March 2019 UNITED NATIONS TECHNICAL BRIEF ON THE EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION EDUCATION SECTOR was part of the outcome of the Sexuality and Relationship Programmes in the School Curriculum in New Zealand. Under the guise of planning the implementation of a School Bullying Program worldwide numerous studies and surveys took place internally nationally worldwide as described in Part 1 of my video.
The Stop Bulling, stop Violence, stop Discrimination masked the entrenched questions and responses required of students in schools. These surveys, studies included schools students being asked a number of questions of a very personal sensitive nature around sexuality and relationships, feelings, actions etc., sexual desires. ..preferential sex partners eg girl-girl, girl boy, boy-boy and what were their sexual preferences, sexual desires these were integrated with questions and responses related to discrimination. For example: dress, skin colour as to discrimination, (critical race theory). All to be aligned manipulated incorporated in UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals (SDGs)
SDG 5 ‘Achieve Gender Equality and SDG 3 ‘Leave non-one behind’ manipulated to include – lesbian, gay, non-binary, bisexual trans and gender diverse.(LGBT) persons, groups, communities. Which can be directly or indirectly link to trans.- gender fluid, gender diverse, LGBTQ1 etc.,
NOTE: Under the guise of education, ‘Stop Bullying ‘- Anti-bullying’ RSE Programs were included in School curriculums worldwide, in NZ- in to every class activity. The UN designed ‘Monitoring school violence based on sexual orientation gender identity or gender expression in national and international surveys
UNESP (UN) is an UN Global Agency that collaborates with UN Member State authorities, leaders. UNESCP led the UN Agenda 2030 SDG for Education 2020-2030, ambitious goals and commitment. With education promoting a global movement based on sexuality and relationships and they call it ‘Monitoring School Violence’, at the very core is a deliberate based on sexuality, gender identity, gender expression (SOGIE)
Worldwide an estimated 245 millions boys and girls experience school violence (UNESCO 2017). UN concluded ‘All forms of school violence is a barrier to achieving UN Agenda 2030 SDGs (SDG 4) Target non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all’). That ALL forms of violence are seen as a barrier to achieving UN Agenda 2030 Global Goal (SDGs), an inclusive, effective learning environment for all. Gender expression, gender non conformance, girls categorized as masculine, boys categorized as effeminate became information that was embedded in school violence, bullying.
2020 – 2030 N Agenda 2030 Global Goals (SDGs). Saying that Agenda 2030 could not succeed without this UN Global Education framework, strategy. Which included the capturing of sensitive sexual data from students, academia. The scarcity of data prevented an accurate picture of the nature and impact of school violence. Data on SOGIE majorly was pretty non-extent at National, Regional and Global levels. It was found that very few counties routinely collected data on school violence based on SOGIE. (SOGIE is an LGBTQ acronym for Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, transgender, queer etc
Many countries found that such studies could be costly, unreliable, unsustainable. Therefore UN Member Nation Governments managed the studies because they had the power over what evolved from academia research (universities) If data was recorded was collected by universities, academia, NGOs that supported, promoted LGBT1 people.
The UN ‘Global Education 2030 Agenda UNESCO led the way at National, Regional and Global levels, to implement their ambitious global goals for what us called the Best Practice for Global Education 2020-2040. This was school violence physical, psychological, sexual, bullying inside and outside the classroom, off line and online. QUOTE- All forms of violence are a barrier to achieving UN Agenda 2030 Global Goals
Surveys , studies were adapted, manipulated to fit directly or indirectly into UN Agenda 2030 Development goals. Approaches, questions, responses included students being questioned about certain sexual fantasies, same sex attraction, the classification of multiple genders. Sexual attraction, sexual behaviours, sexual desirability
Questions included: Whom have you had sexual contact and the frequency (define it) Males, female, trans , defining answers around eg sexual kissing, sexual touching, oral-genitalia sex etc., etc., Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Heterosexual, that is, straight Lesbian or gay
The UN Technical Brief on these surveys dated March 2019 referenced the ‘ CDC Global School based student health survey/ Global Population 2018’ and Auckland University. These massive international-national UN designed studies, survey’s purpose, deliberately highly inflated data on LGBT1 and minor reporting on Heterosexuality.)
For example Auckland University research was namely ‘Youth 2000 School Survey. The sample size was 28,000, Was conducted in 2001, 2008 and 2012 included 9-13 yr olds. Included were references to pasifika cultures, maori languages and terms for gender diversity-Gender-queer
Referenced the CDC ‘School-based survey. Country: Global. Population: Adolescents. Age: 13-17 year olds. Sample size: Unknown. Frequency: From 2018
In Australia, for example, Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) recommends using non-binary options – such as ‘X’ or ‘non-binary’ – rather than intersex in survey questions about a person’s sex or gender (Intersex Human Rights Australia, 2012) And Australian Commonwealth Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender 2013. An approach that gives recognition to non-binary gender identity or sex characteristics. Examples that identify ‘sexual jokes, comments or gestures’ – something that could be linked to SOGIE – as a specific form of bullying. Indeed, such practices are often related to a student’s perceived gender non-conformity, particularly boys who are seen as ‘effeminate’. Other studies stated that young children unsure about whom they are attracted to.
Collecting data on intersex students Due to the very small number of students who are intersex, it is highly challenging to collect meaningful data on school violence affecting such children in large surveys. .The term ‘Queer’ a reclaimed word used as an umbrella term for a range of sexual identities including LGBTI or gender questioning Queer’ interrogating of sexual gender. Survey on full-time members of the Canadian Forces; the institutionalized population, children aged 12-17 that are living in foster care, and persons living in two health regions of Quebec
25TH May 2019.. The World Health Assembly updated ‘ 21st Century , the reflecting of critical advances in science and medicine. Reframing Gender Incongruence . Previously termed as NOT a Gender Identity Disorder. Describing a marked incongruence between an individuals experienced/ expressed gender and the assigned sex in pre-pubertal children. Incongruence is a lack of consistency, or appropriateness as in inappropriately affect one when one is subjectively evaluated in situations that are at odds with reality. These International- National UN designed population based studies, surveys were deliberately designed and implemented into the UN ‘Global Education 2020-2030’ . Orchestrated by policy makers worldwide as the now ‘Relationship-Sexuality Programs in the NZ School Curriculum.
The UN March 2019 Technical Brief refers to “ Each individuals (school students) physical features relating to sex, including genitalia, chromosomes, hormones, physical features, gender identity differenced from their sex attributed to them at birth. Was well documented as part of the research, study material
Everyone in society will suffer, children are deliberately being robbed of their innocence, their precious magical childhood years, pushed into a world of instability. Children are our most vulnerable, they hurt the most. Wake Up NZ
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