David Seymour author of Own Your Own Future ‘A Liberal Vision for New Zealand 2017’, published by the ACT Party 2017

PAGE 170- 173 Chapter entitled ‘In ACT we tend to be optimistic’ . We embrace markets and technological innovation. Refers to Climate Alarmism. ‘The reason the DOOMSTERS get the FUTURE WRONG is that they underestimate or even IGNORE technological change. If you PREDICT the FUTRE on the basis of the current technology YOU WILL BE WRONG.

Not just a LITTLE WRONG but WILDLY WRONG. There have been a few PESSIMISTS gone wrong over the years from ‘MATHUS ON POPULATION in 1798 to EHRLICH in 1968 THE POPULATION BOMB to the CLUB OF ROME in 1972 (LIMITS TO GROWTH) to AL GORE claiming in 2006 that we only had 10 years left to Save The Planet. But we are still here. Seymour adds “In fact the past 30 years have witnessed the greatest reduction in global poverty in the history of the planet. He embraces the Free Market Enterprise Economies of the worlds

Stating  “Forecasts on global fossil fuel use that are based on current technologies will be WILDLY OVERSTATED. That we should all be SCEPTICAL  of the intense politicization of Climate science debates. It is always suspicious when scientific issues seem to line up with political positions

The left/right divide tends to correlate with alarmist/ sceptic positions, and that’s weird whatever way you look at it. Saying “I am a LUKE WARMIST’ I am skeptical about the degree man made climate change , to degree to which it is dangerous, saying he has a moderately well informed opinion. The fact is that science, all science by the nature of science is uncertain. The earth has been warming since the end of the ice age is true, that’s what happens at the end of an ice age. He did not know how much humans has an influence on warming, “how much is uncertain”, he said

Adding  “whatever actions NZ takes will have effectively ZERO impact on global warming outcomes. But there is a strong case for NZrs to contribute as Good Global Citizens, its doing our bit, but will not determine the outcomes  “Even if one is skeptical; about the more extremist climate alarmist enthusiasm of the climate change zealots, those who have built a political program around it. As far as global warming is concerned NZ is very much a passenger, we cant have any influence on the outcomes

27th February 2023 CNN reports China approved equivalent of two coal plants per week in 2022. A 2023 New report “China is surging ahead with coal, a new report shows, rapidly approving and building new power plants despite its own promises to cut back on carbon as the world plunges ever deeper into the climate crisis.”. 22nd March 2023 Reuters reports China’s new coal plants costly 2nd fiddle to renewables

China’s plans for some 100 new coal-fired power plants to back up wind and solar capacity. NZ Geographic Science and environment ‘Coal warms our hospitals and schools, ripens our tomatoes, makes roses bloom, turns iron-sand into steel, dries milk powder for export, and generates electricity when hydro lakes are low and gas production sputters’.

In 2020, according to the International Energy Agency, Indonesia produced around 529 million tonnes of coal, including more than one million tonnes sold to New Zealand. We also imported 95,000 tonnes from Australia, and virtually all of it was low-grade (so-called sub-bituminous)—coal that’s low in energy value. But our 2021 imports dwarfed even those volumes: a record 1.8 million tonnes. One of the biggest customers were Genesis Energy. Genesis Energy 51% shareholding by the government.

Genesis routinely promises to quit coal, but Nature—and the realities of New Zealand’s energy market—has made that difficult. In 2015, Genesis announced it would stop burning coal at Huntly by late 2018. Over the next few years, it deferred that target to 2022, then 2030.

Newsroom reported 15/11/2021 In 2021 Contact Energy warns against chaotic closure of gas power plants. Contact Energy says power companies are making disorderly decisions to shut down coal and gas plants – and cites its own decision to decommission its 377 megawatt Taranaki Combined Cycle gas power plant in 2023. UN reports 8/8/2015  ’ NZ pledges an end to coal by 2018

Stating that “It appears that New Zealand is finally ready to throw their domestic coal habit into Mount Doom — by 2018, the country will cease to use coal as a source of domestic energy production”

New Zealand has more than 15 billion tons of known coal reserves in the ground, and says that more than half of those resources are probably recoverable. In 2013, New Zealand extracted 4.6 million tons of coal, exporting a little less than half of it — mostly to Asia, where it’s used to power steel manufacturing. Nearly two-thirds of New Zealand’s coal comes from just two mines — in the Waikato (about 63 miles from Auckland) and Stockton on the West Coast

Beehive  announces 30th June 2023 Government Ban on new coal boilers in place announced  Megan Woods in the House. Applies to  fossil fuels as including coal, coke, diesel, liquid petroleum gas, natural gas, used tyre’s, oil, peat or plastics . Stuff NZ reported 2nd February 2021 Climate Change Report “Whats the Future of Gas?” Small businesses like restaurants and cafes could be impacted after the Climate Change Commission released its first report, with a raft of targets proposed to cut New Zealand’s emissions.

Stuff NZ reported 2nd February 2021 Climate Change Report “Whats the Future of Gas?” Small businesses like restaurants and cafes could be impacted after the Climate Change Commission released its first report, with a raft of targets proposed to cut New Zealand’s emissions. Its plan suggests no new natural gas connections to the network or bottled LPG after 2025. Wellington chef Martin Bosley says that represents a huge change in mindset for the New Zealand cook

IPCC (UN) Malthus (Referring back to Seymours book). And IPCC Report as climate researchers and environmentalist still follow Malthusianism. Which focuses  “overpopulation” as a main cause of environmental degradation. Degrowth actually reproduces this faulty notion through the proposition that once resources and wealth are equally redistributed (which degrowth rightly wants to do), there must be some “check” on population because, as population grows without any added economic growth, people will eventually have access to fewer and fewer resources.

Does not take into consideration advancement of technology and now a de-populating world. (NZ Replace rate per population being 2.1 is now 1.6) Depopulation has also occurred in other countries over the last few years. Seymour refers to ‘Limits to Growth’ in his climate doomism statement in his book.  Over the last few years UN Nation States have taken this ‘Degrowth’ initiative. (Article in WEF)

The  theory of degrowth, which has been taken up by the IPCC, may have its origins in the 1972 Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” (Meadows 1972),  Malthus an environmental  degrowth reproduces Malthusian ideas about so-called “natural limits;” 2) it’s anti-modern and anti-technological orientation lacks a class perspective; and 3) there are key practical issues with deploying degrowth ideas in the class struggle itself. ideology and bad politics

Michael Davidson Submission 2nd June 2015 to NZ Government on ‘Man Made Global Warming. As Davidson puts forward his argument that ‘Man Made Global Warming is a Scam’ (41 Page submission). That man-made global warming is not occurring, it’s a scam, a hoax to generate fear and panic.  To control peoples beliefs for financial gain. Refers to the worlds unquestioning population whom have fallen victim to this global propaganda, causing widespread misconception, the climatic change campaigners and the largely UN IPSS that have mounted one of the most well funded massive propaganda campaigns in history alongside a compliant media

Similar to Seymours reference to Al Gore and his fictional prediction. Michael Davidson refers to Al Gore has netted 100’s of millions of dollars advocating man made global warming and the lies that America tells supporting Al Gore. And how widespread belief has come about that provides policy agenda’s in NZ and elsewhere when it comes to this what Seymour describes as Climate doomism.

2015 Davidson reporting that the amount currently spent on globally reducing human kinds carbon footprint is in the trillions of dollars every year (Bell 2015). That this is absolutely ridiculous as it has not been scientifically proven that increased CO2 in the atmosphere will cause either significant global warming or climatic disasters. He referenced Dr.  Judith Curry Professor and former Chair of the School of earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of technology (2015) “Even if the USA is successful in meeting 80% reductions of CO2 emissions by 2050 it is not going to do anything”

Referring to this being mankind’s effort to control a non-problem with a non-solution is ridiculous and nonsensical. Saying “there is a lack of questioning and understand of the ‘real science’ and this is widespread. Davidson refers to the ‘Inconvenient Truth’ That IPCC is the primary proponent of dramatic global warming, yet its argument is fundamentally flawed because of the way it selectively uses science and manipulates data to support its views.

Saying there is a lack of consideration for opposing views. The nature of IPCC existence is a conflict of interest, a manipulation of data, political funding biases. That Climate change has done what it always has for centuries naturally changed, this is not reflected in the IPCC Assessment reports. IPCC selectively uses science, manipulates research, data and opinion has fueled an extremely biased view that does not reflect the planets actual climate

Michael Davidson Submission to the Climate Commission (NZ Govt) in June 2015 was a response to the NZ Governments proposals to limit fossil fuels production and supply to be carbon free (Carbon Zero) by 2050. He made 9 main points in his submission and also other evidence to support his submission that is 41 pages long.

They are 1 to 9.  (1)The science is still out  as to whether man made CO2 production is causing climate change. Considering the earth has always produced huge quantities of CO2 in erupting volcanoes, rotting animals and vegetation. Fires, swamps human and animal activity- without disrupting the climate

(2) Considering CO2 is essential for plants to absorb growth and to emit oxygen for all other life. Less CO@ will mean less growth and productivity in farming, forestry and food production abd less oxygen in the atmosphere. So reduction in CO2 levels means greater poverty, health malnutrition, greater disease and greater death

(3) Limiting fossil fuel production and use will cost NZ economy dearly in loss of jobs, productivity and prosperity, with farms, factories becoming uneconomical to run and closing down causing huge layoff and unemployment

(4) There will be a huge impact on transport industry, it will struggle to remain viable, due to the enormous cost in replacing huge fleets of vehicles across all modes of transport from planes, to boats, trains, tractors cars , cranes, public transport – to become electric vehicles. These costs will have to be passed onto all other industries making them unviable including retail, tourism, building, this will cause rising prices and low incomes.

(5) Loss of oil and gas production will effect restaurants, home cooking and heating, lighting and mechanics as well as engineering, manufacturing, painting products. Thus reducing our standard of living, our health, our welfare and our efficiency and productivity. Risking NZ becoming a third world country

(6) Limiting NZ’s production and use of fossil fuels while China, India, Africa and so called developing nations are still belching out great volumes of CO2 and toxins into the air, makes a mockery of NZ reducing our piddling  .02% of total CO2 production, at the cost of our economy. As if its going to make a jot of difference (precisely what Seymour said in his 2017 book will make no difference to the outcome- but will contribute NZrs to being good global citizens) Davidson then adds “But this will destroy NZ economically and financially”

(7) Sending carbon tax money to IPCC (UN) will not save the planet or New Zealand. But simpler make Europe a bigger wealthiers monolithic powerhouse.. centralizing control of the world, destroying sovereignty and the power of the Nation

(8) To follow this agenda is to risk NZ losing its independence and self sufficiency and ending up at the mercy of the giant corporations and the global government. (Corporations partner the UN Global Government, Corporation are now included in the Global Governance of the World, controlling Nation States by Internal Rules.

(9) Reducing animal numbers on farms will contribute to the collapse of NZs GDP, prosperity and our Nation-hood. NZ will become dependent on others and on hand outs..

Obviously the three party coalition will not be discussing this submission. With Climate Alarmism being an important part in the global agenda 2030. As 12 out of the 17 Global Development goals of the Global 2030 Decade of Action include Climate Change, including Climate Change having its own global goal. (Controlling the worlds populations)


Michael Davidson  2nd June 2015 Submission to NZ Government ‘Man made Global Warming is a Scam 41 pages  https://www.climatecommission.govt.nz/public/Submissions-2021/mail-submissions-2.pdf


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A Review and gathering my personal thoughts opinions on David Seymour’s book and beyond..

ACT Party Leader David Seymour Author of ‘Own Your Own Future’ A Liberal Vision for New Zealand 2017. Published by the ACT Party

Page 30 ‘Smart Growth’ and ‘New Urbanization’ also ‘Urban Containment’, he described these as the most destructive policies of the generations. Saying “We have managed to create an adsorb situation where New Zealand, a country that is 0.8% developed by area , has a shortage of urban land. The most obvious is Auckland Metropolitan Urban Limit. Auckland region is 1.2 million acres and is forecast to have one million more people  in the next 30 years. Even if they lived an  ¼ acre sections with 2.5 people per house it would still only require 10% of the regions land. The so called ‘land shortage’ is as artificial as an invisible line on a map” Seymour wrote.

Reading Seymour’s book I felt the need to further research what he had described as being the most destructive policy of the generations. This ‘Smart Growth’ the ‘New Urbanization and the ‘Urban Containment’. The ‘New Urbanization’ is  described as being ‘critical’ to localize  the Global Agenda 2030 so called Global development Goals (SDGs). Global Agenda 2030 The Decade of Action 2019-2030 Leave No-One Behind, Every-one, Everywhere, At Every Age.  Hence leave no-one behind, here we have the Marxist Political Inclusion (the Belonging). The Diversity Inclusion which is CRT (Critical Race Theory) other examples can be used ‘Climate Alarmism vs Climate Skeptics and Gender Ideology vs Sexual Biology. (All are Oppressed vs Oppression- Victimhood). DEI – Diversity Equity and Inclusion Iniatives have advanced worldwide in Businesses, NGO’s, Corporations, Universities, Schools, Local and Central Government and even in the military. NZ Defense Force won an award at the Hague for being the most Diversity, Inclusive Military in the World.

DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion,  CRT Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory have become deeply embedded into the UN Global Goals. If anyone, group refuses to go along with the narrative, then they become outlawed, cancelled out, humiliated, told they are racist, white supremacist. The older style Marxism has redesigned itself into something that appears to be warm and fuzzy with good intention but just under the surface there is something much darker and sinister. The Posy Parker Event in Auckland was a good example of this where a older woman was severely hurt, trans implemented a mob attack on innocent peoples. Complaining to nearby police officers who saw what was happening, and the attack on me when demanding I want several of them charged they responded “Oh, you must understand they are passionate about what they believe in” I replied “and so are murderers and rapists” One of the police officers wore a rainbow bracelet. They did nothing, they watched on as the mob became more aggressive. That is a great example of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.. Mob Rule Cancel Culture, cancel everyone else out so they have control, rule the nest so to speak.  So for Auckland Council and their Drag Queens in Libraries again Diversity Equity and Inclusion. If you protest, you speak up publicly the police will cancel you out, and you will become target number one. (All part of the Global Agenda the Decade of Action to leave no-one behind hence to critically accelerate the much ‘Smarter City Growth’.

Seymour in his 2017 book mentions ‘Unban Containment’ this promotes the intensity of those pack and stack so called homes in urban/city areas. The reason, allegation they use is that there is a shortage of land, obviously that’s not true from Seymour’s description of land in the Auckland Region. At a UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development in Ecuador 20th October 2016  they introduced ‘Human Habit 3-Human Settlements’ in Cities across the world. This was endorsed in the UN General Assembly on 23rd December 2026 UN Habitat 3 For Human Settlements Globally. The Urban Containment Policy focuses on public infrastructure investment, land use and development regulations. Limiting the sprawl of the now already new smart city growth. This is the infill of infrastructure that has already been built. The Social political structure of no cars, electric vehicles, e scooters, walking and cycling. Auckland Council 10 year plan more cycleways, more electric buses and central government 10,000 electric car charging stations across New Zealand. (Partnership with BlackRock largest Asset manager in the world influential member of WEF) This includes controlling of peoples lives by sensors to monitor many things and all peoples. Human being becoming lab rats

Smart City Surveillance Systems monitor cities through tragically placed sensors in and around the urban/city landscape, which collect data in regards to different various factors. This is mass surveillance of an ever increasing population in a Urbanized Containment Area. Auckland Council documented their Vision as being the largest smartest living city in the world, (Auckland Council Conversations). A Smart City with Smart Sensors. E Scooters are not so smart and not so safe either:- SpinOff News 8/3/2o24 reported that a substantial number of pedestrians were stressed and are being caused anxieties through E Scooters on pathways. ACC reported that between 2018-2022 there were 10,000 ACC E Scooter Claims  for injuries worth $30 million .

UN have documented that Indigenous People (Coined phrase for Iwi/Hapu/Maori) are at the centre. Mana Whenua partnership, participation, decision making at all levels of Co Governance with Auckland Council. Namely ‘A Vision for Hapu/Iwi Outcomes where Indigenous Peoples have the ability to implement their right and interests. Iwi/Hapu Tribal Groups have Rights to Auckland Region (Auckland Council Conversation). The Iwi/Hapu that co govern Auckland Region with Auckland Council  are made up of 19 Iwi Tribal authorities which are part of the Iwi Authority over the Auckland Region. They must be consulted before Resource Consent is granted.

The coined term ‘Indigenous People’ first arrived in Auckland in 1971 when George Manuel of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood visited NZ and met with Maori politicians. Manuel then went on to the Australian Northern Territories where he met with aboriginal students at a University. Manuel then became the UN President of the World Indigenous Council. He was a key person who helped draft the 2007 UNDRIP. 1990 Moana Jackson had a seat at the UN as to helping to draft the UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous People.

The Global Agenda 2030 (UN) Indigenous Peoples engagement towards the global development goals (SDGs) (UN RES/70/1) mentions Indigenous Peoples six times, Three times in the political declaration and education. (Universal 2030 Education UNESCO and WHO). Indigenous Peoples (UN) refers to Funding opportunities the Decade of Indigenous People and Participation of Indigenous Peoples. DEI an Indigenous Approach to enrich Hapu/Iwi (Auckland Council) Iwi/Hapu knowledge, benefits, opportunities, employment and business. (Critical race Theory, Identity Politics). CRT – Critical Race Theory has helped to spawn totalitarian ideology, Marxism, communism and Nazism and is evident in the era of Mao Zedong. Oppressor vs Oppressed .

No we have the worldwide targeting, attacking of everything that represents westernization, the character assassination of whiteness, as white supremacist, racist this is called Cancel Culture, they want to cancel you out, make you look to blame and to feel the shame. Its happening worldwide even in our children’s schools.  The debunking of the truth where they tell children they can be any thing they want to be, any gender of approx.,  a 100 or more, they can even be a cat or dog if they want. Again this all boils down to this DEI, Critical Theory and a false reality. This has psychological effects on the child and the child’s parents, family causes this Oppressor vs Oppressed (Victimhood)

All the above as I have described is embedded in the Destructive Policy of Smart Growth, Urbanized Containment,  New Urbanization. David Seymour of course steers clear of the Global Agenda, the DEI Diversity Equity  Inclusion  and the CRT and CT Critical Race Theory, and Critical Theory all of which are extremely dangerous, cause huge breakdowns within society, but then again you will not hear any of the other authorities members of Auckland Council or the Mayor, not the new three party coalition talk about all I have described.  But in 2017 Seymour in his book just dipped his little toes into the water as he very quickly mentioned New Zealand most destructive Policy of the generations.

Smart Cities, initially hailed as the epitome of technological advancement, may hold a darker truth. Are we unwittingly surrendering our rights, becoming prisoners in a digital realm controlled by councils and the World Economic Forum (WEF)? The stark reality is that ALL COUNCILS are deeply entrenched in the Smart City program (A reference made to a Counterspin Episode)

Aucklanders will pay big time for a very long time. Local – Central Government of course will not publicly debate this to the citizens of NZ, as we are living in what you call a ‘Cancel Culture’. New Zealanders discussing this in public will be cancelled out…after all this is another one of those ‘Truth Bombs’


