George Manuel President of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood. President of the UN World Indigenous. Pierre Trudeau arranged for Manuel with a Canadian delegation to visit NZ in 1971. It was then upon meeting Maori politicians the coined term “Indigenous People’ was established in NZ. Manuel had leaned of the Maasai Tanzanian Parliamentarian, radical racial activist Moringe Ole Parkipuny whom first coined the phrase ‘Indigenous People’. After George Manuels visit to NZ in 1971 he went on to visit the Northern territories of Australia where he spoke with Aboriginal students at a university there once again expanding the coined terminology ‘Indigenous People’. George Manuel published ‘The Fourth World: An Indian Reality (1974). The terminology ‘The Fourth World’ became synonymous with stateless, poor and marginal nations. Manuel’s theoretical framework is on colonization and decolonization, the resurgence of so called ‘Indigenous’ peoples, communities to combat colonial social relations, a demanding of decolonization, without the State engagement, permission without sanctions.
The Rise of the 4th World Canadian George Manuel was the First Nations leader (1921-1989) . He was radically racial as he obsessively preached, promoted that so called ‘Indigenous People are, have been mistreated had become stateless worldwide. The President of the Indian brotherhood- George Manuel laid the foundations for the UN World Council of Indigenous Peoples in 1975. Manuel and his Indigenous followers from many countries around the world brought to governments, NGO’s Academia, Philanthropy etc., worldwide a radical perspective to international politics, based on the shared experience of what they saw as colonization being a violent force, of brutal suppression of ‘Indigenous’ cultures, asserting control over their futures.
Many countries regardless of political ideology and government structure put their full weight of support as to ‘Indigenous Peoples’ having been discriminated against, treated with hostility and paternalism globally. The critical Race Theory ‘Oppressor vs the Oppressed’ grew and expanded world wide, causing much separation and division within nation states.
George Manuels message promoted ‘ a common Indigenous Identity with global connections, as they worked collaboratively at a national, local and global level for international recognition of collective rights. In some countries such as Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand and also Scandinavian nations liberalism brought so called Indigenous People sizeable investments and programs. The coined Moringe Ole Parkipuny coined phrase ‘Indigenous People’ certainly attracted international attention and greater government attention too. George Manuel stated in his book ‘The Fourth World’ Slowly, largely through ‘Indigenous groups working, collaborating together the support of international aid, development and advocacy groups were established, this he calls the Indigenous Fourth World Movement (Indigenous people worldwide gathering strength and authority) Where Indigenous People have a significant International presence, the ear of global organizations, such as the United Nations, attracting massive financial wealth and assistance from International Financial Institutions. Where Nation State governments know they are being watched, critiqued by global Indigenous organizations and their supporters. Where a body a National and InternationAL law has emerged that promotes collective rights and interests of ‘Indigenous Peoples’. Rights to natural resources, territories, rights of ‘self determination of self government. Where two classes of citizenship will exist in UN Member Nation States.
The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights and Governance Group (CIGI) promote and involved in that of Indigenous Internationalism and the nature of Indigenous Authority in Nation States. (Models of implementation and actions for Indigenous Peoples worldwide). The evolution of Indigenous Peoples in Domestic and International Governance in the 21st Century. A political process and realization of George Manuel’s vision ‘THE RISE OF THE FOURTH WORLD’
NOTES: 1982 the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) established the Working Group on Indigenous Populations with the mandate to develop a set of minimum standards that would protect indigenous peoples. In 2020 the UN Assembly proclaimed that 2021- 2030 as the ‘Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism via Resolution 75/123. It was UN Assembly’s Resolution 1514 (XV) that proclaimed ‘the necessity of bringing colonialism in ALL its forms and manifestations to a speedy unconditional end, declaring that ALL people have the ‘Right to Self Determination’. The UN Assembly’s Resolution (1960) characterized ‘colonial foreign rule as a VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS’.
The Eradication of Colonialism worldwide has been promoted, supported by the UN for Decades that so called Indigenous People living under settler colonialism continue to make demands for ‘DECOLONIZATION’
Monday - April 8, 2024 - DECOLONIZING EVERYTHING
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