THE WORKERS PARTY NZ comprises of Far Left Wing Cultural Marxist Socialists they published two magazines ‘The Spark’ and Fightback’. Byron Clark has recently published a book called ‘FEAR’ on thee front cover reads ‘New Zealand’s hostile underworld of extremists’. The extremists he refers to Counterspin, Groundswell, Voices for Freedom, Hannah & Brian Tamaki, Lee Williams, Sue Grey, Carol Sakey others that have spoken out publicly against the governments narratives. Byron Clark 2007 campaigned as Mayor for Christchurch as a representing the Workers Party NZ. 26th September 2011 an article in the Workers Party NZ ‘Fightback’ magazine titled ‘Queer Our Schools’, saying this is the first campaign to ‘Queer our Schools’ in New Zealand by a Wellington group called ‘The Queer Avengers’. They emerged from the ‘Queer Night March’ that took place in the central city of Wellington. Deliberating they used the term ‘Queer’ deliberately masking the multiple list of gender identities by just using the word ‘Queer’. Once the march had finished they went back to their daily lives, their jobs etc., However they still had meetings once a week, not only did they include gender diversity (queering) but also climate change.
The Queer Avengers planned a three pronged campaign, firstly focusing on youth. A march took place from the Ministry Of Education 47 Pipitea St, Thorndon through to Midland Park, Lambton Quay where there were speeches and entertainment. The Workers Party NZ ‘Fightback’ magazine promoted, published. The ‘Queer Avengers Group were political activists, they made clear demands to the Govt’s Ministry of Education. (1) Government resourcing for the formation of student led, community supported queer straight alliances in every secondary school in New Zealand. Incorporating sexuality and gender variance diversity into all relevant subjects, including history, health, science, English. Making schools accessible and safe for gender variant students. zero tolerance of homophobic & transphobic bullying
NOTE: (A) Gender neutral bathrooms/private changing facilities (B) Non-gendered dress codes (C) Resources and education which fits the needs of gender variant students (D) Trans affirming spaces and role models, requiring professional development staff to model queer positive spaces.
The ‘Queer Avengers’ spokesperson Jason Froch told GayNZ that he wanted to question the Ministry of Education’ as to “why they have not provided programs to enable students to recognize their full potential as individuals, saying “schools are generally not an affirming space of queer peoples identities and are unacceptable places for trans-youth. That they should be able to go to school in the appropriate uniform and use the bathroom of their choosing”. Jason Froch blamed the government for “its failing to provide a legal duty of care” saying “the march is on- the march of the ‘Queer Avengers -we will call the government out -the ‘Queer Avengers’ will continually agitate the government until the Ministry Of Education does something about their demands. Froch said “What we need to do as a community is to continue to organize the valuing of our identities, having more people involved so that the ‘Queer Avenger’ can call up the Ministry of Education, for example in the campaign planned by the ‘Queer Avengers’. Froch referred to other groups such as ‘Safety in Schools 4 Queers’ (SS4Q), this group had been operating for some years before the ‘Queer Avengers’ were established, however Froch said “they did not have a driving force behind them, no social movement to push them. The ‘Queer Avengers’ aims, goals were to be a political action group, to organize the community and educate society.
A ‘Queer Night Demonstration’ took place where 600 people gathered, a number of them were youth, others were involved including some school aged students. Froch explained why he used the term ‘Queer’- “Its about being inclusive without the alphabet soup” (Advertised in the Workers Party NZ Fightback magazine) Froch said “his political goal was to educate people about there being no such thing as natural identity “all people are created by society, co-one is born straight, he would fight Queer oppression and leave no-one out”.
A Wellington group called ‘Legalise Love’ were acting similar to the ‘Queer Avengers’ but in a different manner. Not that interested in social change like Froch was, he had his mind fixated on Parliamentary reform, trying to change social values that could be passed by Parliamentary reform. At this time another Wellington group were ‘Queer Avenger’ like-minded-‘Legalize Love’, they were doing similar to the ‘Queer Avengers’ but in a different manner. Froch was more interested in Social Change, fixated on Parliamentary reform. ‘Queer Avenger’ leader Froch explained that he was trying to change social values that could be passed by parliament so he said we need to create our own space for public debate”. However he fully supported the group “Legalize Love’. The ‘Queer Avengers’ advertised for further people to jump on board with them.
“The Queer Avengers are looking for school aged people or those that have left school less than 5 years ago to get in contact with them to share their school experiences. Giving the email address as [email protected]. Byron Clark was a key member of the ‘Workers Party NZ’ published and promoted the ‘Queering of Schools’ in NZ. (Workers Party NZ- 26th September 2011) supporting the Queer Avengers). Byron Clark who campaigned to be mayor of Christchurch representative of the Workers Party NZ a ‘far left wing, cultural Marxist Socialist. Clarke gives seminars, lectures in Massey University. Plus gives a damming description of those that resided at parliaments grounds. His book ‘FEAR’ has earned a place in the Govts National Library. He often reports for main stream media and has been interviewed also by Mainstream media about his book ‘FEAR’. 4th October 2011 ‘Fightback’ Workers Party NZ magazine article read ‘Queer Our Schools – I am a ‘Queer Avenger -and advertising , promoting ‘GLBT Campaigning ‘ in Wellington and also an interview with ‘Queer Avengers’. Fightback magazine article dated 26th August 2019.. Daphne Lawless article on ‘Socialist Feminism’. Byron Clark’s new book ‘FEAR’ has a special place in the ‘National Archives of New Zealand’
Demands by ‘The Queer Avengers’ to the Ministry of Education: (Promoted and advertised by Byron Clark’s Workers Party NZ.
- Government resourcing for the formation of student-led, community supported queer-straight alliances in every secondary school in the country.
- Incorporating sexuality and gender variance diversity into all relevant subjects, including history, health, science and English.
- Making schools accessible and safe for gender variant students
- Gender neutral bathrooms/private changing facilities
- Non-gendered dress codes
- Resources and education which fits the needs of gender variant students
- Trans affirming spaces and role models
- Zero-tolerance of homophobic & transphobic bullying and requiring professional development of staff to model queer positive spaces.
Friday - May 19, 2023 - SEXUALITY AND GENDER
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