Central Banks are in most countries worldwide. The IMF have significantly helped achieve what Central Banks have become, totally independent and in practice no accountable to any financial system. To create a public consensus for structural reform they must purposely create a recession and to prolong it as well, thus creating a mass abuse of power, is extremely costly, manipulative and can be severely damaging to people lives

Crisis structural changes in policies and banking systems a roadmap to banking systems becoming a Central Bank Digital Currency transformation

The Bank of International Settlements are referenced to central bank rates which are higher interest  rates, this forces other institutions to increase their interest rates, makes the cost of borrowing so high that business becomes impacted negatively.

Each Central Bank I n each UN Nation States  their national currencies are owned by the State. Declining growth and corporate profit risks weakening a country’s currency. The Reserve Bank NZ (NZ Central Bank) has now been named ‘Te Patea Mahuta’. This is New Zealand’s future of CBDC (Reported 6/12/2021). Includes the description of key terms  used to support the RBNZ

Tane Mahuta has become the mandate, the future of money in NZ. RBNZ  have reported that Maori official reference will be made to Tene Mahuta when it comes to the future of money in NZ. Describing ‘Te Toto’ as the sap of the tree that represents the Reserve Bank of NZ future banking system.

RBNZ states that Tane Huta represents the ecosystems in NZ from a financial structure of RBNZ (Central Bank Of NZ). Referring to high level policy making RBNZ state it would be useful to establish CBDC  in NZ. Stating the RBNZ is the ‘Kaitiaki o te toto’ the steward of money in NZ, a dynamic monetary financial system, a stable anchor for convertibility, an opportunity to broaden central bank money which will be available for All individuals, communities, businesses

As they refer to high policy opportunities, referring to CBDC as  to  improving technological forms, thus a  CBDC future for NZ. CBDC Pay and Save a gateway to the formal financial sector, supporting wider inclusions by prioritizing government programs

CBDC and Ecosystems as a distribution model as acting as a catalyst in the payments of ecosystems enabling NZ to take part in global initiatives that use CBDC payments innovation system and to crowd out other innovations. 2021 RBNZ was looking for feedback on their Tane Mahuta narrative, the design to incorporate CBDC, advertising themselves and their stewardship of money as holistic, this underpinning their CBDC role in NZ

A Reserve Bank Of NZ (RBNZ) with strategic elements represented in Taner Mahuta (the objective is CBDC). Tane Mahuta the money tree that is controlled by the State. Crisis events, a series of crisis events to change, transform the banking structural system.  Freedoms and CBDC in competition as Governments protect those in privileged positions to extend control over peoples money, hence also peoples lives.

This is the digital revolution, transformation of transforming currencies and finance. The professor of Trade Policy and Economics of Cornell University gave a very blunt assessment of CBDC’s saying “Central Banks will take money out of peoples accounts to conduct monetary policy. There is no free society. Your money is NOT really your money, your property rights are subservient to the ‘Public Good’, this is the necessity of managing the nations economy”

CBDC protects governments that have given themselves a privileged position to exert control over peoples money, hence control over people themselves. Central Banks are an agent for the government in terms of implementing fiscal policy. CBDC is the fiscal agent of the government.

RBNZ stating it is critical to regulate Cryptocurrency because it poses a risk to CBDC. CBDC leaves your information at risk of cyber attacks, devaluation and increasing  censorship, eroding purchasing power, it is a great risk to our freedoms. The RBNZ has been wholly owned by the government since 1936 when it was established by an Act in Parliament and constituted under the Reserve Bank Act 2021.

The RBNZ Tane Mahuta CBDC NARRATIVE, NZ’S Central Bank Future Money CBDC, government controlled that is incompatible with economic, political freedoms. RBNZ Tane Mahuta Climate Change Strategy through crisis transforming the banking system in NZ.

TANE MAHUTA THE MONEY TREE OF NEW ZEALAND ‘SAPPING YOUR MONEY’ A prolonged crisis or a recession is required for a transformational structural change to the banking system. The Central Bank of NZ (RBNZ) has it’s very own ‘money tree’ namely Tane Mahuta.

LINK  https://youtu.be/yItTIbsSGz4


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