The deliberate plundering of New Zealand. Worst every housing crisis. Fractured Mental Health services. Education Curriculum needs total revamp. Hospital waiting time in ED over 6 hrs for patients. Doctors and nurses crossing the ditch. The NZRDA (doctor’s union) has recently highlighted doctor shortages, with nationwide vacancies reaching a crisis point.
The Housing Crisis is massive, rent increases and the Government not living up to its ‘Living Standard’. As a result of unaffordable housing, overcrowding issues and a poor housing stock 300,000 New Zealand families are living in unacceptable housing conditions. A housing crisis that sees 27,000 families needing homes, with owning or renting out of reach of many. Temporary short term accommodation in motels turn out to be long term more permanent residence. Significant increase in homelessness. “Labour promised they would solve New Zealand’s housing crisis. Five years on, taxpayers have paid more than $1 billion in Emergency Housing …
The abandoned $800 million cycle bridge across Auckland Harbour cost more than $50 million on consultants, when it comes to the changes being planned for health, their ineptitude will cost lives. This abandonment of the community focus for health care in New Zealand, and its replacement by a centralised health bureaucracy based in Wellington – without any consultation or prior warning.
And in March this year the Public Service Commissioner issued a new code of conduct for board members of Crown agencies including DHBs. Described as a ‘gagging order’ by some, it came into force just two days before the Minister announced the abolition of DHBs, preventing health board members “from making political comment”. Not only is the Government attempting to silence the health sector, they also want health care in New Zealand to be determined by race, not need. Since the health reforms are being run out of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet – through a transition unit that has 25 staff and a $5 million budget – Jacinda Ardern is directly responsible.
This plan for Maori co-governance is, of course, a key objective of He Puapua – Labour’s blueprint for replacing democracy with tribal rule by 2040. With a Parliamentary majority and no coalition partner constraints, He Puapua is being progressed at pace – even though the Prime Minister has no mandate from voters to do so. (Vision 2040). To deliver the He Puapua goal of Maori co-governance of health, the health system needs to be centralised, not decentralised. That’s why Labour is breaking its campaign pledge to retain DHBs. A fundamental pillar of our health system – ensuring New Zealanders retain their right to community-based healthcare that safeguards access to those living in isolated areas – is being sacrificed for He Puapua and the ideology of racial segregation.
The Maori Health Authority – co-chaired by Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s sister – is being justified on the basis of claims that Maori are Treaty partners with the Crown. But, since it is constitutionally impossible for subjects to be partners with their Sovereign, that is a fabrication. Yet on the basis of this lie, our Prime Minister is planning to give the new Maori elite – those running multi-million-dollar private tribal corporations – control over public health resources and services. Thus putting ideology ahead of lives by attempting to overhaul – and racially segregate – the entire health system during a pandemic.
Local and Central Government attacking the rural farmers from urban/city populated areas inside out. Plant based diets. (C40 Cities) No Farmers- No Food.
Amend Decriminalization Of Abortion Legislation. Abortion is NZ is legally allowed up to birth, sex selection is allows, abortion-for unborn baby with club foot, cleft lip, failed abortion baby can be left to die on hospital table no pain killers. NZ has one of the worst cruellest abortion legislations in the world. An Unborn baby is defined as a piece of foetal matter not as a human being until the time the baby is born. (Born Alive Rule)
Amend End Of Life Choice Legislation (Very Dangerous Concepts). People that are seriously ill may feel guilty, shamed a burden on the family, may not be taking prescribed pain killers. Who determines the length of a persons life-doctors often known to get this wrong. The under funding of palliative care in NZ is a serious problem
https://www.nzcpr.com/labours-health-system-failure/ https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/what-is-hate-speech
. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/383729/extinction-rebellion-protesters-make-voices-heard-at-bp
“Labour promised they would solve New Zealand’s housing crisis. Five years on, taxpayers have paid more than $1 billion in Emergency Housing …
Carol Sakey https://wakeupnz.org https://youtu.be/wcEGxTENW4M- THE NEW ZEALAND LABOUR LED COMMUNIST DEGROWTH PROGRAMME
Friday - June 23, 2023 - Socialism/Marxism/Communism
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