Community, including service as president of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society. His words were “ I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process that the events that led up to this IPCC report. Key changes were made after scientists had met and accepted what they thought was the final peer reviewed version, believing that IPCC would obey IPCC rules- a body of regulations, that’s suppose to govern the IPCC panels actions.

There is nothing in the IPCC Rules that permits anyone to change a scientific report after it has been accepted by the panel of scientific contributors and the full IPCC. Participating scientists accepted ‘The Science of Climate Change’ in Madrid, then it was accepted again in Rome.  But more than 15 sections in Chapter 8 of the report, the key chapter setting out scientific evidence for and against human influence over climate were changed or deleted after the scientists charged with examining this question had accepted the supposedly final text. These were not merely cosmetic changes, nearly all worked to remove skeptics’ with which scientists regard claims that human activities are having a major impact on climate in general and on global warming in particular.

The following passages are examples of those included in the approved report but deleted from the supposedly peer reviewed published version:-“None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed [climate] changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases.”

  • “No study to date has positively attributed all or part [of the climate change observed to date] to anthropogenic [man-made] causes.”
  • “Any claims of positive detection of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total natural variability of the climate system are reduced.”

It is reported that the reviewing scientist used this original language to keep themselves and the IPCC honest. IPCC reports are often called the ‘CONSENSUD’ view. If they lead to carbon taxes and restraints on economic growth, they will have a major and almost certainly a destructive impact on economies of the world. This is no doubt deception and corruption to deceive policy makers and the public into believing that the scientific evidence shows that human activities are causing global warming. There is evidential concern as to the IPCC process as to scientific evidence a global warming. The Wall Street Journal July 11th 1996 entitled ‘Coverup in the Greenhouse’? Author Dr. Seitz, former president of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences, revealed that an unsponsored scientific report promoting global warming has been tampered with for political purposes.  That there had been protests from officials of the IPCC claiming that the revisions in their report, prior to publication “did nothing to change its emphasis”. And said that “ such unannounced change of an approved draft do not violate their rules of transparency and open review”.  However the evidence is there, and IPCC Officials quoted (Not named) by a Nature Article “The reasons for revisions to the chapter was to “ensure that it conformed to a ‘policymakers’ summary of the full report”. The response to that from the Scientific community of experts was “”Should not a summary conform to the underlying scientific report rather than vice versa?  The Wall Street Journal article pointed out that “the IPCC summary itself is a political document, is economical with the truth, has problems with selective presentations of facts, it totally ignored global temperature data gathered by weather satellite’s, because they contradict the results of the models used to predict future global warming.

IPCC providing so called scientific cover for political action, misusing respected scientists who never made extravagant claims about future warming. Where politicians and activists strive for international controls on energy use which was discussed in Geneva, when parties to the Global Climate Treaty convened, those that are anxious to stipulate that science is settled, trying to marginalize the growing number of scientific critics. It was reported that the IPCC Report on global climate change has been ‘scientifically cleansed. The author of this article in the Wall Street Journal 1996 was S Fred Singer, President of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. IPCC (UN) report that Science is Settled. It is the nature of science that is never settled. You will have heard that 97% of scientists believe humans are causing catastrophic global warming requiring govt action to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. his comes from surveyed climate related scientific studies, the results being over-simplified Many scientists whose papers were cited in this study have questioned its conclusions, suggesting that their papers were incorrectly interpreted, even accusing the author of cherry picking studies to fit the global agenda.

An UN senior official speculated that the world would be under water by the year 2000, misleading figures and stats, data continue to be peddled, and government leaders shut down any public debates. This is called an anti-science political tactic. Plus the activist mainstream media that influences populations mindsets that report that ‘Science is settled’. The New York Times  reported 10th December 2015 an article entitled “How Can Climate Science Be Settled?’. When computer models do not take into account all the variables, yet the media keep saying that climate change is settled. Science is never settled. Politicians and environmental activists and advocacy groups say that ‘climate is settled”.  The Beehive 6th December 2022 Speaker in the House was Dr Ayesha Verrall on Research, Science and Innovation focused on ‘future focused science system tackling NZ’ as big challenges on Climate Change. She referred to ‘shifting from a system with multiple small entities and strategies focusing on efforts on nationally significant priorities. Ultimately researchers, industry, government and Iwi focusing on sustained investment in new technologies and industries, that will embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi being more responsive to Iwi/Māori to improve wealth and resilience in these communities.

2nd December 2020 NZ Parliament Climate Change Declaration of Emergency references the IPCC and reducing the impact of human activity on the climate. Join 1800 jurisdictions in 32 countries to declare a climate emergency.  Seize the opportunities that a clean green reputation provides, includes the decline in Indigenous Biodiversity. Be a Carbon Neutral Govt by 2025. A declaration based on science. The UN IPCC. The declaration of global responsibility, a catalyst for change. Announcing the Carbon Neutral Programme. The ACT Party Simon Court speaker in Parliament stated that the Climate Emergency is simply a triumph of politics over practical solutions. He said “he knows that human activity has a significant impact on climate and the environment. ACT declared that the Climate Emergency was “Nothing but a Stunt”. He referred to “Stop flying MPs all over the country, wherever they like, as MPs are the only people in the world with unlimited travel budget to fly anywhere they like, whenever they want at the tax payers expense”.  However ACT believes that NZ Govt must play their part through innovation led business, engineers, scientists not through slogans and PR stunts. James Shaw embraced ‘Fridays for Climate Strikes’ school strikes for climate. Nicola Willis (National) said that the Climate Emergency Declaration will have no measurable impact on global climate change and the opposition know it. “ It won’t take a single car off the road. It won’t reduce the methane from a single cow, nor remove a single tonne of carbon dioxide from the air.  The motion before us employs all the implied drama of the word “emergency”, but it does so with zero practical effect. It is, unfortunately, yet another collection of words in place of the sincere policy and concerted action

New Zealand must take to drive down our emissions. I am very firmly of the view that climate change threatens our world and our communities, that the production of greenhouse gas emissions by people is its cause, that New Zealand must act to reduce our emissions, and, of course, that Parliament has a solemn responsibility to take steps to achieve that. Of course the National Party is on board with the global mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ”. Debbie Ngarewa Packer Co leader of Te Paati Maori Party referred to “protecting Mother Earth (Goddess Gaia) and Father (Sky) and a multitude of descendants, tribes and sub-tribes that descended from the Gods through to the Treaty of Waitangi, thus supporting the motion of the Climate Emergency.  In 2018 the IPCC released a landmark report that there is 12 years left to limit climate catastrophe. (Science is settled) Packer said. As she spoke about the $300 million fund to support Maori Farmers to transition to regenerative agricultural methods.

NOTE: The London School of Economics and Political Science reported 7th February 2018 ‘More Flaws in Estimates of the Economic Impacts Of Climate Change. Is fundamentally misleading and contains apparent mistakes. Prof Toi was a coordinating lead author of the IPCC Report in 2014, criticism of Toi stated he attempted to estimate the best-fir line. Several outside reviewers involved in the process expressed concern that estimates were not meaningful. Prof Toi ‘The Economic Impacts of Climate Change’ published 12th January 2018 by the ‘Review of Environmental Economics and Policy’ that provided an update to the survey in the in the  published IPCC Report.  It was found that based on 27 estimates from 22 studies listed in the 2018 IPCC Report concluded that “the welfare impacts of initial warming are positive”. However upon close examination it was revealed the finding was unsound, based on outweighing of a single outlier study that was more than 15 years old, that had sloppy errors, like Professor Toi previous papers. (This is the report that Debbie Packer embraced as she spoke about a $300 million fund for Indigenous farmers)


AN ANTI-SCIENCE POLITICAL TACTIC ‘ A GLOBAL AGENDA TO CONTROL PEOPLE, PLANET FOR A VERY WEALTHY PROFIT’ AND NOT A SINGLE COW WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. ‘THIS IS A CASH COW’Fred Singer, President The Science & Environmental Policy Project Fairfax, Va. Further SEPP links to the controversy: whichcat=Organizations&whichsubcat=International%20Panel%20on%20Climate%20Change% 20(IPCC)#A72 3 pages 76 pages


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THE CLUB OF ROME DOCUMENTS:- ‘The Greenhouse Effect’… “In searching the new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would bit the bill…all these dangers are caused by human intervention….the real enemy, then, is humanity itself” ‘The Council of the Club of Rome 1991’

Most influential organizations begin with the meeting of a few like minds. In 1965, Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, made a speech that proved inspirational to Alexander King, the Scottish Head of Science at the OECD. The two found that they shared a profound concern for the long-term future of humanity and the planet, what they termed the modern ‘predicament of mankind’.

Three years later, King and Peccei convened a meeting of European scientists in Rome. Although this first attempt failed to achieve unity, a core group of like-minded thinkers emerged. Their goal: to advance three core ideas that still define the Club of Rome today: a global and a long-term perspective, and the concept of “problematic”, a cluster of intertwined global problems, be they economic, environmental, political or social.
At the group’s first major gathering in 1970, Jay Forrester, a systems professor at MIT, offered to use computer models he had developed to study the complex problems which concerned the group more rigorously.

An international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began a study of the implications of unbridled exponential growth. They examined the five basic factors that determine and, in their interactions, ultimately limit growth on this planet – population, agricultural production, non-renewable resource depletion, industrial output and pollution.

The Club of Rome was founded, formed at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy. They described themselves as ‘a group of world citizens sharing a common concern for the future of Humanity.

The Club of Rome consists of current and former Heads of State, UN bureaucrats, high level politician and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, business leaders from around the world

It is the membership of the Club of Rome that has formed a think-tank that provides ‘suggestions to the United Nations that are planned to radicalise the world, transform people, planet for prosperity (profit). The transformation that is going on right before our eyes that relates to COP26, UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and IA2030, these are no accidents, nor are they mindless, they have been carefully construed and orchestrated. The Club of Rome think tank have played a huge part in all of this.

The Club Of Rome founded two sibling organizations namely the ‘Club of Budapest’ and the ‘Club of Madrid’, focusing on social and cultural aspects of their agenda also concentrating on the political aspects

The three clubs share many common members and hold joint meetings and conferences, they are ‘all in the one same beast’. The Club of Rome established a network of 33 National Associations. Membership of the main club is limited to 100 individuals at one time.

Al Gore, Maurice Strong are just two of those individuals who are affiliated to the main Club Of Rome through National Associations USACOR, CACOR etc.,
But one must ask who and what is the Club of Rome, it is not some little group of nobody’s or greenie activists or unheard of politicians.
They are senior officials of the UN, current and ex world leaders, founders of environments organizations.

If you research Ann Bressington’s exposure of UN Agenda 21, Club of Rome.

‘The Inconvenient Truth’ Al Gore who led the US delegation to the Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Climate Change conference chaired a meeting at the Club of Rome held in Washington DC in 1997

The following are just a few who are members of the Club of Rome:-
Javier Solana, the Secretary General of the ‘Council of the European Union, the representative of EU Foreign Policy and Maurice Strong the former head of the UN Environment Programme and chief advisor to the leader of the UN – Kofi Annan.
Kofi Annan was the Secretary General of the Rio Earth Summit and also the co-author (with Gorbachev) of the Earth Charter and the Kyoto Protocol, also the founder of the Earth Council.

Mikhail Gorbachev the former president of the Soviet Union was a member of the Club of Rome, founder of Green Cross International and the Gorbachev Foundation.

Diego Hidalgo an executive member of the Club of Rome with Gorbachev of the Club of Madrid was also the founder and President of the European Council on Foreign Relations in association with George Soros.

Founding member of the Club of Rome and also the president of the ‘Club of Budapest’ is Erwin Lazlo, he also is the chairman of the ‘World Wisdom Council’’.
Anne Ehrlich – Population Biologist is married to Paul Ehrlich, she and hher husband Paul authored many books on human overpopulation
Hassan bin Talal president of the Club of Rome and the president of ‘Arab Thought’ is a member of the UN’s Global Roll of Honour, also a former director of ‘Friends of the Earth’ and the ‘Sierra Club’

Sir Crispin Tickell founder of the World Future Council, named as the United Nations champion of the Earth Forum, a former British Permeant Representative to the UN and permanent Representative to the UN Security Council, also the Chairman of the ‘Gaia Society’.
Sir Crispin Tickell is also the Chairman of the Board of the Climate Institute and a leading British Climate Change Campaigner.

Kofi Annan – former Secretary General of the United Nations. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
Javier Perez de Cuellar is the former Secretary General of the United Nations.

Gro Harlem Brundtland is the former President of Norway and the UN Special Envoy for Climate Change

Robert Muller is the former Assistant Secretary General of the UN, founder and Chancellor of the UN University of Peace.

The Dalai Lama, the ‘Spiritual Leader’ of Tibet. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Father Berry Thomas a Catholic Priest is one of the leading proponents of deep ecology, eco-spiritualaity and global consciousness.

David Rockefeller is a Club of Rome Executive Member and the former Chairman of Chase, founder of the Trilateral Commission also the executive member of the World Economic Forum.

David Rockefeller donated land on which the United Nations stands.

Stephen Schneider a professor of Biology and Global Change at Stanford was one of the earliest most vocal proponents of man-made global warming, he is also a leader of IPCC Reports.

Bill Clinton the former President of the United States also founder of the Clinton Global Imitative.

Jimmy Carter – former President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Of course Bill Gates is a member of the Club of Rome. He is the founder of Microsoft, makes his wealth in investing into research that brings him billions of dollars of profit though philanthropy.

Naming a new more members of the Club of Rome including Ted Turners, George Soros, Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair, Deepak Chopra, Desmond Tutu, Henry Kissinger.
Of course there are many more far too many to mention right now, also those associated with Temples of Enlightenment and New Age Spiritual Activists.

George Matthews – Chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation Harlan Cleveland – former Assistant US Secretary of State and NATO Ambassador Barbara Marx Hubbard – President Foundation for Conscious Evolution Betty Williams – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Marianne Williamson – New Age ‘Spiritual Activist’ and key members of the United Nations and leading professors of Academia. Eco-political and Eco-environmental.

The committee of the Club of Rome include more than 300 members. On the 21st March 2018 the Club of Rome report clled for a new enlightenment stating that is human beings do not fundamentally alter their current lifestyles and the economy planetary boundaries will soon be transgressed.
The bones of UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 were laid out in a series of Club of Rome reports. one of the first being Limits to Growth (1971) this was mainly about ‘overpopulation

“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

This text is taken from the Club of Rome’s 2002 report, Planetary Emergency Plan: Securing a New Deal for People, Nature and Climate.
In that the Great Panic of 2020 (pandemic) is currently dominating the new cycle, don’t think for a minute that radical climate change alarmism has gone away. To the contrary, it is just waiting for the massive funding that will be sprung during the Great Reset




AUG 09, 2018

Whether you are taking a look at its business model or its corporate headquarters in New York City, it does not take long to realize that Pfizer is all in on the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pfizer was the first multinational pharmaceutical giant to join the U.N. Global Compact in 2002. Now, the company is utilizing its resources in conjunction with SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), to bring health care to people around the world — but the company is not stopping there.
Understanding its role as a global leader in care, Pfizer has moved to bring its business and social initiatives together, explained Chris Gray, senior director for institutions and public reporting. The results have led to a cohesive business plan while also advancing the greater good through the SDGs.
“The way in which Pfizer and other corporations are addressing these types of societal challenges [addressed by the SDGs] has evolved significantly in the past decade,” said Gray during a recent edition of 3BL Media’s webcast series titled “Aligning Business With the Global Goals.” “We approach our social mission in a much more holistic manner today with the SDGs, including not only traditional philanthropy but a blended approach through commercially and socially sustainable business models and many more partnerships. We have the passion and commitment among our employees and our leadership to be addressing the goals that were set by the U.N. under the SDGs.”

Pfizer sees a connection between its work with SDG 3 and the other 16 goals laid out by the U.N. almost three years ago. Gray explained the interdependency between the goals means that making good health care accessible could, for example, keep children in school and allow women more freedom to pursue opportunities. This is a driving force for the company’s corporate responsibility goals, made evident by its 2017 Annual Review, and has led to numerous present and future initiatives to achieve various health targets within SDG 3.
But how does a Fortune 500 company, or any company for that matter, strike a balance between people and profit? According to Gray, the process starts by properly positioning the SDGs in business terms for Pfizer’s commercial partners.

While substantial investment will be needed, the Business and Sustainable Development Commission (BSDC) estimated that fulfilling the SDGs could lead to $12 trillion in estimated market opportunities across food and agriculture, cities, energy and health and well-being. According to the BSDC’s 2017 “Better Business Better World” report, health-related opportunities within the goals have a potential value of $1.8 trillion in 2030.
“The role of the business sector is critical, and what we found was some of the support we need internally from our business colleagues requires some proofpoint,” Gray said. “Some of the thought leadership, research and publications that have come out around the SDGs provides a more precise articulation around the alignment between the private- and public-sector benefits. As we work to marshall the engagement and commitment of our commercial colleagues, these types of engagements are really important.”



Bloomberg News Reports 17th December 2020 ‘Ardern announces New Zealand’s largest ever immunization program’. (Reporter Matthew Brocket New Zealand aims to begin vaccinating its entire population against Covid-19 in the second half of next year in its largest-ever immunization program, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said. The nation’s currency rose.

The government has secured two additional vaccines from pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca Plc and Novavax Inc, and will have enough for all five million New Zealanders, Ardern said Thursday in Wellington. If proven to be safe and effective, immunization will begin with border workers and essential staff in the second quarter of 2021 followed by the general population in the second half, she said. The vaccines will be free to the public.
The New Zealand dollar rose about a quarter of a U.S. cent after Ardern’s announcement and bought 71.03 cents at 9:55 a.m. in Wellington.

Revisiting August 2018.. Pfizer combines sustainable business, philanthropy ‘holistic’ approach to UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. UN Agenda 2030 was introduced in 2015. Includes 17 SDG’s (Global Development Goals), each of these goals includes Climate Alarmism.
14 of the 17 global goals of UN Agenda 2030 include vaccinations. Leave no-one behind.. everyone, everywhere at every age.



Many years ago I use to do the pools weekly, hoping to win a fortune, but never won enough to buy a cuppa coffee.
Plan’s promises, assumptions, predictions and assumptions through visualizations and idea’s. There are always winners and losers. The goals have shifted to accommodate the winners.

Whom are the winners that have been planning this Glasgow Grand Final over the years that is taking place and what is it all about. The propaganda machine in New Zealand have as usual gone silently dumber than dumb on the reporting on the huge gathering in Glasgow. They obviously have been given strict orders by Ardern as to what they can and cannot report, after-all the government has purchased them as they have the University Data Research Laboratories. Money talks and bull shit walks.

James Shaw has headed off to Glasgow with delegates in tow, all paid at taxpayers expense. UN Member Nations leaders, the WEF CEO’s of wealthy greedy Stakeholder capitalist corporations and UN Agency staff thousands of these people gather together to focus on the UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact was introduced in the year 2000. The Guidelines to the UN Global Compact came about in 2011. 9,500 participating large companies, CEO’s of Multi-Stakeholder Capitalist Corporations, 3,000 non- business participants have agreed and promoted the UN Global Compact.

The UN Global Compact was launched by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2000, this being a focus on aligning corporate and public policy. The CEO of the United Nations heads the UN Global Compact. This year Abdulla Shahid is in a leadership position at this massive gathering in Glasgow. He is now the new president of the UN General Assembly. He is a Maldivian politician of Foreign Affairs. UNGA will now be the real parliament of the World.

COP26 Glasgow 1 – 12th November 2021, the switch from the Free-market economy to Multistakeholder Capitalist Corporate Governance is happening real fast. The UN Climate Change Glasgow conference the rapid progression for Stakeholder Capitalist Corporations and large companies, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Bayers-Monsanto etc., This huge financial sector is moving to centre stage and I pray for those small businesses, small farms and the farming communities that these wealthy greedy monsters will destroy.

The UN and WEF official partnership has finally gone public, although their relationship had been going on for quite some number of years.
The Glasgow Conference will focus on the ‘Green Zones’, how crucial it is to meet zero emissions by target date 2050. Mission Zero is Mission Impossible, after-all this place called earth is a carbon based planet. Every living being has a carbon footprint, without carbon bye bye every living being on this earth..

This indeed is our government and those that collaborate with them that are betraying the people of New Zealand. UN Member Nations Governments betraying their peoples, destroying small businesses, services, tradies and the farming community. Already this stress is effecting individuals families all over the world.
Without the plandemic the multistakeholder Capitalist Organizations would not have the ability with such hasty brutality replace the world’s free-market econ, a corporate economy with a multistakeholder capitalist corporate economy.

The world is governed by a public -private global governance. New Zealand is to be controlled by a corporate governance. The rich become richer and the middle class worker poorer, and the poor population increase significantly. More people reliant on the welfare state thus the welfare state has increased power to control our everyday lives. And kits all about control and compliance.

Cop 26 accelerating Climate Action, climate alarmism. The green mask that hinds the ugly evil face of socialism. The climate of hypocrisy and betrayal, the theory of crisis, a spiritual warfare fiddling twiddling with peoples minds to modify peoples behaviour. Acceleration to UN Agenda 2030. Leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age . The decade of vaccines, the Global Strategy for Vaccines, leave no-one behind- everyone, every where at every age all pre-planned.

UN Agenda 2030 introduced 2015 17 SDG’s, global development goals, leave no-one behind. 17 out of these 17 global development goals relate to Climate Alarmism.

UN Agenda 2030, 14 out of these 17 global development goals relates to vaccines, leave no-one behind. Big Tech, Big Pharma, Bayer-Monsanto etc., and other Multistakeholder capitalist wealthy greedy corporations partnering governments all over the world.
Yes climate change is happening, it has since time on earth began roughly 8.5 billion years of variable climate, at times much warmer than it is now. It’s not the premature ending of the world, they just want to end the world you lived in before COVID-19 struck, as Antonio Guterres leader of the UN said “We Must Not Go Back To The Old Normal”.

But what if you want your life to go back to the old normal, before COVID-19, with great obsession and determination those meeting at the UN COP 26 Conference are determined you will never go back to that old normal again. They are planning your future, and they have been doing this for many years now, however now is crunch time, and they have used the plandemic to achieve their global mission. (The UN Global Compact)

Here are a few facts:-
Humans are not causing a sixth extinction and the Amazon is not the lungs of the world. Climate Change is not making natural disasters worse. Fires have declines 25% around the world since 2003.

The amount of land we use for meat, humankinds biggest use of land has actually declined by as much as the size of an area as large as Alaska. The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more and more dangerous fires in Australia and California.
Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany and France since the 1970’s. Netherlands became rich not poor while adapting to life below sea level.

We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter. Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change.
Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels
Preventing future pandemics requires more not less industrial agriculture.

Anyone challenging climate alarmism will be character assassinated.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said “The world is going to end in 12 years if we do not address the climate” Green journalist Bill McKibbon stated “climate change is the greatest challenge humans have ever faced, it will wipe out civilization”
One out of 5 children in a study in England said they suffered nightmares because of what they were taught in school about climate alarmism.
Please people read Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. The author is Michael Shellenberger. The author had been fighting for a greener planet for decades, he was a co-creator of the ‘Green Deal’. In 2019, it was claimed that billions of people were going to die, thus contributing to rising anxiety among children and adolescents.

After being a lifelong environmental activist, a leading energy expert and a father of a teenage daughter he felt the need to speak out. Michael Shellenberger felt this huge need to separate science from fiction.

The powerful force behind this Global Eco-Political Anxiety are those with massive financial interests, desires for power and status.
Michael Shellenberger apologized to his teenage daughter and to the world that he misled as his daughter shared with him how her friends had been misinformed. We have all deliberately been misinformed, money talks and bullshit walks.

Hence COP26 is the money talking as the bullshitting is planning its walking right across this planet called earth. ‘People, Planet and Profit-‘Human Capital’ which equates to ‘Human Cattle’.

The evidence is overwhelming that our high energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to.

Presently I am reading a very amusing book called ‘Obama Zombies’ author Jason Mattera, how the ‘Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation’ (Published in 2010). Will share some interesting bits of information from this with you on my next blog.
