Foreign Investment in New Zealand farmland has become much easier when it comes to forestry investment. Farming groups fear too much productive farming land is being lost. That large scale forestry conversions puts rural life at risk. Farming groups requested the government to urgently review ‘forestry investment’ in New Zealand ( Souce-RNZ 24/2/2022-Nov 2019).
RNZ reported 17th October 2019 -The NZ Govt deliberately encourages foreign investors to purchase farmland in NZ A ‘Green Rich List’ was published of NZ’s largest private land owners, the largest being foreign owned forestry companies (Land Information Data). There is a network nationwide. Some members of the NZ public were astounded when mainstream media revealed the Chinese/Malaysia ‘Tiong Family Group, emerged as the 2nd largest foreign investor in NZ land. ( 19/10/2019). They are owners of Forestry, Media, Property Assets worldwide.
Investments owned by the ‘Tiong Family Group have emerged in NZ include ‘Ernslaw One Forests, NZ King Salmon, ‘Rimbunan-Hijau’,Oregan Group (subsidiary of Ernslaw ) and the ‘Neil Group’ a land development company in NZ and Winstone Pulp. (NZ Stuff News Media). NZ King Salmon & the Neil Group are intertwined family enterprise activities, connected to ‘Sarawak Forestry Corporation’ Sarawak Forestry Corporation is a statutory body of the Sarawak Govt formed in 1995. ( Commercial forestry) A report dated 16th June 2019 questioned ‘’Why Shell should think twice about before engaging with the timber crooks”
Hikurangi Forest Products is the largest overseas investor in NZ land who was scrutinised for causing serious environmental damage in Tolaga Bay. Hikurangi Forest Products was owned by Samling’s Global Group however it was sold to ‘New Forest’ in 2019 a Sydney based company. ‘New Forests’ is a global forestry investment manager that offers high impact strategies in ‘Sustainable Forestry’
Rimunan Hijau Group owned by the Tiong Family Group have been published many times as having a bad reputation of environmental destruction in Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. There have been references made to ‘timber barons attempting to enter the tree planning bandwagon. The publishing of false information that 63% of state remained forests remain, however they have been scrubbed by the notorious state corrupted government program in Sarawak. (North West Borneo)
The propaganda machine wrongly promote this as ‘Forest Landscape Restoration’ These are the worst eco-crooks on the planet, however mainstream media persistently blame the deforestation (destruction of forests) on man made global warming when it really is an eco-corrupt mafia machine.
Corrupt eco media machines cosy up to corrupt governmental regimes. The Tiong Family group’ who have heavily invested in NZ farmland as forestry investment (owners of Rimbunan Hijau) have key political positions in the ‘Chinese-Malaysia Sarawak United Peoples Party’ and have the lions share of forestry plantation concessions. The Sarawak United Peoples Party is a left wing movement established in 1959 by leftists many are members of the underground communist movement in Sarawak. They have a damming reputation of seriously violating workers.
The ‘Tiong Group’ control the largest Chinese Newspaper conglomerate ‘Media Chinese International Ltd’ The Tiong Group also own oil and gas and numerous other businesses. They also have their roots in ‘Sibu Timber’ ‘Sibu Timber’ logging companies have been reported as having developed activities of stripping out billions of dollars of timber from Sarawak Natural Heritage for decades.
Tiong Family Group ( Rimbunan-Hijau’ were caught illegally destroying remaining forests in the South Pacific (Reported 20th January 2020) ‘Predator logging company thrown out of the Solomon 2. Islands. Two of the sons of the Tiong Family Group were among the shareholders of the company booted out of the Solomon Islands.
Tiong Group’s investment was in a company named ‘Gallego Resources’, which has destroyed swathes of land on the Solomon Islands (Exposed by National Geographic). The Solomon Islands are the second largest suppliers of tropical logs to China (National Geographic). They are also a subsidiary of Sarawak Timber companies this includes the link to Rimbunan-Hijau that belongs to Sibu based Tiong Family Group. Rimbunan-Hijau has a record in the Solomon Islands which has mirrored patterns of what has happened in the rainforests of Borneo by the same few Sarawak businessmen. Always follow the money.
Gallego Resources is linked to Rimbunan-Hijau’s company which is named the ‘Mafrica Corporation whose headquarters are in Sibu, Sarawak and parts of Africa. Mafrica Corporation has made itself at home in New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Central Africa, Republic of Congo and New Zealand. Further information documented with the Solomon Business Registry in 2019 revealed sixteen further companies predominantly forestry owned run by Tiong brothers
Corruption and bribery are rife in the Solomon Islands references have been made to ‘One Pacific Co Ltd.,’. This was set up by Gallego Resources director Wong Hook Ping in 2014.. Shares were hand to the Tiong Group in 2017. It has been reported “Corruption and bribery are rife within the logging industry in the Solomons, a select few benefit at the expense of the many”. Politicians, public officials and landowners have benefited from royalties, profits, bribes, inducements, tax avoidance practices. MP’s being shareholders of ‘Tiong Family Group’ companies overseas. Timber corruption in the South Pacific has been described as common-place.
Greenpeace have published reports that ‘Tiong Group’ owned Rimbunan Hijau activities have included a total disregard for the law, illegalities in many aspects of their operations. References are made to the Greenpeace report 2004 which includes:-Environmental damages, Human Rights Abuses, Social Conflict, Political Corruption, Treating workers like slaves, Racial and Sexual Abuse and Labour exploitation. That workers are receiving 15cents per hour and have had no wage increases for 10 years..
Dept of Labour- New Guinea have documented ‘safety practices are appalling so bad they cannot be measured, their behaviour unacceptable, that workers spend their time trapped in unsanitary hazardous conditions in camps. They are beaten up by the local police squad who enforce ‘Tiong Groups’ owned Rimbunan Hijau company laws if workers try to open trade facilities. Rimbunan works outside the law and communities find themselves powerless to act against the powerful Rimbunan-Hijau. Women in New Guinea are forced to have sex with the company’s bosses and overseas workers.
Note: Rimbunan Hijau is owned by Tiong Family Group that has large investments in farmland in New Zealand. The Overseas Investment Office New Zealand approved of their large investment in NZ Farm land. Masalia News articles have featured the companies appalling record on human rights & serious environmental issues ‘The Malaysian Multinational that destroys lives, rapes the country, destroys natural resources for self rewards, assisted by corrupt politicians and public servants, protected by its own newspaper.
RNZ Report 20th September 2018. ‘Malaysian billionaire, the owner of another Tolago Bay forestry company was granted 24 consents to purchase sensitive land between 2005-2017 even though its company faces accusations of Environmental. Corrupt, criminal foreign investors in NZ land have been given the ‘NZ Governments Good Character Test’ Land Information, NZ Overseas Investment office-manager ‘Vanessa Horne’ said when referring to these companies “After considering various matter, including limitation issues, ages of fines- it’s too long ago to act on the information alone” when it comes to Overseas Investment Consent.
The Council Of Trade Unions reported ‘The OIO Good Character Test only applies to individuals not the company itself, therefore companies with poor records of environmental practices therefore no action can be taken by the current law against these companies, therefore bad practices will continue. NZ Overseas Investment Office (OIO) have said “to take enforcement action it would need to be proved that the person is not fit to hold an asset”. (Note: Even though corrupt, criminal evidence is well documented of environmental and human rights abused).
The Tiong Family Group have been investing in New Zealand for over 20years, and have been granted more than 90 approved consents to companies controlled by the Tiong Family Group. Note:- Ardern’s recent trip to Japan ‘A Live Tour of Finding the Rainforest’. A haven for all as NZ and Japan agree to enhance their partnership to protect the pacific (April 22nd 2022)
Note:- NZ Govt Overseas Investment Office website document ‘The role of nz Govt OIO is to help realise the benefits of overseas investments while protecting NZs sensitive land and asset’. Greenpeace and National Geographic report environmental, racial and human rights abuses and political corruption overseas by companies owned and linked to the ‘Tiong Family Group’. Reports of racial, sexual abuse, exploitations have been made by RNZ, Civil Rights Groups, Greenpeace and National Geographic
Reports include ‘Papua New Guinea rain forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate by Rimbunan -Hijau and the supporting government. That people is communities are being abused. (Rimbunan Hijau owned by Tiong Family Group)
Yet New Zealand Government Department ‘Overseas Investment Office (OIO) give Tiong Group companies a ‘Squeaky Clean Character Test’- A consent to own the 2nd largest farmland assets in New Zealand.
NOTE: Must add this – Prince Charlie was not happy when mummy ‘Queen Elizabeth’ knighted Tiong Hiew King, the founder, chairman of the Rimbunana Hijau Group in 2019. What a smack in the face for Charlie boy after all he established the ‘ 2007 Princes Rainforests Project’ .
The Rainforests are being destroyed by greedy wealthy conglomarates not man-made climate change Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington promote and publicise.
Ardern and her political cronies should stop throwing farmers under the tractor and using them as their whipping boy, time to expose the government own links to corrupt criminal Eco Mafia’s.
NOTE: IF YOU HAVE NOT SUSCRIBED TO: httsp://wakeupnz.org PLEASE DO SO NOW. Thank You – Carol Sakey
Tuesday - May 3, 2022 - Climate Alarmism
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