The Council For Global Capitalism implemented by WEF Strategic Partnership with the UN. A New World Order implemented by a global Corporate Capture, financial Institutions and Banks, these are advancing the globalist elite One World Corporate capture of the planet. Orchestrated by WEF and other major players-philanthropists Bill Gates, Ford Foundation and other large foundations also the Pope. The Pope promoting this Global Elitist Corporate Capture through the UN Agenda 2030 as moral and good for all humankind. This is crony capitalism and fascism, communism. The Vatican partnership with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism collaboration through the key leader a prominent member of the Rothschild family.
The global government, one of financial and political elites, this is no conspiracy theory, they are so sure of themselves its in your face, they are not hiding it, there is no secrecy. Certain politicians working together for their own purposes. This is deliberate pre-panned social, behavior engineering to leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age. UN Agenda 2030. IA 2030 17 Global Goals 14 of which include vaccines, inoculations. (A New Normal). This is not random its is well planned. Yet there is this denial, its not really happening. Wrong, we are in the eye of the political economical storm of Corporate Capture.
Once upon a time global governance was hardly ever talked about. Mention One World Governance and you would be called a conspiracy theorist. It’s a conspiracy alright. George Bush, Obama, Joe Biden, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and many other prominent well known political figures have talked about the New World Order, including George Soros and Henry Kissinger. Clinton Admin Deputy Secretary of State ‘Strobe Talbot’ in the Time Magazine said “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a singly global authority. .National Sovereignty was not such a good idea after all”. He also added
‘The free world formed multilateral financial institutions depending on UN Member States willingness to give up a degree of their sovereignty. The IMF-International Monetary Fund can virtually dictate fiscal policies, even including how much tax a government should levy its citizens. The general agreement on Tariffs and Trade regulates how much duty a nation can charge on imports. These organization can be seen as proto-ministries of Trade, Finance and Development for a United World”.
A member of the Globalist Council on Foreign Relations Richard Gardner in an article ‘Foreign Affairs Magazine in 1974 titled ‘The Hard Road To World Order’ wrote “In short ‘the house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’. Hence eroding national sovereignty piece by piece, “will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault”
The NOW (New World Order) has been called several names including ‘Multilateral World Order, the 4th Industrial Revolution and the ‘Great Reset’, all mean the same. The Corporate Capture of the world. 13th June 2019 the UN and WEF signed an official strategic partnership to advance, accelerate UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals, namely Sustainable- Unsustainable and unrealistic. Sustainability is a Global Corporate Advertising term.
The Global Council for Inclusive Capitalism does exist, has met focus point at the World Economic Forum relates to their role in the global governance, and the Vatican is a key player. The Global COVID Pandemic, Climate Doom and Gloom are the trojan horse. Crisis , Crisis , Crisis, whilst there is crisis people can be easily controlled, out of fear they become controlled. The Global Pandemic the perfect crisis, the window of opportunity. One crisis after another the dominoes effect until the one world order of corporate capture is accepted as norm. The WEF the global high level think tank. The Global Council founder is Lynn Forester De Rothchild, a member of the Rothchild Dynasty, the Rothchild Dynasty has influenced governments for generations. In 2020 Pope Francis and the Vatican aligned with the Rothchild Council, where the Pope said all religions must unite with the leaders of capital to build a society, an economy that is fair for all” He lied, he has jumped on the corporate bandwagon. This is not fair for all. It lines the pockets of the elite wealthy and creates much more poverty in the world. Just look at what’s happened to NZ over this last three years- the plundering of NZ. This is the bastardization of the catholic church and other main stream churches world wide. Eco churches. IN NZ some Councils even give grants to Eco Churches.
This system of what the WEF calls a ‘Shared Economy’ is the one of “You will own nothing, but you will be happy. You will have no privacy, borrow everything, be completely reliant on the government for your survival. Inclusive Capitalism is a global Godless Con. This is the rebranding of ‘Communism’. The cost is your ‘Freedom’. Hence the replacement of the Free market Enterprise Economy. The end of Freedom. Replacing the freedom to choose, property rights with Stakeholder Corporate Capitalism’.
The Vatican-Pope Francis and the Elite Globalists call themselves ‘The Guardians’. I am telling you the truth. Who are members of this Globalist Elite partnership with the Pope-Vatican. Rothschilds, BP, Bank Of America, UN, Johnson & Johnson, Visa, Rockefeller Foundations, Ford Foundation, and many other large companies and corporations, the list is extensive. It represents a corporate led One World Governance. Corporate led government mixed with UN Member political leaders and backed by philanthropists such as Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation etc.,
This is a global system that is rigged to build a new system ‘The New Normal’ to centralize wealth into their hands, to benefit the global elite. Yes, and the Pope, Pope Francis has been pushing the ‘Woke’ ideology of climate alarmism and a One world Religion which is in conflict with traditional Christian doctrine. The Pope and the Vatican are enforcing carbon controls and taxation in the name of climate alarmism ‘zero emissions’. This amounts to a global shadow government, a massive corporate cabal that is implementing social changes, the spreading of the ‘Woke’ ideology, hundreds if not thousands of corporations are involved. There are no checks and balances. The public unable to hold them responsible. When the public openly publicly speak about this they are targeted as conspiracy theorist by main stream media, whom are all key players. The Propaganda machine
Finally Ukrainian MP said “We fight for Ukraine. We fight for the New World Order. Pope Francis the Chaplain of the UN. The Roman Catholic Church to be a ‘sacrament’ in the world, in the realms of global politics, education, economy, infrastructure. Pope Francis’s 2020 ‘Universal’ Initiatives with UN language, scope and content. The Global Political manifesto of the Vatican-Pope Francis.. Oct 2020 Pope Francis ‘UN Global Compact on Education, backed by UN advisory group and political leaders to meet UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Target number 4.7. The Council of Inclusive Capitalism, partner the Vatican, Pope Francis with 500 companies, corporations together with assets of $10.5 trillion.
Pope Francis includes all parties, a ‘new humanism’, strategic global corporate interests, opportunities to fund the initiatives of the Roman Catholic Church. A win-win relationship. A ‘new humanism’ to collaborate with ‘transhumanism’. The Pope – the chaplain of the ‘House of Lucifer’, bastardising Christianity.
Source Information -Tim Brown- author of Freedom Outpost originally published by ‘Sons of Liberty Media / https://evangelicalfocus.com/vatican-files/10012/pope-francis-the-chaplain-of-the-united-nations
Friday - May 19, 2023 - RELIGION
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