June 2n d 2021 Money talks and Bull shite walks. Woke Corporate Capture has been institutionalized. Large companies and corporation benefit, just follow the money. LGBTQ+ESG100 providing investors with a solid basis for backing corporations cooperating with LGBTQ+ Human Rights Campaign Activists

Wokeness that pays huge dividends. Advocates for ESGs (environmental, Social, Governance). A global social contract and its rapidly growing. In February 2021 in an annual letter BlackRock Larry Fink took note of the ‘tectonic shift’ towards ESG investing, reporting the ESG trend will continue to accelerate rapidly, he emphasized for corporations large businesses to focus on ‘post modernized rather than traditional idealisms as they hold more ESG value.

Encouraging them to respond to the social structures of change that are happening in the world today including that of LGBTQ1+. Reflect young peoples values, rather than traditional values.

The financial benefit for investor dollars focus on LGBTQ+ Rights. ESG – LGBTQ+ESG100 funds. By supporting and promoting LGBTQ+ Communities, ideas, policies, LGBTQ activism. Incorporate LGBTQ+ community survey data into methodology, generate benchmarks of the nations highest performing companies.  These Woke Corporation indexes screen out certain sectors for example guns, pornography and weapons of mass destruction and gambling for revenue.

Black Lives Matter LGBTQ Rights movement raise the bar of the ESG100 LGBTQ Index. Here there is a renewed focus on people of colour. (The Racial Divide-Colour of the Skins-Cultural Marxism)

Money talks Bull shite walks, as politics and corporation collaborate on LGBTQ+ electoral campaigning to gain votes from non-traditional post modern mayhem. The targeting of transgender youth. Those ESG100 – LGBTQ1 funding political votes

The leveraging of corporate capitalism, roots of all evil, global banks and global wokeness, wealthy billionaire investors  and financial institutions, debanking not only those that oppose LGBTQ1+ but also policies to eliminate viewpoints, freedom of expression.

Namely ‘A Viewpoint Diversity Business Score’. People, small businesses  that will be excluded from the market place or even excluded from secure employment.

Debanking = De-Growth= A Class system of Cultural Marxism = Global Communist Governance through Digital Data Governance through Financial Institutions.

China’s corporate governance model, the economical political syndicate of collaborative actors creating huge profits with State objectives. More State control of the economy, as the government turns to corporations because these governments no longer serve the people best interests, whilst the corporations serve their shareholder profiting best interests not the general publics.

This has become a massive Social, Cultural Marxist, Communist threat worldwide. That replaces a Free-market economy of freedoms and choices, supply and demand by pushing ESG governance. ‘Environmental, Social, Governance ( ESG) is a socialist ideology that falsely represents the global market place. A far leftist approach to business worldwide.  I simply ‘Woke’ Capitalism.

Cultural Marxism = Socialism. Communism is Socialism on steroids. Has a history of hardships, struggles, poverty, death etc.,  ESG is a ‘Woke’ Tool for a ‘Woke’ Communist takeover.

The aggressive Left ESG Corporate governance, a tool for global foundations like the Gates and Ford Foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The whisperers in the ear of all UN Agencies. (The WEF-UN Strategic partnership agreement signed 13th June 2019. The term ‘ESG’ originally coined by the UN Environment Program Initiative 2005, was fully applied to the corporate world from 2015-UN Agenda 2030-

The WEF Global Redesign Initiative Summit where the gathering of governmental leaders, corporations etc., were asked by Klaus Schwab the founder of WEF “What do you want the world to look like min the future”. The strengthening of the global financial market by Corporate stakeholder capitalism.

Stakeholder Corporate Capitalism is just another term for Socialism/Communism.. DESG related control, dictating how business behave politically under a global communist regime. Global Communist Governance.

All the political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington know this, but are hiding it from the sovereign  peoples of New Zealand. Bail them up about this Communist Governance. I urge you not to let them silence you by calling this a ‘conspiracy theory’ . It is a global Conspiracy that cannot be ignored.  What we having been experiencing in NZ and across the world, the use of fear – Fear, fearfulness resulting in compliance. Now ESG Communist demanding compliance and control of populations lives through ESG compliance of the Global, National market place. They are gunning for small businesses, rural communities and small holder farmers. No farmers- No Food.



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