Corporate capture is achieving dominance in global affairs from Health, Food, Agriculture, Education, to Advance AI , Societal, Political and Environmental. The official memorandum partnership signed between the World Economic Forum and the UN 13th June 2019 that gives corporations access to the UN. Hundreds of organizations from around the world endorsed a collective letter to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, asking the UN to terminate the strategic partnership between the UN and WEF. Which is said to undermine the mandate of the UN’s impartiality and effectiveness as a multilateral body, particularly when it comes to protecting human right, the partnership is seen to be undemocratic
The UN/WEF partnership is reported to formalize a disturbing corporate capture of the UN, this moving the world dangerously towards a global privatized undemocratic global governance. With corporate leaders being whisper advisors to heads of UN Agencies, systems. The UN/WEF official partnership is namely a global corporate marriage, but the worlds citizens are not invited to have any opinion as to how dangerously undemocratic this is. NZ Government have kept NZ Citizens in the dark over such a huge event that does effect every UN Nation State, including NZ. The WEF is a non- elected global organization, not elected to govern the sovereign (people) of NZ.
The WEF/UN Partnership establishes an institutional home for multinational corporations within the UN. The proviso of the partnership included the power and money the WEF would bring to the UN to accelerate the global agenda 2030. To partner the UN to achieve the insane socialist global utopia, solutions for climate change global health, education. No-one talks about how these corporations, the global elite have caused much of the global crisis that they aspire to address. The WEF reported the pandemic crisis as a narrow window of opportunity, the WEF new normal, the Great Reset.
The UN agency heads and the Secretary general himself participates in the World Economic Forum regional level meeting, where UN Nation States individually support and embrace the corporate takeover of the UN. The implementation plan of the WEF first started to develop in 2009 in the wake of the financial crisis, hence calling for a new system of global governance, where corporations would be granted equal status to UN Member Nation States. A multistakeholder system that drew on the WEF’s “blending, balancing many organizations from both private and public sectors, international organization and academic institutions would turn the UN into a global governing Public-Private Institution. Thus turning the UN into a Multistakeholder body. The WEF represent billionaire stakeholders, there was no approval sought for this marriage between the UN/WEF by member states that I can find in my research. The UN’s present day and future involves giving corporate executives crucial say in universal decision making. Influence and global power to corporate actors, the UN/WEF Multistakeholder governance a role in the global governance worldwide.
The question is, is there a huge risk of “UN Nation State Governments being diluted, instead will the worlds biggest tech companies and profit driven Big Pharma involved in legislating global rules
What is an example of stakeholders you may ask? At the multistakeholder UN Food System Summit organized by the Secretary General UN, the stakeholders were large agri-businesses, data management companies and commodity leaders. Much of what has happened stems from the Klaus Schwab Global Redesign Initiative report WEF proposing a shift in global governance. This is a 600 plus page pdf that can be found online. Accompanying the mass of WEF corporations are the philanthropist financing mechanism, that finance the corporate world and international decision making of the 2030 Global Redesign Initiative, the so called ‘New Normal’. As the UN Secretary General said as to the post pandemic crisis “We must never go back to the old normal”. The old normal of course is the innovative free-market economy, the freedom of choice, old values, beliefs the worlds populations are to accept the demands of the WEF/UN Global Stakeholder Corporate Global Governance of stakeholderism, corporate capture. (The UN Nation States become the backseat passengers in a global vehicle driven by corporate CEO’s, such as BlackRock the largest asset manager in the world
Hearing Christopher Luxon press interview today I cannot but help pick up on this embracing of the International Global Order, which actually is driven by stakeholder corporate communism. He uses the language of the UN/WEF, and speaks of his worldly experience which includes UNILEVER member of WEF Corporatization.
Researcher: Carol Sakey
Monday - April 8, 2024 - CORPORATE CAPUTRE
(11) - UN AGENDA 2030
(11) - WEF/ Global Reset
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