Email sent to ACT, National and NZ First leaders of the Coalition Government. (6th June 2024)
I must start this email by requesting information as to why the PFLP the Popular Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine has not been designated as a Terrorist Group by the Cabinet. I not recently HAMAS has nor been documented as a Designated Terrorist Group by thee three party coalition, why this was not done sooner is questionable.
Canada, Uk, Australia, Japan, EU, US and other countries have documented that they have designated the PFLP as a Terrorist Group, but New Zealand Government has not.. I questions :- (1)Why is the PFLP terrorist group not designated as a terrorist group by NZ Govt (2) Will the NZ Government be joining other countries in Designating the PFLP as a Terrorist Group? (3) If the NZ Government choose not to designate the PFLP as a Designated Terrorist Group – Why Not??
The PFLP and the PLJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and other Palestinian Terrorist groups have posted video’s and photo’s claiming they participated in the 7th October horrific attacks on Israeli citizens on Israel’s soil. It is clearly evidential by many articles written by main stream news, published in the UN News, by the BBC etc., that the PFLP participated in the hijacking of commercial airlines in the 1960’s, 1970’s. Kidnapped and have murdered airline passenger and blown up at least one commercial airliner. A significant leader of these airline hijacks in PFLP Terrorist is Leila Khled. This is well evidenced and published worldwide.
The PFLP has been reported over several decades of shootings, bombings, using children as war weapons, having guns, ground to air rockets and other explosive devices including suicide vests. PFLP attacked worshippers in a synagogue have not only murdered Israeli citizens but also American civilians. Have been involved in the collaboration with other Palestinian terrorist groups including HAMAS.
The main reason for bringing this to your attention is because I recently read a news article authored by Chris Lynch Media published in the Otago Daily Times 10th April 2024 that references the concern as to the Canterbury Socialist Society hosting meetings that support, promote the PFLP for New Zealanders to form a solidarity with the Terrorist Group. This was described in the news article as “Canterbury Socialist Society are under fire for hosting a public campaign for a terrorist organization, namely the PFLP. Clearly because the PFLP is not a Designated Terrorist Group named by the Cabinet they are freely without being scrutinized by the police making use of this, whereas in other countries such as those whom have designated the PFLP as a Terrorist Group police may come down hard on them, stop them from raising a solidarity campaign in their country for a terrorist group such as PFLP
At least two members of the defunct Workers Socialist Party of Christchurch have established the Canterbury Socialist Society they are Paul Hopkinson and John Edmunds. It is evidential that the Workers Socialist Party namely ‘Fightback’ published in their Spark Magazine co edited by far left Socialist Byron Clark were advertising Tee Shirts clearly stating the profits of these tee shirts would be sent directly to the PFLP. It was announced they had raised $1,000 from the sale of the Tee Shirts that were blazoned with ‘Resistance is Not Terrorism’ would be sent to the PFLP. Obviously the campaign to support PFLP is now continuing. The Jewish Council have voiced concern about Israeli’s in Christchurch and other communities and for New Zealand as a whole as to the meetings hosted by the Canterbury Socialist Party.
Its obvious that Byron Clark a significant person- co editor of Workers Socialist Party publications that supported the funding, supporting of the PFLP past Solidarity campaigns will not want to be scrutinized as he has been busy since 2018 publicly character assassinating law abiding citizens those that have objected to the last government insane political narratives. He claims himself to be an experts on alt right, right wing extremism. Since the three particle coalition came into power he is now running workshops online targeting any individuals, groups that oppose the climate zealots. Opening coal mines the three party initiative will not be pleasing for Byron Clark. For anyone whom support this governments initiative will be highly targeted. Clark authors some of the mainstream media articles. Is involved with Massey University speeches. . The defunct Workers Socialist Party played a role in the so called ‘Queering of Schools in New Zealand’. The Queer our Schools campaign in October 2011 organized by the Wellington ‘Queer Avengers’. (The ‘Spark’ Workers Socialist Party publication Issue No 237 published by the workers Socialist Party co editor Byron Clark)
A poster inviting citizens to the Canterbury Socialist Society’s hosted meeting , an open invitation to the PFLP Palestinian Solidarity Campaign launch on Facebook with a poster of the PFLP Airline Hijacker Leila Khled. One poster ‘Resistance is Not Terrorism’. Previously those members of the Workers Socialist Party Paul Hopkinson and John Edmundson whom are speakers at the events hosted by the Canterbury Socialist Society have shown a documentary embracing, promoting Leila Khled as the PFLP Poster Girl.
I conclude that the main point I am wanting you to take into serious consideration from all the information I have outlines is that there are far left socialist entities at play in New Zealand, the main one being the Canterbury Socialist Party that are gathering support among New Zealanders to form solidarity with a well recognized Palestinian murderous terrorist organization that the Cabinet have not recognized officially as a Terrorist Organization, this I believe is giving this Socialist Organization the ability to expand its activism within New Zealand to cause unrest, civil discontent putting Israeli’s living in New Zealand at risk and other community members.
Everyday since the attack on Israel 7th October 2023 we see through global news outlets how huge rebellious activities are happening pro Palestine, pro Hamas and pro ‘From the River To The Sea’. Surely it makes sense to stop any such promoting of a campaign of solidarity for a designated terrorist group, the PFLP in NZ, before this too gets out of hand. My request is at the Cabinet take my email into consideration as to designating the PFLP as a terrorist organization at your earliest as other countries have.
I thank you in anticipation as I await your response
Carol Sakey (Concerned New Zealand Citizen)
Thursday - June 6, 2024 - Conflicts and Wars
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