15th May 2019 NZ Herald heading “Is Eugenie Sage the Most Dangerous Minister in Jacinda Ardern’s Government”?
RNZ reported 13th November 2018 that Green MP Eugenie Sage accused of rubber stamping land sales to foreigners. It was revealed than Land Information Minister and Green MP Eugenie Sage had approved nearly every application to cross her desk over 9 months, just rejecting only 30 hectares out of 60,000 hectares of land. Sage allowed a Chinese water bottling giant to expand
Between 1st November and 26th July Sage approved 21 applications covering 55,957 hectares. Sage said roughly 40,000 hectares were related to the sale of Mount White Station a sheep and beef farm in Canterbury. Many of the applications were related to forestry, which is a priority area for the government, she said. Adding we need more forestry to meet the billion trees commitment to ensure that New Zealand is sequestering enough carbon to meet the government’s climate change objectives.
I personally believe the carbon credit scheme is a sham, that will cost farmers their land and the country a huge economic loss. It’s a fraud in which the Taxpayers of New Zealand and Consumers will have to cough up big time for. Who is an environmental law and policy expert had spent years working on the integrity of the Australian Govt’s carbon credit system launched an attack on the scheme, saying it’s a fraud, is hurting the environment and wasting a $billion of Australian Taxpayer funding.
This news article referred to major implications for the credibility of the Coalitions $4.5billion ‘direct action’ emissions reduction fund in which the government buys carbon credits from rural land owner and other businesses. This also raised questions as to the rapidly growing number of polluting companies promising to buy carbon credits to offset their impact on the planet. The private market in carbon credits being worth $150million per year in Australia.
As for NZ and its growing a billion or so tree’s for 20 years the Local Government Act has allowed companies in NZ to pollute farmers bore water through what Fonterra calls ‘Nutrient Management’ and Arderns Carbon Zero and the hypocrisey of it all. Take Fonterra’s 29 Ghost Farms for instance. Fonterra would rather call them ‘Nutrient Management Farms’ across New Zealand. Fonterra have purchased farms, removed the stock and used the land for piping their factory cleaning waste water onto these farms and then sprayed it across these farms.
One News Feb 10th 2021 News Article ‘Council, Government ‘failure’ is why Fonterra can discharge toxic waste water on empty farms says ecologist. That Local and Central Govt are failing to adequately limit industry’s discharge of wastewater on land, which puts people health and environment at risk. The article refers to an assessment by Victoria University professor Mike Joy on Breakfast Today RNZ where a Waikato couple unacceptable levels of nitrates in their bore drinking water. Fonterra had emptied nearby farms of cows and used the land as tips for waste water. But, Fonterra is within the law to continue discharging this toxic waste water. Fonterra said its part of its circular nutrient management system, that the water would help the grass grow. The grass is cut, then taken elsewhere to feed cattle. This is namely ‘Cut and Carry’.
Ground water testing found that this showed dangerously high nitrate levels of 10 12 milligrams per litre. The maximum level allowed under the National Policy for Freshwater Management is 2.4 milligrams per litre. This is putting bank balances before human health. Wealth NOT health. An analysis by RNZ found few councils monitored breaches to trade water consents, often turning a blind eye to this. And Fonterra’s not the only one getting away with Trade Wastewater breaches either. More on this with my next blog.
But what does the Government do.. BLAME THE FARMERS..-..THROW THE FARMERS UNDER THEIR TRACTORS….- . USE THE FARMERS AS THEIR WHIPPING BOY and continue to sell off more farming land for forestry to overseas buyers. SUPPORT NEW ZEALAND FARMERS- NO FARMERS EQUATES – NO FOOD.
Green MP Eugenie Sage accused of ‘rubber-stamping’ land sales to foreigners | RNZ News
Monday - September 26, 2022 - ARDERN AND HER POLITICAL CRONIES
(7) - Parliamentary
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