FEBRUARY 2023. New Zealand Visa Officers told to ignore criminal activity of migrants to New Zealand. ‘Take them on face value’. RNZ Reported that Immigration officers were told to ignore criminal convictions and investigations, not to read supporting documents on visa applications, not to check work visas at the border so as to accelerate migration visa’s much faster. A completely corrupt visa regime of what is namely UN irregular (Non Legal’ Migration introduced into NZ. Where non-legal becomes legal, where dummy visa’s were allegedly approved. A system that is completely corrupt and put the people of NZ at serious security risk.
Immigration Staff told Stuff about their concerns, about the vis regime. A senior INZ official Peter Elms admitting that visas have been manipulated by bad actors. Now more staff have come forward saying there are serious issues right across the system, which include visitor and student visa’s, where there has been a streamlined approach and this has been mandated. Multiple officials have told Stuff that they were told to ignore criminal convictions and investigations when granting visa’s and residency to individuals. They were told not to open and check attachments on visa applications as this would delay processing times. Staff told to accept visa’s on face value. One officer tried to decline application under the AEQV scheme, but was over-ruled by senior managers.
It was reported there were genuine concerns about an employer exploiting migrants, but a senior manager told them “it had gone over their heads” and he had been told to issue the visa. Officers have said they are deeply unhappy about the migration directives, a lot of officers have left their jobs gone elsewhere to work, many were emotionally affected, because they wanted to do the right thing, and what was happening did not sit well on their conscience.
We are talking about migrants that have committed serious crimes and still issued visa’s. The deliberate ignoring of the risk of serious security issues that are implanted into NZ Society. Visa staff being told to ignore alerts on clients that are criminals. Border staff being told not to intervene where there are question marks on newly arriving work visa holder. Do Not Check them, let them go. There are tensions with many Customs officers whom know this is wrong.
Reports of concerns see no action taken. Referencing 200 cases per day of suspicious arrivals. Border staff have been under significant pressure, and concerns about reducing security barriers, allowing what is namely a ‘light touch assessment’.Last November a general instruction to Visa Staff re-classify some high risk applications for a more ‘streamlined’ approach. The removal of human decision making by operating a system called ADEPT, means there is to be no records of area’s of concern.
Visa Branch staff under significant pressure not to open documents, just approve and approve and approve.. just approve them. Referencing fake bank statements, CV’s, references and pieces of paper with the typed words “Bless you”. Visa officers were threatened with Performance Improvement Plans if they did not make enough decisions and so called ‘shout outs’, that is ‘shout outs’ to those that passed the most visa applicants.
Visa staff have spoken out because they cannot see they themselves can force change, they don’t want to see migrant exploitation, morale is bad amongst many visa officers. They say the upper management will only listen if this hits the media. Visa staff have been told to close their eyes to what is going on, jut hit ‘approve’. Acting head of Immigration Catriona Robinson said that the govt agency constantly reviews and adjusts settings to speed economic recovery- open border. Obviously means open to crims, and a serious security risk for all of New Zealand when we do not know who are crossing our borders. She could not provide accurate numbers of fraudulent visa’s arriving in New Zealand.
This leaves NZ open, exposed to human trafficking, organized crime, illicit goods, weapons and drugs. Illegal migration by individuals of terrorist groups, jihadists. Human trafficking is a global business generating approximately $150 billion in illegal profits, forced labour, sex trafficking, child trafficking through open borders. It was reported in 2018 that children make up almost one third of all human trafficking of victims worldwide, they are especially vulnerable (UNICEF). The risk to New Zealand society has significantly increased
What does the government document about NZs Security threat for the year 2023? Referenced is the Christchurch 15/3/2019 terrorist attack by an Australian Citizen, and reported that there needs to be more discussions around these threats we face reports Andrew Hampton Director-General of Security, whom works with the Cabinet and PM’s office also Govt’s Communications Bureau. Reports: The traditional identity, faith and political motivations are still identified in violent extremists we detect and monitor in New Zealand but this new trend has emerged around the edges.
The traditional identity, faith and political motivations are still identified in violent extremists we detect and monitor in New Zealand but this new trend has emerged around the edges they are the CCP and Islamic Republic ISIL (ISIS) Daesh etc.,
11th August 2023 Time News reported that NZ SIS said “China is the main exponent of foreign interference to the Pacific Nation. NZ SIS stating there are a small number of states who attempt foreign interference have the ability to cause significant harm. Referring to Chinese individuals and groups in NZ, NZ SIS is aware of ongoing activity in and against NZ linked to the CCP which is of complex intelligence concern for New Zealand. The wariness of China in the Pacific. The UN Security Council 10th February 2023 warns UN Nations States that Daesh/ISIS threats remain high. said the threat has “increased” near areas of active hostilities where the terrorist group and its affiliates are active. “The level of terrorist activity continues to be a concern to member states,” he added.. Refers to radicalizing recruiting new supporters for ISIL/Daesh
Yet in NZ, the ignoring of criminals entering NZ, the fast tracking of visa’s on face value. As this government put New Zealanders lives at serious risk, without care or consideration for the harm this risks to you and your children’s lives.
UN GENERAL SECRETARY WARNS UN NATION STATES ‘HIGH ALERT’ TERRORISM (ISIL/ DAESH) – FEBRUARY 2023 : New Zealand Visa Officers told to ignore criminal activity of migrants entering New Zealand. ‘Take them on face value’, ignore criminals. NZ Government threaten the security of our country and the lives of NZ Citizens, their loved ones and families. NZ Government Security still promoting the Christchurch Call and White Supremacists and Right Wing Extremists. Yet the Muslims in Christchurch were not threatened by any such entities, they were threatened by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. (17 Community Questions responded to by the Christchurch Royal Commission Inquiry).
Over 7,500 terrorism reports by Five Eyes in 2018 were referred to the NZ Govt, not one relating to Right Wing Extremism or White Supremacy. Wake Up New Zealand to the lies and corruption of this Far Left Socialist Regime running havoc across the lives of NZ Citizens. Do they care about you? “NO”
https://www.nzsis.govt.nz/assets/NZSIS-Documents/New-Zealands-Security-Threat-Environment-2023.pdf 53 pages pdf
Sunday - November 5, 2023 - ISLAMIC EXTREMISM
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