Under New Zealand legislation on Oil Security = The 1976 International Energy Agreement Act (IEAA) and the Petroleum Demand Restraint Act these provide the legislative framework for NZ’s Oil Emergency measures.
The Governor General has the power to make regulations, control the use of petroleum, prohibit production, acquisition, distribution- supply of petroleum or Petroleum products under Article 4 (1) (c) IEAAAt all times when she deems there are insufficient oil supplies in NZ.
The Governor General is authorized to make regulations, demand, or to reduce the consumption of petroleum or petroleum products (Art 4 (1) IEAA
Under Article 4 of the ‘Petroleum Demand Restraints Act the Governor General may regulate the use of vehicles, vessels. Ration petrol and petrol products.
The Governor General may put in place monitoring, enforcement of an emergency regime- therefore may enter premises, search properties pertaining to homes, vessels, vehicles.
This is referenced as to a ‘Given Persons Compliance with any applicable Ministerial direction. (Art 17 IEAA- Petroleum Demand Restraints Act.
According to Articl6 (1) IEAA NZ does not have a ‘Stockholding Agency’, legal stockholding obligations- (International obligations refer to 90days emergency stockholdings to be held by each country.)
The determination whether an emergency exists or not as to petroleum supplies in NZ is determined by the Governor General. This is namely the ‘triggering ‘ of operation within an Emergency Response System. (Art 3) 1 IEAA.
The 1991 Crown Minerals Act and the 2002 Civil Defence Act also contain provisions which maybe relevant to applying these emergency measures of the Petroleum Restraints Demand Act
2.The closing of Marsden Point New Zealand, petroleum supplies in NZ are reliant on tankers shipping in refined oil from overseas. Z Energy reported that its estimated 175 tankers per year are required to deliver these supplies (fuel stocks)to NZ
Marsden Point Oil Refinery was a critical link to NZ economy. 8% of Northlands Economy. 600 plus jobs were lost at the closing down of Marsden Oil Refinery.
The Oil refinery had excellent references to its reliability, safety and how well it mas maintained. NZ now relies on oil supplies from Sth Asia, there are serious ongoing concerns, tensions in the oceans as to China’s presence.
China has built military bases in islands off the coast of the Philippines and there is a continuing presence of China in small pacific islands such as the Solomon Isles.
Even though this is a contravention of International laws, this stops nothing. Therefore shipping lanes relevant to supplying Oil to NZ will remain at risk.
MP Megan Woods stated NZ goes no obtain Oil supplies from Russia, but they did obtain 2% of these from Russia. However, questionable indirectly are NZ Oil supplies from other countries, are they getting their oil supplies from Russia.
If they are indirectly yes we do obtain our oil supplies from Russia. The head of Northern Australia’s Strategic Policy Centre called out NZ Govts ‘as being naïve’ buying into outdated globalization. As the Australian Govt subsidized their two oils refineries.
NZ Government refused to subsidize the Marsden Point Oil Refinery. The Reserve Bank had $60 Billion sitting there, it’s a drop in the pocket out of $60 billion, they could have purchased Marsden Point Oil Refinery for the people of NZ.
The Australian buyer was approached by the Bill Gates team to buy Marsden Point Oil Refinery for the storage of Green Hydrogen Fuel/gas
3.Marsden Point Oil Refinery produced 58% of our petrol, 85% of jet fuel and 67% of our diesel. The pipeline infrastructure carried the refineries products to Auckland for storage and further transmission.
Coastal Oil Logistics Ltd were the shipping venture that transported the refined oil to other ports around NZ. (Source Info MBIW-GVT)
Marsden point Oil Refinery also known as ‘Refining NZ’ announced in 2020 it would develop plans to simplify refinery operations, structurally reduce costs, whilst focusing supply across NZ.
A competitive advantage to Marsden Point Oil Refinery. The company announced it would continue to evaluate a possible future staged transition to an import terminal, including exploration of a commercial framework with customers.
In 2017 during Arderns electioneering campaign she spoke about an additional pipeline from Marsden point Oil Refinery saying “ t if Marsden Point Oil Refinery “ this would leave the aviation industry endangered and vulnerable”
Question: How much petroleum does NZ hold in stock for emergencies? NZ hold ‘Ticket Stock Contracts’ for emergency use. NZ retain approx 17 days of emergency fuel stock. The Contract Ticket Stock’ is held in Spain, UK, Japan.
Already this year NZ has released approx.., 483,000 barrels of crude oil that was held min Spain and also 299,000 barrels of Diesel held in the UK of NZ’s Emergency Stocks.
When the hydo lake levels are low, the wind stops turning the turbines and the sun goes to sleep NZ is completely reliant on coal for these Electricity Companies. The Electricity Companies that have major government investments made in them.
Hence Climate Emergency, is bullcrap as the government in declaring an emergency was importing dirty industry nasty cheap polluting coal from Indonesia. The Govt destroying N Z Economy deliberately so.
INFORMATION RESEARCHED BY CAROL SAKEY Please subscribe to my website https://wakeupnz.org
Tuesday - June 14, 2022 - GOVERNMENT BILLS AND ACTS
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