EXTINCTION REBELLION:- Who donates to Extinction Rebellion? A UK Billionaire and a Rock Band named Radiohead and of course there are many other major donors, Sir Christopher Hohn one of the richest men in the UK has given large amounts of money to Extinction Rebellion.

NEW ZEALAND’S IWI ELITE: The Iwi Chairs Forum, alongside the Māori Council, the Māori Women’s’ Welfare league, and urban Māori organizations, have also formed a National Māori Climate Network to support Māori community resilience.

AUCKLAND COUNCIL: Is a member of C40 Cities global network that promotes ‘plant based’ foods. Migration through global cities. Indigenous Biodiversity that includes public, private property and your backyard. A global guide for Climate mitigation namely Project Drawdown is a very comprehensive plan for Global Local and Central Government. The plan is based on research that maps, measures, models, describes the so called ‘key solutions’ to global warming internationally. (More climate alarmism)

VOICES FOR CLIMATE CHANGE AND ACTION IN NEW ZEALAND: There are many groups and individuals whom have jumped on this bandwagon. I guess they all listen to those that publicize the flawed, predicted IPCC – UNFCC Reports, as laziness prevails pity they do not do their own in depth research which leads to a one way self interested Corporate Capure. (Control of populations worldwide).

GLOBAL BOILING ACTIVITSTS: In New Zealand these are just some the Global Boiling Activists:- Rangatahi (Youth) they demand strong national leadership on global boiling with Generation Zero, School Strike For Climate NZ (Indoctrination and manipulation lesson), Te Ara Whato, Pacific Climate warriors all supported by Extinction Rebellion and Parents for Climate Aotearoa demanding change (Stop telling your kids lies). Can you believe that so many people have been hoodwinked, in climate alarmism? In 2019 approx., 170,000  kiwi’s at over 40 events across NZ marched for ‘global boiling’ prompted by councils nationwide included was Auckland Council. (Eeem lunacy and insanity – lol “time for Polly to put the kettle on, cuppa tea time” ha ha.

AUCKLAND COUNCIL: 3rd April 2023 Extinction Rebellion made a submission to Auckland Councils Budget Consultation, calling themselves the ‘global climate action movement that aims for urgent action. The group was established in Auckland in 2018. In their submission they refer to ‘ the world being on the brink of catastrophic warming, referring to a UN Report. Refers to the cutting of Auckland Council budget one of the proposals being ‘No longer providing early childhood education services”. Extinction Rebellion giving themselves self praise stating “they put  pressure on Auckland Council to declare a Climate Emergency”. Then we have Auckland Council referring to sixth IPCC Predictions (UN) Report in September 2022.

AUCKLAND COUNCIL AND THE WORLD ECEONOMIC FORUM: 5TH June 2018. Data from the World Economic Forum a new vision for education, fostering social and emotional learning (Auckland Council website) This was titled ‘Opportunity and Prosperity’.


Researched By Carol Sakey

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