Family First NZ has  published an online analysis of NZ Schools Relationship Sexuality Education Guideline 2021 (link provided). Aimed at parents/caregivers as to the overall welfare of children in NZ. Raising awareness as to knowing what is happening within the NZ School curriculum

Family First NZ promotes, advances research & policy regarding family and marriage. Participates in social analysis & debate surrounding issues relating to and affecting families. Educating the public in their understanding of the institutional, legal and moral framework that makes a just and democratic society possible.

Produces, publishes relevant & stimulating material in newspapers, magazines and other media relating to family issues, speaks up about issues relating to families that are in the public domain.

Family First publication as to Relationship Sexuality taught in the NZ School Curriculum covers, includes Parents/Caregivers concerns as to Relationship Sexuality teaching in the school curriculum-

The problem of the schools implementing controversial and divisive policies. The indoctrination and politicisation . The delivering of sexuality programmes to children from the age of 5ys and above.

For Relationship Sexuality programs to be taught in all classes within the school curriculum, Art, Science, Technology, English etc.,  To embody, reinforce these RSE teachings to capture young minds. Aiming to create a more inclusive school environment, portrayed as scientific however how no basis for science.

Where  misinformation surrounding gender and sex being pervasive guidelines risk children being ideologically indoctrinated within the school confines. So you believe sexualization should be taught to children as young as 5-6 yrs old.?

Should 7yr olds be taught about gender and sex, that a child sex is assigned at birth instead of biologically at the time of conception.  That there are a multitude of genders, just pick one.?

The one the child picks will be listed with their identity on the school role with a pronoun of their choice. What happens at school can stay at school if the child wishes. The teacher may choose this to be.

  1. Children are not learning the biological, scientific truth. Topics addressed transgender and changing rooms, toilets. Sports team participation, sports teams irrespective of sex.

Its extremely important that parents/ caregivers fully understand and are knowledgeable about what their children are being taught at school. Every school should have a ‘First Do No Harm Policy’

Family First NZ give reasons to be concern about the RSE teaching in the school curriculum for example, children as young as 5 & 6yrs old being taught sexual reproduction, to recognise body parts, genitals and name them in Te reo Maori and English, to understand the basic concepts about reproduction

I personally believe children of this age are still living in the magic world of imaginings. Its innocence why plant this sexuality teaching into young minds and rob them of these young imaginings, like tooth fairies etc.,

Children should be given the opportunity to grow each at their  own pace, to their maturity and brain development. Between the ages of 5-6yrs old typically children should be able to draw, shapes, faces, print their names, copy letters, draw straight and curved lines, numbers, copying and tracing.

By the time they are seven should be able to write sentences, little stories with upper case and lower case letters, punctuation. Interesting little stories and funny little poems. These are my personal thoughts when I think about what children should be learning in the educations system between 5-7yrs of age. Not sexual reproduction naming genitals and sexual reproduction.

However now its 7 and 8 yr olds being taught to identify gender stereotypes, diverse gender and sexual identities in society. To write ‘assigned at birth’ “All babies are assigned their sex at birth, usually determined  by visual observation olf external genitalia”. Teaching children there are multiple genders. Thus  labelling “the assumption that there are only two genders (girl/boy.. man/woman as being “incorrect”. Hence not based on biology or science but a big fat lie.

Like all babies assigned a sex at birth (their biological characteristics) Never mind sex is also identifiable through DNA. Determined at the time of conception. What about the privacy, sexual abuse risks around that? We are talking about children here. Should they be exposed to opposite sexes in the same very personal private places. I personally do not believe that is safe, its highly risky and amounts to child abuse committed by the state.  Should young people in the school environment be learning about hormone blockers. ?. This teaching of hormone blockers in schools in England has been banned because of  very risky, harmful consequences.

Your child attending a Technology class will learn how to identify how gender expectations are embedded in technology, the  design and style of power tools and other tools “explore symbols linked to gay and transgender rights movements”. Arts, your child will “consider plays with roles that do not conform to gender stereotypes.” In Social Sciences, your child will be encouraged to explore the development and persistence of gender stereotypes (for example, by researching the #MeToo movement).”

The RSE guidelines teach young people that Male-Female/Man-Women and Boy-Girl  are labelled incorrect. An incorrect assumption, guidelines state that students must identify gender stereotypes. There are now hundreds of genders waiting to be discovered. Should five year olds be speaking about same sex marriage in the school classroom. Should schools promote hormone blockers that can weaken bones causing bone mineralization and infertility, at puberty hormone blockers can have long term effects on the brains development.

Implications of RSE teaching in schools  “children will be socialised to believe the confusion about gender, that they may be stuck in the wrong gender. Hence dangerous to their emotional mental health and well being because of the state of confusion. Risks leading to young people taking puberty blockers.

Under the new guidelines: Science classes will teach your children to: 21


  • “…consider how biological sex has been constructed and measured over time…” . + Years 1-8_ Years 9-13 _
  • “…consider variations in puberty, including the role of hormone blockers.” . Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _

4.• “…explore the role of genetics in constructing debates about gender and sexuality.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13

  • “…explore what ‘male’ and ‘female’ mean in relation to various living things, for example, plants, sea creatures, and fungi.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13
  • “…explore what ‘male’, female, and ‘hermaphrodite’ mean in relation to plants and animals.” Years 9-13

There is no scientific justification for this teaching in a science class.

TECHNOLOGY Classes will teach your children to:-

  • “…explore symbols linked to the gay and transgender rights movements.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…identify how gender expectations are embedded in technology, for example, in the design of power tools and other tools…” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…explore the way toys, apps, and online games and activities are designed for a gendered audience.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…engage in a gender-neutral design challenge.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…interrogate the design and sustainability of contraceptives.” Years 9-13 _

There is no justification in children exploring symbols linked to gay and transgender rights movements in a Technology class.

ARTS your child will learn to:-

  • “…consider plays with roles that do not conform to gender stereotypes.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…explore the representation of gender in visual art.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…explore dances and dance styles where there are specific roles for gender and also those where there is no gender differentiation.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _ • “…identify ways that colour and language are related to gender and sexual orientation.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _

Children learn how to embody gender fluidity into Art. There is no justification for this.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: children encouraged to:-

  • explore the “…development and persistence of gender stereotypes (for example, by researching the #MeToo movement)”. + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  1. • “…consider famous ‘rainbow’ figures from history.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…explore geographical spaces in the school and community in terms of how they relate to gender (for example, are spaces designed according to gender? Who plays on which areas of the playground and why?).” + Years 1-8

_ • “…explore the history of rainbow movements and gay rights in Aotearoa New Zealand, for example, law changes over time to address issues from the death penalty to marriage equality.” Years 9-13 _

  • “…describe the way the media reports on different leadership styles in relation to gender and/or sexual orientation.” Years 9-13 _

Why on earth should children of primary school age need to research  The ME Too Movement- given the sensitive nature of the crimes alleged.

LANGUAGES your child will learn to:-

  • “…investigate the different words and their meanings used by indigenous peoples in their languages to depict different kinds of relationships or sexual orientations in accordance with their world views.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13 _
  • “…analyse the use of language in earlier and current media and/or public discussions of sex and gender, highlighting changes and developments in language use.” Years 9-13 _

ENGLISH The guidelines want your child to learn to:-

  • “…engage in dialogue and debate in the context of provocative online posts linked to relationships, gender, and sexuality.” + Years 1-8 _
  • “…identify positive and negative gender bias in media stories.” + Years 1-8 _ Years 9-13

_ • “…create texts (oral, written, or visual) to convey ideas about gender and sexuality.” Years 9-13 _

RSE Guidelines explicitly state, create an environment through school policies, practices, culture, leadership that shapes the attitudes, behaviours of young people.

The  embodiment of the sexualising, politicising capturing young minds  projects what is learned in the confines of the school environment in the outside world. Risking the fragmentation within the family unit, with friends and relatives, loved ones. Hence drawing an individual into isolation because of confusion. Parents/Caregivers I urge you to encourage open dialogue about gender and sexuality teaching within the school curriculum, with the school and the broader community

School rolls and records reflect the child’s chosen gender identity and pronouns;  Gender neutral uniforms, categorising uniforms by gender or sex is purposely being avoided. What may be seen at face value is harmless may not be entirely harmless and may be causing your child harm. Relationship Sexuality teaching in the school curriculum I believe is unjustifiable. Is child abusive. Children risk peer pressure to be com pliant and to conform. Children may feel rejection and seek isolation. Indoctrination and overexposure.

.When subjected to prolonged, continual exposure to false information it leads people to believe the misinformation presented is actually true. This is called ‘ illusory truth effect’. Where a preference for misinformation is adopted because it feels familiar. Leaves a person to believe a lie is the truth. Then this is shared and grows amongst the group, or population, the children in the school environment. Repeated statements are easier to process and perceived to be more truthful. A big problem in the school environment by indoctrinating children into the Relationship Sexualisation Education programmes.

 It all comes down to parents rights. Its very important and I urge parents/ caregivers, community member to seek out Family First NZ. There is heaps of very useful informative information. What you as caregiver/parents can do. And what is being taught in the school curriculum that risks harming your child’s health and overall welfare.

Check what your children are learning at school. Check to see if they have a ‘First Do No Harm Policy’. Liaise with School Board Trustee’s.

Closely monitor classroom content, material what the school is covering in their classes, homework/assignments etc.,  If all fails withdraw your child from class.

Family First NZ covers a wealth of constructive ideas for parents/caregivers and work with schools in a respective manner to foster genuine truth and compassion






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