Over 20 years of collaboration of Multistakeholder Capitalist Corporations (WEF) with the United Nations.
Multi- Stakeholder Corporations deliberately are working, collaborating with political parties. The World Economic Forum of its global elite. The Silicon Valley elite, Royalty the UN and UN Nation State leaders world wide CEO’s of Transnational, global multi-stakeholder Corporations.
All part and parcel, key figures to transforming the worlds food system. Always follow the money. The obsessive needs that dictators of governments that control citizens lives collaborating with these greedy wealthy elites.
Under what they call ‘Global Food Security’ and we must act now. We must not go back to the old normal. Traditional ways. Farming as we know it. Using ‘Post Pandemic era’ to hastily, obsessively make the changes, transforming, believes, thoughts, values, behaviour.
Controlling your ability to oppose this transformation as small businesses, trades people, farmers livelihood’s are crushed in favour of the Global Power Elite that officially are intertwined with the UN.
The UN that is the world governing body, that New Zealand’s Government welcome. That seriously impacts on all our lives.
I refer to the conference inRome, 3-8 July 2017 which relates to the ‘Reviewed Strategic Framework Queries’ on the substantive content of this document may be addressed to: Mr Boyd Haight Director, Office of Strategy, Planning and Resources Management
The reviewed Strategic Framework was the result of a consultative strategic thinking process that has involved Member States, partners and staff in order to bring into fruition the vision of a sustainable and food secure world.
FAO is aligned with the 2030 Development Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Third, FAO adds value to the global efforts in responding to the challenges of our time “more than ever, there is urgency to act”. Stating there are nearly 800 million reasons for this. And although 2030 still looms far in the horizon, time does not stand still for anyone. If we truly want to see in 13 years’ time a world in “which nobody is left behind”.
The Reviewed Strategic Framework strengthens the foundation that will allow us to soldier forward more determinedly, resolutely and boldly.
FAO (UN) MANDATE. FOOD AGRICULTURE WORLD WIDE MANAGING, MONITORING. UN WORLD HEALTH ORG., and destroying the worlds economy through destroying the worlds economy. Destroying the Free Market Economy bring Multi stakeholder Capitalist Corporations, large companies, backed, investments by philanthropist billionaires.
NZ political cronies in secrecy have planned the downfall of businesses, services, farming in New Zealand. They are all in this together. Traitors to the citizens of New Zealand.
The leader of the Food Agriculture Org (UN) is Qu Dongyu a member of the Chinese Communist Party. The Communist Chinese Party making the UN in its own image.
Ardern’s labour Socialist Marxist Chinese communist characteristic that governs New Zealand. That controls our children’s our citizens. That have violated our Human Rights. Our freedoms to oppose this political narrative. Just as the Chinese Communist Regime does in China to the citizens of China.
THe Communist Chinese representative is a major key player in the UN. The UN is busy make itself in the image of Communist China. Even the New Zealand Government itself is making itself in the image of the Communist Chinese Regime.
James Shaw attends the UN / WEF global gathering in Scotland with several other hanger on’s. The focus is the UN Global Compact. Twenty years after it was introduced they are hanging New Zealanders and other nations populations out to dry. This is the planned destruction of New Zealand’s economy, our self determination, the destruction of small businesses, trades, services and the farming community
The UN gathering in Scotland is focusing on UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals. Global One World Government partnering Multistakeholder greedy wealthy Capitalist Corporations (WEF) A Global Public – Private Government. A New Zealand Corporate Governance.
Everyone of those politicians in the cesspit of Wellington have full knowledge of this UN Worldwide Global Strategy to take over the global economy, to destroy New Zealand businesses, farming community. Elite Iwi are involved in this too. Whether New Zealanders have Maori blood or not running through their veins, we all are losing our freedoms. Our Property Rights are on the line. Our Human Rights and Civil Liberties are to be crushed completely. Time is not on our side. Its time to demand, let them know we know about their plandemic. UN Agenda 2030 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 17 out of 17 Climate Alarmism. 14 out of 17 The UN Global Strategy for Vaccines (2011 – 2019) The Decade of vaccines 2020- 2030 Leave No-One Behind. Everyone, everywhere at every age. (ALL PRE-PLANNED)
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