Relationship and Sexual Education in the NZ School curriculum (RSE)

Firstly Drag Queen story telling in Council Libraries are funded by you the public of New Zealand. Drag Queens are fetish adult entertainment not children’s entertainment. I cannot understand any parent or think that’s ok. Ratepayers I urge you to hold the CEO of the Auckland City Council to account. Drag Queen Library Story times are doing your child no harm.. He cannot. And if you are a parent taking your child to one of these adult drag queen library story times you need your head read.

 We need to know what’s going on in schools is not an accident this is part of a long cultural Marxism . This needs to be exposed. School boards across the world are trying to cover up what images are being shown to children. This evil monster must be exposed, this is a Marxist programme that been like a frog in a slowly boiling pot, its been going on for decades. This is a purposeful evil using the most vulnerable population we have, our children and young people.

Critical Race Theories, Critical theories are dangerous should not be taught in our schools. This is Cultural Marxism Oppressors Vs Oppressed. Where there is no middle ground. Black and white nothing in between. Just Dogma. The Ministry Of Education Sexuality and Relationship Programmes in NZ Schools. I question are we dealing with con artists, sexual aggressors anti-social predators, sexual groomers-exploiting our most vulnerable -our children. Childhood grooming is the deliberate act of establishing an emotional bond with a child to lower the child’s resistance. An emotional bond where teachers question the young about sexual pleasure, the most intimate details that you would never ask an adult out of due respect. Because they may feel uncomfortable, shamed or even victimized. Therefore our children are being sexually groomed in the classroom. Ask the Education Minister to prove to you that children are not being sexually groomed in the classroom. The Minister of Education cannot prove it. Childhood grooming is a deliberate act to lower a child’s, young persons resistance. That’s childhood sexual abuse.

Childhood Sexual Abuse includes sexual type activities. Which dismantle, destroy family relationships, destabilises childhood innocence. The pushing, crossing of boundaries of childhood innocence. Psychologically, emotionally, spiritually risking physical implications and criminality.

Common Grooming behaviours include: Perpetrators seek to form relationships with children, testing the boundaries of a child’s comfort levels, intimidation, sharing sexually explicit materials, and communicating secretly about sexuality. You as a parent on not a fly on the wall in the classroom, and your child has nowhere to run to whilst in the classroom whilst being coerced, indoctrinated and brainwashed sexually, politically

Classroom subjects such as English, Language, Art, Social Sciences, Maths, Tech etc., are all embedded with Sexuality and Relationship programming. Yes young people and children are being deliberately transitioned sexually, politically. A ‘bone fide grooming’ is taking place throughout NZ schools educational curriculum. It’s not unreasonable to question “are children, young people through the educational curriculum being deliberately primed for sexual abuse?

Catch the children whilst they are young, is this a deliberate societal transition that is intended to become generational. Does this set our children up to becoming abusers themselves, a dreadful thought, but we should think about that. The deliberate exploitation of children endangering them by exposing them to inappropriate content and language.

The eroding of parental rights. The Hilary Clinton ‘The child belongs to the global village’. The lack of visibility for parents to know what is actually going on in the school classroom should be a worry, COVID19 parents not allowed even in the school playground, to pick young children up from the classroom at the end of the day. The Global Village your child belongs to the State. The Cultural Marxist Global Elite. Goal-A Global Communist Governance.

 We should ask for absolute clear evidence children are not being harmed in anyway in the school classroom .That their health and wellbeing is not being endangered .Demand responsible and accountable responses from the Minister Of Education. Jan Tinetti is to be made accountable and responsible, she is the Education Minister.Chris Hipkins was the Minister Of Education when this RSE Cultural Marxism program was introduced into schools. Every decent person should want to protect children and young people from grooming, childhood abuse, sexualization and politicizations that’s happing out of parents sight in the school classroom. The distribution of harmful materials with sexual content, sexual pleasure should be prohibited completely in schools as resource materials and in school libraries. These materials are obscenities can be harmful to minors if they represent sexual conduct, sexual content. That can be offensive to minors, make them feel uncomfortable, emotionally upset, they may even be inclined to isolate themselves emotionally, this may cause psychological anxiety. This is not a time for teachers to delve into a child’s anxiety, discomforts, to do so would be revictimizing them.

Parents the people of New Zealand if you truly care for your children I urge you to stand up against this firewall of cultural Marxist tyranny. The use of their parties as predators within the Ministry Of Education Sexuality Relationship Programme should make you shudder. Under the mask of Bully Programmes in schools the Cultural Marxists introduced the sexualization, politicisation of our children, through Critical theory to destabilise society, to dismantle families.

UNESCO deliberately entrenched schools worldwide with the ‘Pleasure Project’. In sexuality and Relationship programme within the school curriculum, discussions, images as to what sexually pleasures our children our young. That is global sexual abuse. Adopted into schools worldwide, including in NZ Schools. This has been planned for well over a 100 years. The boiling frog was dipped into the cool water, now the water is about to boil. Our generation of children throughout the school system are being deliberately transformed to become the new normal, the victims of a new generational post modernized cultural oppressive  Marxism. The dismantling of the family structure, of Christian beliefs, morality, values of society itself. And they do not care they are children, they are young and vulnerable, that is just why they are targeting our children, our young.

Demand responsible and accountable responses from the Minister Of Education. Jan Tinetti is to be made accountable and responsible, she is the Education Minister.Chris Hipkins was the Minister Of Education when this RSE Cultural Marxism program was introduced into schools. Hipkins long term academic friend of Ardern-Cultural Marxist. The Minister of Education cannot prove it. Childhood grooming is a deliberate act to lower a child’s, young persons resistance. That’s childhood sexual abuse.


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