The secrets that lay behind those doors of Parliament keep being exposed. Co-Governance needs to be discussed and all the evidence exposed. I have been researching this now since it was exposed through an OIA request. The Secret was exposed: Democracy Action reported in their May 2022 Newsletter that ‘Others were not consulted on Declaration Plan. They showed a photo of Andrew Little, Nanaia Mahuta, Jacinda Ardern, Kelvin David and David Parker at the 2018 National Iwi Chairs Forum
Iwi/Maori leaders expressed ambitious initial discussions with the Government about the highly controversial UNDRIP. Willie Jackson Minister Of Maori Affairs in these discussions said these discussions will shape the Governments Declaration Plan, saying that Co-governance is not enough they want more to satisfy the UNDRIP.
Willie Jackson spoke about the drafting of the Iwi/Maori Declaration plan that was set to commence this year, he said finalising the document in 2023. The Government has appointed the National Iwi Chairs Forum is working with Claire Charters Human Rights Commission. Claire Charters visited the UN this year to see if the UNDRIP could be accelerated. Human Rights Commission is also working and collaborating with Te Puni Kokiri to draft the plan
The National Iwi Chairs Forum has a driving ambition to co-govern New Zealand, to end constitutional arrangements and to install a system of power sharing between Iwi/Maori and the Government.. The Iwi Chairs Forum has been campaigning for constitutional transformation since 2009
NCIF was also involved in the establishment of the Independent Monitoring Mechanism, led by Margaret Mutu, in order “to promote and monitor the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”.
In 2019 the Labour Government appointed a technical advisory group, the Declaration Working Group (DWG), “to support the provision of advice on the form and content of a Declaration plan.” This news was roundly supported by the National Iwi Chairs Forum spokesperson and lead author of Matike Mai, Professor Margaret Mutu, who said “Iwi are pleased that Government has decided to work in partnership with us to develop a plan to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” The He Puapua Report is largely based on the claim that the Treaty of Waitangi created a 50:50 “partnership” between Māori and the Crown. This is common with the constitutional changes set out in Matika Mai Aotearoa. He Puapua relies heavily on a distorted interpretation of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi and that of the 1835 Declaration of Independence.
Judge Temms in 1993 found that the 1835 Declaration of Independence was only worthy of a research document for historians not a document for lawyers. That the Te Tiriti o Waitangi nulls the 1835 Declaration. In 1999 Doug Graham Minister of Treaty Claims stated in Parliament spoke about the Maori Council seeking Maori Sovereignty by seeking to ask APEC countries to support them in this. Doug Grham said they would not be interested, its none of their business either. That the Maori Council cannot have the Treaty and the Maori Sovereign Nation as well. And would Iwi/Maori be happy to rescind their Treaty Claims.
He Puapua is reliant on the 1835 Declaration of Independence. Reliant on the Tiriti that did not create partnership or Principles, these were created by state legislations in the late 70’s and 80’s. This peaceful founding document Tiriti o Waitangi has become extremely corrupted to appease a few self serving Iwi/Elite Maori whom collaborate with NZ’s state regime.
LINK https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/maori-claims-sovereignty-lack-credibility
Researched by Carol Sakey WakeUpNZ
Monday - September 11, 2023 - CO-GOVERNANCE OF NEW ZEALAND
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