19th May 2021 National Party opposed the Green Party motion on Israel Palestinian conflict. The National Party would not support a motion proposed by the Green Party regarding the violence between Israel and the Palestian Authority HAMAS, said Gerry Brownless National’s Foreign Affairs Minister. National opposes Green’s motion on Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Nationals position being on a ‘two State system’. The Green Party is proposing a motion for Parliament to recognise and support the right of Palestine to self-determination and statehood and recognise the state of Palestine. The Palestian Authority being HAMAS
The Green Party use the HAMAS Slogan as the NZ Jewish Council has condemned the inflammatory comments and incorrect statements made by two Green Party MPs, was reported as ‘risk stroking antimerism and endangering Jews in NZ (Report 19th May 2021 www.jwire.com.au)
The New Zealand Jewish Council has condemned the inflammatory comments and inaccurate statements made by two Green MPs in recent days, which risk stoking antisemitism and endangering Jews in New Zealand. After an anti Israel rally Green MP was Ricardo Menendez March posted on Twitter and Facebook photo’s of himself and other Green Party MPs with the caption “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free”.This slogan is used by the HAMAS Terrorist Organization, the Islamic group that governs Gaza, whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel and murder of Jews everywhere, whose military wing is classed as a terrorist organization in NZ. But NZ is only one of the Five Eyes that have not designated HAMAS on the cabinets listed designated Terrorist List.
Despite an outcry on social media, Mr Menendez March has not removed the posts, and they have been shared by at least one other MP including co-leader Marama Davidson. NZ Jewish Council president Stephen Goodman said “Taken at its most mild possible interpretation, this slogan erases the right of Jews to self-determination. At its most pernicious (and in the way intended by Hamas), it promotes genocide and ethnic cleansing. And that “Its an outrage that a member of a political party in New Zealand would use this HAMAS slogan. Other members of the Green Party including its co leader endorsed it by re-tweeting it. ‘Its arguably incitement to violence” said Stehen Goodman
Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman about the conflict containing errors on facts and serious omissions which should have raised questions about her suitability as a Green Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson and her credibility . She has been reported as making incorrect statements about events that have happened. As it is recorded that rockets have killed Israeli children causing serious damage and significant trauma
The New Zealand Jewish Council’s president Stephen Goodman wrote to the co-leaders of the Green Party James Sha and Marama Davidson, accusing the Green Pary as having a “a significant problem of antisemitism.” He also pointed out that the Anti American Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt wrote “when protesters chant Palestine will be free from the river to the sea,’ it is appropriately interpreted by most people as a call for the erasure of Israel – and it is anti- Semitic.”
Stephen Goodman referred to certain members of the Green Party promoted genocide and ethnic cleansing. Goodmans letter states that “Ms Ghahraman’s statement also incorrectly accuses Israel of “indiscriminate bombing”, whereas, as international media and observers confirm, Israel’s strikes are targeted, and include warnings to minimise civilian casualties.
Goodman has stated Ghahraman’s is clearly completely incorrect, hundreds of HMAS rockets have landed in high density areas in Israel, where there have been casualties and loss of life, forcing families, communities into bomb shelters. But she did not correct her statement even though her inaccuracy was bought to her attention. Goodman said “This is not the case of a simple error, she has ignored the loss of life on the Israeli side, that it fits her political narrative.Ms Ghahraman. Has been accused of making frequent errors of fact, distortions of truth and inflammatory and harmful rhetoric call into question her suitability in the role of foreign affairs spokesperson. The cumulative effect suggests a deeply entrenched bias, a lack of accountability, a recklessness with facts, and a callous disregard for the impact of her behaviour.”
Stephen Goodman ended by writing: “We ask for an apology and retraction regarding the “from the river to the sea” slogan, and in the light of that, a clear re-affirmation that the Party supports self-determination for the Jewish and Palestinian people and a right for them each to live in peace and security. We also ask that your party condemns the rocket attacks by Hamas, given its previous omission”. The Green Party failed to respond to the Jewish Council’s letter, as requested within 24 hours.
Tuesday - February 13, 2024 - MINISTRY OF TRUTH
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