RNZ Report 19th May 2023 ‘Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson defends Māori Budget package . The total Māori package in the 2023 Budget was $895 million down from $1 billion last year. The Government definitely financially supporting Co-Governance in various aspects. 8th May 2022 NZ Centre for political Research authored an article on UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples thus referring to Willie Jackson Minister of Maori Development relating to ‘Maori targeted Engagement in April 2022. Jacksons implementing of He Puapua plan for not one government but for to governments in NZ, One for Maori and the other for everyone else.
November 1st 2019 Dr Claire Charters referred to Willie Jackson and the He Puapua Report. Charters was tasked with creating the so called ‘Vision 2040’ which focuses on the UN Declaration. Vision 2040: A roadmap planned to achieve this. The two government, one for Maori and the other for everyone else would be subject to a tribal monitoring committee, which is subject to the UN. The He Puapua Report had been kept a secret from Winston Peters before Parliament adjourned for the election. Labour did not mention the He Puapua Report during their 2020 election campaigning. It was ACT Party David Seymour and Judith Collins- National Party that let the cat out the bag into the public arena.
Willie Jackson’s report recommends separate administration for Māori land and Resources, education, justice and housing which directly reflected the proposals in the He Puapua plan. A glossary of Maori words were provided in the He Puapua Report for example :- ‘Tino rangatiratanga’ meaning ‘exercising of mana, absolute authority. ‘Tanga Whenua ’ identifying Maori people ‘The Indigenous People of Aotearoa’ and ‘Mana’ ultimate and paramount power, authority where 370 participants in 69 workshops over 6 months with discussions that revolved around 12 themes…
(1)The exercise of power, the right to give orders, make decision, enforce obedience. ‘Tino rangatiratanga. The ‘exercise of mana’ absolute authority.
(2)Participation in government or kawanatanga.
(3)Land, resources and the environment
(4)The education system and
(5)The provision of information about Maori rights and are Maori rights indigenous rights.
The focus on *Health *Justice *Cultural expressions and identity *Housing *Equity and fairness *Economic development and business . 30 Years ago. This was namely the ‘devolution of social services to Māori entities,. 12 Years ago it was a consultation on Whanau Ora a parallel welfare set up for Māori.
The silence is deafening around the He Puapua Report, it’s still progressing. This radical plan of the UN.- 26 Names were included in the He Puapua Report. Including two branches of the Maori Womens Welfare Leagu, Landcare Research. The Waiheke Local Board, Willie Jackson’s Te Matawai programme, Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, BDO Gisborne Accountants, University of Otago Academic Staff Collective, Whanau Ora Interface Group and Matatua Alliance for Indigenous Analytics.
Matatua Alliance for Indigenous Analytics. Is the Indigenous Peoples Rights in Data. A contribution toward Indigenous Research Sovereignty. Indigenous Rights for advocacy and actions towards Indigenous Self-Determination and control across a range of domains. Includes Network sovereignty, Food Sovereignty, Energy Sovereignty and Data Sovereignty
‘Matatua Declaration’ relates to ( UNDRIP Article 31). Indigenous Cultural intellectual Property and Indigenous Research ethics Operational through principle such as ‘First Nations OCAP. This was developed by the ‘First Nations Information Governance Centre in Canada. Relates to access and control data about peoples, territories, lifeways, resources. Which refers to CARE Principles supporting Indigenous innovations from community data governance, the creation of Indigenous data standards., for allied academics and activists. Providing a framework to support ethical decision making, inform law shaping policy and infrastructure. CARE Principles highlight critical considerations for non-tribal data actors to recognize Indigenous peoples Rights and Interests in Data, the advancing of Indigenous Peoples innovation and self-determination. CARE Principles appear in UNESCO recommendations on ‘Open Science’ (UN) Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research. Also the ‘Aotearoa NZ Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Directions and Priorities’
The UNDRIP Willie Jackson , Nania Mahuta and family He Puapua Plan thickens. The Matatua Declaration that relates to UNDRIP Article 31. And more recently a Draft submitted on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources as part of COP 15 for the Convention of Biological Diversity. Which relates to Indigenous peoples and local communities as partners in the sequencing of global biodiversity. Applying the UNDRIP to the Nagoya Protocol.UN Genetic Digital Sequence Information is reported to be somewhat unclear and somewhat doubtful. This refers to traditional knowledge and Genetic Resources. Observing Legal Protection through the Lens of Historical Geography and Human Rights
As for some of the other steps that Willie Jackson Minister of Maori Development has implemented, that have already been completed over the past few years are:- The dialling up Māori Cultural Propaganda on Radio and TV. Enabling Māori Wards on Councils, no-elected bodies. By outlawing petitions and votes. Attempting to change electoral law in favour of Māori roll. voters in Rotorua. The setting up of a separate Māori Health Authority and ‘imposing co-governance on water services through the Three waters Reform Plan. Not forgetting the COVID19 Iwi groups with the blessing of the Government that set up regional borders, thus mirroring another prescription in the He Puapua plan. You have to wonder what’s next. I personally question whether the replacement of the Resource Management Act with three new legislations also buys into the UN Declaration plan.
NOTE: The NZ UN Representative and the Labour Governments significant concerns as to why they would not sign the UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous People in 2007.
Included was ownership of ‘Resources and Land’. As Willie Jackson, the National Iwi Forum, The Human Right Commission, the Government are processing, progressing Vision 2040
Join the dots to the ‘Replacement of the Resource Management Act with three new legislations. Including the Regional Planning Committee’s that give Iwi/Hapu Veto powers. Think back to why the ‘old labour government refused to sign the UNDRIP in UN Assembly in New York.
This Labour Government now is the ‘New Labour Govt’ not that old one of 2007. This Labour Government is radical, authoritarian Socialist leftist to the core. It stinks of Cultural Marxism. Has Chinese characteristics.
The links below are to the informative transcripts of the two video’s I have produced which are both on this website- VIDEO 1 ND VIDEO 2 OF ‘CO-GOVERNANCE’ THERE IS MUCH MORE TO TELL.
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/kahu/nats-give-in-to-maori-over-rights-declaration/KB2ZALP666HVFIFBYBOHJRF7ME/… https://press.un.org/en/2007/ga10612.doc.htm
Media Release Parekura Horomia: Māori Party’s head in the clouds over non-binding UN declaration
Media release John Key: National Govt to support UN rights declaration
Ministerial Statements 20.04.10: UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples—Government Support
Dr Muriel Newman: Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Also see He Puapua on the Democracy Action campaigns page
Monday - July 17, 2023 - CO-GOVERNANCE OF NEW ZEALAND
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